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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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22.05.2015 18:42, Wave Storm

And over there in the gully,on the sand and cliffs, there should be excellent steeds-did you look, eh?????

Maksim M, there were field horses in March-April were. But I haven't met any others.
And I also remembered that I wanted to see dorkadionov, but apparently I was already too late - I wasn't there.

22.05.2015 18:43, Василий Л.

During the period from May 12 to May 21, unfortunately, there was no time for entomology classes, so all the specimens were encountered at this time, and some were caught smile.gifcompletely by chance.

The result is approximately this list::

Iphiclides podalirius (five, I didn't catch a single one; in general, it was difficult to catch someone without the necessary equipment (as I wrote above, during this period I met insects completely by accident))
Inachis io (isolated, not caught; something they are not enough this year, even if overwintered)
Pararge aegeria (single)
Pieris rapae (caught only one)
Pieris napi (about five, didn't catch a single one)
Pieris brassicae (I also saw about five)
Gonepteryx rhamni (one male)
Lycaena alciphron (already started flying, saw three of them)
Lycaena phlaeas (also saw three)

? Leiopus nebulosus
Cerambycidae:(once, before I could figure out what was going on, he flew frown.gif weep.gif mad.gifaway )
Chalcophora mariana
Buprestidae: (individual)
Phyllobius urticae
Curculionidae: (two)
Elater (Ampedus) sanguineus
Elateridae: (individual)
Ectinus aterrimus (isolated)
Athous haemorrhoidalis (isolated)
Agriotes obscurus (isolated)
Lucanus cervus
Scarabaeidae: (only once, I caught a male 82 mm long (together with the "horns") on May 21, I have never met them so early, they usually start to come out around June 10)
Cetonia aurata (many)
Oxythyrea funesta (isolated; I described my encounter with it in more detail here: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...&#entry1555038)
Maladera holosericea (four)
Lilioceris lilii
Chrysomelidae: (three)
Chrysolina fastuosa (six)
Cantharis fusca
Cantharidae: (five)
Cantharis nigricans (two)
Cantharis pellucida (three)
Cantharis rustica (two)

Palomena prasina
Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale
Acanthosomatidae: (individual)

Unfortunately, this time without photos. In most cases, I came across all of the above instances by accident, and, accordingly, without any equipment, including a camera.

This post was edited by Vasily L. - 05/22/2015 20: 42
Likes: 9

22.05.2015 19:11, Wave Storm

Bavius is a handsome man. smile.gif

I didn't see them when I arrived in the afternoon. And after 5 o'clock in the evening, baviuses and shashenitsy began to gather on more or less tall plants with flowers, including sage drooping.
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22.05.2015 19:48, Alexandr Zhakov

Nogel should also be if there are pontic or woolly-flowered astragalus.
And baviuses now began to appear, and then they were depressed for 10 years, or even more.
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25.05.2015 15:01, Musson max

Good afternoon!
A little bit of fishing was born in the Kiev region, Brovarsky district, near the village of Pershe Travnya


picture: 22_23.05.20151.jpg

Thanks for your attention!

This post was edited by Musson max - 05/28/2015 13: 31
Likes: 19

25.05.2015 18:01, Сергей-Д

on the unsigned photos of moth Electrophaeas corylata - female Ematurga atomaria-Chiasmia clathrata, fireflies-Agrotera nemoralis and Ostrinia palustralis.
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25.05.2015 18:12, СамПавел

Last night DRL 250 s.Koroviy Yar. Today I went to the vicinity of the village of Rubtsy. Pigeons could be caught by hand!)))In large quantities on KRG excrement. I'll try to post a photo of the catch tomorrow.We also have 4 tracks, I don't know who.

