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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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21.05.2014 20:01, okoem

Moscow, yesterday confused.gif

Alternatively, Cosmia pyralina.

Please tell me what kind of caterpillar it is. Should there be a dustpan ?
It was found in the Moscow region on 21.05.2014.

A scoop of Noctuinae. Similar to Dichagyris sp.
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21.05.2014 21:58, Sungaya

As an option - Cosmia pyralina..

What's wrong with trapezina? In my opinion, trapezina.
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22.05.2014 3:03, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals, found 14.05.2014
Found this interesting thing.
Something like an egg by a thread. Apple tree leaf.
I decided that the egg, I will wait for breeding.
And it's gone. I haven't taken a picture of such small things in a live state yet, so I'm sorry for the photo )
There are a lot of photos at the bottom. Maybe that can be evaluated by them.




This post was edited by rumpelstiltskin - 05/22/2014 03: 05

22.05.2014 5:37, vasiliy-feoktistov

Southern Urals, found 14.05.2014
Found this interesting thing.
Something like an egg hanging in the balance. Apple tree leaf.
I decided that the egg, I will wait for breeding.
And it's gone. I haven't taken a picture of such small things in a live state yet, so I'm sorry for the photo )
There are a lot of photos at the bottom. Maybe that can be evaluated by them.

Egg and larva of Chrysopidae. The larva will eat aphids-it is predatory smile.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 05/22/2014 05: 39
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22.05.2014 8:41, AGG

22.05.2014 16:35, alex242

South Kazakhstan city of Taldy-Kurgan.
Can you tell me what kind of animal destroyed Didyma's pupae?
picture: IMG_6888.jpg
In the enclosure with Rhyparia purpurata, Lacydes spectabilis and Malacosoma castrense, some cocoons suddenly appeared. Small and scattered throughout the enclosure. A day earlier, one of the goslings was running around the paddock nervously, there were some yellow drops on its back. Now there's a petal sticking out of it. What's it?
picture: IMG_6885.jpgpicture: IMG_6886.jpg

22.05.2014 16:40, OEV

South Kazakhstan city of Taldy-Kurgan.
Can you tell me what kind of animal destroyed Didyma's pupae?

Sasha had the fly pupae on top - a tachinus, and some kind of parasitic membrane below, so they were rushing around frown.gif

This post was edited by OEV-05/22/2014 16: 42
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22.05.2014 20:27, Sungaya

The caterpillar eats the honeysuckle. Sverdlovsk region, Karpinsk

Euphydryas maturna
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22.05.2014 22:12, vitimof

Yaroslavl region. Today, bouncing flat green scales with a diameter of about 3 mm, resembling plant seeds, were found in the forest near a birch tree. Upon closer inspection, I found that the scales were intertwined, and inside each one there is someone's larva, which makes it jump. It looks like Mexican bouncing beans. I would like to know whose larva it is, it also looks like a moth.

This post was edited by vitimof - 23.05.2014 05: 23

picture: DSCF4007__2_.JPG
DSCF4007__2_.JPG — (280.83к)

23.05.2014 8:14, dim-va

These are caterpillars or adelids or, more likely, incurvariids. True, they will have more covers. Maybe they've got some related helioselids, too. It would be interesting to withdraw, try it.
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23.05.2014 8:31, dim-va

In all these families, the covers are made from a leaf in which the caterpillar originally lived in a mine. As a result, such windows remain on the leaves - twice as large as the cover (it is folded in half later).

Picture: Heliozela_1.jpg
Heliozela_1.jpg — (69.41к)

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23.05.2014 9:16, vitimof

I took it to see who would come out, but what should I feed them? Clearly not birch leaves, if they fall from the birch tree to the ground

24.05.2014 15:41, Natalie Liliya

Please help me identify the caterpillar. Ukraine, Zaporozhye. 23.05.2014.
picture: _________23_05_IMG_0127.jpg

24.05.2014 17:19, AGG

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24.05.2014 18:10, okoem

Please help me identify the caterpillar. Ukraine, Zaporozhye. 23.05.2014.

Xylena exsoleta
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24.05.2014 20:33, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 24th.

1. On the birch tree.
user posted image

2. On gravilat.
user posted image user posted image user posted image

3. Eilema complana?
user posted image user posted image

25.05.2014 14:50, Woodmen

My caterpillar successfully pupated and now reliably similar to Euphydryas maturna. I hope to see a butterfly too. smile.gif

user posted image user posted image user posted image

25.05.2014 17:04, okoem

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 24th.
2. On gravilat.

Fingerfly. Possibly from the subfamily Pterophorinae.
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25.05.2014 17:16, Konstantin Lyutov

  My caterpillar successfully pupated and now reliably similar to Euphydryas maturna. I hope to see a butterfly too. smile.gif

user posted image user posted image user posted image

Yes, super. then the grandmother also show pozh.
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25.05.2014 17:43, Konstantin Lyutov

[quote=Woodmen, 25.05.2014 15: 50]
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25.05.2014 17:54, Woodmen

Fingerfly. Possibly from the subfamily Pterophorinae.

