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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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30.07.2018 21:17, RoPro

This is a mine and a cocoon of Phyllonorycter quercifoliella.
The butterfly will not come out the mine is opened.

Thank you. Saved me from waiting in vain. And the butterfly, it turns out, I have already removed.

31.07.2018 4:46, nikut

31.07.2018 18:32, vitimof

Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk district. On grapes I found 2 such large (6-7 cm) caterpillars Tell me, please, the type.

picture: IMG_5051__.jpg
IMG_5051__.jpg — (311.74к)

31.07.2018 19:10, vitimof

Deilephila elpenor?

31.07.2018 23:47, vidjl

Deilephila elpenor?


01.08.2018 8:22, Radik

Please help me with the definition.
Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk river, Uratminskaya dacha forest, along the road. 28.07.2018

picture: _5.jpg
_5.jpg — (62.58 k)

01.08.2018 9:17, Норд

Please help me with the definition.
Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk river, Uratminskaya dacha forest, along the road. 28.07.2018

Macrothylacia rubi most likely

01.08.2018 15:09, ETI

Thank you very much! Can you tell me about this one? Is it even a maggot? Found it in the ground in the Tomsk region in July. Use your finger to zoom in.

user posted image

I think it's the larva of a bug. Please refer to the coleoptera section.
It would be very interesting to know who it is.

02.08.2018 13:18, ETI

I think it's the larva of a bug. Please refer to the coleoptera section.
It would be very interesting to know who it is.

It appears to be a larva from the family Carabidae

02.08.2018 17:06, nikut

It appears to be a larva from the family Carabidae

In the topic about beetles, I was informed that this is the family Staphylinidae. Both families have campodeal larvae, as I understood, but I thought the ground beetles were larger. Although the larva, apparently, is young, can it still grow?

I'm sorry if some of my words seem funny, I just recently started getting interested in entomology)

03.08.2018 7:44, nikut

In the topic about beetles, I was informed that this is the family Staphylinidae. Both families have campodeal larvae, as I understood, but I thought the ground beetles were larger. Although the larva, apparently, is young, can it still grow?

I'm sorry if some of my words seem funny, I just recently started getting interested in entomology)

My dilettantism let me down again: just now I read that ground beetles can be less than a centimeter in size. Here's what Yandex gave me for the query Carabidae larvae, which looks pretty similar to me. The search for Staphylinidae larvae also showed a lot of similar things, but not as much as this. So it's probably a ground beetle after all.

user posted image
Likes: 1

03.08.2018 19:05, MIV

Roisterer. Perhaps scabiose bumblebee?
Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. Today.
picture: IMG_7405.jpg
picture: IMG_7407.jpg

04.08.2018 10:26, Grigory Grigoryev

[quote=MIV,03.08.2018 20:05]
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04.08.2018 11:26, ETI

My dilettantism let me down again: just now I read that ground beetles can be less than a centimeter in size. Here's what Yandex gave me for the query Carabidae larvae, which looks pretty similar to me. The search for Staphylinidae larvae also showed a lot of similar things, but not as much as this. So it's probably a ground beetle after all.

user posted image

In both families, the larvae are similar, judging by the photos, you can make a mistake. You need a specialist's opinion. For example, this larva was signed Staphylinidae.

picture: larvae_22mm.jpg
larvae_22mm.jpg — (17.18к)

04.08.2018 21:22, MIV

05.08.2018 12:45, usiaz

Hello! Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, Pokachi neighborhood. pine-lichen, young growth. On a birch leaf.
Is it possible to determine the species or genus from a caterpillar image?
Is it Lepidoptera? smile.gif
Shooting time: 2016-07-03 14: 34: 00
Latitude 61°43'37"
longitude. 75°29'13"

picture: IMG_8425.JPG
IMG_8425.JPG — (312.79к)

05.08.2018 12:49, usiaz

Is it possible to determine the species or genus from a caterpillar image? Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, near Pokachi. pine-lichen, young growth.
On a pine branch.
Latitude: North. 61°43'37"
Longitude: East. 75°29 ' 13 "
Date 2016-07-10
Time 12: 30:00,

This post was edited by usiaz-05.08.2018 14: 05

picture: IMG_9096.JPG
IMG_9096.JPG — (302к)

05.08.2018 12:53, usiaz

Hello! Is it possible to determine the genus or species from the image?
Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, Pokachi neighborhood. On mountain ash leaves. Pine forest with an admixture of cedar, birch, aspen, willow on the floodplain of the Vatiegana River.
Latitude: North. 61°46'26"
Longitude: East. 75°38'34"
Date 2016-07-09
Time 21: 20: 00,

This post was edited by usiaz-05.08.2018 14: 05

picture: IMG_9065.JPG
IMG_9065.JPG — (331.04к)

