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10.01.2013 20:52, viator000

There are also A. artaxerxes, A. agestis, Ph. alcon, and C. argiolus.

The first three were not observed in puddles. Ph. alcon in OCD. I didn't see Jamagat. Typical specimens of A. artaxerxes were found farther south and higher (in the subalpine).
14 species-this is what I observed on the puddles of the gorge. Jamagat. But in any case, the place is very pleasant!

11.01.2013 3:47, bora

the place is very pleasant!

picture: Jamagat__11.08.2011.jpg
Jamagat__11.08.2011.jpg — (187.25к)

picture: Jamagat__17.06.2012.jpg
Jamagat__17.06.2012.jpg — (154.01к)

picture: Jamagat__13.06.2012.jpg
Jamagat__13.06.2012.jpg — (300.45к)

picture: Jamagat__11.08.2012.jpg
Jamagat__11.08.2012.jpg — (152.24к)

picture: Jamagat__12.06.2012.jpg
Jamagat__12.06.2012.jpg — (388.27к)

Likes: 21

15.01.2013 2:57, viator000

Yeah, that's it! beer.gif Long life to those puddles... smile.gif By the way, I looked through your list of" Bulavousye Teberdinsky Nature Reserve " for 2011 and did not find Proclossiana eunomia . Is it there??
Sorry for offtop shuffle.gif

15.01.2013 5:02, bora

I was looking through your list of "Bulavousye Teberdinsky Nature Reserve" for 2011 and did not find Proclossiana eunomia . Is it there??


download file Cauc_Ent_Bull_7_1_.pdf

size: 514.32 k
number of downloads: 1266

Likes: 3

22.01.2013 1:56, okoem

Polyommatus bellargus (Rottemburg, 1775)
May 30, 2012. Crimea, Azov region, near the village of Kamenskoe.
picture: 20120530_142717.jpg
Likes: 19

22.01.2013 12:27, bora

[quote=Gennady Shemberger, 22.01.2013 11: 03
In sephyrus not infrequently such occur.
In pilaon, in general, almost all males are like this. At least in the Rostov region.

picture: pylaon___________.jpg
pylaon___________.jpg — (84.91к)

Likes: 16

23.01.2013 20:18, okoem

Pseudophilotes bavius (Eversmann, 1832)
May 30, 2012. Crimea, Azov region, near the village of Kamenskoe. Caterpillars on a forage plant. Photos in nature.
picture: 20120530_135335.jpg
picture: 20120530_135757.jpg
Likes: 21

23.01.2013 20:47, bora

  Pseudophilotes bavius (Eversmann, 1832)

May 7-9, 2012. Rostov region, Belokalitvensky district, Servilsky quarry, on Salvia nutans.

picture: bavius_ovo.jpg
bavius_ovo.jpg — (62.77к)

picture: bavius_larva1.jpg
bavius_larva1.jpg — (40.63к)

Likes: 16

26.01.2013 15:51, viator000

Representative of my favorite Agrodiaetus.
erschoffii Agrodiaetus ssp. erschoffii (Lederer, 1869). - N. Iran, vic.Hadjiabad, 2200m, 11.july
Old scanned photo.

picture: A. _erschoffii_2.jpg
A._erschoffii_2.jpg — (88.41к)

Likes: 9

13.02.2013 13:41, Penzyak

What is known about Glaucopsyche laetifica in Russia? What is the caterpillar food plant?


16.02.2013 11:43, rhopalocera.com

What is known about Glaucopsyche laetifica in Russia? What is the caterpillar food plant?


