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Keeping and breeding butterflies

Community and ForumInsects breedingKeeping and breeding butterflies

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21.05.2009 8:38, taler

Sure.You can easily withdraw money 3-4 months before the main release.But let's say for six months-8 months?

21.05.2009 20:55, Бабочник

I gru - hardly. I tried with polyxene...not a fig
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22.05.2009 21:25, taler

"no fig" hatched or "no fig" survived?

24.05.2009 16:19, Бабочник

They didn't hatch. They hatched when they were supposed to.
I don't know the options for bringing this case down, but I'll be happy to find out myself.

26.05.2009 23:24, Euchloron

You can withdraw much earlier if you freeze the pupae. Tested with swallowtail, Hyalophora cecropia.

27.05.2009 0:35, Aaata

You can withdraw much earlier if you freeze the pupae. Tested with swallowtail, Hyalophora cecropia.

And how big is the risk that the pupae will die?

27.05.2009 18:47, Бабочник

Andrey, I didn't have much luck with swallowtail. And Valentine's. Maybe they did something wrong?

27.05.2009 19:46, Hemaris

With a swallowtail, it always rolls. And you don't need to freeze it, just hold it for 2 months at +5C.
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28.05.2009 23:21, Бабочник

They kept me... and more than once. xs what do they need: -)

29.05.2009 1:52, Macroglossum

They kept me... and more than once. xs what do they need :-)

With sailboats and nymphalids, it's not necessary to do anything other than track the output..well, if you show off then you can change the color scheme of the nymphalid promorozkoy... But it is necessary to endromis and even a minute difference can lead to the death of pupae in short, it is necessary to deal with this crap gracefully... do not disturb on the balcony...

29.05.2009 3:48, Aaata

Specific questions. How to get butterflies out of swallowtail pupae obtained in August-September (and therefore in need of wintering), well, at least by November, and is it really possible? And what is the specific method: immediately put the newly formed pupae in the refrigerator, or after some time? What are the approximate temperatures needed? How long is the minimum time to keep in the refrigerator?

This post was edited by Aaata - 05/29/2009 03: 51

29.05.2009 8:39, Бабочник

Macroglossum, you b couldn't decipher - "don't do anything but track the output" (C)....?

29.05.2009 9:11, Aaata

Macroglossum, you b couldn't decipher - "don't do anything but track the output" (C)....?

With this, it is just clear: check several times a day so as not to miss out (the release date is not even known approximately), otherwise it will be beaten to smithereens.

29.05.2009 11:09, Бабочник

Well, in general, the conversation was not about this at all, but about what you asked above - how to break the diapause?
And here the conclusion - I do not understand... Well, I sen stump need not miss...

29.05.2009 12:52, Guest

Well, in general, specifically with the swallowtail, it is not entirely clear why to break the diapause. They can also be bred as much as you want without diapause. If the pupa is non-diapausal, then it can be kept cool (15 degrees) and kept for more than a month. And in the heat in 2 weeks it will come out. And you can also go into diapause at any time of the year.

29.05.2009 14:36, Бабочник

Sending a non - papausing culture to Zabugorye is a problem... and sometimes you need to withdraw there quite quickly.

08.06.2009 21:28, Chen37

you can buy butterfly pupae and get advice here

09.06.2009 6:40, taler

Yes pozhailusta!Alexanor,archon,allancastria,and swallowtail pupae.All the whims for your money!

09.06.2009 6:45, Guest

So that's it...? smile.gif

09.06.2009 7:08, taler

For whims.Moods are listed smile.gif

09.06.2009 10:15, mikee

For whims.The moods are listed smile.gif

Pash, you would have voiced the second column of the list of whims, or something. I'm talking about the price of whims.

09.06.2009 10:23, taler

This is what I've already said in "purchases and sales".Okay, so go for a walk-$ 6 apiece when buying more than 10 pupae and$ 8 when buying less than 10 pupae.True, there are not many swallowtails left.

12.06.2009 17:29, VAZ

Sell caterpillars helikonida Julia Dryas iulia L1-3 for 100 rubles per piece in Moscow. Or exchange it for passionflowers. They feed on all kinds of passionflowers. Read more here: http://www.tropicarium.ru/iulia.htm

12.06.2009 18:19, Бабочник

I offer croutons (eggs) Achillides maackii (Khabarovsk Krai).
The price is 15 rubles per egg. Minimum order quantity is 20 pcs.
Transfer by train 300 rubles.
Forage plants of caterpillars are Phellodendron amurense, Dictamnus spp., Citrus spp., Poncirus trifoliata, Ruta graveolens (Rutaceae).
Who is interested-write in the personal account.

13.06.2009 19:20, guest: Максим

People are a burning question.
Saturnia pyri flew to me, damaged its wings and flew around the room, laying eggs.
QUESTION you can either bring butterflies out of them at home, if so, how.

