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Keeping and breeding butterflies

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27.07.2007 9:02, Шастик

Did your hand itch afterwards?smile.gif

To be honest, yes.But not for long.But I remember once I touched one creature, and in the morning I went all in red spots,so it was fun!!!

This post was edited by Shastik - 27.07.2007 09: 08

27.07.2007 9:07, Шастик

I'm betting on Macrothylacia rubi:)

By the way, they also have long since disappeared.The butterfly takes off quite early.I remember catching a Ripper for her back in May.And in June, under a willow tree, I found caterpillars and they were already too big and almost ready to complete the larval stage.So I'll bet you it's not her!!! shuffle.gif wink.gif

27.07.2007 9:11, Zhuk

Well, then I do not know. It's just that the description looks very similar to her.

27.07.2007 9:13, Шастик

I have such a premonition that it is a caterpillar of some scoops.Many of them are striped, especially with yellow color.

This post was edited by Shastik - 27.07.2007 09: 14

27.07.2007 9:15, Zhuk

Scoops? 5-6 centimeters long and very hairy? Hm...

Maybe pigrat in the south where the thread lives? This will solve a lot.

27.07.2007 9:23, Шастик

Yes, I looked there right now at least found two caterpillars with a yellow stripe, but not so hairy that you could say that it is hairy.

27.07.2007 9:27, Шастик

Maybe pigrat in the south where the thread lives? This will solve a lot of things.

And I just live in the south!!!This is the second year we've found it.Last year it was caught in June and it was in excellent condition.And this year it was already beaten in May.But this year it is impossible to judge how the species composition can change so much.What you caught yesterday, you may not find the day after that.

27.07.2007 9:39, Zhuk

And I just live in the south!!!This is the second year we've found it.Last year it was caught in June and it was in excellent condition.And this year it was already beaten in May.But this year it is impossible to judge how the species composition can change so much.What you caught yesterday, you may not find the day after that.

Yes, I do not mean exactly Macrothylacia rubi smile.gif. The pigrat family lives in the south of Israel. You never know...

27.07.2007 10:02, Tigran Oganesov

Yes, I do not mean exactly Macrothylacia rubi smile.gif. The pigrat family lives in the south of Israel. You never know...

No, not Israel wink.gifMoscow.

27.07.2007 10:06, omar

In general, a rather strange fortune-telling on coffee grounds. According to this description, nothing can be done exactly, IMHO.

27.07.2007 10:21, Шастик

In general, a rather strange fortune-telling on coffee grounds. According to this description, nothing can be done exactly, IMHO.

And in truth, post a photo and people would immediately say what you have there in a jar.Plus suddenly you are not feeding those, but for now let's guess who it is so it will drop the captcha.

27.07.2007 10:22, Шастик

Yes, I do not mean exactly Macrothylacia rubi smile.gif. The pigrat family lives in the south of Israel. You never know...

Damn, I misunderstood.

27.07.2007 20:00, sealor

ZelLu, you should read about the diapause, it's very interesting, but they won't write everything here anyway. In short, this is a period of rest when all processes slow down, hibernation is an unusual case of diapause, but in general, all the time from the end of molting on the pupa to the beginning of preparation for hatching is also a diapause, and it happens in adult insects, larvae and non-insects smile.gif
Kaya's caterpillars, as far as I can remember, develop over the course of two seasons, so..
There are a lot of topics about kossus, how to breed and grow them, and where they were not found, the caterpillars were also dug up in the ground, that is, they lived there. Your caterpillar seems to be already in the last stage, maybe it will not eat anything. It will be able to pupate in the ground, but I would put it in the sawdust, you need to take willow sawdust, that is, you can file it yourself, they live in the willows most often.
Hawkmoth burrows in the ground for pupation, so it needs to be moist. And in flower pots there is nothing to let them go, they will be buried there and it is not clear where they are and what is with them. Or in terrariums, or at least in a 3L jar, fill the earth with a layer of 5 cm.
In hawk moth, the caterpillars crawl for a long time before pupation, dig in the ground, and before pupation itself they shrivel and darken, so this is not necessarily dying!
Likes: 1

28.07.2007 0:06, ZelLu

By the way, the hawk moth does not need land, when today I came from the Institute (July 27) in a jar with hawk moth (In which there was no land!!!!) the pupa was already lying down, although it is quite possible that this is an exception than the rule, and please tell me how to take care of it now? I read that it can be taken out and slightly glued to a piece of paper, and put in a jar, and put a lid with water next to it, so you can do it? And you didn't tell me how long it would take me to dig up the land with KOSSINUS, or even if I could do it?smile.gif
And thanks for the information sealor

28.07.2007 1:16, RippeR

of course, land is not required.. But with earth, there's a better chance on Earth.. Mine, like from a bindweed (with a protruding proboscis), also pupated without land.. yes, and in what conditions!
Let it turn brown, get stronger and you can take it and at least use PVA to glue the tip of the abdomen to the gauze.. Or you can just leave + gauze or napkin on the edge of the tank. You can put a saucer with water, or you can think of other options.
Kossicus can be, I think, in a week and a half.. The main thing is that the pupa has time smile.gifto get upset, the main thing is to carefully open the case, and then the same as with the brew. Although it is not necessary to get the scythe out of the case, they say, and so it hatches well.. Although I am still an adherent of pulling - not nature yet.

28.07.2007 13:00, ZelLu

And what kind of case? I've never seen anything like this...
And how long before the kossinus butterfly arrives? And from the hawk moth?smile.gif

28.07.2007 19:47, RippeR

hawkmoth in my opinion about 2 weeks are smoked, and hypotinuses do not know.. If it was spring now, I would also say 2-3 weeks, but I don't know if the pupa overwinters.. "if not, it will be soon.

