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You can move family members located in the Geotrupini branch hereNeed This post was edited by Dmitrich - 08/16/2014 19: 25
Corrected data. Wingspan: No formalized data → 24—27 mm. Flight time: No formalized data → May, June.
Basil, thanks for the comment. A small request: leave comments relating to specific pictures in the pages exactly these photos. Website - living substance, today, "the rest" 2 shots, tomorrow - a dozen. IeOver time, your comments will confuse people, and if it is written on page foty particular, they say, it's not that kind, but this one, then certainly no confusion will arise. Ok?
I have one, it comes in the night and even then only the second year in a row :) Earlier interposita was: Here is the mass, although this year no one is (Still, last year several times flew fimbriata: the ragged at all times. Alexander, I live 10 km away. from Moscow to the east, in the center of nearly 150 thousand city.The geography we are different and therefore different types of common (do ...
And how do you like the freshest female A. cardamines AT an ALTITUDE of 3800 on the Koi-Jol pass in the Altai together with simonius? I've never seen anything higher than 2000 before.Here for such cases, this category also exists, I think we still do not know a lot...
Here is a short photo report on the Facebook profile of my colleague about catching Ergates faber in the light in the vicinity of Riga in early August 2014. The text is in Latvian, but it won't be a hindrance.
Colleagues,For the project report, you need a published reference to the Lucanus cervus find in the boreal part of European Russia. I've seen "Pskov Region" on websites, and even "Leningrad Region" somewhere, but is there any published data from there or from neighboring regions of Russia?Thank you very much in advance!
A male forgot about (I'll catch the next time, "to the point" :) Laugh, laugh, but we kind of appeared in the mass quite a few years ago. And now flying so many Lycaon that in my experience the indigenous inhabitants of these placesManiola jurtinaalready against this background, and was not seen ( I do not whether there is a replacement, a local resident "interventionist"?
The question was raised a thousand times, but I did not find a definite answer for myself.Someone advises naphthalene, despite the fact that it is a carcinogen.Someone uses dichlorvos and plates with organophosphate.Someone uses pyrethroids, I have stopped at them so far, in liquid form.Quickly evaporate though, already 3 bottles exhausted.By the way, the Japanese also use naphthalene. ...
So I visited the male, in the scope of the previously exposed to the female of my city :) True polёtan few, but the scoop we have little that is quite rare, and even in her neobtrёpannom able to collect rare: very rapid and active flyer. Put it on the raspravilku later be straightened.
This nominative subspecies: Delias belladonna belladonna (Fabricius, 1793) Full list subspecies to add the missing page of the form: Delias belladonna horsfieldii Gray, 1831 Delias belladonna chrysorrhoea Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1865 Delias belladonna ithiela Butler, 1869 Delias belladonna zelima Mitis, 1893 Delias belladonna lugens Jordan, 1925 Delias belladonna hedybia Jordan, ...
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Delias belladonna / Confidently identified / Male / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Xanthorhoe ferrugata / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
"The package" to the existing online male :) Sadly ..... I always flight of these moths associated with the onset of autumn close ..... And there to "white flies" near (
I clicked the wrong button) Well, then the KGB forbade you to visit the ZIN website, go anonymously )) the KGB!)) Everything won't leave me alone! Thank you, it works now)
Please tell me how to keep at home before breeding imago larvae of lamellar beetles? And is it realistic for a beginner? I've never done this before. Found in the forest very large larvae laminatousyh. I think - the last age. Some of it was in the soil under the log, and some of it was in the log itself. The log is rotten, but strong, deciduous, I don't know exactly what kind. The forest is leafy ...
For those who wondered why the definition of the author Vasily and Irina are not - explained below. Basil, and I'll answer your question on the phone tomorrow. As for the FAQ and etc. descriptions and rules - the remark is correct, we will implement.