It doesn't exist in Russia. The species is endemic to the Ili and Charyn River basins and their lower reaches, as well as their or their tributaries of paleorusels in places where forage plants are preserved - Vicia nigra, V. tetrasperma.
Likes: 1

16.02.2013 17:17, TEMPUS

Thersamolycaena alciphron (Rottemburg, 1775)
16.06.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1210493.JPG
picture: P1210504.JPG
Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, sukhodolny lug
picture: Lycaena_alciphron__12.06.2011_.JPG
picture: Lycaena_alciphron__12.06.2011_i.JPG
picture: Lycaena_alciphron__14.06.2011_.JPG
picture: Lycaena_alciphron__14.06.2011_i.JPG
Thersamolycaena dispar (Haworth, 1802)
17.07.2011 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: Lycaena_dispar__17.07.2011_.JPG
picture: Lycaena_dispar__17.07.2011_i.JPG
12.07.2011 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Sergeyevo, the edge of a mixed forest
picture: Lycaena_dispar__12.07.2011_.JPG
picture: Lycaena_dispar__12.07.2011_i.JPG
Heodes hippothoe (Linnaeus, 1761)
23.06.2011 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Polki village neighborhood, sukhodolny meadow
picture: Lycaena_hippothoe___23.06.2011_.JPG
picture: Lycaena_hippothoe__23.06.2011_i.JPG
18.06.2011 Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, Mitrofanovo microdistrict
picture: Lycaena_hippothoe__18.06.2011_.JPG
picture: Lycaena_hippothoe__18.06.2011_i.JPG
Heodes virgaureae (Linnaeus, 1758)
05.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, edge of a mixed forest
picture: P1210530.JPG
picture: P1210538.JPG
picture: P1210553.JPG
picture: P1210565.JPG
Lycaena phlaeas (Linnaeus, 1761)
18.06.2011 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1210592.JPG
picture: P1210610.JPG
15.07.2011 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, the edge of a mixed forest
picture: P1210620.JPG
picture: Lycaena_phlaeas__15.07.2011_i.JPG
Heodes tityrus (Poda, 1761)
25.05.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1210632.JPG
picture: P1210640.JPG
picture: P1210652.JPG
picture: P1210662.JPG
picture: P1210672.JPG
picture: P1210692.JPG

This post was edited by TEMPUS - 02/16/2013 18: 40
Likes: 10

18.02.2013 15:32, TEMPUS

Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg, 1775)
19.06.2011 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, the vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, the edge of a mixed forest
picture: Polyommatus_icarus__19.06.2011_.JPG
picture: Polyommatus_icarus__19.06.20110i.JPG
07.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Sergeyevo village neighborhood, dirt road shoulder
picture: P1210703.JPG
picture: P1210716.JPG
Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, the vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, the river bank. Teza, water meadow
picture: P1210732.JPG
picture: P1210742.JPG
picture: P1210749.JPG
picture: P1210763.JPG
Polyommatus amandus (Schneider, 1792)
07.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Sergeyevo village neighborhood, dirt road shoulder
picture: P1210775.JPG
picture: P1210790.JPG
Polyommatus semiargus (Rottemburg, 1775)
15.06.2008 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, the edge of a mixed forest
picture: P1210922.JPG
picture: P1210932.JPG
17.06.2011 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, the vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, the edge of a mixed forest
picture: Polyommatus_semiargus__17.06.2011_.JPG
picture: Polyommatus_semiargus__17.06.2011_i.JPG

This post was edited by TEMPUS - 19.02.2013 11: 42
Likes: 7

18.02.2013 21:35, Kharkovbut

19.06.2011 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, the vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, the edge of a mixed forest
picture: Polyommatus_amandus__19.06.2011_.JPG
E. eumedon

19.02.2013 11:43, TEMPUS

  E. eumedon

fixed it, deleted the extra photo

This post was edited by TEMPUS - 19.02.2013 12: 10

19.02.2013 12:09, TEMPUS

Plebejus argus (Linnaeus, 1758)
01.07.2008 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, the vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, the edge of a mixed forest
picture: P1210949.JPG
picture: P1210968.JPG
07.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Sergeyevo village neighborhood, dirt road shoulder
picture: P1210807.JPG
picture: P1210818.JPG
Plebeius idas (Linnaeus, 1761)
14.07.2011 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Polki village neighborhood, verkhovoe boloto
picture: Plebeius_idas__14.07.2011_.JPG
picture: Plebeius_idas__14.07.2011_i.JPG
Likes: 7

19.02.2013 17:40, Alexandr Zhakov

Lysandra coridonius ssp.arzanovi. Karachay-Cherkess Republic 2012 Stradomsky B. V.

