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Genus Parnassius

Community and ForumInsects imagesGenus Parnassius

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14.02.2008 15:37, Guest

Nomion from China is awesome! It doesn't even look like it...

Because it's not nomion, and it's not epafus either.
This is nomius.
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14.02.2008 15:56, Pavel Morozov

Because it's not nomion, and it's not epafus either.
This is Nomius.

And what, already a separate view? This is interesting!
Can I go into more detail?

14.02.2008 16:21, Guest

In more detail, but briefly like this:
according to tradition, they give and describe it from nomion,
it is genetically close to epaphus (there was a similar image above),
but in nature observations give a conclusion about specificity
(and grzhim. nomius is the oldest suitable name for it).
it is allopatric to nomion and parapatric to epaphus.
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14.02.2008 20:20, taler

Wow how difficult confused.gifIt Really Is, the devil will break his leg with these parnassus....

14.02.2008 22:16, Pavel Morozov

Wow, how difficult confused.gifit Really is, the devil will break his leg with these parnassus....

That's what the theme was created for. I hope we learn something new now. We've already learned something.

Then the question arises: Dear Guest, could you explain the situation with the taxa gabrieli, richthofeni?

15.02.2008 4:29, Ekos

As promised, I start posting photos of the Amur taxa of the P. eversmanni group. Just want to apologize for the large number of glare on the pictures.

1) Parnassius felderi felderi. The vicinity of Obluchye, Khingansk and the upper reaches of the Tyrma River. Top - 2 females.

picture: felderi_Malyi_Khingan.JPG
felderi_Malyi_Khingan.JPG — (137.48к)

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15.02.2008 4:40, Ekos

2) Parnassius felderi litoreus (=gornyiensis), early summer form, June, Miaochang Ridge (north of Komsomolsk-on-Amur). The size is small, but on average slightly larger than the typical P. eversmanni.
Lower right corner - female.

picture: litoreus_early_summer_form_Myaochan.JPG
litoreus_early_summer_form_Myaochan.JPG — (142.62к)

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15.02.2008 4:43, Ekos

Male P.felderi litoreus, but from a different place-Vkhnebureinsky district of Khabarovsk Krai, village. Chegdomyn. Early summer form, very early July.

picture: litoreus_early_form_Chegdomyn.JPG
litoreus_early_form_Chegdomyn.JPG — (143.98к)

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15.02.2008 4:51, Ekos

And this is a medium-summer form of P. felderi litoreus (=gornyiensis) from Miaochang, July, the size is large, like a typical felderi. In this photo, I collected specimens in appearance similar to a typical felderi from Maly Khingan. On the second photo - the same thing, only yellow copies. And all this flies together.

picture: litoreus_middle_summer_form_Myaochan.JPG
litoreus_middle_summer_form_Myaochan.JPG — (139.96к)

picture: litoreus_middle_summer_form2_Myaochan.JPG
litoreus_middle_summer_form2_Myaochan.JPG — (139.33к)

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15.02.2008 4:59, Ekos

And this is Parnassius eversmanni vosnessenskii, end of June, Khabarovsk Territory, Verkhnebureinsky district, Bureinsky Reserve, upper reaches of the Levaya Bureya river, height about 1200 m above sea level. m. Small size, all signs of imeno eversmanni, not felderi!!! I watched a good episode! Although on this map in Helios, only litoreus is indicated for Bureya!

picture: vosnessenskii_Levaya_Bureya.JPG
vosnessenskii_Levaya_Bureya.JPG — (179.76к)

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15.02.2008 5:03, Ekos

And this is also P. eversmanni vosnessenskii, only from a slightly different point-from the upper reaches of the Right Bureya. Beginning of July. The average size is the same as that of normal Siberian eversmannies. Under litoreus does not roll!

picture: vosnessenskii_Pravaya_Bureya.JPG
vosnessenskii_Pravaya_Bureya.JPG — (136.54к)

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15.02.2008 5:08, Ekos

But this female is from the upper reaches of the Umalta River (Verkhnebureinsky district). Also P. eversmanni vosnessenskii. Thus, P. eversmanni lives in the upper reaches of Bureya and to the north, and P. felderi with different subspecies lives to the south. Thus, in the south of the Far East, there are definitely eversmanni, and not only Felderi, despite all recent works on this group. I make this unambiguous conclusion after watching several episodes from different places.

picture: female_Umal__ta.JPG
female_Umal__ta.JPG — (152.53к)

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15.02.2008 9:24, Andry Shaposhnikov

picture: P2150031.jpgpicture: P2150032.jpgParnassius apollo Linnaeus, 1758, male and female, Republic of Bashkiria, Burzyansky district.
to Ekos: Zhenya don't you get my messages? (babochkalov (Stinkal))
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15.02.2008 11:41, Acdestis

Then the question arises: Dear Guest, could you explain the situation with the taxa gabrieli, richthofeni?