Do you have any thoughts on the first picture, at least in which family to look for? The red boots have Nymphalis antiopa, but these are clearly from a different opera.

25.05.2014 17:59, dim-va

What's there to look for? Eriogaster lanestris. The third one is more difficult. Also a cocoonworm, probably oak, but still too small. Let it fade, then it will be easier.
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25.05.2014 19:29, Woodmen

What's there to look for? Eriogaster lanestris. The third one is more difficult. Also a cocoonworm, probably oak, but still too small. Let it fade, then it will be easier.

And what should I feed him so that he can reach the molt? There were definitely no oaks there, we have the last ones along the northern border of the area near the city growing in the floodplain. And I was a little further north, km in 15.

25.05.2014 20:58, Sungaya

Oaks are not required for the oak cocoonworm. Willow and raspberry will do. I used to feed it on raspberries...
But still, in my opinion, Eilema complana.
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26.05.2014 0:58, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals, 25.05.14
1. on the apple
tree[attachmentid ()=200550]

2. I don't know if eggs are appropriate here... who could it be? bedbugs?

26.05.2014 7:17, Sungaya

Southern Urals, 25.05.14
1. on the apple tree

2. I don't know if eggs are appropriate here... who could it be? bedbugs?

1 - ? Yponomeuta malinellus

This post was edited by Sungaya - 05/26/2014 07: 18
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26.05.2014 12:19, Adity

Here I grow and I don't know who. Help me determine it. Eats apple tree leaves. Nizhny Novgorod region, May

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (150.16 k)

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (155.03 k)

26.05.2014 12:47, Victor Titov

Surely this beauty with "pigtails" has already been defined here more than once. Still, tell me her name." shuffle.gif
Yaroslavl region, Rostov region, okr. d. Bakhmatovo, on the shrub willow, 26.05.2014.

26.05.2014 13:26, Adity

Tula region , yesterday confused.gif

This is the ringed cocoonworm Malacosoma neustria (Linnaeus, 1758). Soon it will turn into a pupa
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26.05.2014 13:35, Fornax13

there was an option-Galeruca tanaceti, yesterday I was in the forest, there are a lot of such larvae and they sit on almost everything

On Thalictrum, other galeruks live. Much more interesting than tanaceti smile.gif
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26.05.2014 18:30, KM2200

Tell me, please, about the caterpillar that I have here recently posted.
20.05 she burrowed into the ground. The day before yesterday, I dug out a cocoon, opened it a crack, and instead of the expected pupa, a caterpillar is sitting there. Alive (moving). What does this mean?

26.05.2014 18:53, Vlad Proklov

What does this mean?

Not pupated yet, however.

26.05.2014 20:04, Konstantin Lyutov

Surely this beauty with "pigtails" has already been defined here more than once. Still, tell me her name." shuffle.gif
Yaroslavl region, Rostov region, okr. d. Bakhmatovo, on the shrub willow, 26.05.2014.
picture: DSC00678_1.jpg

similar to Orgyia recens (Hubner, 1819) MOTTLED
BRUSHTAIL if I'm wrong, please correct the specialists..))
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26.05.2014 20:06, Andrey Ponomarev

similar to Orgyia recens (Hubner, 1819) MOTTLED
BRUSHTAIL if I'm wrong, please correct the specialists..))

She is sama
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26.05.2014 20:09, KM2200

It hasn't pupated yet, however.
Um.. and what is she waiting for? How long will he stay like this?

26.05.2014 20:28, Konstantin Lyutov

Um.. and what is she waiting for? How long will he stay like this?

he won't sit that long. don't disturb her,this is an intimate moment...
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26.05.2014 20:43, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar 17.05.2014
Sawfly on currant
picture: IMG_2001.jpg
picture: IMG_2003.jpg
picture: IMG_2004.jpg
cocoon 7-8 mm
picture: IMG_2005.jpg
Also 7-8 mm
picture: IMG_2246.jpg
picture: IMG_2294.jpg

27.05.2014 8:19, Konstantin Lyutov

good afternoon, help with the definition...
Tver region, August.

picture: DSC02720.JPG
DSC02720.JPG — (302.44к)

picture: DSC02726.JPG
DSC02726.JPG — (288.81к)

27.05.2014 8:46, Konstantin Lyutov

Um.. and what is she waiting for? How long will he stay like this?

by the way, if you don't mind,please unsubscribe here when it pupates..

27.05.2014 14:11, аруд

Help me, pliz! What is the beauty of long hair? Bryansk, May. Thank you very much.

picture: 72________.jpg
72________.jpg — (260.07к)

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