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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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19.07.2015 22:25, Nick444444

I haven't posted it for a long time (long business trip).
Krasny Oskol village, Kharkiv region
Day 10.07, night 10-11. 07 diode lamp powered by Deo Lanos battery.
Kharkovbut accept it beer.gif

5 pieces of Sphinx ligustri is very cool smile.gif. Still pleased with Zygaena ephialtes.

20.07.2015 17:30, Сергей-Д

Ragweed scoop
picture: IMG_7079.jpg

Acontia lucida wink.gif
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20.07.2015 17:51, Сергей-Д

The sands are also in full bloom, and there are more satyrs than usual. I wonder what kind of white flower it is.
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20.07.2015 18:05, Alexandr Zhakov

Scabiosa or something close smile.gif
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20.07.2015 19:58, Andrey Ponomarev

Well, finally I figured out my tracks, now not a big report on the trip to the Crimea, Alushta.
Upon arrival at the hotel, I found a twisted leaf on figs ( I never thought that fig leaves smell like cat urine), there was a jar on duty, I had to bring out Choreutis nemorana-fig molelistovertku.
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It turned out interesting with Choreutis nemorana.
On the beach, before noon, I went to the toilet saw a butterfly there and there was nothing to take it in, I came back after lunch fully armed and she was still sitting, oh how.
picture: IMG_0007_Pseudococcyx_tessulatana.jpg
I found Caloptilia fidella caterpillars on hops.
picture: IMG_0008_Caloptilia_fidella.jpg
Then I took a walk along the Ulu-Uzen River, which flows through Alushta, on the banks of which a huge amount of black alder(Alnus glutinosa) grows.
picture: IMG_0063.jpg
picture: IMG_0064.jpg
So on this alder I found mines Phyllonorycter sp.
Four Phyllonorycter species breed on this alder, but if we take into account that these mines are lower-sided, then most likely they belong to R. froelichiella or R. klemannella
(They are not listed on Volodya Savchuk's website)
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Some strange exuvius(the upper part of the sheet is broken)
picture: IMG_0178.JPG
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20.07.2015 20:04, Andrey Ponomarev

Well, finally I figured out my tracks, now not a big report on the trip to the Crimea, Alushta.
Upon arrival at the hotel, I found a twisted leaf on figs ( I never thought that fig leaves smell like cat urine), there was a jar on duty, I had to bring out Choreutis nemorana-fig molelistovertku.
picture: IMG_7726.jpg
picture: IMG_7733.jpg
picture: IMG_7734.jpg
picture: IMG_7852.jpg
picture: IMG_8122.jpg
It turned out interesting with Choreutis nemorana.
On the beach, before noon, I went to the toilet saw a butterfly there and there was nothing to take it in, I came back after lunch fully armed and she was still sitting, oh how.
picture: IMG_0007_Pseudococcyx_tessulatana.jpg
I found Caloptilia fidella caterpillars on hops.
picture: IMG_0008_Caloptilia_fidella.jpg
Then I took a walk along the Ulu-Uzen River, which flows through Alushta, on the banks of which a huge amount of black alder(Alnus glutinosa) grows.
picture: IMG_0063.jpg
picture: IMG_0064.jpg
So on this alder I found mines Phyllonorycter sp.
Four Phyllonorycter species breed on this alder, but if we take into account that these mines are lower-sided, then most likely they belong to R. froelichiella or R. klemannella
(They are not listed on Volodya Savchuk's website)
picture: IMG_0173.jpg
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picture: IMG_0177.jpg
Some strange exuvius(the upper part of the sheet is broken)
picture: IMG_0178.JPG
Caloptilia elongella или Caloptilia falconipennella
picture: IMG_0180.JPG
Stathmopoda pedella is still on the same alder tree.
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20.07.2015 20:19, Andrey Ponomarev

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The post was edited by Gennadich - 20.07.2015 20: 53
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20.07.2015 20:27, Andrey Ponomarev

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20.07.2015 20:40, Andrey Ponomarev

11.07.2015 Mount Ai-Petri
Insects are few because got there in the afternoon, quite cool, and in the evening dubak, but there are a lot of flowers and all undersized probably because of the winds.
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20.07.2015 20:50, Andrey Ponomarev

Aivazovsky Park on Partenit 14.07.2015.
There are plenty of animals, too.There are a lot of pandoras, in the valley they are rabid, and in the park they are almost tame.
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21.07.2015 20:48, Igar

And I have an addition today....... Lasiocampa trifolii
Caterpillars were collected on 28.05.2015. Belarus Grodno region 1.2 km South of Zelva village forest
Park Pupated 10-15. 06. 2015 The first butterfly will be released on 21.07.2015, i.e. today. I'm waiting for the others.
picture: DSCN5020.jpg
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21.07.2015 21:08, evilforester

Health to all and rich hunting of the Lord!
I managed to get out of Chisinau for a couple of days, to Primorsk. It's hot, dry, but there are some animals ^_^
Ukraine, Kiliysky district, Primorskoye. 16,07,2015 - 20,07,2015

