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21.05.2008 17:30, Victor Titov: comment on Phyllopertha horticola (L., 1758) ?

I'll also add my own melanist. 12.06.2007, Yaroslavl region, Rostov district, Melenki village.

20.05.2008 22:40, Hemaris: comment on Looking for pupae or grena of Laothoe amurensis

Buy or exchange for other live/dry pupal material or grass of Laothoe amurensis.

20.05.2008 17:22, Сергей Королев: comment on Help with search

I am fond of parnassus from Central Asia, etc. This year,OVIR's trip to the Pamirs,the Sarez Lake region, the Muzkol range, and others was disrupted. But I found an agency in Tajikistan that makes passes to the border zone. Next year I will go,join us. There is a map of the area and a route. I will be glad to receive any literature.A couple of questions:- Agency contacts and the price of a pass ...

20.05.2008 7:22, andros: comment on Need straightening boards

These can be made from fiberboard and foam, light and comfortable.Sorry for the quality of the footage. Pictures:DSCN1062.JPG — (567.82к) DSCN1063.JPG — (446.74к)

19.05.2008 22:00, Peter Khramov: comment on New search site

Actually, the beginning of its work the new version of search by species and other taxa of butterflies on lepidoptera.ru. As always, comments and suggestions are made to the general e-mail address (see the. Bottom of the page). In order to look for something as simple as entering a search term in the top right of any page of the site and press Enter (Enter).

17.05.2008 17:42, Букашечник: comment on Melolontha hippocastani

In the Kulmkovsky forestry of the Tambov region in 1912, 14,816 kg of beetle were collected, in the Buzuluksky forest in 1928 - 44,617 kg. "Forest entomology 1938"Go for it !

16.05.2008 20:44, Peter Khramov: comment on Several shots "exotic"

Troides helena , Morpho peleides , Morpho didius and Caligo memnon .

13.05.2008 20:02, taler: comment on Winter Arctiidae

Where and how do you transport Hebe's Bears?Is there anything to exchange from dipper?Unfortunately, so far there is nothing from the bears .But they will definitely be there by the end of the summer.So save it for me.I'll tell you the delivery method later.I'll be in touch with you.Sincerely, Pavel.

12.05.2008 15:25, okoem: comment on Interesting websites about equipment and insects

Alexander BryatovButterflies of the European territory of Russiahttp:/ / bryatov . 110mb . comThis post was edited by okoem - 05/12/2008 15: 28

11.05.2008 12:27, Peter Khramov: comment on A couple of questions about the synonymy of Lepidoptera

For the future, in such cases very often can help:http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insec...tera/index.htmlYes, I know this resource, but the search there is such that it does not search for everything and not in every way...

10.05.2008 11:20, Peter Khramov: comment on Two and one zygaenidae Hyles

Zygaenidae Swiss and oxalic and Hyles - Leghorn: Zygaena transalpina Adscita statices Hyles livornica

08.05.2008 17:30, Peter Khramov: comment on Fresh pictures

Imago strelchatki oxalic .

08.05.2008 0:10, Peter Khramov: comment on The new image and a new description of the butterflies

New photo pestrokrylnitsy volatile and brief descriptions of several moths: Eulithis populata - moth yellow Eulithis mellinata Erannis defoliaria - moth-stripped Alsophila aescularia - moth Elm Minoa murinata - moth Euphorbiaceae Epirrhoe tristata - Larentsiya sad Ecliptopera silaceata - Larentsiya kipreyny Xanthorhoe ...

06.05.2008 15:53, LION HORSE: comment on A trip to the Black Sea coast this summer!

I have a question to all forumtsam!Does anyone know how to catch insects in Germany?

06.05.2008 11:30, Peter Khramov: comment on New photo and description for herbal moth

New Snapshot - page Ematurga atomaria . Short description - there.

06.05.2008 0:05, Peter Khramov: comment on Moth, moths, and the like cute creation

Such as: Ethmia bipunctella - Mole yellow-bellied chernotochechnaya Carcina quercana Tineola bisselliella - Moth Hanging Hypsopygia costalis Ephestia kuehniella - Ognyevka Mills Dioryctria abietella - Ognyevka spruce

05.05.2008 14:03, metallman.92: comment on Ground beetles in large quantities

In my opinion, the number of Nemoralis in anthropogenic conditions is consistently high and is not subject to any significant fluctuations. And the fact that they are being crushed is a consequence of twilight activity and frequent crawling out on the asphalt that has warmed up during the day. They are not crushed on purpose, usually people do not even notice in the dark that something was ...

05.05.2008 12:45, Peter Khramov: comment on Now - more than 500 species

The number of species for which the site has lepidoptera.ru descriptions and / or photographs, passed through polutysyachnuyu mark.

