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Keeping and breeding butterflies

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30.05.2007 5:17, Tyomochkin

Help! I've reached a dead end yet again!
The situation is this: There are two caterpillars of Cosmia trapezina. In different banks. The day before yesterday, both of them got into the ground. As it is written in the qualifiers, they weave cocoons on the ground. In general, mine are not going to! And today one died frown.gif.
Maybe someone deduced-faced with this! What to do? What is the reason?!

30.05.2007 16:20, Tyomochkin

Can't anyone help!? frown.gif

30.05.2007 19:17, RippeR

Better not touch it.. Often the caterpillars look dead, dark, soft, etc. But the next day - pupa.. It is better not to disturb in vain - if they are buried - wait, then look, if they die like this, then I can't help you..

31.05.2007 21:50, Tyomochkin

Lying around... Pupated alone! But the cocoon was never woven! Do caterpillars make cocoons at home? And what is the meaning of "cocoon weaving on the ground"?

01.06.2007 12:01, RippeR

I don't know how to understand this, but.. at home, the behavior, in my opinion, is not much different from the usual. I have just given birth to the caterpillars of the raspberry cocoonworm.. eat, grow, and be smart smile.gif

01.06.2007 21:02, Tyomochkin

I don't understand why there was no gossip cocoon! All conditions were met! Two caterpillars of the same species, both did not weave!

01.06.2007 21:55, Bad Den

Tyomochkin, so this species does not weave a cocoon smile.gif

02.06.2007 3:55, Tyomochkin

In the qualifiers it is written: "cocoon weaves on the ground"
Qualifier: The most popular reference

02.06.2007 6:07, RippeR

Yeah noooo... - cocoon weaves on the Ground.. and the continuation: only if.... well, etc. rolleyes.gif smile.gif
Once pupated, it means that she is not up to the cocoon.. This is for the best - with cocoons more torments

02.06.2007 11:58, guest: stierlyz

I know people who have Eudia pavonia in their culture. Only through the Internet you can not contact them.

07.06.2007 20:16, guest: vic

Eudia pavonia, we only have 300 cocoons (you can also provide a photo). And other types....

08.06.2007 13:10, Romik

Eudia pavonia, we only have 300 cocoons (you can also provide a photo). And other types ....

What are the other types ?

08.06.2007 20:43, guest: vic

We now have 7-8 other species in the culture of Actias dubernardi, Loepa obscuromarginata, Rhodinia newara, Proserpinus proserpina, Hyles hippophaes, Smerinthus planus, Eudia pavonia, Hemaris fuciformis, Endromis versicolor. demeshkovictor@rambler.ru

08.06.2007 22:01, RippeR

and the prices?

24.06.2007 15:22, guest: Slava

Hello. I'm new here, but I've been loving butterflies for quite some time. In the village, every time I go there, I start looking for caterpillars. Of course, there was nothing specific, mostly it was possible to find caterpillars of urticaria, peacock's eye, Kaya bear and once a harpy(but this was not a successful hunt). But, for example, a swallowtail or the same mourner was never found, not even an admiral.
So I wanted to ask knowledgeable specialists and people who have been doing this for a long time where, how, and what is the best way to look for caterpillars. Where to keep them, etc. at home. I will be very grateful.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

24.06.2007 22:25, AntSkr

Plant a lot of dill on the plot. And the swallowtails will fly to you, lay eggs and there will be caterpillars. About 2 years ago, at my dacha, dill was self-seeded, the entire plot was in it - and in August, caterpillars appeared.

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24.06.2007 22:47, Guest

In fact, we have a lot of things growing in our village (I'm from Belarus, not far from Minsk), including dill, carrots, and a bunch of different umbrella weeds (mostly weeds), but swallowtails fly only near the main road, from year to year. I even caught a few and released them in the garden, nothing... A pity.

25.06.2007 18:32, AntSkr

I don't know, but I grew a lot of dill (winter, very large bushes, single) all over the site.

26.06.2007 10:01, Romik

In fact, we have a lot of things growing in our village (I'm from Belarus, not far from Minsk), including dill, carrots, and a bunch of different umbrella weeds (mostly weeds), but swallowtails fly only near the main road, from year to year. I even caught a few and released them in the garden, nothing... It's a pity.