28.07.2007 20:31, sealor

Kossuses, and their pupa overwinters, are bred at home by May of the month, according to their own experience.
By the way, I did not remove the chrysalis from the cocoon.
So this is the geometry, dear mathematicians smile.gif

29.07.2007 23:17, ZelLu

So long, wow, so it's me that I still have to wait a whole year, and there's no way to speed up this process? Can artificial light make and give more heat?

30.07.2007 0:47, RippeR

it will not bear fruit.. Unless the chrysalis can be accidentally destroyed.

01.08.2007 17:19, BUTTERFLY

Forumchane, tell me pliz than eats caterpillar Galatea?

01.08.2007 21:01, Zhuk

Forumchane, tell me pliz than eats caterpillar Galatea?

On leps.it is written that Gramineae.

01.08.2007 21:19, mikee

On leps.it is written that Gramineae.

Cereals, in other words. Not grain, of course.

02.08.2007 11:04, Tyomochkin

Is it normal for a butterfly to hatch starting from the top? Usually I observed hatching starting from the bottom - in the place where the legs are located! What is the reason for this? And what is it on the last photo!?
Cosmia trapezina
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02.08.2007 11:13, Ilia Ustiantcev

I have a silkworm chrysalis lying around right now. When to expect hatching, taking into account the craziness with departure times this year?
This scoop is dead?! I hate them, half of all the flying scoops I have are them!!!
Maybe it releases a drop of liquid?(hawthorn, "blood rain")

05.08.2007 21:56, Ilia Ustiantcev

Please advise pliz what to feed and how to grow a raspberry silkworm caterpillar. Does it need water, or does it get all the necessary moisture from plants?

06.08.2007 14:34, Ilia Ustiantcev

People, tell me what to do! I put sprigs of oak, poplar, birch and raspberry in a jar for the caterpillar, but it doesn't eat! Or does it eat at night?

06.08.2007 18:31, Шастик

Or maybe she has already eaten enough and is ready for the pupation stage.I don't see any other reason other than the wrong food!!!Yes, and the time for mine is already running out,it's time to pupate,because winter is just around the corner.

06.08.2007 18:41, Ilia Ustiantcev

Ma-a-a-scarlet such a remark...the caterpillar overwinters and then molts three more times!

06.08.2007 18:43, Шастик

So what!!!So it's buggy and decided to winter again.And also a maaallleeennnkoe remark.This year has been so strange that I can't help but wonder.The species composition is so off this year.

06.08.2007 18:45, Шастик

She just got confused with time and doesn't know when it's best for her to pupate lol.gif

06.08.2007 19:09, Ilia Ustiantcev

Why again!?

06.08.2007 22:24, Ilia Ustiantcev

Hurray! The caterpillar agreed to eat birch! What a crackling sound is heard at the same time..
RippeR, thank you very much!
Likes: 1

24.08.2007 12:42, Ilia Ustiantcev

Please tell me what it is with my lemonia dumi pupa? There are some voids under the shell, if disturbed, the back of the body does not move by itself, but moves with the help of fingers. There's a gap in the shell. Is it dried up and dead?

24.08.2007 20:03, Lenik

Pobozhayu butterflies! can they really be bred at home? and where can I get pupae or caterpillars? and you can make it so that those that are bred at home continue to multiply themselves? or do you need some special conditions for this? and what thread of exotic butterflies can be bred at home?

24.08.2007 23:14, Ilia Ustiantcev

You can, you only need a suitable container and the presence of a feed plant at hand.
Pupae and caterpillars must be searched for by hard work, and the caterpillars of neyotoryh scoop are lured to the light. If the caterpillar crawls across the road, it means that it is most likely going to pupate. Pupae of diurnal butterflies can sometimes be found on fences and walls, and noticeable yellowish cocoons of mottled butterflies on the grass. Many butterflies pupate in the ground or on plants.
May. Just substitute a feeding plant for the female later, so that she can lay eggs.
I am not an expert in this field, but for the peacock-eyed graelsia isabellae, which lives very locally in Spain and France, you need ordinary pines, and for the European bramea - ash. These are butterflies of a very exotic type. And for the rest, the problem is the food plant, they are more likely to "approve" the room temperature.
And the pupa seems to be dead!"

25.08.2007 10:08, Lenik

Can I ask you what you do with the newly hatched butterflies?

25.08.2007 10:52, RippeR

If the butterflies are needed for the collection whole, then they are marinated and spread out; if they are not needed at all, then they are released, given away; if they are needed for further breeding, they are kept at home, continuing to feed them, mate them, etc., t. p

26.08.2007 1:39, Эллин

Dear friends, Today SOMETHING flew home (Moscow) terribly scared. After half an hour of stress and sedatives, it was caught in a jar. An hour of research on the Internet clarified the situation... The companion was a bindweed Hawk Moth. Size approx 7cm in length. In wingspan and flight similar to a small bird-10 cm. It is unlikely that he is a native Muscovite... I think someone brought it from pampering, well, or "on business", but the friend ran away... Who has any examples, information (how they live, what they eat, what they eat-I've already read everything, I need this information - how often someone met them in MOSCOW! I personally never, all their whom I asked for the first time see such a monster (the size is shocking)). And hence (if he is not a Muscovite) the main question!!!!!!!!! It is unlikely to survive if it would be blasphemous to release it and let it go to certain death. What to do with it!!!!!!?? Do it humanely - where to hand it over?! Dry, throw away, feed the tarantula, etc. nonsense, do not write plz. I really care about his fate, because the friend is gorgeous, beautiful, but can scare more than one person. in Moscow and somewhere yes they will kill him all the same. There are photos - the type is determined 100% correctly-bindweed.

26.08.2007 1:46, Bad Den

With all the richness of choice, I don't see any other alternative to release him...
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