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Places and times of butterfly flying

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04.03.2013 20:59, molek

Believe it or not, I have verified this information.
Valdai district 1-2 copies (I saw one, I keep one).
Shimsky-an aunt from the dacha brought it, in a terrible state.
This summer in the city saw in the park.
A pillowcase. From there, there is a photo and a straightened copy. (If you can look in the bins and find more corpses).

04.03.2013 21:18, Wave Storm

In the city itself, you can meet it in the Kremlin Park, in the Novgorod region for two years in a row it flies to the vicinity of the village of Navolok (up to three or four pieces in the foreseeable space), the Valdai district-the national park of the Valdai village of Zimogorye, Bol. Uklieno, and in the Shimsky district on the meadow opposite the village of Malinovka.
Sincerely yours!
You are lucky-3-4 pieces in the foreseeable space. We have such a large number of Podalirium.
Last year we had a Swallowtail in N. K. I only saw it once in the park, in early June. I couldn't even get close.
Apparently, droughts and grass burns in combination with almost complete plowing of the steppes affect.

This post was edited by Wave Storm - 04.03.2013 21: 19

04.03.2013 22:05, Hierophis

Wave Storm, wellsmile.gif, we have a lot of Swallowtails, they just don't fly so compactly, but in principle it's not so difficult to see a dozen of them at once. By the way, in the city too, in flower beds. They don't need the steppe, they live anywhere, on a bunch of umbrella plants starting from morkrvka and ending with plants from rutaceae, such a plant like rue, but growing in our area, I forget what it's called smile.gif

molek, hawkmoth is a little more difficult! They are mostly nocturnal, species that fly during the day, rarely come across, except perhaps the hawk moth.
We have large hawkmoth - convolvulus and oleander quite late in the evening, consider it night, on flower beds with flowers like gramophones fly in late summer. I saw euphorbia during the day feeding on a flower, even caught it to see who, chased half an hour))), bumblebees saw during the day, the rest like wine, oak, poplar at night except for the light.

05.03.2013 8:39, vasiliy-feoktistov

The swallowtail can't be seen so often. tongue.gif

There is a lot of it in the Meshchera district. And last season I watched it in general in my city repeatedly. Quite an ordinary butterfly.

05.03.2013 13:49, molek

Thank you! I have three of them now. Everything is in questionable condition (I'm learning, though the eye can be corrected with BF glue). I caught a ruler and a bindweed in the Caucasus in the courtyard at the light. This summer, I saw wine plants over the tobacco beds in the evening, and bedstraw and ocular caterpillars on the plants. The first caterpillar did not hatch, but the second one survived and made me happy for the New Year!

And then there's the question: what lures can work on them, other than sweet tobacco and petunias?

05.03.2013 14:09, vasiliy-feoktistov

And then there's the question: what lures can work on them, other than sweet tobacco and petunias?

Hawkmoth trees are good for the light.
Bumblebees and bedstraw trees are especially popular to visit in the wild in my region: flowering broom and bark beetle.
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05.03.2013 17:35, niyaz

There is a lot of it in the Meshchera district. And last season I watched it in general in my city repeatedly. Quite an ordinary butterfly.

Well, that was sarcasm on my part.
listed in the red books, the swallowtail seems to be a very rare species to novice entomologists.

05.03.2013 20:24, okoem

plants from rutaceae, such a plant, like rue, but growing in our area, I forget what it's called smile.gif


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05.03.2013 22:19, Hierophis

Yes, exactly, the whole - leaved haplophyllum. I was told that there are a lot of swallowtail caterpillars on it, but I don't remember myself, I don't think I found it on it.

And what, well, oleander hawkmoth, so they seem to fly everywhere, at the end of summer. They don't live, of course, but they get knocked up. Like the death's head, which I haven't seen yet, but they say that there are a lot of them and caterpillars are found in vegetable gardens.

05.03.2013 23:02, Hierophis

Ah that I can skazazt, such is life)) I've never seen a death's head, and we seem to have plenty of oleander puffs. I remember how many we caught them in Koblevo flower beds, beautiful takik smile.gifAnd loach hawk moth I even found caterpillars. A dead head is inconvenient for searching by the fact that it does not fly on flowers, I understand, and to find a caterpillar, it is necessary to climb through vegetable gardens, which is dumb especially when there is life around pokraschennya ))

05.03.2013 23:36, okoem

Above petunia, I saw only bindweeds. In addition, in the evening (sometimes in the afternoon), ruled hawkmoth feed on flowers. I've never met any oleanders.
A death's head sometimes comes to light. But it's easier to find caterpillars - you don't have to climb through the gardens to do this. The dead head loves a dereza (there is it in Nikolaev?)"that's where you should look. Alternatively, tap branches and listen - the disturbed caterpillar may start clicking.
Another option to find large caterpillars in the city is to look for fresh excrement on the asphalt under trees and shrubs. If they are found, the caterpillar itself must be searched above them. Death's head is practically a polyphage - it can be found on many trees and shrubs.