If you need caterpillars, then catch the female. It is very likely that she will be fertilized. Put her in a cage, at the bottom of which put fresh branches of dill, wild carrots, etc. The cage should be taken out to a sunny place and the female will lay a whole bunch of eggs by herself. Only the butterfly should be fed 3-4 times a day with a weak solution of honey and given water to drink.

20.07.2007 20:57, АЛЕКСС

Why do the hawk moth pupae I keep at home become empty?! weep.gif tell me how to properly contain them smile.gif

20.07.2007 21:21, sealor

How is it empty? Do the hawk moth come out of them and wash off, or what?

20.07.2007 22:11, RippeR

Parasites and Gits??

21.07.2007 11:04, Славл

I tried to raise hawk moth from hibernating pupae. I collected two caterpillars and placed them in cut-off plastic bottles with soil. There they successfully pupated. For the winter, they must be kept at a low temperature - I kept them in the basement. In early spring, the basement was flooded with rising ground water - and the pupae suffocated immediately. One got to the top of the ground in a bottle-I thought it wouldn't die, but both of them didn't come out in the end. But inside the dead pupae were formed butterflies-they did not disappear anywhere.
Likes: 1

21.07.2007 13:09, АЛЕКСС

well, little by little, the butterfly just dies and dries up! frown.gif after the winter, I see that no one has hatched from the pupa-I open them and there is nothing! you can see the hawk moth inside the pupa dies and dries up!

21.07.2007 13:14, АЛЕКСС

is it possible to pull out the pupa that is in the soil and move it to another container?

21.07.2007 13:17, АЛЕКСС

how do you think the Linden Hawk Moth pupa that is currently at my house will spend the winter?

21.07.2007 14:24, RippeR

this means:
1) pupae can be pulled out of the ground and moved in space.. It seems to me that this is even better, because then you control the space, temperature, and humidity yourself..

2) create all the conditions for the pupa to be able to go out and get rid of it, so that it feels good. If it comes out before the winter - starve, and if it doesn't come out - put it to hibernate.. Here you just have to wait and nothing more..

3) if your pupae were in a waterlogged room (first, the basement, and second, the flooded one), then they most likely rotted, then dried up.. Under such circumstances, the pupa's interior is usually empty.. I've seen this happen many times with the tropics (there are usually some ostakti liquids on the walls or something like (rotten flesh smile.gif))
Likes: 1

26.07.2007 11:54, pigrat

My daughters and I got a caterpillar, thick and fluffy, found it on the street, put it in a jar, tightened it with gauze, threw various leaves to it, and we drip water from the pipette into the "corner" of the jar from time to time.
And there are questions smile.gif))

1. Maybe she needs something else, but we don't know?
2. Is it even able to pupate in captivity? When (in what month) does this happen? Does it need additional conditions for this - maybe the ground at the bottom of the jar or something else?
3. And if it pupates, then what to do with the pupa - just do not touch it all winter? And when will the butterfly hatch? Will we see the beginning of the butterfly's hatching? I mean, can we take it out on the balcony in advance and take it out of the jar so that it flies away and doesn't get caught on anything with its wings? (Well, we will not keep a butterfly in captivity!)

Thank you for your attention smile.gif))))))))))))

26.07.2007 12:39, omar

To understand what to do with it, you must first define it. To do this, it is best to take a photo and post it here.

26.07.2007 12:54, sealor

The caterpillar looks like this- http://www.gruppopangea.org/images/Saturnia%20Pyri.jpg ?
If yes, then this is the caterpillar of the night peacock-eye, and there is a lot about them here, in the same section below, for example, the topic "Saturnia pyri".
But I must say, such caterpillars usually do not just climb down the street "in between", of course it could have fallen from a branch, but rather in the forest it crawled to pupate, it is at this moment that tree caterpillars are usually found. So if it is an adult, then you do not need to feed it, but wait until it pupates.

26.07.2007 13:44, Шастик

The caterpillar is similar.
If yes, then this is the caterpillar of the night peacock-eye, and there is a lot about them here, in the same section below, for example, the topic "Saturnia pyri".