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22.07.2015 0:13, Zheka

Health to all and rich hunting of the Lord!
I managed to get out of Chisinau for a couple of days, to Primorsk. It's hot, dry, but there are some animals ^_^
Ukraine, Kiliysky district, Primorskoye. 16,07,2015 - 20,07,2015

Familiar places, I've been there more than once. Have you ever been to Vilkovo on the Danube? There's also a lot of interesting

22.07.2015 2:10, barry

Ukraine, Kiliysky district, Primorskoye. 16,07,2015 - 20,07,2015

picture: pi.jpg
This is an interesting companion, it's getting used to it. smile.gif

This post was edited by barry - 22.07.2015 02: 11

22.07.2015 7:37, evilforester

Familiar places, I've been there more than once. Have you ever been to Vilkovo on the Danube? There is also a lot of interesting things there

I didn't have a chance to go there, I was tied to the beach as a vacationer and caught between hangovers)

22.07.2015 7:38, evilforester

  picture: pi.jpg
This is an interesting companion, it's getting used to it. smile.gif

definitely yes, at least 5 individuals were seen, but I took one for a tick.
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22.07.2015 15:17, Igar

[quote=Igar,21.07.2015 21:48]DSCN5203.jpg

This post was edited by Igar - 22.07.2015 15: 18
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23.07.2015 21:14, Сергей-Д

A couple of days ago, pine planting on the sand, I went to release a recently found swift; there were no daytime butterflies, it was late in the evening, well, at least I noticed some "moth". It's good that I didn't pass by - it turned out to be not a simple fireball - Metallosticha argyrogrammos - I see it for the second time.
And caterpillars from some Schargacucullia? small ones still.
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26.07.2015 11:15, СамПавел

Yesterday, near the village of Koroviy Yar. Cicadas brought a friend from Koktebel

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26.07.2015 11:54, Alexandr Zhakov

And caterpillars from some Schargacucullia? small ones still.

In my opinion, this is something out of the micro. Already adult caterpillars. A cuckoo of this size would have a much larger head in proportion. smile.gif
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26.07.2015 20:16, Сергей-Д

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28.07.2015 15:15, Igorvet

25-27. 06. 2015 Odessa region Ananyevsky district, Novoivanovka village district. We went with Volodya Kiselyov-Opas and Maxim Leshchenko-Musson Max. Roads there of course pi ... ets. Caught on the outskirts and inside the ghostly deciduous forest. The weather was fine, the summers intense. Only one scoop Emmelia trabialis probably flew a thousand! We caught more fish at night than during the day. There were a lot of hawkmoth - linden, oak, lilac, medium and small wine, bindweed, euphorbia, bedstraw, sea buckthorn. We caught 5 males of Dolbina elegans in two nights. In Ukraine, they expanded its range slightly to the east. From tufts Drymonia querna, Harpya milhauseri, Ptilodon cucullina well, and all sorts of Phalera bucephala and Stauropus fagi. We caught interesting scoops-Lamprosticta culta, Hecatera cappa, Epilecta linogrisea, Periphanes delphinii, Catocala hymenaea. From the beetles flew a lot of small carabids, which climbed into the ears, by the scruff of the neck, in general brr. Of the larger ones, there were many Calosoma auropunctata. Potosia aeruginosa flew, even climbed the oak tree behind themlol.gif, but alas. Photos from your phone. I left my camera at home, and Max will hopefully add a card to his smile.gifPhoto of insects.

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28.07.2015 15:51, Musson max

Thank you to Igor for the informative report smile.gif
From myself I will add the straightened material on the straighteners smile.gif
Among the interesting things, but not all that is seen and caught:

Spialia orbifer (Hübner, 1823) (came to light smile.gif)

female Neptis sappho (Pallas, 1771)

female Harpyia milhauseri (Fabricius, 1775)
female Spatalia argentina (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

Catocala hymenaea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Calymma communimacula (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

we collected a lot of caterpillars of Oxicesta geographica (Fabricius, 1787 ) and gave them to Volodya (he is a specialist in breeding). We will expect pupae from him smile.gif
Cucullia asteris (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Cucullia santonici (Hübner, 1813)
Cucullia lactucae (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Cucullia absinthii (Linnaeus, 1761)
Cucullia ? confused.gif may Cucullia dracunculi (Hübner, 1813)
Periphanes delphinii (Linnaeus, 1758)
Epilecta linogrisea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Hecatera cappa (Hübner, 1809)

Dolbina elegans (A. Bang-Haas, 1912)
female Hyles euphorbiae (Linnaeus, 1758)


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Thank you for your attention cool.gif
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28.07.2015 20:52, Wave Storm

Igorvet, Musson max, an impressive report! The rains in southern Ukraine have done their job this year. We also have a lot of bindweed scoops.
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28.07.2015 21:47, Wave Storm

And today, 28.07.15, in the Kherson region, I was in a new place for myself, another wet forest near the village of Sagi in the east of the city of Tsyurupinsk. Here, as in the forest near the village of Solontsy, the sandy steppe is adjacent to meadow vegetation and forest. The forest is mostly alder with swamps, only occasionally poplars and willows are found.