05.05.2008 12:40, Peter Khramov: comment on Zygaenidae, sovkovidki, serpokrylki, tupokrylki and carpenter

The full list of updates: Zeuzera pyrina - zeuzera pyrina Cossus cossus - cossus cossus Falcaria lacertinaria - Serpokrylka dry leaf Cilix glaucata - Tupokrylka white Drepana falcataria - Serpokrylka ordinary Drepana curvatula - Serpokrylka alder Tethea ocularis Tethea or - Sovkovidka real gray Habrosyne pyritoides ...

04.05.2008 0:55, Peter Khramov: comment on More Corydalis. Hepialidae. And zygaenidae

The list below ... Zygaena filipendulae - six-spot burnet Zygaena trifolii - zygaenidae clover Hepialus humuli - hepialidae hop Phymatopus hecta Clostera anachoreta - Kistochnitsa recluse Clostera curtula - Kistochnitsa tailed Clostera pigra - Kistochnitsa small Clostera anastomosis - Kistochnitsa poplar Ptilophora ...

03.05.2008 16:50, Peter Khramov: comment on More Corydalis

Seven stuff: Notodonta dromedarius - Corydalis alder Notodonta ziczac - Corydalis lilac Ptilodon capucina - Corydalis lime Stauropus fagi - lobster moth Pterostoma palpina - Corydalis ostrogolovaya Amata phegea - Lzhepestryanka ordinary Eilema depressa - Lishaynitsa flat

03.05.2008 14:20, Peter Khramov: comment on Corydalis, Moth, hiking silkworms

Addition to the traditional supraspecific Limacodidae - Sliznevidki Sphingidae - hawk moths and species descriptions Euproctis chrysorrhoea - yellowtail Euproctis similis - Zheltoguzka Lymantria dispar - Silkworm unpaired Leucoma salicis - Moths willow Arctornis l-nigrum - Moths el black Orgyia recens - Red-spotted ...

03.05.2008 1:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Lishaynitsy

New site for the species: Setina irrorella - Lishaynitsa molevidnaya yellow Atolmis rubricollis - Lishaynitsa krasnosheynaya Eilema sororcula - Lishaynitsa golden Eilema complana - Lishaynitsa ordinary Eilema lurideola - Lishaynitsa lead-gray Lithosia quadra - Lishaynitsa chetyrehpyatnistaya Cybosia mesomella - Lishaynitsa beautiful ...

02.05.2008 18:07, Tigran Oganesov: comment on 3rd International Symposium on the Environmental Physiology of Ectotherms and Plants

Yeah, isn't it time to move to the BOS?

02.05.2008 15:46, metallman.92: comment on Who has water beetles?

If you wait, then after the summer of 2008 , in Moscow will be (livedead-what are needed??) plavuntsy, vodolyuby, plavty, ranatry...

02.05.2008 9:52, metallman.92: comment on Offspring of weevils

oh well and okay))))I just didn't want to dry the fertilized female))) and in nature(where I caught them), indeed, the whole field is littered with them))))

01.05.2008 9:10, metallman.92: comment on Ground Beetle keeping

Thank you for the hint :- ) went to consult Oleg E.

01.05.2008 1:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Continued hawk moths, and not only

Updates and additions over the last couple of days: Miltochrista miniata - Lishaynitsa pink Parasemia plantaginis - Podorozhnitsa ordinary Mimas tiliae - Hyles lime Laothoe populi - Hyles poplar Smerinthus ocellata - Hyles mottled Agrius convolvuli - Hyles convolvulaceae Sphinx ligustri - Hyles lilac Hyloicus pinastri - Sphinx Pinastri Hyles ...

30.04.2008 22:39, Guest: comment on Larva

It is actually a larva of Xylophagus sp. (Diptera). And the larvae drilled legs are very well developed

29.04.2008 12:37, Deni: comment on Entomology! Lepidoptera!

tihonoff@list.ru about the text on lepidoptera (English and Russian)

28.04.2008 18:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Bagworm moth, and revelers pavlinoglazki

Apterona helicoidella Canephora hirsuta - bagworm moth monochrome Sterrhopterix fusca - bagworm moth hairy Daphnis nerii - Daphnis Nerii Hemaris tityus - Hobotnik skabiozovy Hemaris fuciformis < / em> - Hobotnik shmelevidny Acherontia atropos - Hyles dead head Saturnia pavonia - small night peacock Aglia tau - Red Night Peacock

28.04.2008 15:57, vespabellicosus: comment on Female German wasp

Female German wasp (F.) on the ground. Chuvashia, the vicinity of Cheboksary. April 28, 2008 Pictures:IMG_0379.jpg — (137.69к)

28.04.2008 14:50, Peter Khramov: comment on Bear and sesiidae

Yesterday and today - some additions to the descriptions, as well as a completely new website for information on the following types: Spilosoma lubricipeda - Bear speckled Hyphantria cunea - The American white butterfly Spilosoma lutea - Bear yellow Phragmatobia fuliginosa - Dipper mobile Phragmatobia luctifera - Black Bear Hyphoraia aulica - Bear brown-yellow ...