And unless these caterpillars are fluffy,and I think it's a little late for them, most likely they have already turned into beautiful pupae, or maybe I'm wrong,I don't remember exactly when they pupate there.But if this is it, then I will say one thing that you will not find a butterfly.It will be released ash 2008 around the end of May or mid-April. weep.gif

26.07.2007 13:49, Шастик

This is really fluffy. http://www.balatsky.ru/NNB_sait/Pr_sini2.files/image008.jpg
I often find them on a maple tree.I remember climbing a tree once when I was a child,so I put my hand on it,and when I felt that I took my hand away, I was so scared that I fell out of the tree. lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

26.07.2007 14:00, Zhuk

Did your hand itch afterwards?smile.gif

26.07.2007 14:41, Anthicus

Why do the hawk moth pupae I keep at home become empty?! weep.gif can you tell me how to properly contain them? smile.gif

Regarding hawkmoth, I advise you to contact a well-known expert on this group in Riga. Contact information can be sent by e-mail:

26.07.2007 17:14, sealor

Well, the unpaired ones have definitely already hatched, we had males flying a month ago, and I still think there may be Saturnia, although yes, it's not so easy to understand, there are a lot of fluffy caterpillars, but not very thick ones, prada does not know what thick means...

26.07.2007 20:54, pigrat

Nah, not a bit like...
Ours is dark brown, almost black, with pale yellow transverse stripes, a solid black line along the back. 5-6 centimeters long.
Give me, please, some reference to the encyclopedia - in Google "caterpillar" typed, a wild bunch of links, and none came confused.gifup

27.07.2007 0:44, ZelLu

How much information about butterflies, I will share my experiencesmile.gif
For example, I was very lucky with the Bear Kaya, on July 9, at a summer training practice in zoology, my classmate caught one such bear, we brought it to the laboratory, put it to sleep with ether and began to fix it on the straighteners, probably after 20 minutes the butterfly woke up and began to jerk its body, and then we took a closer look and she began to give birth, 30 eggs of light green color with a mother-of-pearl tint, about 0.5 mm in diameter, we thought of course that nothing would hatch out of them, but I still decided to put them in a jar and see what would happen, and exactly a week later, they began to hatch, and we caught the process of hatching itself, even less strongly I was surprised, of course the caterpillars were very cool, I've never seen such small ones before, so far there have been no special problems with their cultivation, but they really eat dandelions very well, but they also want to profit from other small vegetation, and in winter they can be fed with ordinary lawn grass, which is sold in pet stores, I bought one to feed my cat.
But I still have a question, so how much does this caterpillar develop? And then I promised my classmates that I would bring them gifts in the form of butterflies by September 1, but I'm afraid that I won't have timesmile.gif
And please tell me, what is DIAPAUSE? Everyone uses this term, but I don't understand what it meanssmile.gif
By the way, who can write how to remove the odorous woodworm (Cossus cossus), I found the caterpillar already at the last stage (8 cm), brought it home and planted it in sawdust, it did not eat them (and you can grow them not only on sawdust, but also on apples or bread, they say that they grow well on these substrates), well, I put it then in a flower pot and here it happily crawled underground and sits there does not climb out, maybe it died there, and after what time it will be possible to see whether a pupa was formed there or not? And something I did not understand, if the pupa was formed, then you can get it out of the ground and put it in a jar with gauze? Then write down what else to do with it (with the pupa), wet it with water or not, and so on.
And the last question: Do hawkmoth need land to form pupae? Here I have, for example, two caterpillars of hawk moth (Smerinthus ocellatus), one is most likely already dead, somehow it has completely fallen ill, turned blue, and almost does not move, but the second is still nothing, and can someone tell me how to determine that the caterpillar is ready for pupation? And maybe this caterpillar should also be put in a pot of flowers? smile.gif

27.07.2007 0:55, ZelLu

Who can, please help smile.gif
I will be very grateful

27.07.2007 1:00, ZelLu

Oh, so the second caterpillar is an Unpaired silkworm (Limantria dispar), very well hatched, I brought it out of a small caterpillar, and the caterpillar itself is very beautiful in mysmile.gifopinion

27.07.2007 8:46, Zhuk

to: pigrat
Go to http://www.leps.it/ , there in the Lasiocampidae. On the left will be the names of butterflies, you click on them and see photos of caterpillars.

I'm betting on Macrothylacia rubi:)

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