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25.05.2015 23:56, Valentinus

18.05.2015 I was in the steppe in the Kherson region. in the west of the city of Berislav. The weather is excellent: not cold, but not hot either. Butterflies are plentiful. By species - mainly shashechnitsy and golubyanka, as well as tolstoglovki. Even in smaller numbers than the previous butterflies, I saw a dawn (1 male, apparently chasing a female), a bloody bear (2 specimens), and an ephialtic mottled bear (3-4 specimens). under the bushes on the slope), green mottled (2ex., I don't know how to distinguish them by appearance). In the lowlands, a couple of flying polyxenes met. Scoops (in my opinion gamma) and moth flies flew out of the grass. The hawthorns aren't out yet.

What we managed to capture:

picture: IMG_5464.jpg

I don't think it's Phoebe, but Ornata!!!
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26.05.2015 11:10, Wave Storm

Valentinus, interesting. I looked at my other Phoebe photos, most of them ornate.
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26.05.2015 18:37, Василий Л.

On the weekend of May 23 and 24, I went fishing in the forest smile.gif. The days turned out to be hot, so I went in the morning, on the 23rd - from 11.00 to 13.30, and on the 24th - from 10.30 to 12.30. On the first day - it is clear, there are no clouds in the sky, the temperature is +22 degrees (and this is in the morning!), a light breeze. On Sunday, it's even worse: it is also clear that the temperature is already +25 degrees and a complete calm. Despite such weather conditions, fishing was mainly aimed at butterflies.

On May 23, as always, I first stopped at a dry meadow. Many Lycaena phlaeas, Lycaena tityrus, Coenonympha pamphilus, a few Aricia agestis and only one Issoria lathonia flew here. The next point of the trip was two clearings in the forest with a predominance of Russian broom (Chamaecytisus ruthenicus) and male fern (Dryopteris filix-mas). Here, but in smaller numbers, the above-mentioned species flew, to which Lasiommata maera was added (although, since its flight only recently began, there were not many of them). Also, there were still quite fresh Papilio machaon, I could not resist and took a couple rolleyes.gif, but Anthocharis cardamines was no longer there, and in general, this weekend I saw only a few different whiteflies, which is very strange confused.gif. Then I went to the clearing, which was very close to the glades. Of course, a fairly extensive clearing is a sad sight, both for an entomologist and for any nature lover. Nevertheless, here I managed to collect 12 specimens of Chalcophora mariana-cutting down is an ideal place for them. That was the end of the foray into the woods. On the way back, I managed to catch a few more butterflies of some of the above species.

On May 24, the sortie took place along the same route. Among the new species, both in the dry meadow and in the clearings in the forest, some of Melitaea sp.were found. (either M. athalia, or M. phoebe - I haven't looked carefully yet, but I'm leaning towards the first option), and in the meadow (as far as I can tell, because I couldn't catch it) also a male Polyommatus icarus. Among the interesting things, in the clearings in the forest, I managed to catch one not very fresh Iphiclides podalirius and a male Callophrys rubi. In general, I am satisfied. This weekend I saw, and some caught, several numerous, but completely new species for me (as you may remember, this is my first field season).

Some photos are attached. smile.gif Unfortunately, only Chalcophora mariana has been photographed in its natural habitat. Here it is:

Underside of the body:

And here is the place where many goldsmiths were found:

General view of deforestation (this is only the part that was cut down this year):

View of one of the clearings in the forest:

In my opinion, a green lizard (Lacerta viridis), which basks in the sun on one of the pine trunks felled by the elements (if the definition is incorrect, correct it).

And some plants (I would be grateful for help in determining).
1. ?

2. In my opinion, Geranium sp. I would like to see the view.

3.? Here at least until the end, if the quality allows.

Ah, well, yes-photos of several still unopened envelopes.
1. Lasiommata maera

2. Iphiclides podalirius

3. Three Lycaena tityrus, and at the bottom - one Aricia agestis

4. Coenonympha pamphilus

This post was edited by Vasily L. - 05/26/2015 21: 48
Likes: 16

26.05.2015 19:16, okoem


The green mottled bird in the photo is probably Jordanita graeca.

