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Identification of Diptera (flies, mosquitoes, etc.)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Diptera (flies, mosquitoes, etc.)

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30.08.2010 17:43, Arikain

in the first photo-Meliscaeva cinctella

on the second page:
top – male Sphaerophoria scripta
left-female Epistrophe sp., not Syrphus
bottom-female Helophilus pendulus

on the third place - zhigalka autumn, Stomoxys calcitrans

Thank you.
Here is another murmur, I thought, also, that Syrphus, and now I doubt it:
Her eyes are a slightly different color than the others.
picture: SANY2515.JPG
Male Sphaerophoria scripta, found one, but also not sure, as all sorts of different murmurs flew.
picture: SANY2528.JPG
Another murmur, maybe Didea sp.? The color of the abdomen is similar.
picture: SANY2555.JPG
Babbler larva? Does it feed on aphids, can you find out something about it?
picture: SANY2505__2_.JPG

30.08.2010 20:35, phlomis

Please help us adapt the phrase: "Elderberry flowers are affected by some gallic plants (Arnoldia sambuci Kieffer, Placochaela nigripes, Syndiplosis lonicerarum) [Zaborovsky, 1962]". I (a botanist) need modern names for these animals... mol.gif mol.gif mol.gif

30.08.2010 21:24, Pirx

Thank you.
Here is another murmur, I thought, also, that Syrphus, and now I doubt it:
Her eyes are a slightly different color than the others.
Male Sphaerophoria scripta, found one, but also not sure, as all sorts of different murmurs flew.
Another murmur, maybe Didea sp.? The color of the abdomen is similar.
Babbler larva? Does it feed on aphids, can you find out something about it?

No, no, you decided correctly - this is a male Syrphus sp., eye color does not matter here.
The second photo shows exactly Sph. scripta. This is the only European species of spherophoria that has a clearly longer abdomen than the wings.
3-female Melangyna sp.
4-larva of Syrphus or a related genus from the subfamily Syrphinae.
Likes: 1

30.08.2010 21:42, Pirx

Please help us adapt the phrase: "Elderberry flowers are affected by some gallic plants (Arnoldia sambuci Kieffer, Placochaela nigripes, Syndiplosis lonicerarum) [Zaborovsky, 1962]". I (a botanist) need modern names for these animals... mol.gif  mol.gif  mol.gif

I'm not an expert on gauls, but judging by the online databases, the first two names will be like this:
Arnoldiola sambuci (Kieffer, 1901)
Placochela nigripes (F. Low, 1877)
the third is not very clear, on faunaeur.org for example, it doesn't exist.
It sounds close to Contarinia lonicerae Kieffer 1909, but, of course, the similarity is obviously purely external. Any paper catalog or consultation of a group specialist would help (Z. L. Berest, Institute of Zoology, Kiev; Fedotova, Kazakhstan). You can also ask around with Western dipterologists on diptera.info...
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31.08.2010 15:23, Arikain

Thank you, it's difficult with them shuffle.gif.
From the same batch:
Big, like Eristalis tenax female or the abdomen is completely necessary? And not a murmur?
picture: SANY2548.JPG

picture: SANY2495__2_.JPG

A few photos have here such a form of murmurs, as with such?:
picture: SANY2539.JPG
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31.08.2010 19:54, Pirx

Thank you, it's difficult with them shuffle.gif.
From the same batch:
Big, like Eristalis tenax female or the abdomen is completely necessary? And not a murmur?
A few photos are here such a form of murmurs, as with such?:

Ari, male babblers in 99% of our species have their eyes touching on their foreheads, while females always have their eyes widely separated.
1 - male Eristalis tenax, another fly - I don't know
2-left male Syrphus sp., top right-unclear, bottom right-female Episyrphus balteatus
3 - female Syritta pipiens
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05.09.2010 9:15, Nosferatumyia

I'm not an expert on gauls, but judging by the online databases, the first two names will be like this:
Arnoldiola sambuci (Kieffer, 1901)
Placochela nigripes (F. Low, 1877)
the third is not very clear, on faunaeur.org for example, it doesn't exist.
It sounds close to Contarinia lonicerae Kieffer 1909, but, of course, the similarity is obviously purely external. Any paper catalog or consultation of a group specialist would help (Z. L. Berest, Institute of Zoology, Kiev; Fedotova, Kazakhstan). You can also ask around with Western dipterologists on diptera.info...

Zoya Aleksandrovna Fedotova works as a professor at the Samara Agricultural Academy. She is the only expert on the Gallic languages of the former SSRA today.
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26.09.2010 23:27, serkiz oleg

Please help me identify the ktyr.Chernivtsi, Ukraine. http://www.flickr.com/photos/serkiz_oleg/5023975082/

27.09.2010 1:20, алекс 2611

Please help me identify the ktyr.Chernivtsi, Ukraine. http://www.flickr.com/photos/serkiz_oleg/5023975082/

Isn't that the Empididae?
it doesn't sound like a ktyr."
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27.09.2010 1:47, serkiz oleg

Isn't that the Empididae?
it doesn't sound like a ktyr."

Yes, probably he, that I was confused by his hunting habits.

28.09.2010 14:42, alexyurch

Perhaps someone can tell me-what kind of ktyr?
Crimea, September 12, Tyrke tract (about 800 m above sea level)

picture: IMGP9472_800.jpg
IMGP9472_800.jpg — (125.77к)

30.09.2010 22:28, VBoris

Tell me at least the gender. It lays its eggs in crustal fractures.

picture: muha44d.jpg
muha44d.jpg — (48.57 k)

01.10.2010 3:51, Pirx

Tell me at least the gender. It lays its eggs in crustal fractures.

