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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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05.05.2015 21:54, Василий Л.

As far as I understand, the instance is built. Please take a picture of it to dispel our doubts smile.gif

Okay, I'll take a picture tomorrow. Only it's missing the left half of its wings. shuffle.gif

06.05.2015 12:05, Сергей-Д

Do they differ in their wings?
I found a compilation based on various attributes, probably from the branch by phone:
picture: __Xylocopa.JPG
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06.05.2015 17:30, Василий Л.

Do they differ in their wings?
I found a compilation based on various attributes, probably from the branch by phone.

Thank you for the material! No, they don't seem to differ in terms of wings, I just wanted to warn you that ex. with a defect. I didn't know that the details you pointed out were so important in their definition. I identified this specimen as an individual of X. violacea only from photos from the Internet and drawings from atlases... But then (i.e., last year) Not only was I not seriously engaged in entomology, but I didn't even know about the existence of such a genus as Xylocopa. shuffle.gif I'm sorry that in the post URL #3725 was so categorical. Maybe it's X. valga after all. But from this ex. it doesn't get any worse, given that X. valga is also listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and has the status of "Rare", as, in other words, X. violacea. Here's a photo. Can these photos allow us to confirm or refute my definition? And can you tell from photos of this quality whether it's a female or a male? I apologize very much for the poor quality of the photos. I don't know how to take high-quality photos yet. frown.gif And is this possible with the Canon PowerShot A2500 camera? If so, please share the secrets of high-quality photos. mol.gif Thank you all for your answers and comments.



As for bumblebee, here are his photos. The abdomen seems to have come out more or less, but the pronotum does not work well. weep.gif



This post was edited by Vasily L. - 05/16/2015 10: 24

06.05.2015 19:27, vafdog

And is this possible with the Canon PowerShot A2500 camera? If so, please share the secrets of high-quality photos. mol.gif Thank you all for your answers and comments.

I think you can, set the Macro mode and take pictures in good light, as close to the window as possible and preferably during the day. and probably it is not necessary to bring the lens much closer to the subject of shooting, otherwise looking at the photo the camera does not focus on the object, and this should be monitored first of all

This post was edited by vafdog - 06.05.2015 19: 28
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10.05.2015 20:35, СамПавел

Yes, bumblebee Bombus terrestris female
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10.05.2015 21:49, Чегар

Good evening, everyone. I decided to go to Rezeny today and shoot traps in the forest. They've been standing there for a month now. We went with the sauce of a country family walk, so, guys (Moldbiol), do not be offended that you did not invite us.
Of the five 450-gram glasses, two were turned out and crumpled, one simply could not be found, two revealed a dozen and a half Carabus cancellatus and about ten coriaceus - most of the beetles were alive and therefore released. Mertvym taken on a nickel convexus and Calosoma inquisitor, a few Brachinus crepitans, och. large (11mm) Amara, eurynota and something else on the little things. Not a bad bug Tropiphorus micans, apparently accidentally fell. This is the third time I've been caught. But the main thing in the glasses was 5 pieces of Trypocopris vernalis-completely green. I've never seen one like it, only blue ones, so these won't be lost.
On the way back, the feeling of anxiety ( the rear left bearing was already roaring like a jet engine at 60) was mixed with a strong sense of dissatisfaction. We turned off the highway to the field where we were with the Sled in April, and where the ground was teeming with beetles. I was hoping to find something new. A single view would be enough. The entire dorcadion array was available-fulvum-cinerarium-pucilum. Even more so. Kmk and everything else - kravchiki, sabulosums, etc. But I was looking for interesting earth weevils.! Pair of Pachycerus segnis (syn. cordiger). jump.gif It was not so easy to identify them, there is no such thing on the Polish site. Thank you
coleop123.narod.ru In general, I am satisfied. smile.gif
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11.05.2015 8:32, Maksim M.

Andrey-a photo of mattresses in the studio-a....?

