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Keeping and breeding butterflies

Community and ForumInsects breedingKeeping and breeding butterflies

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27.03.2009 0:09, Мих

Everything that comes to hand-oak, elm, fruit trees, various weeds...

Winter in the yard ((what kind of weeds?what of the things that raelno get you can give?

27.03.2009 0:41, okoem

Winter in the yard ((what kind of weeds?what of the things that raelno get you can give?
Well, we already have plenty of greenery. With elm and oak, I certainly overdid it, but the grass is already good, dandelions are blooming. As in Kiev - I don't know. Look for some greenery near the heating mains.

28.03.2009 0:23, Мих

dandelions, nettles rolling?

28.03.2009 0:38, okoem

dandelions, nettles rolling?
Try it out.

28.03.2009 0:40, Мих

Thank you..

29.03.2009 9:55, Мих

they don't eat.. and starve to death...

04.04.2009 6:09, Raptor

How do I find a mnemosyne caterpillar?

Is that what Apollo means?It seems to feed on ochitki and khokhlatki.

04.04.2009 6:17, Raptor

I had pupae wintering on my bolkon in a plastic jar among cotton wool and napkins:2 harpies, 3 hawk moth(Sea buckthorn) and 1 small peacock eye. spring has come,and here is the result.Peacock-eye feels restless(moves)Harpies, it is not clear, but hawkmoths do not show signs of life, 2 as if withered.What can it be?Winter quarters are not allowed?
If you think about it, then peacock eyes and harpies pupate in cocoons on the surface of the soil, but hawkmoth buries 5 centimeters. maybe that's why they froze out in such conditions?

06.04.2009 23:21, t00m

Is that what Apollo means?It seems to feed on ochitki and khokhlatki.

et as so, "mnemosyne, in the sense of Apollo"? P. apollo on ochitki, and P. mnemosyne on tufts. But as I found out last year, mnemosyne has no larval stage)))) apparently, they "multiply by multiplication "(D. Haiduk) or budding. I will explain: for 2 hours I was digging in the thickets of the tuft, sorting through the leaves and the top layer of soil - not a single one! despite the fact that there are an incredible number of butterflies flying there. maybe they've already pupated by then.. xs.
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07.04.2009 5:02, Raptor

Mnemosyne = Black Apollo-sort of.But I can make a mistake about forage plants.

07.04.2009 8:52, Бабочник

Denis, hello!
Don't forget to shake the gren mnemosyne... Okay?" :-)
I will have a lot of things to exchange. Well, we'll discuss it in the mail...
Hawks could also dry out, because in the soil (where they usually winter) it is quite humid.

12.04.2009 21:44, Мих

in short, it's not my fate to breed silkworms (((

18.04.2009 7:06, Raptor

Here's the deal.The pupa is lying on the balcony in a jar among cotton wool and napkins.The upper covering of the pupa became like a husk(Small Saturnia)Well, it seems like this usually happens when a butterfly has matured in the pupa and it remains to wait for an early exit.but in the last couple of days, the temperature has dropped back to zero.previously the pupa though not very fast but moved and now does not move at all!is it possible for a mature butterfly to wait in the pupal shell for good weather???and in a daze.???

18.04.2009 8:49, okoem

is it possible for a mature butterfly to wait in the pupal shell for good weather???and in a daze.???

I think that's exactly what it is. And it doesn't move because when there is a ready-made butterfly in the shell, how does it move? Pupae never move before leaving. Lack of movement and color changes are signs of a butterfly coming out soon.
Maybe you should take your baby pupa home? Why are you freezing it on the balcony?

21.04.2009 6:27, kto-to84

sednya in the morning looked into the jar and there is a butterfly from the pupa climbed (hawk moth wine medium), what to do now I do not know ..what and how to feed too .can anyone tell me ? confused.gif

21.04.2009 9:05, okoem

sednya in the morning looked into the jar and there is a butterfly from the pupa climbed (hawk moth wine medium), what to do now I do not know ..what and how to feed too .can anyone tell me ? confused.gif
There are only two options:
- Release it.
"Freeze it and stick it on a pin."
The hawk moth will not be able to live in captivity.

21.04.2009 11:18, Guest

It can... but why starve him in such a sophisticated way? In nature, at least a couple may meet (although unlikely at this time, but still there is a chance) ...

