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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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28.09.2015 16:23, Dantist

Does Lemonia dumi only eat a hawk? And then on one site it is called "Lemonia ternovnikovaya" in Russian, so it also eats blackthorn?

I don't know about the blackthorn, the hawk, the dandelion seems to be eating.
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28.09.2015 17:01, vafdog

This week we will watch "European Butterfly Night" smile.gif

what-what? interesting smile.gif

28.09.2015 17:10, Alexandr Zhakov

what-what? interesting smile.gif

Join us smile.gif
I will answer all your questions in PM smile.gif
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28.09.2015 19:20, Dantist

And Lemonia dumi ... on one site, it is called "Lemonia Ternovnikovaya"in Russian

Lettuce silkworm is more correctly called in Russian. Forage,also wild lettuce or lettuce (Lactuca sp.)
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28.09.2015 22:32, Nick444444

Does Lemonia dumi only eat a hawk? And then on one site it is called "Lemonia ternovnikovaya" in Russian, so it also eats blackthorn?

It feeds on dandelion, hawkweed, and lettuce.
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04.10.2015 23:03, Wave Storm

Report for 26.09.15, Kherson region, village of Burgunka, stepnaya balka. It was probably the last really hot day of the year. In the morning it was cool, and in the afternoon the temperature was around 30 degrees. Celsius. I didn't take any pictures of butterflies. I decided to pick up some yolks, later I will post straightened ones in the topic about yolks. Mostly light yellow jaundice flew, and only occasionally crocea flew. Yes, and I also met one Phoebe, I also took her, because I thought: "suddenly ornata?". Of the other species, nothing special - Aricia agestis, Polyommatus bellargus/icarus, Lycaena phlaeas and thersamon, Pieris rapae/napi. I don't remember if there was a Pontia edusa. Pandora mother-of-pearl flies their own, there are also field mother-of-pearl, as well as burdock, thick-headed armoricanus.

Some photos of the biotope:

picture: IMG_8732.JPG
picture: IMG_8752.JPG
picture: IMG_8763.JPG
picture: IMG_8775.JPG
picture: IMG_8781.JPG
picture: IMG_8807.JPG
picture: IMG_8821.JPG
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04.10.2015 23:10, Wave Storm

And yesterday, 03.10.15, I was in a gully near the Ingulets river near the village of Daryevka. Daytime butterflies are the same as last time + photo:

picture: IMG_8912.jpg

This caterpillar was found half-dead on the road. In my opinion, Acronicta euphorbiae
picture: IMG_8907.jpg
picture: IMG_8914.jpg
picture: IMG_8925.jpg
picture: IMG_8929.jpg
picture: IMG_8931.jpg
picture: IMG_8958.jpg
picture: IMG_8986.jpg
picture: IMG_8989.jpg
picture: IMG_8994.jpg

Butterflies gather over these yellow flowers. This is now the most abundant food in the steppe for them:
picture: IMG_8945.JPG

picture: IMG_8995.jpg
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04.10.2015 23:26, okoem

Yellow flowers - shaggy breast.
The caterpillar is Simyra nervosa. A rare beast!
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04.10.2015 23:40, Wave Storm

By the way, there on the bank of the river I found another caterpillar of green color with stripes. I took it home, and it was already buried in the ground, I didn't have time to take a picture. It was on some kind of nightshade plant, with small flowers with five white petals.

05.10.2015 7:28, okoem

a green caterpillar with stripes.

As an option http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Amphipyra_Tragopoginis
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05.10.2015 14:58, шустов

These two should be checked, most likely Tholera hilaris. IMG_20150926_092948.jpg

05.10.2015 15:12, Alexandr Zhakov

These two should be checked, most likely Tholera hilaris.

These two are Xestia trifida, but who is between them? smile.gif

05.10.2015 15:18, шустов

These two are Xestia trifida, but who is between them? smile.gif

Wow! But the truth is a trifid. It means "provtykal".
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05.10.2015 16:15, barko

These two are Xestia trifida, but who is between them? smile.gif

05.10.2015 16:17, Alexandr Zhakov


Maybe a female Tholera hilaris, I'm talking about it smile.gif

05.10.2015 16:25, barko

Maybe a female Tholera hilaris, I mean smile.gif
don't think

05.10.2015 16:28, Alexandr Zhakov

Now the lower wings of all small Tholera need to be looked at.
Although this one is most likely decimalis.

This post was edited by Djon-05.10.2015 16: 30

05.10.2015 16:29, barko

Maybe a female Tholera hilaris, I mean smile.gif
hilaris is lighter.

05.10.2015 16:44, Andrey Ponomarev

hilaris is lighter.


05.10.2015 19:38, Andrey Ponomarev

Alexander Boldyrev (insectamo) at my request (for which I thank him very much)I took photos of both types on the same page. There are no differences on the upper wings, but on the lower ones it is noticeable.
picture: 001a.jpg

The post was edited by Gennadich - 05.10.2015 19: 40
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05.10.2015 19:44, Alexandr Zhakov

Alexander Boldyrev (insectamo) at my request (for which I thank him very much)I took photos of both types on the same page. There are no differences on the upper wings, but on the lower ones it is noticeable.