It's the same with them (nomius ones). Let me explain, it belongs to taxa within the Qinghai-Tibetan mountain systems.
I will add: it is sympathetic from this group to dongalaikus and mercurius.
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15.02.2008 13:27, Acdestis

For those who are interested,the
gene analysis showed almost conspecificity of Eversmanni and Felderi,
as well as the unity of the genus Parnassius.
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16.02.2008 4:59, Mylabris

Dear colleagues!
Thank you all so much for developing this topic!
Although I'm a beetle researcher, I've always been interested in appolons both visually and taxonomically (in the sense of a mess in the genus system smile.gif).
Once I tried to determine my own people from Tuzov's tables - not much came out, only with the help of you did I understand who is who.
My question is this: as far as I understand, here the definition is very specific, in the sense that there are no normal tables by gender (in the sense of definitional, TEXT, keys).
Professionals such as Morozzz and Ekos clearly define them "by sight", except in exceptional cases involving their collections for comparison. But this requires time and a huge amount of viewed material. And how was it "at the dawn" of your acquaintance with the group? How was it determined? And how can a simple layman determine the caught species?
I did the right thing. way: 1) compiled a list of species found in Zail. Alatau
2)Downloaded Tuzova
3)I looked at his tables
and that was the end of it - the variability of the drawing and the abundance of illustrations led me to a dead end.

16.02.2008 10:46, taler

I think that's what everyone did.I also forgot to mention that I accepted someone else's material with the given definition without checking it.

16.02.2008 20:36, PG18

Well, here's another legend for you. Small, true, legendochka, but arktikus
Parnassius arcticus, male and female
Eastern Sakha (: -), Suntar-Khayata, June 1994

картинка: 2_Parnassius_arcticus_male___female_resize.jpg
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18.02.2008 4:20, Ekos

For those who are interested,the
gene analysis showed almost conspecificity of Eversmanni and Felderi,
as well as the unity of the genus Parnassius.

About the unity of the genus completely agree. But on the first point, it is too early to make a final conclusion. I consider P. eversmanni and P. felderi to be semi-species. A detailed study of the ecology and morphology of premaginals is necessary, and almost no one has done this yet due to certain difficulties.

18.02.2008 4:29, Ekos

My question is this: as far as I understand, here the definition is very specific, in the sense that there are no normal tables by gender (in the sense of definitional, TEXT, keys).
Professionals such as Morozzz and Ekos clearly define them "by sight", except in exceptional cases involving their collections for comparison. But this requires time and a huge amount of viewed material. And how was it "at the dawn" of your acquaintance with the group? How was it determined? And how can a simple layman determine the caught species?
I did the right thing. way: 1) compiled a list of species found in Zail. Alatau
2)Downloaded Tuzova
3)I looked at his tables
and that was the end of it - the variability of the drawing and the abundance of illustrations led me to a dead end.

At the beginning of my passion for parnassus, I had no particular problems with the definition. I determined it from books, photos from the Internet, and collections of other researchers. Then I started to put all the Parnassians in my collection in series, since for some groups the final conclusion can only be made by series, because the variability of the Apollons is oh-oh-oh! Now I don't have any problems with the definition, the full picture has formed in my head.
It's easier for a simple layman now - a topic with images of Parnassus, where we are now, has appeared on our forum! smile.gif Soon I'll post something else, all hands do not reach.
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19.02.2008 2:53, Ekos

Parnassius glacialis, two males from different locations on Honshu Island (Japan).

picture: P.glacialis_Japan.JPG
P.glacialis_Japan.JPG — (148.93к)

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19.02.2008 2:55, Ekos

Parnassius nordmanni, a couple from the Sochi area.
P. S. May Morozzzz forgive me if I repeat myself! smile.gif

picture: P.nordmanni.JPG
P.nordmanni.JPG — (135.25к)

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19.02.2008 2:57, Ekos

Parnassius simo avinovi is an interesting species, rare in collections because it flies at too high altitudes. A couple from Tajikistan, Akbura mountain range.

picture: P.simo_avinovi.JPG
P.simo_avinovi.JPG — (144.69к)

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19.02.2008 2:59, Ekos

Parnassius epaphus kotzschi, two males, China, Gansu Province.

picture: P.epaphus_kotzschi.JPG
P.epaphus_kotzschi.JPG — (136.84к)

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19.02.2008 3:00, Ekos

Parnassius charltonius vaporosus, a pair from Tajikistan, Western Pamir, Vanch range.

picture: P.charltonius_vaporosus.JPG
P.charltonius_vaporosus.JPG — (140.59к)

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19.02.2008 7:18, Konung

does anyone have P. ammosovi?