This post was edited by okoem - 05.03.2013 23: 39

05.03.2013 23:54, Hierophis

We have plenty of dereza trees, only not in the city, but in the mouths of the gullies! But there's such a jungle, come on, you'll start screeching there yourself until you get through, not like you'll hear a caterpillar..
I just have such bookish stereotypes that it is necessary to look for solanaceae, and best of all on potatoes, and our land is full of stories that they say, that one found, that one found on potatoes.. You probably need to catch the light not from the balcony but directly from the fields, so I haven't tried it yet..

06.03.2013 22:53, okoem

Stories that are "on potatoes", because the common people find them on potatoes. Because in the gardens - potatoes, not wood. Those caterpillars that are on the tree and on other non-garden plants, people simply do not see. In vegetable gardens, by the way, they also find beets smile.gif
And it can fly to the light, I think, absolutely anywhere. The same migrant.

This post was edited by okoem - 06.03.2013 22: 54

07.03.2013 0:42, Hierophis

Well, with this level of polyphagia, it's not easy to find a caterpillar. But about the urban method with poop) I liked it, I will observe, I think it is possible to find the caterpillar of the lilac hawk moth, and if it is in a crowded place, then I personally don't care - I will search the whole bush and let it go!

By the way, taking a break from the death's head, I can say that I found caterpillars of oak hawkmoth and poplar after a rather strong thunderstorm, they then crawl along the ground near trees. Also one of the methods.
Well, the caterpillars of the milkweed hawk moth are not secretive at all, they can be found by the dozens just "passing by". Although flies hatch from them more often smile.gif

07.03.2013 12:09, Wave Storm

I often found poplar hawk moth caterpillars crawling on the ground before pupating.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that poplars usually grow along pedestrian roads in my city, the caterpillars are often crushed.(
A biologist I know used to bring me bindweed moth caterpillars. He found them on a botat plant (something like a sweet potato). True, my rat ate the pupae.(
I haven't seen any oak hawks yet - we still need to find some oaks here.
But at the expense of euphorbia-we have a lot of milkweed in the sands. But I never saw any tracks on it. Maybe they do not eat this spurge (in my opinion, Shogiera)?

This post was edited by Wave Storm - 07.03.2013 12: 12

07.03.2013 12:26, okoem

But about the urban method with poop) I liked it, I will observe, I think so you can find the caterpillar of the lilac hawk moth,

And not only hawk moth, but peacock eyes, volnyanok-any more or less large caterpillars.

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08.03.2013 18:58, Nikitaentomolog

is it possible to catch mourning birds, podalirii and appolon in the Krasnodar Territory?Thank you in advance

14.03.2013 19:38, molek

Hello, I have a question about the Caucasian Zerynthia (Zerynthia caucasica).
How far into the mountains do you need to go from the coast? And, I take it, it flies in forest clearings?

25.03.2013 19:27, aai-48

is it possible to catch mourning birds, podalirii and appolon in the Krasnodar Territory?Thank you in advance

Podalirium is common in the region.In August, I went to Tmutarakan,so there were a lot of them flying in the village of Kanevskaya, and they constantly flashed all the way to Taman.

07.08.2013 21:49, Wave Storm

Please tell me about the swallowtail.

Now we have in the south of Ukraine there are caterpillars of the age when they can already pupate. When will it turn out to be a butterfly: this year or next, in the spring, if we take into account the fact that the swallowtail can meet in September?

This post was edited by Wave Storm - 07.08.2013 21: 49

07.08.2013 22:12, okoem

When it will turn into a butterfly: this year or next,

In this.
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19.12.2013 21:55, аруд

Please note: specialists!
Tell me, pliz, does the presence of an electromagnetic field of a power line affect the species composition or is everything determined by the forage plants growing under it and geography? Thank you.

19.12.2013 22:39, TEMPUS

Tell me, pliz, does the presence of an electromagnetic field of a power line affect the species composition or is everything determined by the forage plants growing under it and geography?

Electromagnetic fields do not affect, I think. The species composition depends mainly on the growing forage plants.
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21.04.2014 10:45, Alexander73

Question to experts : in recent years, has anyone observed/caught peacock eyes in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region?

21.04.2014 19:12, Fyodor

Question to experts : in recent years, has anyone observed/caught peacock eyes in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region?

I haven't been to Domodedovo, but I've watched the bordering districts of Leninsky, Podolsky, and Chekhov.

21.04.2014 19:36, Alexander73

I haven't been to Domodedovo, but I've watched the bordering districts of Leninsky, Podolsky, and Chekhov.

Thank you. This is encouraging.

24.04.2014 7:20, Tmoll

An hour of joy friends!
I would like to ask you how and where it is better for me to catch the Lycia pomonaria moth, on what it is better to look for females,on what trees, we should have its age in Siberia, thank you for earlier!

24.04.2014 14:37, vasiliy-feoktistov

Question to experts : in recent years, has anyone observed/caught peacock eyes in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region?

