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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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15.09.2008 16:23, VSB

(svm2): Thank you very much, sorry for the dilettantism.I hope that it will decrease with experience.

15.09.2008 21:00, Sergius

Help me identify the butterfly plz

picture: P1050237.JPG
P1050237.JPG — (246.19к)

15.09.2008 21:12, Kharkovbut

Help me identify the butterfly plz

Polyura sp. (I don't know the type).

15.09.2008 22:21, Grigory Grigoryev

"help with scoops from Khakassia. Early September"

I have the latter obtained as Agrochola vulpecula.
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16.09.2008 8:31, Сергей-Д

Help me figure out the thickheads! late August, steppes of the Luhansk region.
1. Muschampia proto?
picture: Muschampia_proto_up_23_24.08.2008__________________.jpg
2. Pyrgusov - only cook?
picture: Pyrgus_sp._up_23_24.08.2008__________________.jpg picture: Pyrgus_sp._un_23_24.08.2008__________________.jpg
3. Carcharodus ?alceae
picture: Carcharodus_alceae_up_23_24.08.2008__________________.jpg picture: Carcharodus_alceae_un_23_24.08.2008__________________.jpg
4. Carcharodus - both orientalis? (if you believe Nekrutenko flocciferus in Ukraine to the north, we do not have it in the region. Or can the ranges of these species overlap?). the whitishness of the upper specimen confuses, as it is similar to lavatherae, but lavatherae does not seem to have androconial spots.
picture: Carcharodus_lavatherae_up_23_24.08.2008__________________.jpg picture: Carcharodus_lavatherae_un_23_24.08.2008__________________.jpg
5. Carcharodus-upper alceae, lower orientalis?
picture: Carcharodus_sp_up_23_24.08.2008__________________.jpg picture: Carcharodus_sp_un_23_24.08.2008__________________.jpg

16.09.2008 11:07, jabenok

Butterflies from Volgograd.
I ask for help in determining.

picture: P1140891.jpg
P1140891.jpg — (123.33к)

picture: P1140618.jpg
P1140618.jpg — (104.19к)

picture: P1140609.jpg
P1140609.jpg — (124.29к)

picture: P1090616.jpg
P1090616.jpg — (114.84к)

16.09.2008 12:22, Сергей-Д

to jabenok:
1. Tyta luctuosa
2. Helicovera armigera
3. Schinia scutosa
4. Autographa gamma
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16.09.2008 13:01, RippeR

1 protoides
2 P. armoricanus both. Although it is better to cook wink.gif
3 alceae, yes
4 upper lavatherae lower orientalis
5 upper alce, lower rather flocciferus. The bottom one has a strange gray tint, reminiscent of Orientalis, so maybe so.

Actually, I haven't looked at fatheads in a while.. So we are waiting for the judging panel )
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16.09.2008 14:08, Сергей-Д

to Ripper: and what about the androconial field on the underside of my lavatherae specimen, if in theory they should not be?

16.09.2008 15:23, RippeR

it is not clear rolleyes.gif

16.09.2008 16:44, jabenok

to jabenok:
1. Tyta luctuosa
2. Helicovera armigera
3. Schinia scutosa
4. Autographa gamma

Thank you very much!!!

16.09.2008 23:28, Kharkovbut

1 protoides

protEides - according to Ivy and Co.

Others should be cooked...

17.09.2008 5:11, Konung

to jabenok:
4. Autographa gamma

I would say mandarina
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17.09.2008 5:13, Vlad Proklov

I would say mandarina

Nope. Gamma.
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17.09.2008 9:16, Konung

Nope. Gamma.

mda, perhaps it is smile.gifstill gamma.
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17.09.2008 17:51, VSB

picture: 1.JPGpicture: 4.JPGpicture: 2.JPGContinuing to analyze the summer archives, I would like to hear the opinion of my colleagues in the hobby about the correctness of the definition of butterflies. In my opinion, the first two images are an ox's eye, or an Ox's eye (Aphathopus hyperanthus). The third one is not exactly sure. Maybe Variegated moth (Araschnia levana)?

17.09.2008 18:34, DavBaz

VSB, so in order:
1. No, this is Maniola jurtina (Linnaeus, 1758) female
2. Nymphalid Apatura ilia (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
3. Yes, Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758) summer form

This post was edited by DavBaz - 17.09.2008 18: 37

17.09.2008 20:19, NSN

Please tell me if I correctly identified the leaf wrapper - Endothenia gentianaeana mol.gif. Or is it Endothenia marginana? (or oblongana?). Can these species be reliably identified from photos? What are the distinguishing features? (I ask too many questionssmile.gif shuffle.gif.) The photo was taken in the Odessa region on June 13 in the Transdniestrian plavni, on the forest lint.

picture: Endothenia_marginana__1_.JPG
Endothenia_marginana__1_.JPG — (143.37к)