11.05.2015 8:56, Чегар

Maxim, I would love to, but there is nothing. For me, an old photographer, this is a sore subject.

11.05.2015 9:46, Maksim M.

Sergukha and I also took a 9-10.05 ride here, to the Tula region, I'm waiting for photos from him,I'll send a report to the forum.

11.05.2015 16:05, СамПавел

Koroviy Yar, Donetsk region Finally, the first lime went jump.gifIn the afternoon went for the horses, a little (((maybe the weather is cool and there is no sun

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11.05.2015 16:56, Василий Л.

...In the afternoon I went for the horses, a little (((maybe the weather is cool and there is no sun

We have here on the dry meadow of horses, you can say, darkness. You can find them, although not so much, and in cloudy weather, but you need to look more carefully. wink.gif But still (at least for me) horses are most often when there is sun (so this is the main weather condition), even if it is not very warm.
Have a good field season!

11.05.2015 21:16, Zheka

Today I had a free day and decided to explore the area marked on the map for a long time: a small section of slopes on the bank of the Dniester estuary in the vicinity of the city of Ovidiopol, Odessa region. Since the departure was primarily an excursion, so photos of the area will be in the first place.
Here is the actual view of these very slopes:

In several places springs make their way to the surface

But a couple of springs have broken through entire caves

Locals use most of the slope for pasture, so the vegetation is quite knocked out. On insects, unfortunately, not particularly. Of the butterflies, Euchloe ausonia and Pseudophilotes bavius were most popular. Ringer mosquitoes were flying in huge numbers. They sit everywhere on the grass, on bushes. Every step you take makes the whole place hum, so it was pretty lousy to mow the grass.

The result is this list of butterflies:

Pyrgus malvae

Papilio machaon
Iphiclides podalirius
Zerynthia polyxena

Pieris brassicae
P. rapae
P. napi
Colias erate
Pontia edusa
Euchloe ausonia (there are quite a lot of them)
Leptidea ? sinapis

Issoria lathonia
Vanessa atalanta
Cynthia cardui

Lycaena phlaeus
Celastrina argiolus
Pseudophilotus bavius
Aricia agestis

Saturnia pyri (found one right wing, someone didn't finish smile.gifit )

Macroglossum stellatarum

Autographa gamma
Acontia trabealis
Heliothis dipsacea/adaucta

Sione lineata
Lythria purpuraria
Lythostege griseata
Heliomata glarearia

In this place, it would be interesting to shine at night, but that will be another story wink.gif

This post was edited by Zheka - 05/11/2015 21: 34
Likes: 20

11.05.2015 21:46, Wave Storm

Zheka, a cool place, reminds us of our Dnieper estuary. Only here, when I was there at the end of April, there were fewer butterfly species.

Did you have more Euchloe ausonia than any other species?

11.05.2015 21:51, Zheka

Zheka, a cool place, reminds us of our Dnieper estuary. Only here, when I was there at the end of April, there were fewer butterfly species.

Did you have more Euchloe ausonia than any other species?

Only P. edusa and P. rapae were larger than ausonia.
But in terms of the number of species, I expected more, especially from pigeons and bigheads.
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12.05.2015 22:37, Dantist

Fishing report : 9.05-11.05.2015 Odessa region Ivanovsky district After looking at the weather, we decided to go to Odessa,where they promised warmth and no rain. We visited several places.
Daytime butterflies were encountered:
Erynnis tages
Pyrgus alveus ?
Pyrgus malvae
Pyrgus armoricanus ?
Lycaena thersamon
Lycaena phlaeas
Aricia agestis
Glaucopsyche alexis
Pseudophilotes vicrama
Pseudophilotes bavius
Polyommatus thersites
Polyommatus icarus
Iphiclides podalirius
Papilio machaon
Zerynthia polyxena
Colias alfacariensis
Colias croceus
Colias erate
Leptidea sp.
Anthocharis cardamines
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Pontia edusa
Melitaea cinxia
Melitaea trivia
Vanessa cardui
Coenonympha pamphilus.
From the most interesting: crunch of Holochelus pilicollis and tree beetle Stygoides colchica. The latter was detected during mowing. In half a day, 11 copies were mowed down for three people.!(males). It was a weak flight last night,but something flew in.
In general, we went well.