25.04.2008 23:23, Peter Khramov: comment on Four and a half harpy

Furcula bicuspis Furcula bifida Furcula furcula Cerura erminea Cerura vinula

25.04.2008 10:46, Peter Khramov: comment on We need an entomologist on an expedition

I can tell you in principle. Only the group is already selected. Which group are you more interested in?It doesn't matter that it is typed, I don't pretend :-- ) I'm invited to another party — that's why I ask. I am primarily interested in butterflies.

25.04.2008 1:55, Peter Khramov: comment on Copper-butterfly rimn

Information this Red a blues from the Red Book.

23.04.2008 13:13, Peter Khramov: comment on Big night peacock eye

He - pear pavlinoglazki .

22.04.2008 11:18, Aleksandr Ermakov: comment on I will sell a unique reference collection of forest pests and forest products

please read out the entire list.

21.04.2008 17:05, Cosmos: comment on How to catch Hymenoptera?

Bumblebees have problems with freezing - they sweat, get wet... I transfer fresh pieces of paper and fry them, but a good method is to put the bumblebees separately in each box, which is appropriate. it is signed - on what flower, for example.. And put it in the freezer. The material is perfect. Moreover, after ethyl acetate, the material is not suitable for genetic investigation.

18.04.2008 21:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Hives and day peacock

Two of the most famous Nymphalidae: Aglais urticae - urticaria and Inachis io - Daily Peacock .

17.04.2008 8:13, Sergios: comment on Lucanus ibericus

Hello!How much I have understood you Damien, you are engaged Carabidae the Eastern Europe. Now you representatives Lucanus interest. Whether the collection from the Central caucasus interests you. I am engaged in systematisation, zoogeography, ecology and biology of insects of this region. However, the basic specialisation is dragonflies that does not prevent to work to me and with other groups. ...

16.04.2008 8:22, Timandr: comment on Stegania (Lomographa) cararia

but there is still a species close to it - S. dalmataria

16.04.2008 1:00, Juglans: comment on Far Eastern flora: a brief excursion for non-native entomologists

Crested giantIt is the only food plant of the endemic apollo Driopa (eversmanni) felderi = Parnassius eversmanni felderi (Bremer, 1861), whose caterpillar is completely indistinguishable from the leaves of the crested butterfly. See the image of this butterfly on the entomologists ' forum: http://molbiol.ru/forums/uploads/post-22026-1205418811.jpg(information from Alexey Yakovlev)

15.04.2008 21:02, Peter Khramov: comment on Set lentochnikov and other Nymphalidae

Namely, added another piece of information for the following: Vanessa cardui - Painted Lady Vanessa atalanta - Admiral Neptis sappho - char Sappho Neptis rivularis - char tavolgovaya Limenitis camilla - lentochnik Camilla Limenitis populi - lentochnik poplar Limenitis reducta - Single row lentochnik

14.04.2008 20:40, Peter Khramov: comment on Two additional perelivnitsy

Adding another species and information about it - perelivnitsa Schrenk (Apatura schrenckii) and additions to the second type - perelivnitsa small (Apatura ilia) .

13.04.2008 17:50, Peter Khramov: comment on Adding to the description of a large perelivnitsy

Description as before, located in the same place

12.04.2008 2:13, Bad Den: comment on I offer to exchange literature

I have some literature of a systematic nature, namely::1. Olsuf'ev N. G. Horseflies (Tabanidae). Fauna of the USSR, vol. VII, vol. 2. M-L. 1937.2. Kerzhner I. M. Hemiptera of the family Nabidae. Fauna of the USSR, Vol. XIII, vol. 2. L. 19813. Zagulyaev A. K. Real moths (Tineidae). Subfamily Tineinae. Fauna of the USSR, vol. IV, vol. 3. L. 19604. Zhiltsova L. A. Vesnyanki (Plecoptera). The ...

11.04.2008 18:00, Peter Khramov: comment on The site became faster

Performed additional work to optimize your site code is now issuing the pages, especially with descriptions of individual species will become even faster. Even if this site decided to completely deflate a couple of fans with teleports.

11.04.2008 15:16, алекс 2611: comment on Meeting in St. Petersburg

No, you'd better come to usLike not on Kolyma invite....

10.04.2008 18:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Article Maxim Klepikova

« Rare and protected species of butterflies (Insecta: Lepidoptera) Polovtsian-Kupanskogo bog ».

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