This post was edited by okoem - 05/26/2015 19: 17
Likes: 1

26.05.2015 19:28, KM2200

  2. In my opinion, Geranium sp. I would like to see the view.
Geranium sanguineum, I think. And by the way, there is also a botanical forum for identifying plants.
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26.05.2015 19:28, barry

22.05.2015. Kharkiv region, Dergachevsky district, Bezruki village district
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26.05.2015 19:32, barry

22.05.2015. Kharkiv region, Dergachevsky district, Masliya village district
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26.05.2015 19:38, Василий Л.

Geranium sanguineum, I think. And by the way, there is also a botanical forum for identifying plants.

Thanks! Just an opportunity turned up (photos are suitable for the report, but plants are not defined), so I asked for help here.

26.05.2015 22:31, barry

22.05.2015. Kharkiv region, Dergachevsky district, Bezruki village district
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27.05.2015 15:55, СамПавел

Promised photos from Rubtsy village

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29.05.2015 18:54, Guest

Kharkiv region, May 2015.

Posting Labels!

First rhynchitids: purple and brown-red:
07.V.2015 NE Ukraine,Kharkov reg.,near Zhikhor ZDS. Stantion, near Udu river. 49°51'22.36"N, 36°15'0.87"E

07.V.2015 NE Ukraine,Kharkov reg.,Vasischevo distr., Gusinaya Polyana, near Udu river. 49°49'59.38"N, 36°16'45.16"E

Rhynchitid from Sweet cherry (with thorns in the male):
04-10. V. 2015 NE Ukraine, Kharkiv reg., 3 km W to Rogan` (On Chereshne). 49°53'27.79"N, 36°26'15.28"E
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29.05.2015 18:55, Guest

Promised photos from Rubtsy village

On mnemosynam somehow weak.

29.05.2015 21:06, Kharkovbut

On mnemosyne somehow weak.
Do you have to collect everything that moves? tongue.gif

29.05.2015 21:08, Kharkovbut

Posting Labels!

Udy river

01.06.2015 18:24, Liparus


Udy river

Yes, this is more correct. Zhenya today caught a male Chervonets Lycaena alciphron in Bezlyudovka-where Statilin flies... But the most interesting thing is the first discovery of a single wasp, whose name is Polochrum repandum Spinola, 1805...It is listed in the Red Book...Populates the nests of Xylocop bees!

This post was edited by Liparus - 01.06.2015 18: 25
Likes: 3

03.06.2015 4:08, barry

02-03.2015. Crimea, Bakhchisarai district, Rich Gorge village

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04.06.2015 13:33, Musson max

03-04. 06. 2015-Ukraine, Kiev region, Brovarsky district, outskirts of the village of Pershe Travnya-to the light


picture: 03_04.06.20152.jpg

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picture: 03_04.06.20155.jpg

Thank you for your attention cool.gif
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07.06.2015 19:30, Igar

Fishing in the light. 6-7. 06. 2015 Belarus Grodno region, 1.2 km South-West of Zelva settlement. The flight was generally lousy, although it was warm and the breeze was light. The sun shone from 23.00 to 2.30. the moon rose somewhere in an hour, big and bright, and then it made no sense to catch. The only thing so it was a lot of different micra-bugs, beetles of some kind and other small things.
Fishing location

Almost blank screen.

Several photos of animals.
picture: DSCN4899.jpg
picture: DSCN4902.jpg

Well, that's what I took. If someone can tell me what kind of butterfly is to the left of Falcaria lacertinaria, I will be grateful.
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07.06.2015 21:32, Сергей-Д

If someone can tell me what kind of butterfly is to the left of Falcaria lacertinaria, I will be grateful.

Parapoynx stratiotata
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08.06.2015 0:49, Wave Storm

Managed to get out on a hike 07.06, Korsunka village, Kherson region. There is a sandy steppe and wet meadows. I don't really know much about daytime butterflies, although there are some draughtsmen here - didyma, trivia, and phoebe (or maybe ornata) - but I've only seen one of them. In general, the draughtsmen's nedidim is now out of years already in theory.

