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Peter this photo should be moved to Ipidia binotata Reitter, 1875
Oops, this photo should be moved to Hemerobius stigma Stephens, 1836
This photo should be transferred to Gonioctena decemnotata (Marsham 1802)
Upon request, Lebia chlorocephala (J.J. Hoffmann, 1803) I see:
Page not found
There are two identical preview photos here
I did not find Stauronematus platycerus (Hartig, 1840)
Please add species:
Fenusa ewaldi (Smith & Altenhofer, 2011)
Fenusa nana (Klug, 1816)
Peter, these are still different species
Euura humeralis (Audinet-Serville, 1823)
Euura squalida (Eversmann, 1847)
I did not find Euura (Amauronematus) squalida (Eversmann, 1847)
I did not find Euura (Eupontania) saliciscinereae (Retzius, 1783)
Chrysolina pseudolurida (Roubal, 1917)
All my photos from this page should be transferred to Rhogogaster scalaris.
Three of my photos of live beetles should be moved to Cucujus haematodes. The mandibles are red.
Hi Andrew
I completely agree with you.
Regards, Andrey
Bembidion biguttatum (Fabricius, 1779). Can't find among the website taxa.
Cionus tuberculosus (Scopoli, 1763) probably.
Pristiphora insularis (Rohwer, 1910), not listed in the website taxa tree.
Move old photos to Pristiphora gerula (Konow, 1904)
As it turned out, this is Pristiphora gerula (Konow, 1904), so this photo and the rest should be moved.
Definition by Spencer K. Monckton & Alexander Boldyrev
There are very serious doubts about the correctness of the species identification of the specimen. Pay attention to the details of the head as in the Photo #78884
Cytisogaster picta
This is Cerura vinula. Identification by Pavel Morozov.
Euura hypoxantha (Forester, 1854) C g
Euura hypoxantha (Forester, 1854)
Polydrusus сervinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Polydrusus сervinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
And here, too. The family is Scolytidae, and not Curculionidae
Guys, this is a mistake, this is a family Scolytidae, not Curculionidae
Ips sexdentatus (Börner, 1776)
Trypodendron signatum (Fabricius, 1792)
Polystichus connexus (Fourcroy, 1785)
Ochsenheimeria urella
Ochsenheimeria urella
Ochsenheimeria urella
Fellow admins, this photo should be moved to Eucosma metzneriana.
This species is identified correctly.
This is Eucosma metzneriana
This is probably some kind of mistake. It should be transferred to Pyralidae.
Guys, it's Actinotia polyodon on St. John's wort, how did it end up here?
Selenia tetralunaria
Selenia tetralunaria
Admins, move photos #24772, #24773, #24768, #24769, #24770, #24771 to Psoricoptera speciosella, because the caterpillar does not have a black spot in the back.
As for photo #70076, there are doubts that this is Psoricoptera gibbosella. Psoricoptera gibbosella and Psoricoptera speciosella can be distinguished by genitalia or by caterpillars.
It is now called Biselachista utonella (Frey, 1856)
This is Gilpinia virens (Klug, 1812), the author of the definition is A. E. Kostunin, corrected by A. Boldyrev.
Chrysolina pseudolurida (Roubal, 1917)
Eugeny hi, we identified it here, but I completely agree with your identification.
Lepidonotaris petax (Sahlberg, 1823)?
Graptus triguttatus (Fabricius, 1775)
Dorytomus tortrix (Linnaeus, 1761)
Dorytomus dorsalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
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