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Keeping and breeding butterflies

Community and ForumInsects breedingKeeping and breeding butterflies

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25.07.2008 7:40, Rafia

People who know, please answer me urgently!!!
They will sit today in a 5-liter jar, wrapped in a black cloth, until the evening (I want to release it not in the city!!!!!) or they will be beaten and it is better to release it now right here???
I'm leaving in half an hour! HELP!!!

25.07.2008 9:31, DIMID

I think it's better to feed them.

25.07.2008 13:04, Rafia

What? Sweet syrup? And how to put it in the bank so that they don't get caught in it if they start flying?

25.07.2008 15:31, DIMID

Take one of the butterflies, prepare a syrup(1/10 sugar-water) in an ordinary nylon
lid, soak a small piece of cotton wool,put a butterfly
on it,unwind its proboscis with a thin needle and dip it in the solution.Good luck.

25.07.2008 22:53, Мих

Very interesting..

25.07.2008 23:17, Rafia

I spent half a day on the Internet, reading all sorts of things about feeding and caring for butterflies. But in the afternoon I got a call - another problem at home: the cat scattered the rags (probably hearing rustles), pulled off the gauze and managed to grab one beauty frown.gif. It was taken away and put back in its place. The cat was isolated...
In the evening, I arrived, diluted honey with water-1/10, fed the butterflies. I studied the wounded one - it won't fly frown.gif. But she is cheerful, with a good appetite, crawls and flaps her wings. Along the way, it was discovered that one butterfly is very underdeveloped - it has short, irregular legs, small wings - probably this is the one that pupated the worst... She couldn't even eat and passed away very soon frown.gif. Another butterfly also has some not quite normal wings - they are almost transparent at the edges, I think that they, after all, prevented each other from spreading!
So, I fed all the healthy and full-fledged ones, waited a little and released them - they flew away as they should! I have those at home who obviously will not survive in nature. I brought them twigs, sticks, some grass, nettles, and clover.
Please tell me who knows!!!
1. How long do these butterflies (daytime peacock's eye) live? (The Internet does not mention their life span, but it says that they can spend the winter!)
2. How can I provide my flightless butterflies with the most comfortable life possible?
3. Is it possible to create conditions for them to lay eggs and how to do it?
Thank you for your help! I hope that with her (your help), we will help my poor children survive and maybe even bring offspring!

25.07.2008 23:21, Rafia

By the way, I didn't need to search for their proboscis with a needle! They all, as one, first touched the feeder with their paw, and then greedily drank! At the same time, they sometimes opened their wings! Very graceful and beautiful creatures! Even those with defects!
PS One still did not eat, and how to unwind her proboscis, I can not imagine! He's so skinny and I can't see him frown.gif
What should I do with it? I'll certainly try again tomorrow... The morning of the evening is more complicated!..

This post was edited by Rafia - 26.07.2008 00: 37

26.07.2008 0:43, okoem

1. How long do these butterflies (daytime peacock's eye) live? (The Internet does not mention their life span, but it says that they can spend the winter!)
2. How can I provide my flightless butterflies with the most comfortable life possible?
3. Is it possible to create conditions for them to lay eggs and how to do it?

1. They would live in nature until next summer. And at home-it depends on you.
2. Feed. It may be necessary to provide cold wintering conditions.
3. Egg laying will occur in the spring. If of course you manage to keep them until spring and pair them.

26.07.2008 0:47, Rafia

Hmm.. so I need to determine the gender?
And I was sure that they had several clutches over the summer! I read something like that somewhere...
And feed once every few hours??
By the way, here it says that a solution of honey is not suitable: http://zooclub.ru/consult/show.php?id=2081
And here-on the contrary!! http://www.mirbabochek.ru/care
What to believe????

This post was edited by Rafia - 26.07.2008 00: 54

26.07.2008 10:25, Мих

The first generation flies from late June to mid-July, the second from August to September, winters and takes off in April.
Accordingly, the first generation makes masonry in the summer. and the second - in the spring.