If b also shows the bottom smile.gif

20.02.2013 14:07, TEMPUS

Eumedonia eumedon (Esper, 1780) det. Kharkovbut
19.06.2011 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, the vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, the edge of a mixed forest
picture: Polyommatus_amandus__19.06.2011_.JPG
picture: Polyommatus_amandus__19.06.2011_i.JPG
02.06.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Zeleny Bor, river bank. Teza, water meadow
picture: P1210838.JPG
picture: P1210851.JPG
Likes: 7

21.02.2013 19:00, TEMPUS

Aricia artaxerxes (Fabricius, 1793)
14.08.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Klochkovo, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1210882.JPG
picture: P1210890.JPG
Likes: 6

24.02.2013 14:13, TEMPUS

Glaucopsyche alexis (Poda, 1761)
02.06.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Zeleny Bor, river bank. Teza, water meadow
picture: P1210980.JPG
picture: P1210991.JPG
17.06.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220006.JPG
picture: P1220019.JPG
Likes: 9

26.02.2013 11:07, TEMPUS

Scolitantides orion (Pallas, 1771)
10.06.2012 Ivanovo region, Yuzhsky district, near the village of Mosta, outskirts of sosnovy bor
picture: P1220059.JPG
picture: P1220078.JPG
Likes: 8

07.03.2013 15:59, TEMPUS

Celastrina argiolus (Linnaeus, 1758)
spring generation
02.05.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Polki village neighborhood, mixed forest
picture: P1220134.JPG
picture: P1220144.JPG
picture: P1220158.JPG
picture: P1220168.JPG
summer generation
05.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, mixed forest
picture: P1220090.JPG
picture: P1220104.JPG
06.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Polki village neighborhood, mixed forest
picture: P1220111.JPG
picture: P1220121.JPG

This post was edited by TEMPUS-07.03.2013 16: 01
Likes: 7

09.03.2013 16:18, TEMPUS

Cupido argiades (Pallas, 1771)
26.05.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Yegoriy, river bank Teza, water meadow
picture: P1220183.JPG
picture: P1220207.JPG
Likes: 7

10.03.2013 18:52, TEMPUS

Callophrys rubi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Polki village neighborhood, mixed forest
picture: P1220221.JPG
picture: P1220232.JPG
picture: P1220248.JPG
picture: P1220256.JPG
Likes: 5

23.03.2013 12:45, Valentinus

Finally, an article on the taxonomy of Polyommatina has been published. Although everyone already knows it, I still post it.

download file 2013_Cladistics_Polyommatina_systematics.pdf

size: 6.37 mb
number of downloads: 636

Likes: 9

04.05.2013 11:54, AGG

podskajite gosling mol.gif(in the definition of larvae will be lost)
1-3 May Voronezh region, Belogorya district, steppe
[attachmentid ()=171539]

04.05.2013 15:52, Valentinus

Podskajite gosling mol.gif(in the definition of larvae will be lost)
1-3 May Voronezh region, okr. Belogorya, steppe

It looks like Argus
[url www.babochki-kavkaza.ru
Likes: 1

25.05.2013 6:04, bora

Conducted comparative molecular and genetic studies of a pair of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) yurinekrutenko / shamil species.
It turns out that the differences in the nuclear locus of ITS2 are 0%, and in the mitochondrial locus - a pathetic 0.5 %.
Now make a conclusion about the species status and species independence of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) shamil.

picture: yurinekrutenko_shamil.jpg
yurinekrutenko_shamil.jpg — (222.11к)

picture: ITS2.jpg
ITS2.jpg — (211.3к)

picture: COI.jpg
COI.jpg — (171.49к)

Likes: 7

26.05.2013 10:36, barko

Can anyone share the original description of Polyommatus slovacus?