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In olshannik:

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28.07.2015 21:48, Wave Storm

On butterflies-in comparison with Solonets somehow weak was: neither golubyanka alcet, nor tolstogolovka Morpheus, nor tolstogolovka dash, nor lemongrass, nor galatea I did not meet. Maybe this is due to the heat. I fried myself today. There are a lot of spiders, webs and clings to the hands, clothes and face, and even mosquitoes do not sleep. In the photo there is a red dragonfly, it was beating in a web. I felt sorry for her and pulled her out. She fell into the grass.

The most widespread species of butterflies are turnip and rutabaga whiteflies; cow's eyes and pamphylia sennits are also common. Pontius Aeduses were rare. Hyponephele lupina isn't here either. From nymphalids-1-2 Polygonia c-album in the thickets of hops with nettles, 1 admiral, several mother-of-pearl pandora, 1-2 checkers Phoebe. There were 3 species of egg yolks (alfacariensis, erate, crocea). Of the thickheads-Erynnis tages and some other one that seemed interesting to me, but did not allow itself to be photographed normally (there is one photo). Of the pigeons, there are several Celastrina argiolus, but it is difficult to say about the rest, because I am confused with their definition. In my opinion, I have 2 Aricia agestis, and 4 Polyommatus thersites in the photo.

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This post was edited by Wave Storm - 07/28/2015 21: 49
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28.07.2015 22:09, Hierophis

Wave Storm, a wonderful walk! I didn't make up my mind today, we had some rain in the afternoon. And the place is quite appropriate. Solonets, so it is possible that prichna is in the heat, you may need to go out earlier, but in general, the heat should go away soon smile.gif
Very good location smile.gif
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29.07.2015 10:35, usya04

the second photo shows Icarus, a female. And on the 5th like agestis
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30.07.2015 1:09, barry

21.07.2015. Kharkiv region, Liptsy village area


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31.07.2015 19:34, barry

22.07.2015. Kharkiv region, Pecheneg district, Artyomovka village area


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02.08.2015 17:28, Сергей-Д

Yes, just this morning I noticed that they started making a spider web cover and are preparing to pupate. So if everything goes well , I'll write down who it was.

Everything turned out to be simple-Paracorsia repandalis, although the first copy of the imago (in addition to the caterpillars, there was also a pupa) he disappeared, not wanting to leave his photo.
picture: __________________________.jpg

Today, passing through the pines and sands.
Dry, almost all faded - only scabiosa still attracts scales. In such areas fly satirids (Hyponephe lupina, Coenonympha pamphilus, Maniola jurtina), b-m xerophytic pigeons Lycaena tityrus, Lycaena thersamon, Plebejus argus), fireflies (Loxostege delibatica, Platytes alpinella), the rest is smaller (Issoria lathonia, Pontia edusa, Laspeyria flexula).
Statilin - go first!
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02.08.2015 17:38, Сергей-Д

P.S. The other day at night a lot of cows arrived, though in quantitative and not specific terms. And a few more details, if you recognize someone, write at least photos and I'll sign them.

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02.08.2015 20:10, Barnaba

Infestation in action smile.gif. Ladybugs-Harmonia axyridis. Barbel-Trichoferus campestris. Both are invaders from Asia.
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02.08.2015 23:55, Wave Storm

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03.08.2015 9:44, barry

And a few more details, if you recognize someone, write at least photos and I'll sign them.

Sphragisticus nebulosus (Fallen, 1807)
Corizus hyoscyami (Linnaeus, 1758)
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03.08.2015 17:55, Musson max

02-03. 08. 2015-Ukraine, Chernihiv region, Srebnyansky district, outskirts of the village of Grbentsy, tract. Lobodernoye - 125W+250W DRL light

It didn't fly very well, as it was cold at night (-14) and humid. But something came anyway smile.gif

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Thank you for your attention smile.gif
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04.08.2015 1:02, Ilia Ustiantcev

Musson max
14 cold!? Here you are a bourgeois.
And what is the butterfly in the bottom photo in the middle?

04.08.2015 7:35, svm2

Artiora evonymaria
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04.08.2015 23:06, Kharkovbut

the second photo shows Icarus, a female. And on the 5th like agestis
There are no Agestis. Some are definitely icarus; most likely, all of them (i.e., no terzites either).

05.08.2015 0:46, Musson max

Musson max
14 cold!? Here you are a bourgeois.
And what is the butterfly in the bottom photo in the middle?

You quickly get used to the good stuff when it's +23-25 and three layers of biomass smile.gif)) That's when it seems that +14 is a bit cold wink.gif

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