Donetsk region (there don't seem to be such people here, but in 150 km Rostov region where they are supposed to be)

13.06.2009 20:43, taler

Everything is there and everything is usual.
It is also possible to withdraw, but there will be a lot of problems for a beginner.
Forage plants will be almost all fruit plants-apple, pear, etc.But caterpillar care is complicated.It is necessary to spray necessarily and in moderation.In general, many of the forum members here did this and achieved success.

13.06.2009 23:45, guest: Максим

I am primarily interested in what to do with the eggs so that the caterpillars hatch from them, where to eat, how much time passes from the moment of laying to the moment of caterpillar appearance?

13.06.2009 23:56, guest: Максим

And there are a lot of problems for a beginner, this is certainly very weighty, but I have not yet known any type of activity other than a loader (and similar areas) where everything is immediately clear and understandable for a beginnersmile.gif

You can do something like what to do? And then it's difficult/a lot of problemsfrown.gif

14.06.2009 7:22, taler

1. Make a cage (the fabric is best suited tulle as for a net) or buy.
2. Collect and place the eggs there.
3. Observe the hatching, and as soon as they hatch, carefully transplant to the feed plant.All this is inside the cage.Do not keep the cage in the open sun.

Keep eggs at normal temperature.There is no exact time of hatching.Usually this species has from 10 days to a month.And they don't hatch in one day.

14.06.2009 20:11, Euchloron

Grushovka eggs develop 10-15 days at room temperature and come out of the eggs very amicably. They can be sprayed a little, but if the room is not very dry, then you can not spray. Gesenits are easy to grow. They are good at eating cherries, plums, plums, etc.
It is not recommended to spray the caterpillars in any case! This species likes dry air, warmth, good ventilation and a fresh plant (but without phlegm on the leaves). If you spray a forage plant, they will most likely take a break from polyhedrosis or other infection.
They also run along the walls of the cage for a long time before starting to feed. Therefore, we must make sure that they do not run away.

15.06.2009 19:22, guest: Максим

Can I get instructions on how to make a cage?
I still have them all in a large plastic eggplant (6 liters)
If you can't walk in it, you REALLY need instructions!

17.06.2009 19:50, guest: Максим

Can someone thread all the same tell me, you can keep them in a plastic 6-liter jar or you need to do a special cage, if you do it how?

18.06.2009 0:10, Romik

Can someone thread all the same tell me, you can keep them in a plastic 6-liter jar or you need to do a special cage, if you do it how?

A jar of this size is completely unnecessary. Except for very adult caterpillars. Transfer the eggs to a Petri dish or plastic container with the same size lid. So it will be easier to control small caterpillars, so that no one crawls away accidentally. When the caterpillars are hatched, put fresh cherry, pear, etc. leaves on them and change them daily. As they grow, transplant the caterpillars into larger containers, always with a well-closed lid. In the walls of the container in advance, you need to make small holes for ventilation (heated with a thick needle). It is advisable to put a napkin on the bottom (so that it absorbs excess moisture).

18.06.2009 12:30, Guest

Romik may not be necessary, but you can keep it in it? just with this less likely that my daughter will get stuck like a thread, I'll put holes there, and it will be convenient to change branches with leaves theresmile.gif

18.06.2009 19:19, El Cazador

Personally, for me, a garden in the form of a plastic container for salads, with a volume of 1 liter, is optimal. I put the feed plant in the cage right away, and there are no problems with regulating humidity, and you can't miss the moment when the caterpillars are born. For clarity, see the photo.

____.jpg — (527.67к)

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20.06.2009 19:35, guest: Максим

So some of the caterpillars have already come outsmile.gif and how do they relate to lighting?
i.e. if the light in the room is turned on perodically at night?

22.06.2009 12:56, Guest

I'm not sure they like this kind of light, but they tolerate it...

25.06.2009 12:02, VAZ

Sell caterpillar sailboat Levi (Papilio lowi) L1-4 in Moscow. L1-2 - 25 rubles, L3-4-50 rubles. Or I exchange it for passionflowers or citrus fruits. They eat all kinds of citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines, pomelo, etc.). They are funny - if you poke them with a stick, they stick out red horns on their heads and start smelling like lemon.
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25.06.2009 13:07, Бабочник

This stuff is called osmeterium, and all sailboats have it.
Some people at older ages have such erysipelas climbing out!
Vasily, are you selling Grena? Hunting to try it on other rutovyh grow.

25.06.2009 14:05, VAZ

I'm selling Grena. We have already tried to grow on nelimons (Amur velvet) - they will die. True, these were L2-3 tracks.

This post was edited by VAZ-25.06.2009 18: 18

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