There are also several celastrina argiolus, 1 aricia agestis, several Argynnis pandora, a decent Issoria lathonia, sylvan thickheads, mass-pearl fireflies. Another nymphalid was sitting on the ashes of a burnt-out fire, but as soon as I started to approach, it flew away in the direction of a thicket of reeds and willow. Most likely it was the admiral, but who knows: suddenly perelivnitsa. A lot of cow cakes, puddles, but only Pandor saw butterflies on them.

By plants. There are thickets of nettles and blackberries. Marsh irises are blooming. Lots of mint and lemon balm. From the trees that I noticed: a lot of black poplar and suckers, black mulberry, willow, willow, elm + still prickly imported from somewhere. According to literature data, there should still be white mulberries, white poplars and aspens in this area, but most likely the latter are no longer there. From the bushes there are hawthorn and rose hips.

There is no heat as such, even cool in the morning.

Photos of vegetation and terrain:

picture: IMG_5944.JPG
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Many trees are drying up and have bizarre shapes:
picture: 07_06_2015.jpg

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This post was edited by Wave Storm-08.06.2015 13: 06
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08.06.2015 0:54, Wave Storm

Live animals:

picture: IMG_5949.JPG
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And this surprise was waiting for me at the door of the house when I returned - Moma alpium (scoopworm):

picture: IMG_6219.JPG
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09.06.2015 19:35, СамПавел

Today I went to pick up some polixena caterpillars. Along the way - sennitsy, golubyanka, perelivnitsa, mother-of-pearl and ant lion

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10.06.2015 13:58, barry


06.06.2015. Kharkiv region, Chuguevsky district, Kitsevka village, Pisky

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This post was edited by barry - 10.06.2015 22: 23
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10.06.2015 20:28, mamontyk

Today I went to pick up some polixena caterpillars. Along the way - sennitsy, golubyanka, perelivnitsa, mother-of-pearl and ant lion

I have myself in the Poltava region, also found polixena caterpillars, so I think I can take it upon myself to grow them, but is it possible to bring them out this year( keep them in the refrigerator for how long, I really don't know) or just wait for next spring?

11.06.2015 7:29, СамПавел

I always take out the pupae in the middle of winter. Och cool when the window minus and snow, and the house flutters scales)))

11.06.2015 16:04, СамПавел

Surroundings of Alexandrovka village, Krasnolimansky district

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13.06.2015 16:45, СамПавел

Studenok village, Izyum district, Kharkiv region On the cutting of a pine forest. Near the mini oak grove, on the sands.

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13.06.2015 18:13, СамПавел

Just now!!!I was watering the garden, and suddenly the hole is lined with cobwebs.Lycosa singoriensis was caught in Krasnogorovka and Grigorovka of the Maryinsky district in 2005-2006. After that, I did not observe, but here is such a find

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14.06.2015 19:54, Dantist

Kiev region, Borodyansky district, 14.06.2015. I collected mostly beetles,there were few butterflies, after 12.00 the temperature was +33 and nothing flew at all. Glassworm, like Sesia apiformis?, if not - correct, female, put some eggs(up to 20), who needs I can give to bring out myself, I think I can't cope. On the first mattress, I caught the upper khrushchis in Kiev a couple of days ago, on Obolon, the sands near the Dnieper.

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15.06.2015 21:23, barry

13.06.2015. Kharkiv region, Zmiyiv district, Gaidary village district


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19.06.2015 18:28, СамПавел

Surrounding area with.Cow Yar before a thunderstorm.
Polyxena's geese almost all pupated.

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22.06.2015 20:57, barry

20.06.2015. Kharkiv region, Dergachevsky district, Russkaya Lozovaya village


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24.06.2015 20:15, СамПавел

23.06.2015 Surroundings of the villageKoroviy Yar. The first galatea went

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