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17.10.2010 11:00, Arikain

Murmurs from Karelia, on the matemachiha flower. Two males and four females. Syrphus? :
picture: SANY3747.JPG

17.10.2010 13:26, Pirx

Murmurs from Karelia, on the matemachiha flower. Two males and four females. Syrphus? :

they are THEY
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20.10.2010 21:21, Mantispid

Ktyr before the genus can at least be determined? Saratov, 2010

21.10.2010 10:57, gumenuk

Zhurchalka-1 confused.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

picture: 17.08.2010___DSC00285.jpg
17.08.2010___DSC00285.jpg — (132.74к)

21.10.2010 11:46, Pirx

Zhurchalka-1 confused.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

female Dasysyrphus tricinctus (Fallen, 1817)
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21.10.2010 11:47, алекс 2611

Zhurchalka-1 confused.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

Some Dasysyrphus tricinctus Fallen, 1817?
Or am I lying as usual?
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21.10.2010 12:34, gumenuk

Zhurchalka-2 confused.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

picture: 18.06.2010___DSC06498.jpg
18.06.2010___DSC06498.jpg — (166.92к)

21.10.2010 12:56, Pirx

Zhurchalka-2 confused.gif 
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

female Temnostoma vespiforme (Linnaeus, 1758)
Likes: 2

21.10.2010 12:57, Pirx

Some Dasysyrphus tricinctus Fallen, 1817?
Or am I lying as usual?

Alexey! How are we (compare the time of our responses)! beer.gif beer.gif

21.10.2010 13:17, gumenuk

Zhurchalka-3 confused.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

picture: 09.07.2010___DSC08279.jpg
09.07.2010___DSC08279.jpg — (209.52к)

picture: 11.07.2010___DSC08448.jpg
11.07.2010___DSC08448.jpg — (240.96к)

21.10.2010 13:46, Guest

Zhurchalka-3 confused.gif 
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

male Eristalis aff. pertinax/pratorum/...
male Volucella inanis
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21.10.2010 14:29, Pirx

it was me-thrown out from forum

21.10.2010 14:34, алекс 2611

Alexey! How are we (compare the time of our responses)! beer.gif  beer.gif

New Sport-Synchronous fly detection smile.gif

21.10.2010 15:04, gumenuk

Zhurchalka-4 confused.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

picture: 28.05.2010___DSC04603.jpg
28.05.2010___DSC04603.jpg — (154.64к)

picture: 17.06.2010___DSC06455.jpg
17.06.2010___DSC06455.jpg — (181.02к)

25.10.2010 22:24, Ека

Please help me determine the type. Thank you in advance!

picture: IMG_8576.JPG
IMG_8576.JPG — (104.81к)

picture: IMG_8580.JPG
IMG_8580.JPG — (98.79к)

25.10.2010 23:11, Pirx

Zhurchalka-4 confused.gif 
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

Dasysyrphus sp., male
Eristalis sp., female
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25.10.2010 23:16, Pirx

Please help me determine the type. Thank you in advance!

Duc, Nemestrinidae! Not Crimea?

26.10.2010 8:11, gumenuk

Zhurchalka-5 confused.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

picture: 28.05.2010___DSC04594.jpg
28.05.2010___DSC04594.jpg — (111.63к)

picture: 18.06.2010___DSC06531.jpg
18.06.2010___DSC06531.jpg — (127.19к)

26.10.2010 10:58, Guest

Zhurchalka-5 confused.gif   
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

female Melanostoma scalare (Fabricius, 1794)
male Leucozona (Ischyrosyrphus) laternaria (Muller, 1776)
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26.10.2010 11:00, Pirx

It was me. Ischyrosyrphus is now accepted as a subgenus of Leucozona.
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26.10.2010 11:28, gumenuk

Zhurchalka-5 confused.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

picture: 17.05.2010___DSC03818.jpg
17.05.2010___DSC03818.jpg — (182.11к)

picture: 30.07.2010___DSC09411.jpg
30.07.2010___DSC09411.jpg — (207.38к)

26.10.2010 12:23, Pirx

Zhurchalka-5 confused.gif 
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan

female Syrphus or related genus, not visible
female Eristalis
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26.10.2010 12:50, gumenuk

Zhurchalka-6 confused.gif
Southern Turkey

picture: 22.05.2010___DSC00934.jpg
22.05.2010___DSC00934.jpg — (179.29к)

26.10.2010 13:29, Pirx

Zhurchalka-6 confused.gif 
Southern Turkey

male Volucella zonaria Poda
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26.10.2010 13:38, gumenuk

male Volucella zonaria Poda

Thank you very much: You've helped me out a lot.
There will be time and desire-see other flies that I will exhibit

26.10.2010 13:46, gumenuk

Mukha-1 confused.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan, date-in the file number

picture: 19.06.2010___DSC06596.jpg
19.06.2010___DSC06596.jpg — (148.96к)

picture: 03.09.2010___DSC01126.jpg
03.09.2010___DSC01126.jpg — (171.32к)

27.10.2010 9:12, Pirx

Mukha-1 confused.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan, date-in the file number

Phasia, I think. I'm not good at tahini.
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