17.09.2008 21:40, VSB

picture: __________________________.JPGpicture: 3434.jpgpicture: 2929.jpg(DavBaz): Thank you.
The butterflies previously shown and reproduced in this post were taken by me in the mountainous zone of the Chelyabinsk region (near the city of Minyara) in July of this year.Regarding mottled wings...More or less orange lines on the upper and lower wings indicate something, or is it a mimicry of the environment? Mottled wings are different. Or I'm confusing something again(number 1 and 2). Shot on zemlebabochka, in my opinion, poplar ribbon (Limenitis populi)

17.09.2008 22:33, okoem

I think they're all Pyrausta despicata. Let's wait for Okoem's confirmation/correction.
I agree.
2 P. armoricanus both. Although it is better to cook wink.gif
4 upper lavatherae lower orientalis
IMHO, armorians. You can not cook it. There are a lot of them this year.
The "lavater" is confused by the androconial field, and the light spots on the rear wings are very small. I would say that this is more likely orientalis.
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18.09.2008 4:50, Konung

Mottled wings are different. Or I'm confusing something again(number 1 and 2). Shot on zemlebabochka , in my opinion, Tapeworm poplar (Limenitis populi)

Mottledwings are both Araschnia levana, tapeworm-true. And orange stripes of varying intensity indicate only the individual variability of individuals.

18.09.2008 7:31, DavBaz

I agree with Konung

18.09.2008 13:17, RippeR

depending on where this "lavateralis"comes from..
I compared it to my lavatere (which is definitely not flociferus at all, since it is completely white and caught in the north of Moldova, where there can be no orientalis). Interestingly, mine has the same androconial spots. and the white spots on top are different and both light and dark.. after all, this is Lavateret!!1
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18.09.2008 13:20, Stas Shinkarenko

Please help me deal with the butterflies. Everything was shot in Volgograd and the region.

1. 11.07.08-clearing between forest belts
2. 04.05.08-steppe gully
3. 04.09.08 - steppe gully
4. 29.06.08 - gamma?
5. 15.06.08-ravine
6. 18.08.08-steppe gully
7. 04.09.08-steppe gully
8. 15.06.08-ravine
9. 18.08.08-solontsy pond bank
10. 21.08.08 - on a buckwheat plant, met several times
11 29.08.08 - stenpaya gully
12 30.07.08-steppe gully, on an oak leaf

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (137.25 k)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (132.43 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (133.96к)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (130.68 k)

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (139.81 k)

picture: 6.jpg
6.jpg — (101.44 k)

picture: 7.jpg
7.jpg — (71.28 k)

picture: 8.jpg
8.jpg — (144.3 k)

picture: 9.jpg
9.jpg — (138.47 k)

picture: 10.jpg
10.jpg — (141.16к)

picture: 11.jpg
11.jpg — (137.13к)

picture: 12.jpg
12.jpg — (152.79 k)

18.09.2008 13:49, svm2

12-Watsonalla binaria
11-Dyscia conspersaria
10-Timandra comae
9-Camptogramma biliniata
8-Idaea aureolaria
7-Ethmia pusiella
6-Eilema lutarella(скорее всего)
5-Emmelia trabealis
3-Dysaxis punctata
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18.09.2008 13:54, svm2

6-probably pygmaeola

18.09.2008 16:29, Bad Den

3-Dysaxis punctata

Is that exactly how the name is spelled?
I didn't find a single mention in Google...

18.09.2008 16:42, svm2


18.09.2008 18:09, Stas Shinkarenko

Everything was shot in Volgograd and the region. Thank you in advance!

This post was edited by wise_snake - 18.09.2008 18: 10

picture: 13.jpg
13.jpg — (138.23к)

picture: 14.jpg
14.jpg — (141.77к)

picture: 15.jpg
15.jpg — (151.32 k)

picture: 16___Schinia_scutosa.jpg
16___Schinia_scutosa.jpg — (138.38к)

picture: 17.jpg
17.jpg — (99.97к)

picture: 18.jpg
18.jpg — (151.62 k)

picture: 19.jpg
19.jpg — (93.41 k)

picture: 20.jpg
20.jpg — (103.14 k)

picture: 21.jpg
21.jpg — (93.79к)

picture: 22.jpg
22.jpg — (142.03 k)

picture: 23.jpg
23.jpg — (132.87к)

18.09.2008 18:12, VSB

picture: ______________________Euclidia_mi_2008_jpg.jpgpicture: 150.jpgI continue to check the butterflies of the outgoing summer. I identified this butterfly as the grey clover scoop (Euclidia mi, - Clerck, 1759). Am I right? Managed to remove the underside of the wings. What I was happy about. Scoops don't really indulge in this(particularly me).

18.09.2008 18:17, VSB

(Konung,DavBaz):For previous butterflies, sanks.

18.09.2008 18:36, Vlad Proklov

I continue to check the butterflies of the outgoing summer. I identified this butterfly as the grey clover scoop (Euclidia mi, - Clerck, 1759). Am I right? Managed to remove the underside of the wings. What I was happy about. Scoops don't really indulge in this(particularly me).


18.09.2008 18:40, Vlad Proklov

Everything was shot in Volgograd and the region. Thank you in advance!