01.06.2013 11:13, vvdubatolov

Dear forumchane! I offer you a photo of a couple in copula Schijimiaeoides divina asahii Fujioka, 2007. The photo was taken this afternoon on Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island near Khabarovsk. Butterflies sit on sophora, the caterpillar's food plant. Please note that the male has no pronounced spots along the outer edge of the hind wings from below - this is an important feature of this subspecies.

картинка: Schijimiaeoides_divina_in_copula_BUI_1.VI.2013.jpg
Schijimiaeoides_divina_in_copula_BUI_1.VI.2013.jpg — (215.05к)

Likes: 18

06.06.2013 12:25, гук

Can anyone share the original description of Polyommatus slovacus?

Thanks to the courtesy of our Hungarian colleagues.


download file Viztaz_et_al_1997_Polyommatus_slovacus.pdf

size: 10.35 mb
number of downloads: 1526

Likes: 4

06.06.2013 19:41, rhopalocera.com

Thanks to the courtesy of our Hungarian colleagues.

I have butterflies of this "kind"
I can try to take a picture and set it to

20.08.2013 10:20, bora

Stradomsky B. V., Fomina E. S. 2013. Comparison of the taxa Polyommatus yurinekrutenko Koçak, 1996 and P. shamil (Dantchenko, 2000) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). newsletter. 9(1): 181-182.


download file Polyommatus_yurinekrutenko_shamil.pdf

size: 229.15 k
number of downloads: 508

Likes: 13

02.09.2013 6:16, KM2200

Even though the message is old, I just can't help but reply.

Moreover, the analysis showed that there were exactly five Asian invasions – 10.7, 9.3, 2.4, 1.1 and 1.0 million years ago. At first, the pigeons moved to Alaska via the Bering Bridge, then when the bridge collapsed...
Surprisingly illiterate!
- "Invasion" 1 and 1.1 are clearly the same thing-around that time, the ancestors of the Japanese and Indians went to America (and later mastodons and many others went there).

There are a lot of snide words on the tip of my tongue, but I won't. You think about what is written! If that were the case, there would be a separate species of people in America! Man entered America no earlier than 15-20 thousand years ago. I hope you don't need to provide links.

02.09.2013 6:30, rhopalocera.com

Even though the message is old, I just can't help but reply.

There are a lot of snide words on the tip of my tongue, but I won't. You think about what is written! If that were the case, there would be a separate species of people in America! Man entered America no earlier than 15-20 thousand years ago. I hope you don't need to provide links.

According to the latest data, 30-40 years. years ago.

02.09.2013 15:09, KM2200

According to the latest data, 30-40 years. years ago.
I've never heard of this, but I won't argue, 40 thousand years is within common sense. But not a million!

02.09.2013 17:29, rhopalocera.com

I've never heard of this, but I won't argue, 40 thousand years is within common sense. But not a million!

I agree, a million is an extremely long time.

13.09.2013 12:50, Valentinus

I found a caterpillar on gorets on my plot in Pyatigorsk. Now, apparently, L4, 10 mm. I'm trying to figure out what kind of pigeon it might be. wall.gif It doesn't sound like Phleas or Terzamon, and I can't think of anything else. Can anyone have any suggestions? Who will guess, respect and respect beer.gif
picture: Lycaena_sp_1.jpg
picture: Lycaena_sp_2.jpg
picture: Lycaena_sp_3.jpg
Likes: 1

13.09.2013 13:31, okoem

I'm trying to figure out what kind of pigeon it might be.

I think Celastrina argiolus.
Likes: 1

22.09.2013 14:19, Valentinus

Two tracks Lycaena candens they did not spend the winter and finished development. jump.gif
picture: Lycaena_candens_ex_ovo.jpg
Likes: 10

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