05.08.2018 13:14, vidjl

Hello! Is it possible to determine the genus or species from the image?
Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, Pokachi neighborhood. On mountain ash leaves. Pine forest with an admixture of cedar, birch, aspen, willow on the floodplain of the Vatiegana River. Foresters ' base.
Latitude: North. 61°46'26"
Longitude: East. 75°38'34"
Date 2016-07-09
Time 21: 20: 00,

Acronicta psi

Is it possible to determine the species or genus from a caterpillar image? Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, Pokachi neighborhood. pine-lichen, young growth. On a pine branch.
Latitude: North. 61°43'37"
Longitude: East. 75°29 ' 13 "
Date 2016-07-10
Time 12: 30:00,

Acronicta menyanthidis (good, first find, not registered yet for this region, but it should be, as it is nearby)

Hello! Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, Pokachi neighborhood. pine-lichen, young growth. On a birch leaf.
Is it possible to determine the species or genus from a caterpillar image?
Is it Lepidoptera? smile.gif
Shooting time: 2016-07-03 14: 34: 00
Latitude 61°43'37"
longitude. 75°29'13"

2nd or 3rd age of Acronicta psi

This post was edited by vidjl-05.08.2018 13: 30
Likes: 1

05.08.2018 14:08, usiaz

Is it possible to determine the species or genus from a caterpillar image? Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, the vicinity of the city of Langepas, on the leaves of narrow-leaved cypress.
Date 2016-07-14
Time 16: 00: 00

picture: IMG_9400.JPG
IMG_9400.JPG — (302.21к)

picture: IMG_9405.JPG
IMG_9405.JPG — (311.99к)

05.08.2018 14:13, usiaz

Hello! Is it possible to determine the genus or species from the image?
Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, Pokachi neighborhood. On the leaves of ivan tea. Pine forest with an admixture of birch, aspen, cedar and willow on the floodplain of the Vatiegana River. Foresters ' base.
Latitude: North. 61°46'26"
Longitude: East. 75°38 ' 34 "
Date 2016-07-11
Time 17: 30: 00,

picture: IMG_9317.JPG
IMG_9317.JPG — (594.94к)

picture: IMG_9319.JPG
IMG_9319.JPG — (367.45к)

05.08.2018 14:23, usiaz

Is it possible to determine the species or genus from a caterpillar image? Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, near Pokachi. pine-lichen, young growth.
On the bedding. Date 2005-07-23 Time 10: 28: 00
Latitude: North. 61°43'37"
Longitude: East. 75°29'13"

picture: 5.JPG
5.JPG — (293.76к)

Likes: 1

05.08.2018 14:28, usiaz

Hello! Is it possible to determine the species or genus from images of caterpillars?
Time and place of shooting / fishing: 2012-07-21 16: 24: 00, Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, near the village of Lokosovo, in the floodplain of the Ob River (on the shore).

This post was edited by usiaz-05.08.2018 20: 56

picture: IMG_1498.JPG
IMG_1498.JPG — (59.81к)

05.08.2018 14:40, usiaz

Hello! Acronicta psi?
Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, Pokachi neighborhood, foresters ' base on the bank of the Vatyegana River. 2016-07-09 06:00:00

picture: IMG_8641.JPG
IMG_8641.JPG — (291.58к)

05.08.2018 17:12, Бабистр

I ask for your help... mol.gif This madame was sitting on mint. Today, Moscow region. Can you tell me who this is? smile.gif

picture: IMG_0221.JPG
IMG_0221.JPG — (38.05к)

picture: IMG_0222.JPG
IMG_0222.JPG — (40.76к)

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05.08.2018 17:13, Бабистр

Hello! Is it possible to determine the species or genus from images of caterpillars?

1535 is urticaria (Aglais urticae) smile.gif
Likes: 1

05.08.2018 22:02, Ararquen

Hello, I would like help in determining the type of this (larva?).
It was discovered on 03.08.2018 in a rotten stump, right during its eating (latitude 55.8, longitude 45). Length about 40 mm, diameter about 8 mm. It moves wormlike and slowly. It can retract the head in case of danger.

This post was edited by Ararquen - 05.08.2018 22: 34

picture: IMG_20180802_193931.jpg
IMG_20180802_193931.jpg — (285.85к)

picture: IMG_20180802_193603.jpg
IMG_20180802_193603.jpg — (335.03к)

picture: IMG_20180802_193418.jpg
IMG_20180802_193418.jpg — (358.85к)

picture: IMG_20180802_193927.jpg
IMG_20180802_193927.jpg — (288.5к)

05.08.2018 22:12, ETI

I ask for your help... mol.gif This madame was sitting on mint. Today, Moscow region. Can you tell me who this is? smile.gif

Spilosoma lutea
Likes: 1

06.08.2018 7:17, ETI

Hello! Acronicta psi?
Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, Pokachi neighborhood, foresters ' base on the bank of the Vatyegana River. 2016-07-09 06:00:00

Sagittarius sorrel
Likes: 1

06.08.2018 7:44, ETI

Hello! Is it possible to determine the species or genus from images of caterpillars?
Time and place of shooting / fishing: 2012-07-21 16: 24: 00, Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, near the village of Lokosovo, in the floodplain of the Ob River (on the shore).