13 - Periphanes delphinii
14 - Eublemma amoena
15 - Calophasia lunula
16 - Heliothis maritima
17 - Schinia scutosa
19 - Calamia tridens
23 - Lasiocampa trifolii
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18.09.2008 18:56, Stas Shinkarenko

My last undefined mismatched ones. Again, all of them are from Volgograd and the region.

picture: 24.jpg
24.jpg — (132.37 k)

picture: 25.jpg
25.jpg — (138.58 k)

picture: 26.jpg
26.jpg — (130.92к)

picture: 27.jpg
27.jpg — (136.87к)

picture: 28.jpg
28.jpg — (132.8к)

picture: 29.jpg
29.jpg — (143.69 k)

picture: 30.jpg
30.jpg — (141.05к)

18.09.2008 19:02, Vlad Proklov

My last undefined mismatched ones. Again, all of them are from Volgograd and the region.

24 - ?Oxyptilus sp.
26 - Lythria purpuraria
28 - Jordanita chloros
29 - Scopula marginepunctata
30 - Euclidia glyphica

Can you tell me exactly where something was taken (it also applies to the previous ones) - should I put the dots?

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 18.09.2008 19: 10

18.09.2008 19:38, Stas Shinkarenko

kotbegemot, of course, I can. I just thought it wasn't that important for butterflies...
So, in order (just in case, I'll describe everyone):
13. The slope of the beam, on both sides of pine stands, there are elms and apricots (near Volgograd) 25.06.08
14. Slope of the beam, solonets, near the pond (near Volgograd) 04.09.08
15. Mikhailovka, the outskirts of the village, you can say mesophytic site 15.07.08
16. Volgograd b. Naidenova. At the bottom of the beam there is a pond, a solonets slope, oaks and elms grow...29.07.08
17. same as 16. 29.07.08
18. same as 16. 30.07.08
19. Pond bank, near 14. 13.08.08
20. same place as 19. 26.08.08
21. In the same place as 19. 11.09.08
22. The bank of a pond in a ravine, under the bark of a dry tree (near Volgograd) 22.07.08
23. Arrived at night on the light. g. Mikhaylovka 24.08.08
24. Same place as 19 11.09.08
25. In the same place as 19, on a cow cake 04.09.08
26. Mikhaylovka, dacha area 03.06.07
27. Mikhaylovka, outskirts of the village 09.07.06
28. Mikhaylovka-park, pines and many hardwoods 16.07.07
29. same place as 28-26.07.07
30. same place as 28-30.07.07

If you need any more information, I'll try to remember, just tell me what exactly you need.
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18.09.2008 19:43, Stas Shinkarenko

What about Oxyptilus tristis?

18.09.2008 19:55, Vlad Proklov

kotbegemot, of course, I can. I just thought it wasn't that important for butterflies ...
If you need any more information, I'll try to remember, just tell me what exactly you need.

Thanks! Important -- for those who care about distribution, like me smile.gif
Here is the neighborhood of Volgograd would decipher-north, south, maybe a suburb of what? Volgograd is a long one! I don't need dates and biotopes, I only need them with an accuracy of 5 km.Put points in the database for a clearly defined photo.

By the way, about the very first portion is also interesting smile.gif

What about Oxyptilus tristis?

This species belongs to Crombrugghia. In these two genera, 7 species are known from the region, according to the Catalog of Lepidoptera of Russia [2008], and they cannot be identified from the photo frown.gif

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 18.09.2008 19: 59

18.09.2008 20:01, Vlad Proklov

Please tell me if I correctly identified the leaf wrapper - Endothenia gentianaeana mol.gif. Or is it Endothenia marginana? (or oblongana?). Can these species be reliably identified from photos? What are the distinguishing features? (I ask too many questionssmile.gif  shuffle.gif.) The photo was taken in the Odessa region on June 13 in the Transdniestrian plavni, on the forest lint.

Endothenia marginana
I feel it in my gut, but I can't prove smile.gifit
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18.09.2008 20:11, Stas Shinkarenko

Where the surrounding area of Volgograd is indicated - this is Otrada gully (there is also the village of Otrada), Kirovsky district, and the Northern spurs of Yergeney. In general, rather the southern part. These include: 2,3,6,7,9,11,13,14,19,20,21,22,24,25. Just between the extreme points of meeting with insects about 2-3 km.

B. Naidenova is approximately in the central part of the city, although it is shifted to the south, as far as I can not accurately estimate - I myself have not been south of Volgograd nirazu frown.gif. The maximum distance from the Volga River is 2-3 km. (naturally, the right bank). Sovetsky district (as far as I know, and there may be Kirovsky). Not far from the village. Gornaya Polyana and Volgograd State University. These include: 12, 16, 17, and 18.

Mikhaylovka - 180-200 km. north of Volgograd. There in the extreme north-northwest of the city. (Upper settlement of Cementnikov) The park is rather the north-eastern part. Butterflies with numbers: 1,4,5,8,10,15,23,26,27,28,29,30

I don't think I've forgotten anyone. smile.gif

This post was edited by wise_snake - 18.09.2008 20: 14
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