This post was edited by Dantist-13.05.2015 12: 59

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13.05.2015 0:15, Kharkovbut

Fishing report : 9.05-11.05.2015 Odessa region Ivanovsky district
Pyrgus alveus
Pyrgus armoricanus.
How was it determined? Otherwise, I'm tormented by vague doubts. smile.gif
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13.05.2015 8:32, Dantist

How was it determined? Otherwise, I'm tormented by vague doubts. smile.gif

Determined in a hurry, you can say,"on the fly")), since it was not up to them, I will put my own couple of copies for determination after unpacking.An error is possible.

13.05.2015 19:10, Василий Л.

A short report about the period May 9-11, 2015, and a little bit about today and yesterday.
On May 9, I hunted at a sawmill on the outskirts of the forest.
10 and 11 went to the deciduous (or, if you want, oak) part of the forest in its west, hoping to lure the oak juice of a large oak barbel (Cerambyx cerdo), but, unfortunately, to no avail. frown.gif
Today and yesterday I caught some interesting specimens while walking around my yard and street.


9th May
Papilio machaonLepidoptera
:(I saw about five, but I didn't catch them because I already have them in my collection)
Polygonia c-album (saw two, but caught only one)
Leptidea morsei ?(individual)
Pieris napi (five)
Pieris rapae (two)
Anthocharis cardamines (two males)
Gonepteryx rhamni (male)
Lycaena phlaeas (four)
Callophrys rubi (two)
Polyommatus icarus (male, failed to catch)
Acanthocinus aedilis (saw about twenty, caught sixteen - 8 males and 8 females)
Callidium violaceum (isolated)
Cicindela hybrida (five caught; saw much more)
Hylobius abietis (ten)
Elater (Ampedus) sanguineus (singular)
Thanasimus formicarius (seven)
Cerylonidae (many)
Cetonia aurata (two; on Russian broom)
Tropinota hirta (eight; on Russian broom)
Melolontha melolontha (many)
Melolontha hippocastani (many)

May 10th
Iphiclides podalirius (isolated)
Polygonia c-album (I saw one, couldn't catch it)
Leptidea morsei ? (individual)
Pieris rapae (single)
Lycaena phlaeas (isolated)
Athous haemorrhoidalis (isolated)
Agriotes obscurus (two)
Cetonia aurata (seven)
Protaetia (Potosia) metallica (two)
Palomena prasina (three)
Picromerus bidens (isolated)
Eurydema dominulus (isolated)

May 11
Geotrupes stercorarius (two)
Cetonia aurata (ten; more and more every day)
Protaetia (Potosia) metallica (two)
Cetonischema aeruginosa (isolated, and even then in a perfumed formfrown.gif; apparently, someone has already tried mad.gif)
Bombus hypnorum (isolated)

Among the interesting things, both yesterday and today I saw the first mnemosyne of the season (Parnassius mnemosyne), but I couldn't catch them with a net or a camera frown.gif, because they flew too high and fast. Also today, I saw and caught another podalirius (Iphiclides podalirius). Among Coleoptera, two soft-bodied Cantharis pellucida, caught on May 12 and 13, respectively, are worth noting. Also today I saw one Xylocopa valga and one Bombus ruderarius.

In general, these days were quite successful.

A few final photos.

Two male grey long-whiskered barbel (Acanthocinus aedilis).

And here is one separately.

A couple of images of the interbreeding horse (Cicindela hybrida) in cloudy and sunny weather.
picture: 370_385_005.JPG


The lilacs that grow in my yard.