19.02.2008 7:46, Ekos

does anyone have P. ammosovi?

Duc PG18 already posted them nedavecha! Under the name P. arcticus. And P. ammosovi is just a synonym for it (this is actually a generally accepted opinion), although Yuri Petrovich tried to prove that these are different taxa.
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20.02.2008 2:57, Ekos

Male Parnassius szechenyii lethe and female P. szechenyii szechenyii. Both butterflies are from the Chinese province of Qinghai, but from different places.

picture: P.szechenyi_Quinghai.JPG
P.szechenyi_Quinghai.JPG — (140.18к)

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20.02.2008 19:29, Guest

Well since in this topic special attention is paid to the places of trapping here is another felderi Bremer from the vicinity of the city of Kuldur Jewish AO
user posted image
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23.02.2008 13:52, taler

What's the synonym for Driopa eversmanni ?Parnassius eversmanni or Parnassius clarius?Or is dryopa an independent species?

23.02.2008 14:36, Andylog

Pavel, Driopa is a genus isolated by Korshunov from Parnassius. Not everyone accepts this allocation.
Parnassius eversmanni (Menetries in Siemaschko, 1850) is an independent compound species, completely different from Parnassius clarius (Eversmann, 1843). A synonym for the latter is P. ariadne

09.03.2008 19:28, Andylog

Parnassius stubbendorffii typicus (Bryk, 1914)
Novosibirsk region, 24.06.2006

picture: P.stubbendorffii.typicus.m.1.jpg
picture: P.stubbendorffii.typicus.m.2.jpg

picture: P.stubbendorffii.typicus.f.1.jpg
picture: P.stubbendorffii.typicus.f.2.jpg
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11.03.2008 0:51, Алексей Яковлев

Parnassius bremeri Bremer, 1864

Several photos from nature (taken by professor Yu. N. Sidelnikov in the city of Obluchye, 2006).
picture: P6220030.jpg
Parnassius bremeri
picture: P6220124.jpg
on a big butterfly - a big spider!
picture: P6220145.jpg
against this background, only the red "hearts" and find
picture: P6220114.jpg
next to the pro - feeder-cleaner.
picture: P6220081.jpg
And here is the feeder - Sedum aizoon.

This post was edited by Alexey Yakovlev - 03/15/2008 18: 43
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13.03.2008 17:34, Алексей Яковлев

I post the promised "Felders" in kind.
Photos taken by Prof. Yuri Nikolaevich Sidelnikov.

Parnassius eversmanni felderi
Xp. Maly Khingan, 2006

image: _______. jpg
picture: _______2.jpg
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13.03.2008 17:36, Алексей Яковлев

And another rare subspecies of Bremer

Parnassius bremeri orotschonica Bang-Haas
Photo by Prof.

Middle Sikhote-Alin
picture: __________...jpg
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13.03.2008 18:16, PG18

A curious male from ocd. Dalnegorsk (June 18, 2002), which we considered a hybrid of P. bremeri (orotschonica) & P. nomion. I apologize for the poor scans from the photos.

picture: 2_bremeri_nomion_resize.jpg
2_bremeri_nomion_resize.jpg — (143.94 k)

picture: 2_bremeri_nomion_c.jpg
2_bremeri_nomion_c.jpg — (21.29к)

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13.03.2008 20:38, Nozer

Parnassius andreji buddenbrocki, though badly damaged. shuffle.gif
China, Sichuan Province
user posted image
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15.03.2008 0:00, Michail M

Here is such a beast.
Presumably: Pamir. Shugnansky khr. [3600m], 18. [08].70 V. A. Barsov

signature of the theme curator: Parnassius charltonius Gray, [1853]

P. ch. vaporosus Avinov, 1916

This post was edited by Michail_M - 16.03.2008 14: 39

picture: 0001_resize.jpg
0001_resize.jpg — (135.28к)

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15.03.2008 0:34, Michail M

Kyrgyzstan Zaalaisky hr. 20 km. from the town of Daroot-Korgon, Altyn-Dara river, 3100m.
A. Belov 19.07.92

it was suggested that this is Parnassius jacquemonti variabilis

This post was edited by Michail_M - 17.03.2008 23: 55

picture: 0004_resize.jpg
0004_resize.jpg — (134.89к)

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15.03.2008 3:56, taler

Here is such a beast.
Pamir. Shugnansky hr. 2600m, 18.05.70 V. A. Barsov

something's bothering me a bit.In the middle of May, at an altitude of 2600m,there is still snow!The year of capture 1970-maybe, although officially avtokrator entered the entomofauna of the USSR in the mid-80s (Kaabak).And the place of capture, too.For the first time I see mention of the capture of "such a beast" on the Shugnan ridge...Maybe someone has more confirmation? confused.gif

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