And they were cooked? I would say all decimalis.
Here is 1.10 caught by Tholera hilaris.
picture: IMG_0066_Tholera_hilaris.jpg
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05.10.2015 19:53, Andrey Ponomarev

And they were cooked? I would say all decimalis.
Here is 1.10 caught by Tholera hilaris.
picture: IMG_0066_Tholera_hilaris.jpg

Sasha didn't cook them.
There is another brood male, I wrote about it here, but it has not yet been straightened


A bright white veins in both sexes that is not the difference on the right?
Kotbegemot and Michel Kettner somehow identified them without cooking

The post was edited by Gennadich - 05.10.2015 20: 08

05.10.2015 20:10, Alexandr Zhakov

In copies. what caught the rear fenders is almost white, with a slightly noticeable trace of gray. and very small, about 3 cm. All males. females may have darker lower wings.
Tomorrow I will look at the genitals, but I am convinced that Tholera hilaris.

05.10.2015 20:12, Alexandr Zhakov

Intrigue again smile.gif

05.10.2015 20:15, barko

And they were cooked? I would say all decimalis.
Here is 1.10 caught by Tholera hilaris.
Here it is similar to hilaris, light rear fenders and small size.

05.10.2015 21:54, Сергей-Д

A bright white veins in both sexes that is not the difference on the right?

In my opinion, they are all light, some are more pronounced, others are weaker. I looked at pictures of my decimalis-there are both bright and weak ones, but the hind wings of all males are darkened along the edge.
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07.10.2015 16:09, Dantist

A small report on fishing in the framework of EMN, 2.10. -5.10.2015, Odessa region, near the Kuyalnytskyi estuary.The sun shone for 3 nights in different places.Below will be a photo.In the afternoon, a lot of erate, also caught 2samsa (broken) and 1samka (fresh) Pseudophilotes bavius!, below the photo.There were also tarantulas (in the light), mantises Ameles taurica, etc.
List of daily events:
Carcharodus orientalis
Carcharodus alceae
Pyrgus armoricanus
Lycaena phlaeas
Aricia agestis
Plebejus argus
Pseudophilotes bavius !
Polyommatus thersites
Polyommatus icarus
Polyommatus bellargus
Colias alfacariensis /hyale
Colias erate
Colias croceus
Pieris brassicae
Pieris rapae
Pontia edusa
Argynnis pandora
Issoria lathonia
Melitaea phoebe
Polygonia c-album
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Coenonympha pamphilus
Thank you for the company svm2 and Damone(Sergey)

This post was edited by Dantist - 11.10.2015 17: 01

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07.10.2015 16:40, Alexandr Zhakov

Sergey, and Eugnosta (shiny leafmakers from the box with spiders), you can see from the side, an hour not Eugnosta medvedevi.

07.10.2015 17:17, Dantist

Sergey, and Eugnosta (shiny leafmakers from a box with spiders), you can see from the side, an hour not Eugnosta medvedevi.

Photographed it. Also photos of Sergey bavius (Damone)

DSC_0553.jpg — (1.6 mb)

picture: 01.jpg
01.jpg — (42.37 k)

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03.jpg — (216.34к)

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07.10.2015 18:01, Alexandr Zhakov

Photographed it. Also photos of Sergey bavius (Damone)

Thank you, this is Eugnosta magnificana, we have Eugnosta lathoniana flew, but it is necessary in the middle smile.gif
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07.10.2015 19:21, barko

A small report on fishing in the framework of EMN, 2.10. -5.10.2015, Odessa region, near the Kuyalnytskyi estuary....
Do you want to share the trisign? shuffle.gif

07.10.2015 19:33, Dantist

Do you want to share the trisign? shuffle.gif

This is the one that was identified as Polymixis latesco.I can, but how?
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07.10.2015 20:12, barko

This is the one that was identified as Polymixis latesco.I can, but how?
Yes, that's her. You can give it to my friend in Kiev.
I wrote it to your email address.

This post was edited by barko - 07.10.2015 20: 27

08.10.2015 18:05, СамПавел

Last warm night 06.10., today already -3 in the morning frown.gif

IMG_20151008_112913.jpg — (1.33мб)

IMG_20151008_112922.jpg — (1.19мб)

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09.10.2015 0:25, Wave Storm

I was on Tuesday in the forest along the Tsyurupinsky Bridge in the Kherson region. It was the last warm (and even hot on the bus) day before the cold snap. There were very few butterflies: 1 Pieris brassicae, 3 Pieris rapae, 1 Colias erate (?), 1 Colias alfacarisensis, 1 Vanessa cardui. I was hoping that the Lycaena dispar would still fly, because a week and a half ago I saw it in the village of Stepanovka. Of the flowers, mostly all sorts of asters bloom, for example, a hawk. At 05: 15, when I left the house, it was clear on the street, somewhere at 06: 00 a rather powerful fog enveloped everything, and it stood right up to 09: 50: only after this time the Sun began to break through.

picture: IMG_9035.jpg
picture: IMG_9039.JPG
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09.10.2015 13:23, stierlyz

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10.10.2015 19:19, Liparus

15.IX-03.X.2015 NE Ukraine, Kharkov reg., Chuguev distr., Dachi st.. 49°48'7.57"N, 36°36'51.10"E.


19-27.IX.2015 NE Ukraine,Kharkov reg.,Zmiev distr., Gineevka St. 49°40'54.23"N, 36°24'57.61"E

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10.10.2015 19:31, Liparus

The first find for the Kharkiv region.!

Polochrum repandum Spinola, 1805

NE Ukraine,Kharkov reg.,
Khoroshevo distr.,
Udu river (near Udyanskaya St.)

DSCF3861.JPG — (3.83мб)

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10.10.2015 19:55, Liparus


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11.10.2015 7:33, СамПавел

Still filed: missing wink.gif

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