21.04.2009 21:04, okoem

It can... but why starve him in such a sophisticated way?
It won't be able to, because in a couple of days it won't be a hawk moth anymore, but a kind of wiped tortured creature with scraps instead of wings. frown.gif

22.04.2009 6:34, Guest

Well, it depends on how to contain it. I lived for a long time and normally in spacious tulle cages...

22.04.2009 6:36, Raptor

Removing the question about Saturnia.I moved it to the window and got an Easter peacock's eye right on Easter. jump.gif

____5086.jpg — (573.87к)

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22.04.2009 6:51, Raptor

Then this miracle (Cerura) appeared and the question arose, but are butterflies hatched too early?after all, on the street only the kidneys began to swell.How do they know where to put their eggs without leaves?

picture: ____5126.jpg
____5126.jpg — (50.95к)

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22.04.2009 9:33, okoem

Well, it depends on how to contain it. I lived for a long time and normally in spacious tulle cages...
Well, you've had some experience. But you see, the girl writes " what now to do I don't know ..". There was already a similar case recently on the forum - in a couple of days in inexperienced hands, the hawk moth turned into something unclear...

22.04.2009 20:16, Guest

I agree. It is better to let go in such cases.

23.04.2009 5:19, Raptor

If there are no thoughts about procreation, then the loot can be released into the wild, thereby supporting the population in nature.
Here I come home and he sits, and in the evening he will already fly on the street
And let this beauty be more!

picture: ____5160.jpg
____5160.jpg — (55.9к)

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25.04.2009 10:34, Мих

in what cages should butterflies be kept so that they do not break their wings? how to feed a hawk moth, if the only way described is to take it in your arms and use a needle to unwind the proboscis, lowering it into the feed. From this procedure baboka balds!
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25.04.2009 14:15, Guest

The only one described where?
Even in tyrnet, there are pictures of a way where the butterfly feeds itself.

26.04.2009 6:42, Raptor

The only one described where?
Even in tyrnet, there are pictures of a way where the butterfly feeds itself.

Can I tell you more???about turnat and photos of the feeding method?

26.04.2009 19:13, Guest

I don't remember exactly, actias.de or something... hummingbird feeders and artificial flowers.

07.05.2009 21:35, Euchloron

Most hawkmoths have no problem eating from artificial flowers. In such a flower, you need to insert a test tube with a solution of honey. And with artificial feeding, the butterfly does not need to be fixed and it will not "go bald"

07.05.2009 22:05, chebur

It is very interesting to learn how to remove mining moths from leaves. After all, if these leaves are cut off and brought home, they will wither and the burrs will die.

15.05.2009 18:43, okoem

It is very interesting to learn how to remove mining moths from leaves. After all, if these leaves are cut off and brought home, they will wither and the burrs will die.
You can try sticking the leaves with their petioles in wet sand or wrapping the petioles with wet cotton wool. This way the sheet will last longer. You can also plug the jar with a sheet more tightly, so that there is increased humidity. Or put a jar with a leaf in a pot of water and cover with a lid - the humidity will be 100%. But in these cases, you need to make sure that the leaves do not start to rot.

20.05.2009 9:34, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Who can tell you what to feed S. pavonia?

20.05.2009 10:08, Aaata

The caterpillars feed on many deciduous woody and shrubby plants that grow both in forests and in landscape settings (Polyphagus! - blackthorn, raspberry, blackberry, rosehip, birch, buckthorn, willow, oak, hornbeam, etc.), as well as on herbaceous plants (strawberries, blueberries, blueberries).

20.05.2009 14:11, Бабочник

Svyatoslav, hello.
You haven't forgotten about my orders? :-)
If something happens , I will buy it with joy...

20.05.2009 17:33, Гэш

I've found a caterpillar on spirea.

20.05.2009 19:17, taler

Is there anyone here who has nursed and bred Allancastrian butterflies?
There are a few questions:
1. How long after pupation can you play with the temperature?
2. What is the best way to do this?

20.05.2009 20:46, Бабочник

"play with the temperature"? "what's this and what's it for?" get different morphs?

21.05.2009 5:18, taler

Speed up the process of exiting the game.You can't wait a whole year...

21.05.2009 7:44, Бабочник

Et is unlikely. unless after a couple of months, put them in the refrigerator for a couple of months. and then I strongly doubt that it will help.

21.05.2009 7:59, Aaata

Is this really possible in monovoltaic species?

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