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No kidding: I wonder how successful it is to photograph genitals in this way? Have you tried this before?This is what I shot in this way in my distant childhood on my father's film Zorkiy-6. I took pictures with a lens. Through the viewfinder, you couldn't see what you were shooting at all. So I spent a lot of time setting my camera to a specific location. I put the euthanized wasp there (I ...
the head is that of a sawfly, and in butterflies, subjectively, the eyes are closer to the mandibles.If there were better photos-on the number of false-abdominal legs - there would be no questions.And sawflies in wax threads - eriocampa, Google confirms that it seems to be it.This post was edited by CosMosk-04.03.2013 06: 44
in general, to determine staphylinid by external signs is a terrible masochism, it's easier to pull and not fool yourself.
Surely this one was posted on molbiol as well as some other photos of mine. I'm registered there under my real name and surname (written in Latin letters and with hyphen). Didn't catch the butterfly, let it keep living, so can say nothing of its gender.
Petr, lesson learned. Henceforth will keep an eye on that. As for photos of mine, I randomly checked several, so no bugs.
Well yeah, even this rather common species could be illustrated with such a poor pic if hasn't been before (don't neglect Ctrl+F5).
Was the experiment, when for the sake of more space in the main community does not see the number on truck and species names, and references to them were just a preview image. Result found negative links in the form of numbers and the names of species ph returned.
Not so new - since 2006. Molecular science is mainly-the morphology of that has been known for a long time, which is why they have always been considered in Trox.
What a wonderful idea! So, the whole point of parsley is that the goal of taxonomy is not at all to provide practitioners with a convenient classification and defining tables. These are tasks for classifiers...Taxonomy is concerned with the development of concepts and approaches designed to create a so-called "natural system" of living organisms, i.e. one that corresponds as closely as possible ...
Frankly I've got nothing against David Carter or Vanessa cardui:) Still it's not about being precise in naming the species, but the wordplay. The first and direct meaning of the "painted lady" amusingly also serves as the common name of Vanessa cardui. That's why this time I didn't reference to the Latin names of the species (painted ladies, admirals...) as I usually do, since it's not about ...
Petr, no biggies, question is still here) As for the background I'd like to say it couldn't look natural as well as in other imago photos of Atrophaneura alcinous. I made an author's comment that those specimens had been raised of pupae in winter (larvae had been picked from birthwort in August) at home. Few specimens emerged in Vladivostok, and the rest did in Moscow, 10 days later, right by the ...
Есть такой инсектариий 34х48х21 без крышкиЦена 500руб.Писать lunkov1970@yandex.ruТолько Москва !Сообщение было отредактировано lunkov - 28.02.2013 15:06 Картинки:IMAG0980.jpg — (1.12мб) IMAG0981.jpg — (1.1мб) IMAG0982.jpg — (1.23мб) ...
Rules for submitting and processing materials:The publication volume is up to 4 typewritten A4 pages, including figures, tables, references, and Summary. The Organizing Committee asks you to strictly adhere to the following rules:Materials for publication must be submitted as a Microsoft Word 97-03 text file attached to the email with the DOC or RTF extension (without archiving). Font-Times New ...
Fifth International Symposium on the Environmental Physiology of Ectotherms and PlantsLondon, Ontario, CanadaAugust 12-16 2013It is with great pleasure that I will be hosting the fifth ISEPSP meeting at the University of Western Ontario in 2013. ISEPEP5 continues a 25 year tradition of small international meetings on environmental physiology. Although the focus is usually invertebrate ...
The labor exchange is already becoming-well, it would be entomological, and then it's not clear what.
www.proof-reading-services.orgFor a reasonable fee, they will correct the language to an acceptable level. But the source text must be in English.
Please help, what to do to have this pupa emerged? It's still alive, when I put it to the light, it started budging. Is there any chance to see the moth?
Please help, what to do to have this pupa emerged? It's still alive, when I put it to the light, it started budging. Is there any chance to see the moth?
Super data. Congratulations. The article would be nice in English and in wide access, at least in a Note.
I don't object) If the moderators decide this angle would be a better choice for this swallowtail, let's rotate. Once I upload images of the emerged butterflies, I'll rotate, promise) Igor, thanks for the "amazing pic")
The Moth's Eye is a new approach by Japanese manufacturer Asahi Glass Co., world's largest flat glass producing company. The strategy is based on the structure of the moth's eye, which is known to have no troubles with sun glares and reflections. The thing is that its eye has a special covering that improves moth vision. The covering of the kind could make it better for smartphone and tablet ...
“Demons and Butterflies—Weather predictability and predictions” public lecture by Richard A. Anthes will be held on February 21st at the UNM Conference Center, Albuquerque (US). Dr. Richard A. Anthes is a distinguished atmospheric scientist, author, educator, and administrator, served as fifth president of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) from 1988 to January ...