I don't go further than Lyuberetsky in that direction from myself. In Lyubertsy, along the oak forests last year, in mid-May it was full of Aglia tau. Only it is better not to catch any peacock eyes, but to bring them out: either look for geese in nature, or try to catch a female and lure males to it for fertilizationsmile.gif.

24.04.2014 18:55, TEMPUS

An hour of joy friends!
I would like to ask you how and where it is better for me to catch the Lycia pomonaria moth, on what it is better to look for females,on what trees, we should have its age in Siberia, thank you for earlier!

Lycia pomonaria is a relatively easy-to-collect species. Males fly well into the light. Females are not demanding of any particular type of tree, they can sit on the trunks of trees of various hardwoods (they prefer sunny, well-warmed places). Personally, in my local area (Ivanovo region), I found female L. pomonaria on the trunks of birch trees. In addition, here on the forum, in the topic "Moscow and the Moscow region", cases of female finds of L. pomonaria on the trunks of oaks, linden trees and aspens were noted.

24.04.2014 19:03, Tmoll

Thank you very much, tomorrow I will go to the forest!)

25.04.2014 0:04, Guest

I don't go further than Lyuberetsky in that direction from myself. In Lyubertsy, along the oak forests last year, in mid-May it was full of Aglia tau. Only it is better not to catch any peacock eyes, but to bring them out: either look for geese in nature, or try to catch a female and lure males to it for fertilization. smile.gif

"...it is better not to catch, but.... " Is this in the sense that both sexes are guaranteed and the quality is better?

25.04.2014 2:48, vasiliy-feoktistov

"...it is better not to catch, but.... " Is this in the sense that both sexes are guaranteed and the quality is better?

I don't like it when anonymous people ask me questions, but I'll answer them.
The male saturnia flies during the day, very quickly and usually through the most "dense" bushes, and chasing it is a thankless task: the net is very likely to be torn, and in case of capture, the butterfly itself will most likely be very flown. The female is also difficult to find because, unlike the male, she is much less mobile and sits still, emitting pheromones while waiting for the male. It can fly to the light as it flies at night. Conclusion: it is better to catch the female and lure the male to her. Well, or find the caterpillars and bring them out. The observations themselves are much more interesting than just catching and killing.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 25.04.2014 02: 55

25.04.2014 8:51, Alexander73

I don't like it when anonymous people ask me questions, but I'll answer them.
The male saturnia flies during the day, very quickly and usually through the most "dense" bushes, and chasing it is a thankless task: the net is very likely to be torn, and in case of capture, the butterfly itself will most likely be very flown. The female is also difficult to find because, unlike the male, she is much less mobile and sits still, emitting pheromones while waiting for the male. It can fly to the light as it flies at night. Conclusion: it is better to catch the female and lure the male to her. Well, or find the caterpillars and bring them out. The observations themselves are much more interesting than just catching and killing.

Vasily, yes it was me, - I forgot to log in)). I have read Fabre, of course, and I am always very grateful for your answers. Don't be angry!
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25.04.2014 9:40, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vasily, yes it was me, - I forgot to log in)). I have read Fabre, of course, and I am always very grateful for your answers. Don't be angry!

Alexander, I'm not even angrybeer.gif, it just makes me cringe when I don't know who has to answer. By the way: report on how I collected pavonia caterpillars on June 20 last year in the Vladimir region. here The result for me personally is 13 brood males and females. And catching it is really hopeless: it never sits down and flies along the most burelogo like a meteor.
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09.05.2014 18:30, Eidalon

Good day! Please tell me where it is better to go fishing for Zerynthia polyxena in Moscow and neighboring regions? On April 20, I was in the Serpukhov district of the Oka platform, today (May 9) I was in the Lukhovitsky district of the Alpatievo platform, I did not see it there or there.

This post was edited by Eidalon-09.05.2014 18: 31

09.05.2014 23:25, vasiliy-feoktistov

Good day! Please tell me where it is better to go fishing for Zerynthia polyxena in Moscow and neighboring regions? On April 20, I was in the Serpukhov district of the Oka platform, today (May 9) I was in the Lukhovitsky district of the Alpatievo platform, I did not see it there or there.

You need to know the locations. There is only one such thing in the Ministry of Defense, as far as I know.

09.05.2014 23:56, Eidalon

You need to know the locations. There is only one such thing in the Ministry of Defense, as far as I know.

Can you please enlighten me on this issue? mol.gif

10.05.2014 0:49, vasiliy-feoktistov

Can you please enlighten me on this issue? mol.gif

Where there is a kirkazon, in the south of MO. See points about fishing for the season before last. Then I can't: not my point.
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18.05.2014 16:55, SergeyB

Hello everyone Has anyone gone to Alpatievo (except for Eidalon) in the near future for Zerynthia polyxena? How is the situation there now? Have you already flown away?

22.05.2014 22:26, аруд

Bedstraw hawk moth-during the day - on the river Gravilat-There is a photo document.
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