And here are the bronzes that feed on this very lilac tree.




And another visitor to the lilac tree is a beautiful podaliriy (sorry for the poor quality, the butterfly was far away and moved all the time).


This post was edited by Vasily L. - 05/16/2015 10: 22
Likes: 20

13.05.2015 21:20, Aurelian

Leptidea morsei

Most likely, sinapis or juvernica.

Both yesterday and today I saw the first mnemosyne of this season (Parnassius mnemosyne), but I couldn't catch them with a net or a camera , because they flew too high and fast

I can't imagine mnemosyne flying high and fast confused.gif
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13.05.2015 21:31, Kharkovbut

Determined in a hurry, you can say,"on the fly")), since it was not up to them, I will put my own couple of copies for determination after unpacking.An error is possible.
Thank you. Armoricanus is just imho very likely, but Alveus is questionable. However, they can only be reliably distinguished by their genitals. But first, you can also view the appearance.

14.05.2015 0:45, Ilia Ustiantcev

That's right, mnemosyne contused, in his only episode of contact with them (on ZBS) easily filmed two things in nature. Polyxena is a smart bastard.
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14.05.2015 12:13, Василий Л.

Most likely, sinapis or juvernica.
I have a bad idea of mnemosyne, which flies high and fast confused.gif

The fact that this is L. sinapis or the very similar L. juvernica may very well be. But the rather large possibility that this is L. morsei should also not be excluded.

It did not fly as fast as you might imagine, but it is a fact that it is quite high (about four meters). And I don't know how to photograph butterflies in flight, even if not too fast. Especially since I saw them in my yard, the butterfly only r-raz-z - and flew into someone else's yard. So there was no chance. frown.gif But the fact that they were mnemosynes (most likely males, since they appear earlier than females and spend more time in flight) that's for sure. smile.gif
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15.05.2015 9:41, Aurelian

But the fact that it was mnemosyne is already certain. smile.gif

Vasily, in order to identify a butterfly with confidence, you need, first, to look at it well (for this it is better to collect and spread the specimen), and secondly, to know the distinctive features of similar species (identifying keys will help you). In addition, you should take into account the peculiarities of biology; usually mnemosines do not fly in vegetable gardens, and alcifrons are not found in early May. If you are not sure about anything, do not hesitate to ask, this forum will help smile.gifyou
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15.05.2015 11:30, Василий Л.

Vasily, in order to identify a butterfly with confidence, you need, first, to look at it well (for this it is better to collect and spread the specimen), and secondly, to know the distinctive features of similar species (identifying keys will help you). In addition, you should take into account the peculiarities of biology; usually mnemosines do not fly in vegetable gardens, and alcifrons are not found in early May. If you are not sure about anything, do not hesitate to ask, this forum will help you smile.gif

Thanks! Still, I believe it was mnemosyne, but I can't say for sure. About Alcifron, yes, it wasn't him. Having straightened, having better considered the butterfly, I realized that this is Lycaena phlaeas. It all fits together - the appearance is identical to that of this species, the same size, flying in May, occurs within the boundaries of its range and in the same biotope. Thank you again for your support and help!

15.05.2015 13:24, Wave Storm

Vasily L., and maybe the hawthorn was? After all, does it have some similarities with mnemosyne?
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15.05.2015 13:40, Василий Л.

Vasily L., and maybe the hawthorn was? After all, does it have some similarities with mnemosyne?

There are some similarities, but I'm sure it wasn't hawthorn. She has too expressive black veins on her wings, which are hard to miss, and her age begins a little later. And although I saw this butterfly too little time to say anything, but its veins were only slightly visible, which, by the way, was the main factor that led me to think that it was mnemosyne (for a few seconds, as if teasingly, it flew close enough to me that it gave me the opportunity to see it a little bit, but this time was extremely short to react in any way).

