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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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01.06.2014 20:52, Sungaya

... And feeds on birch.

Well, feed them birches...
then tell me who will get smile.gif

01.06.2014 21:48, Nick444444

1. similar to Allophyes oxyacanthae
2. in my opinion, Colotois pennaria
3. Erannis defoliaria

Thank you, but you do not know the names of the caterpillars from 4 to 7 photos, otherwise I just grow a caterpillar under the sixth photo, and under 5 I have already grown to a pupa!
5. It looks like Brachionycha nubeculosa or Amphipyra pyramidea (?)
6. similar to Cabera pusaria (?)

01.06.2014 22:00, аруд

Thank you, but you do not know the names of the caterpillars from 4 to 7 photos, otherwise I just grow a caterpillar under the sixth photo, and under 5 I have already grown to a pupa!
5. It looks like Brachionycha nubeculosa or Amphipyra pyramidea (?)

5-Isn't Orthosia cerasi (Fabricius, 1775) a cherry scoop - similar enough, though?
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01.06.2014 23:17, Sungaya

Thank you, but you do not know the names of the caterpillars from 4 to 7 photos, otherwise I just grow a caterpillar under the sixth photo, and under 5 I have already grown to a pupa!
5. It looks like Brachionycha nubeculosa or Amphipyra pyramidea (?)
6. similar to Cabera pusaria(?)

it also seemed to me that the 5th is similar to nubeculosa... but the photo is not clear, you can't really see the characteristic yellowish stripes. If it's displayed, please let us know if you don't mind. As for Orthosia cerasi, it should have a transverse white stripe on the "butt" and solid stripes along the back and "waterline"... there don't seem to be any such cases.
# 4-very likely Anorthoa munda

02.06.2014 10:39, lomtiklaim

Help identify the caterpillar! This year they bred terribly!
Almost black, shiny, very hard, about 4 cm long, about 2 mm thick. I can't insert the photo in any way.

02.06.2014 13:06, vasiliy-feoktistov

What kind of miracle did I collect from the pine undergrowth today?
No one knows whose pupa is so wonderful?
27.05.2014г. Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, district, village Old Pools.

Basil's pupa is more like Leucoma salicis.

Alexander, you were right beer.gifThe day before yesterday (31.05.2014) the female came out smile.gif
Here it is, krasava:
picture: leucoma2.jpg
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02.06.2014 17:17, vasiliy-feoktistov

Good evening, no one can tell you the bag holder for the cover?
This is the first time I've seen it confused.gif
Unfortunately, I didn't take it, so I just took a photo. It seems that they are determined by the covers...
31.05.2014г. Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, district, village Old Omutischi, sandy road in a pine forest.
picture: 025.JPG

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 02.06.2014 17: 17

02.06.2014 18:36, lomtiklaim

picture: IMG_20140602_182928.JPGpicture: IMG_20140602_182753.JPGpicture: IMG_20140602_182848.JPG

Can you tell me whose larva it is? The nutcracker? Aren't there too many segments? If so, which one? We have all sorts of things: black and gray and black with a red head confused.gif
Penza region, village Malaya Valyaevka, near a pine forest, but crawling all over the garden! And even the house is silent! photo taken today. They've bred horribly this year.

This post was edited by lomtiklaim - 02.06.2014 18: 43

02.06.2014 18:47, vasiliy-feoktistov

Can you tell me whose larva it is? The nutcracker? Aren't there too many segments? If so, which one? We have all sorts of things: black and gray and black with a red head confused.gif
Penza region, village Malaya Valyaevka, near a pine forest, but crawling all over the garden! And even the house is silent! photo taken today. They've bred horribly this year.

This is not a larva or even an insect, but a centipede. It's a bit of a mess: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%E8%E2%F1%FF%EA%E8

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 02.06.2014 18: 48

02.06.2014 19:01, Ilia Ustiantcev

vasiliy-feoktistov, Gennady and I saw a lot of them on Nerskaya Street, it's something like Phalacropterix graslinella
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02.06.2014 19:03, lomtiklaim

This is not a larva or even an insect, but a centipede. It's a bit of a mess: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%E8%E2%F1%FF%EA%E8

Oh how! Thank you, I'm going to read about kivsyakov!

02.06.2014 20:00, bogdan88

Help me determine it. Crimea, Sudaksky district 28.05

picture: 14105493450_f9c9c6ce0d_b.jpg
14105493450_f9c9c6ce0d_b.jpg — (269.96к)

02.06.2014 22:41, okoem

Please help me determine the types of caterpillars ???))) Thank you in advance!!!)
All photos were taken in Kharkiv (2014).
(the filming locations mostly had trees like oak and maple)

4-in my opinion, Perigrapha munda.
5-similar to Cosmia diffinis
6 -?
7-in my opinion, this is a female bagworm.

Help me determine it. Crimea, Sudaksky district 28.05

Burdock, apparently.

It is advisable to specify the feed plant.
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02.06.2014 23:13, bogdan88

thank you, I can't name the forage plant, but there is no full-plan photo.

02.06.2014 23:54, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals, Bashkortostan, 01.06.2014
you can say what kind of sawflies?