26.07.2008 10:29, DIMID

No matter how you look at it,but butterflies will not live more than 2 months with you,this is only at first glance not difficult.It took me 3 years to put experiments, so that 4 dozen
admirals (out of 90 pieces) would normally overwinter, in the spring they would mate in the greenhouse.
The most difficult thing is to prepare the adult for wintering, then pull it out of it.I have
admirals lived(live)from 2.5 weeks, up to 8 months.I recommend that all those who keep domestic nymphalids use the following food feeds:
1-Birch sap(1-2 times a week)
2-Very ripe apricot (as much as you want)
3 - White and black grapes (1-2 times a week)It contains natural fructose(and not its substitutes) and PVC (pyruvic acid in a normal amount
At the expense of honey,I do not use it for 5 years, after I incorrectly made
a solution and I lost one and a half hundred admirals.
And yet, for this family, you need not a small cubic capacity of free space for their fast flight.Good luck.Thank you.
Likes: 2

26.07.2008 10:45, DIMID

Fat brown, it is just as difficult to breed as an unpaired silkworm.
I advise all beginners of these types.
Put it there.side:1-you don't need much space.
2-Polyphages (eat a very large number of plant species.and trees
of Negatives. During molting, pupation, a lot of hairs fall off, can get into the eyes and on the skin,but this is very rare.

26.07.2008 14:11, Бабочник

DIMID, haroshaya infa...Thanks!
All hands did not reach the wintering grounds of the nymphalid imago... What were the wintering cages and where were they located?
What are the problems with honey? I have been using it for many years without any problems...

26.07.2008 15:44, DIMID

The best results are given by foam karobka(70*40*50)glued with PVA
or silicone.Its only task is to extinguish sudden temperature fluctuations
(in my attic)or someone on an open balcony.In the refrigerator there is a
problem that it is defrosted, although I agree with many that this does not spoil the experience,the
main thing is to wet it on time.Why on the street,because we have a very mild winter(-13-15)
while it is very humid.
At the expense of honey, I just don't trust it personally(due to the loss of a batch of admirals who
should have been released to the Reserve where I work) Honey likes to materialize.
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26.07.2008 16:33, Бабочник

Thank you for the info!

30.07.2008 9:00, KAZAX

Dear colleagues
I have a female oak cocoonworm laid 77 eggs.64 caterpillars were hatched.I've been giving them birch branches for 2 days now and they don't eat anything.3 caterpillars have already died.What do you recommend,what else can you feed?
The oak tree disappears ,because where I live it does not exist.

Sincerely Kazax

30.07.2008 9:03, omar

What other breeds do you have nearby?

30.07.2008 9:12, KAZAX

Willow, poplar

30.07.2008 9:18, omar

They may have 0

31.07.2008 8:54, KingSnake

Colleagues, please help me.

I found a pair of caterpillars of the large harpy (Cerura vinula) and a pair of caterpillars of the poplar harpy (Furcula bifida). The caterpillars of both species were sitting on a young poplar tree (about a meter from the ground). Accordingly, I threw leaves from this poplar tree into a jar with caterpillars. And the caterpillars don't want to eat it. Not those, not others. What should I feed them?

Moreover, I noticed that these two species do not like each other. Or maybe just the tightness of the bank affects.

31.07.2008 23:25, okoem

I found a pair of caterpillars of the large harpy (Cerura vinula) and a pair of caterpillars of the poplar harpy (Furcula bifida). The caterpillars of both species were sitting on a young poplar tree (about a meter from the ground). Accordingly, I threw leaves from this poplar tree into a jar with caterpillars. And the caterpillars don't want to eat it. Not those, not others. What should I feed them?

This poplar and feed. What is not eaten - I can assume two reasons. First, they may be preparing for molting. And before molting, the caterpillars do not feed. Secondly, I myself nursed Cerura vinula recently. She didn't want to eat the leaves lying flat on the bottom of the jar. In the jar you need to put not individual leaves, but a whole branch with freely hanging leaves.

This post was edited by okoem - 07/31/2008 23: 28
Likes: 1

01.08.2008 9:27, KingSnake

Well, Cerura vinula is more or less clear. When I put a branch with leaves, they began to crack it slowly. What should I do with Furcula bifida? Do they just climb the leaves and hang on to them? Somewhere in the middle of the sheet. Without showing any activity. It was the same on the plucked leaves. They just sat on them and that's it.

01.08.2008 23:27, okoem

What should I do with Furcula bifida? Do they just climb the leaves and hang on to them?

This behavior usually means that they are preparing for molting. Or that they are infected with parasites.
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02.08.2008 10:52, Raptor

Most likely molting.Parasites leave traces on the body in the form of dark spots of different sizes.
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05.08.2008 16:00, Tyomochkin

Colleagues, no one brought out the bear kaya? When should they hibernate? The problem is that I already have 2 caterpillars (there are only about 50 of them, I didn't count exactly), the leaves are entwined with a web and sit there for the third day. And as far as I know, they winter like this . They eat just wildly, I carry raspberry leaves in bags, quite seriously! You have withered 5-6 cm on average. By the way, some small 2-3 cm... The scope is too big, but who knows. In general, I am interested in your ideas about the behavior of caterpillars...