There may be a urticaria caterpillar before pupation. Image is not clear
Likes: 1

06.08.2018 11:21, usiaz

There may be a urticaria caterpillar before pupation. The picture is not clear

Babister (Andrey) I've already identified it. The picture was large and clear. After determining, I replaced the image with a small one, so as not to" clog " ...

06.08.2018 13:50, Victor Titov

My dilettantism let me down again: just now I read that ground beetles can be less than a centimeter in size. Here's what Yandex gave me for the query Carabidae larvae, which looks pretty similar to me. The search for Staphylinidae larvae also showed a lot of similar things, but not as much as this. So it's probably a ground beetle after all.

"Pretty similar" is a very weak argument, and a subjective one at that. As for me, so the larvae in the photo on these links: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil%27s_coa...2006-04-02).jpg
https://bugguide.net/node/view/467256 much closer in appearance to the object in your image. However, I do not insist on anything definitively - I just stick to my opinion.

06.08.2018 21:26, usiaz

Hello, can you determine the species or genus from the image?
Time and place of shooting/fishing: 2016-07-26 17: 12: 00, Western Siberia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, the vicinity of Langepas
On the leaves of narrow-leaved cypress

This post was edited by usiaz-07.08.2018 09: 20

picture: IMG_9624.JPG
IMG_9624.JPG — (296.08к)

Likes: 1

06.08.2018 21:31, usiaz

Time and place of shooting / fishing: 2016-07-30 14: 07: 00, Russia, Perm Krai, Bardymsky district, Kama region, Tulva upland, on the bank of the Tulva river. In the greenhouse.
Is it possible to determine the type of butterfly by its pupa?

picture: IMG_0227.JPG
IMG_0227.JPG — (454.5к)

06.08.2018 22:10, usiaz

Time and place of shooting/fishing: 2016-08-01 10: 00:00, Russia, Perm Krai, Barda village, household farm
Author's comment: On the leaves of dill.
Whether it is possible to define a species or genus.

This post was edited by usiaz - 06.08.2018 22: 12

picture: IMG_0772.JPG
IMG_0772.JPG — (294.82к)

picture: IMG_0782.JPG
IMG_0782.JPG — (321.2к)

picture: IMG_0785.JPG
IMG_0785.JPG — (319.35к)

06.08.2018 22:20, usiaz

2016-07-17 21: 00:00, Russia, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, vicinity of the village of T. T. Izluchinsk, nadpoymennaya terrace district. On the leaves of narrow-leaved cypress. The territory of a non-cultivated plot of a horticultural association.
L=15 mm
Is it possible to determine the family, genus and species?
There are two individuals here, two pictures for each.

picture: IMG_9552.JPG
IMG_9552.JPG — (199.22к)

picture: IMG_9559.JPG
IMG_9559.JPG — (261.9к)

picture: IMG_9446.JPG
IMG_9446.JPG — (190.45к)

picture: IMG_9447.JPG
IMG_9447.JPG — (310.72к)

07.08.2018 7:56, ETI

Hello, can you determine the species or genus from the image?
Time and place of shooting/fishing: 2016-07-26 17: 12: 00, Western Siberia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, the vicinity of Langepas
On the leaves of narrow-leaved cypress

Puhospinka pink
Likes: 1

07.08.2018 7:57, ETI

Time and place of shooting / fishing: 2016-07-30 14: 07: 00, Russia, Perm Krai, Bardymsky district, Kama region, Tulva upland, on the bank of the Tulva river. In the greenhouse.
Is it possible to determine the type of butterfly by its pupa?

Similar to urticaria
Likes: 1

07.08.2018 11:11, dim-va

Is it possible to determine the species or genus from a caterpillar image? Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, near Pokachi. pine-lichen, young growth.
On the bedding. Date 2005-07-23 Time 10: 28: 00
Latitude: North. 61°43'37"
Longitude: East. 75°29'13"

I will assume that this is a Lemonia dumi caterpillar that has lost its hairline before pupation. I just don't see any other options. If it were Dendrolimus sibiricus, there would be noticeable transverse mammary glands with small blue bristles.
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07.08.2018 23:31, MiLLeNium Niobius

Weekend, Tula region, a small birch-willow forest plantation in the middle of a grass meadow. Found near a spring (key) through which a flock of sheep passes, on the ground (probably a little battered by sheep, some of it was sluggish). What kind of hawk moth is this?
picture: P1800125.jpg

This post was edited by InsideOfDream - 07.08.2018 23: 33

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