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27.06.2015 23:10, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #40988

C. crocea

27.06.2015 23:10, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #40920

P. argus, male

22.06.2015 23:53, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #40852

C. tullia

30.05.2015 23:27, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #40261

Could "feel out the situation," but did not postpone (the plant is not, or rather, something to him was not so).

30.05.2015 23:25, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #40301

Th. sylvestris, male

27.05.2015 22:58, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #40261

Igor, on what plant it sits?

14.05.2015 23:54, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #40082

This species is identified correctly.

14.05.2015 23:54, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #40081

This species is identified correctly.

06.02.2015 20:22, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #38870

In connection with this photo I have a suggestion / request: to make the category of "staging a photo." It is obvious statement, but in some cases it is not clear, and could create a false impression about the behavior of certain species in nature.IMHO good if production is fairly stipulate the author (as opposed to "a photo in nature", which should be "natural" behavior of the species). If ...

04.02.2015 19:37, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #38527

Plebejus sp.

04.02.2015 17:45, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #38847

_semi_argus :)

12.01.2015 13:34, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #38452

... or P. icarus .

12.01.2015 13:33, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #38455

Th. lineola

08.01.2015 16:19, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #25059

He thought of thoas , because this instance spots in a sling on the front wing rounded (not pointed toward the outer edge, as in cresphontes -like). In addition, the band is on the rear wing is very wide. Generally thoas very volatile, but here is a question of subspecies autocles (see., Eg, http://www.butterfliesofamerica.com/L/t/Heraclides_thoas_autocles_a.htm) .Of course, if you define ...

08.01.2015 13:57, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #25059

This hour is not thoas ? :)

08.01.2015 0:58, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #38186

You understand allusions? Please note: a hint. (c) :) Kind of nice to add (and what is the "right" structure of childbirth - be left to the curators shmuratorov ...). :)

07.01.2015 23:27, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #38186

The authors describe the rumiko belong to the "problem of Papilio vs Heraclides " just without excessive fanaticism, specifically by making relevant comments in the article. They write that the for the Neotropics in their opinion it is more convenient to split Papilio , and result in arguments. At the same time many other works are all united in the Papilio .In the end, race, unlike the ...

07.01.2015 13:44, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #38186

This Heraclides rumiko Shiraiwa & Grishin, 2014 (or, if you will, Papilio rumiko (Shiraiwa & Grishin, 2014)). See. ZooKeys 468: 85-135 (2014).

19.09.2014 1:42, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #33349

IMHO polyxenes

09.09.2014 0:49, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #33183

This species is identified correctly.

09.09.2014 0:49, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #33189

This species is identified correctly.

31.08.2014 23:30, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #32968


12.08.2014 21:56, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #32493


29.07.2014 21:59, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31691

moved to inaccurate lineola

29.07.2014 14:46, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31691

Because it may, sylvestris. I can not answer.

29.07.2014 14:45, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31688

Our "reali" Now juvernica.

22.07.2014 22:16, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31691


22.07.2014 22:15, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31690


22.07.2014 22:15, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31684


22.07.2014 22:15, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31688

..ili yuvernika. There accurate determination and so will not. :)

21.07.2014 0:57, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31663


21.07.2014 0:55, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31661


19.07.2014 12:45, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31567

Cacyreus marshalli

16.07.2014 14:11, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31414


28.06.2014 1:35, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #31037


27.06.2014 1:22, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #30969

Similar to Aurelius, yes. But without cooking here anywhere.

26.06.2014 2:08, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #30895


26.06.2014 2:07, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #30879


26.06.2014 2:07, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #30886

C. glycerion

26.06.2014 2:06, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #30905

C. floccifera, male

20.06.2014 2:12, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #30733

Two guys escorted her home ... :)

19.06.2014 1:38, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #30650

IMHO most diamine. Just do not Phoebe.

12.06.2014 1:48, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #14329

Vladimir rights. Meadowsweet - hence, Ino.

28.05.2014 1:43, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #29446

Here you can see a little bit worse, but, like, too Britomartis.

28.05.2014 1:40, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #29444

Now you can see. And it's true - Britomartis ... :)

27.05.2014 2:06, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #29444

Pay attention to the shape it is necessary to process the valve. The images of the genitals increase acceptable, but a bad angle: side view of the need, not the bottom. It is not clear.

26.05.2014 1:44, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #29444

IMHO most Atalia. But this kind of divination; valvae have to see. This can be done with a magnifying glass on a live butterfly or a soft, lightly squeezing her abdomen seemed to process the valve.

25.05.2014 2:04, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #29439

About Britomartis I have my doubts whatever the place of capture. It should be a male and a cook. And in the order of delirium: can, this is such an early aberrant diamine? :)

24.05.2014 1:19, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #29401

I would put at Aglaya. It seems, on the rear fenders to see the underside corresponding pattern.

31.03.2014 0:35, Eugene Karolinskiy: comment on photo #28105

And whether there is in Thailand this kind? Not sure ... Now there is no literature on hand ... But certainly there is a lot similar species, it is necessary to understand.

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