06.08.2008 18:30, Бабочник

in captivity, many bears can give more than one generation.

07.08.2008 9:27, guest: Андрей

Kaya caterpillars overwinter at the 3rd age. However, if you keep them at a long day and high temperature, they do not grow for quite a long time, but then they molt to L4 and then grow without problems, as if overwintered. By the way, kaya caterpillars eat almost any plants, as well as apple cores, bread crumbs,oatmeal and anything else.

10.08.2008 16:35, Tyomochkin

Today I found pupae... That is, as far as I understand the butterfly will be released this year? After all, the caterpillar should spend the winter...

10.08.2008 17:54, okoem

Today I found pupae... That is, as far as I understand the butterfly will be released this year? After all, the caterpillar should spend the winter...

In this, of course.

16.08.2008 16:05, kto-to84

Yesterday I found 2 caterpillars of hawk moth wine medium and I want to try to bring out butterflies.That's just how I don't know ))now they are in my bank, like chewing the grass that I threw them. (kst. one caterpillar is huge, see 8 somewhere, and the second 3cm.)Please give me some advice !!!what they eat, how they develop ,when they pupate, etc..And preferably in more detail.
THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!![color=gray]

17.08.2008 9:46, guest: тата

how to breed butterflies in an apartment in Moscow in winter. the thermometer does not go below 25.

20.08.2008 14:08, guest: Андрей

Wine hawkmoth eats willow-chai, donkey's nest, bedstraw. Slightly worse - touchy, grapes or parthenocissus. It is better to grow them on the same plant that they were originally on. They can start pupating at any time. For pupation, they need to put a 5-10 cm layer of wet sphagnum or sawdust. Pupae can be kept in moist moss until spring in the refrigerator.
However, with a high probability, when pupating, tachins will come out of them...
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22.08.2008 5:24, kto-to84

Thank you very much!!!and what are tahins??and how many days does pupation last?
(one is already buried in sawdust, I want to see the process, but I'm afraid to scare it off)

23.08.2008 1:48, okoem

Thank you very much!!!and what are tahins??and how many days does pupation last?
(one is already buried in sawdust ,I want to see the process, but I'm afraid to scare it off)

Tachins are parasitoid flies. Google it, it's well-known information.
Pupation takes a few minutes, but before that, the caterpillar prepares for it for several days. It is not necessary to dig in any case, because it is impossible to disturb the caterpillar at this time! I don't know about brazhnikov, I didn't dig it up, but if you dig up a shovel, for example, then it may die after that.
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23.08.2008 14:44, guest: Андрей

Hawks of day 3 lie down before pupation, if the temperature is 28 degrees. But it is better not to disturb them during the week, as the pupa hardens for another day or two. And if it's cool , then even longer.

23.08.2008 19:27, Tyomochkin

Arctia caja doesn't eat? Something in the Tkachev book does not include her in the list of those who do not eat...

23.08.2008 19:47, guest: Евгения

Hello! Today I became the owner of two caterpillars: cabbage and sagittarius psi.
Cabbage put cabbage leaves, it seems to eat them a little, but constantly tries to crawl higher on the walls of the box (plastic transparent).
But strelchatka behaves restlessly. When I took it off, it was sitting on a pillow of silk threads on a cherry leaf. Now the leaf has dried up and it is actively crawling.
Can you tell me how to take care of them and what conditions they need? Well, accordingly, when will they turn out to be butterflies?) Thank you in advance)

23.08.2008 20:56, okoem

Hello! Today I became the owner of two caterpillars: cabbage and sagittarius psi.

Cabbage crawls up - in general, many caterpillars tend to crawl on the bank. But it may be that she doesn't have enough air. The jar should be covered with a piece of gauze or the like.
And you didn't give food to Strelchatka, did you? So she crawls. Give her a couple of twigs with leaves.

23.08.2008 21:24, guest: Евгения

There is enough air for the cabbage, apparently the light interfered with it, otherwise it is night on the street, and the lamp is shining on it. But what should strelchatka be fed with? Any leaves?
And how to take care of them in general?

23.08.2008 21:32, Бабочник

Fresh leaves daily and a fresh napkin at the bottom of the cage. in the lid of the cage ventilation..there shouldn't be any problems......
Good luck!

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