03.06.2014 1:25, barry

14.05.2014 Kharkiv, Southern Forestry, Danilovsky Arboretum (50°05 '04.50" N 36°18'57.18" E)
Deciduous forest (preim. birch). Sifting the litter.

picture: CRW_08631.jpg

picture: CRW_11132.jpg

03.06.2014 1:28, barry

06.02.2011 Crimea, Bakhchisarai district, Rich Gorge village (44°33 '37.93" N 33°52'47.56" E)
The edge of the forest. Under a rock.

picture: IMG_2300.JPG

This post was edited by barry - 03.06.2014 01: 33

03.06.2014 1:33, barry

05.02.2011 Crimea, Bakhchisarai district, Rich Gorge village (44°32 '59.73" N 33°52 '04.76" E).
I don't remember where it came from, probably also under the rock.

picture: IMG_22820.JPG
picture: IMG_22840.JPG
picture: IMG_22850.JPG

03.06.2014 19:44, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Voinova gora 2.06.2014
picture: IMG_7203.jpg
picture: IMG_7207.jpg
picture: IMG_7327.jpg
picture: IMG_7369.jpg

03.06.2014 19:54, Sungaya

Moscow region, Voinova gora 2.06.2014

1-Amphipyra tragopoginis, as variant
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03.06.2014 20:00, Andrey Ponomarev

1-Amphipyra tragopoginis, as an option

What are your thoughts on the second one?

03.06.2014 20:16, Sungaya

What are your thoughts on the second one?

So far, there is only one thought: is it a sawfly?

04.06.2014 9:43, Andrey Ponomarev

So far, there is only one thought: is it a sawfly?

The head is not a sawfly at all.
There is a second color option for the same caterpillar
picture: IMG_7395.jpg
picture: IMG_7413.jpg

04.06.2014 17:21, Sungaya

The head is not a sawfly at all.
There is a second color option for the same caterpillar

And how many pairs of legs (abdominal) do they have?

04.06.2014 17:43, Andrey Ponomarev

And how many pairs of legs (abdominal) do they have?

Already pupating let's see who comes out.

04.06.2014 17:56, Sungaya

Already pupating let's see who comes out.

Cool! We look forward to it!

04.06.2014 18:47, John-ST

to barry:
1. on vzpidku, the larva kozheeda, but not sure someone has more similar, something I can not figure
out 2. Larva
plavuntsa 3. In my opinion, the larva of ground beetle
4. Larva of some ground beetle, most likely Carabus sp

This post was edited by John-ST-04.06.2014 19: 06
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04.06.2014 23:05, аруд

Help pliz, deal with the tracks. 1 - ???????????????? 2-Lycia pomonaria moth?
Bryansk, June. Mercy.

picture: 51____.jpg
51____.jpg — (210.28к)

picture: 52_____Lycia_pomonaria.jpg
52_____Lycia_pomonaria.jpg — (162.05к)

05.06.2014 7:44, Sungaya

Help pliz, deal with the tracks. 1 - ???????????????? 2-Lycia pomonaria moth?
Bryansk, June. Mercy.

Arud, a big request to you: before publishing photos, please reduce their size so that they are no more than 800 pixels wide. This size is required so that the entire image is displayed within the borders of the screen (at a screen resolution of 1024) without horizontal scrolling.
For many participants, the screen resolution does not allow you to fit large images into the monitor frame. Thank you for understanding!
picture: size.jpg
picture: size800.jpg

And your tracks:
1-apparently Gonepteryx rhamni
2-Lycia hirtaria

This post was edited by Sungaya - 05.06.2014 07: 47

05.06.2014 8:37, аруд

[quote=Sungaya,05.06.2014 08:44]

05.06.2014 16:02, Коллекционер

interesting individuals.
in a drying puddle, next to the river, Voronezh,
thickness ~5 mm, crawling on the surface of the water upside down, flat, there is an assumption that it is bogs

picture: IMG_7087.JPG
IMG_7087.JPG — (307.5к)

picture: IMG_7089.JPG
IMG_7089.JPG — (340.7к)

picture: IMG_7098.JPG
IMG_7098.JPG — (274.66к)

picture: IMG_7109.JPG
IMG_7109.JPG — (280.56к)

05.06.2014 16:18, Woodmen

Bred butterflies from previously identified caterpillars:

Euphydryas maturna (Nymphalidae: Melitaeinae)

user posted image user posted image

Geina didactyla (Pterophoridae: Pterophorinae)

user posted image
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06.06.2014 0:12, Triplaxxx

interesting individuals.
in a drying puddle, next to the river, Voronezh,
thickness ~5 mm, crawling on the surface of the water upside down, flat, there is an assumption that it is bogs

Yes, these are the Scirtidae larvae. Of our beetles, only they have larvae with multi-lobed antennae.
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06.06.2014 16:55, alex242

South Kazakhstan region, Taldy-Kurgan. Friends brought it, but they can't say anything about what they found it on. If you want to feed them, please help me identify them.
Some kind of Lycia?
picture: IMG_7168.jpg

06.06.2014 22:17, Коллекционер

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07.06.2014 5:04, alex242

Lycia hirtaria (Clerck, 1759)

In this case, it is rather the new type that is currently being described. http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/28454
I assumed that Lycia hirtaria, but it turned out that it is not.

07.06.2014 9:42, Коллекционер

In this case, it is rather the new type that is currently being described. http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/28454
I assumed that Lycia hirtaria, but it turned out that it is not.

maybe. But I looked right here http://www.lepidoptera.eu/show.php?ID=393&country=RU here is a photo of a caterpillar very similar to yours
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07.06.2014 11:45, Wave Storm

07.06.2014, Ukraine, Kherson region, Novaya Kakhovka, on the birch tree.

Whose tracks are these?

picture: IMG_8562.JPG
picture: IMG_8585.JPG

07.06.2014 11:53, Коллекционер

Voronezh, in a drying puddle on a water meadow
picture: IMG_7266.JPGpicture: IMG_7267.JPG

07.06.2014 18:59, KM2200

Please tell me whose larvae they are.
Kiev, 7.06.2014, on the ground, 12 and 9 mm, respectively.

picture: L1.jpg
L1.jpg — (288.14к)

picture: L2.jpg
L2.jpg — (231.17к)

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