15.05.2015 15:05, Vlad Proklov

In Saratov, mnemosyne can be found right next to vegetable gardens.
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15.05.2015 15:17, Василий Л.

In Saratov, mnemosyne can be found right next to vegetable gardens.

That's when I saw this mnemosyne, as I believe, near the vegetable garden. Obviously, she was looking for a crested duck (we can find it both on the edge of the forest and in the forest itself), but not finding the desired one in my yard, she flew away to search further.

15.05.2015 20:30, СамПавел

Photos of bear pupae that I posted
on the imago of the brown-yellow bear came out
Here are its caterpillars.
Today I caught 4 pieces of bloody dipper
On the rasprovilke dipper geba?

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15.05.2015 21:07, Василий Л.

Photos of bear pupae that I posted
on the imago of the brown-yellow bear came out
Here are its caterpillars.
Today I caught 4 pieces of bloody dipper
On the rasprovilke dipper geba?

Excellent specimens! wink.gif
And on the spread-yes, male hebe bear (Eucharia festiva) Hufnagel, 1766.

19.05.2015 16:57, СамПавел

Today I went to a new place for myself. This amount of polyxene I have never seen!There is a lot of Kirkazon, it begins to bloom. Even the first mnemosyncs went.Only two were caught. Bumblebee clay, did not catch, because it is already there

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19.05.2015 22:22, barry

Kharkiv region, May 2015.
A. A. Shehovcov leg.
picture: CRW_3182.jpg
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20.05.2015 1:11, Ilia Ustiantcev

And what is this nightmare between weevils, what size is it, and where to find it?

20.05.2015 9:03, barry

And what is this nightmare between weevils, what size is it, and where to find it?

Nemozoma caucasicum Ménétriés, 1832. In my opinion, a bark beetle hunter (judging by his facial expression), although it's better to read it...

20.05.2015 9:25, barry

A. N. Drogvalenko.
Coleoptera species (Insecta, Coleoptera) are new and rare for the fauna of Ukraine.
Izvestiya Kharkovskogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva, 1999, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 20-29.

Nemosoma caucasicum Ménétriés (Trogossitidae).
Rare. Like other members of the genus, it is a predator associated with bark beetles ' moves on
deciduous trees. It is known from the Caucasus. It was marked for the first time in Ukraine. Beetles
appear early in spring, develop in one generation. Adults mostly feed
on beetles, while larvae feed on preimaginal stages of bark beetles Hypoborus F. and Scolytus Geoffr.
Material: Kharkiv region, Zmiev district, Gaidary village, 28.03.1991, A. Bartenev - 5 copies.
Beetles are collected under the bark of dry pears in the passages of bark beetles of the genus Scolytus.
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20.05.2015 14:08, СамПавел

With the heat, with the heat!Zakablukovka farmstead (although only one name remains from the farm)

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22.05.2015 12:03, Wave Storm

18.05.2015 I was in the steppe in the Kherson region. in the west of the city of Berislav. The weather is excellent: not cold, but not hot either. Butterflies are plentiful. By species - mainly shashechnitsy and golubyanka, as well as tolstoglovki. Even in smaller numbers than the previous butterflies, I saw a dawn (1 male, apparently chasing a female), a bloody bear (2 specimens), and an ephialtic mottled bear (3-4 specimens). under the bushes on the slope), green mottled (2ex., I don't know how to distinguish them by appearance). In the lowlands, a couple of flying polyxenes met. Scoops (in my opinion gamma) and moth flies flew out of the grass. The hawthorns aren't out yet.

What we managed to capture:

picture: IMG_5418.jpg
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22.05.2015 12:07, Wave Storm


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Photos of the area:

picture: IMG_5674.jpg
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22.05.2015 16:36, Maksim M.

And over there in the gully,on the sand and cliffs, there should be excellent steeds-did you look, eh?????
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22.05.2015 17:10, Alexandr Zhakov

picture: IMG_5547.jpg

Bavius the handsome man. smile.gif
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