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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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08.03.2016 18:36, Nick444444

At the bottom of this cliff, many, many, many Amata Nigricornis caterpillars were gathered.

I wonder where the range of this species is? smile.gif
In the Kharkiv region, I never met anyone, only one came across Amata phegea.

08.03.2016 18:53, Сергей-Д

and really, why exactly nigricornis, if there are 3 types of them in your area.

08.03.2016 20:11, Wave Storm

08.03.2016 20:18, ИНО

Let me interrupt you.
The season is open. While in the city, but soon it will come to the beams.

Hurry up, or it may happen that by the time you reach the beams, some of the inhabitants there will have already moved away. This year, spring is very early, for example, all insects started a month earlier than usual, and even more so in Moldova.

08.03.2016 20:23, Wave Storm

08.03.2016 20:35, Hierophis

Ezox, what oak tree did you fall from? )))Clematis tselnolistny for Ukraine is given on all srane except the south of the Steppe, that is, it rather unas should not be umnik.gif

08.03.2016 20:40, ИНО

I have no experience of dealing with devils (and even more so with the features on the map), so I have nothing to object to Pan Stepovoi's words, he knows better, as in the case of "psilocybe larvae".

08.03.2016 20:46, Nick444444

For some reason, I immediately thought of it, probably because I saw the butterfly itself, and on the website "Butterflies of the Crimea" one species of this genus. Although we are not Crimea, we are still close. And from the tracks, as I look, it's hard to tell. Therefore, I fix it on Amata sp.

For reliability, you can take a couple of tracks and display them, and all doubts will disappear smile.gif.

08.03.2016 20:53, Hierophis

We already have lizards running around ))
The intersenay scoop came across today, I immediately thought it was a helioverp, but Wave Storm suggested a better version, that it was heliotis, Heliothis nubigera.
Well, in general-oootlichno, lizards, a bunch of butterflies, all in flowers, +20, yyaaaarr jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif
All the records were broken, and the coppers were fed up jump.gif

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08.03.2016 21:54, Hierophis

Can the Pan tell you where Clematis integrifolia grows wild in Donetsk? It is not even in the red list of the region, and there is, among other things, for example, the long-disappeared Venus ' shoe. So of the two of us, it's not me who's being irresponsible. I declare with my own naturalness: the size of the site does not affect the population density of saffron reticulate.

In general, I asked experts about clematis-in the Donetsk region there is one, and a specific place was named, which is not surprising in other respects. Moreover, I am sure that in the very vicinity of Donetsk (at a distance of up to 20 km from the administrative borders of the city) 99% have this clematis. Prsoto, if all the time to climb in a beam in the city, and judge from there about what is in the Donetsk region, and what is not there - then there is only one thing to keep silent ))) Well, we also remember about swallowtails with their depression, and yasenets, which is "not in Donetsk")))
So my advice is to walk more often, at least in the surrounding area..

08.03.2016 22:20, ИНО

"Walking more often" is a little dangerous nowadays. Especially at 20 km from Donetsk. Therefore, my advice to Pan is to think a little with your head before blurting out what's wrong, and go more often to the only and unique Kapustnaya Balka in his region, while it's still relatively safe (and it won't last long).

08.03.2016 22:32, Андреас

- But after all, your burdocks are now exactly migratory, that is," arrived " ones are found?
"I've already, and I don't remember exactly what day - old-first - hatched ones I saw..."..and turnips. "But thistles!?
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08.03.2016 22:33, Hierophis

it's still relatively safe (and it won't last long).

user posted image

08.03.2016 22:39, ИНО

user posted image

So the whole" Euro-European culture " of Pan came to the surface. And how long had he been hiding it?

08.03.2016 22:41, Hierophis

- But after all, your burdocks are now exactly migratory, that is," arrived " ones are found?
"I've already, and I don't remember exactly what day - old-first - hatched ones I saw..."..and turnips. "But thistles!?

Well, in theory-thistles that are observed in the mass with us-arrived from warm climes, but there is an opinion that they can also be wintered wink.gif
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09.03.2016 0:06, Nick444444

but there is an opinion that they can also be wintered wink.gif

Is there any evidence to support your opinion? smile.gif

09.03.2016 0:20, Hierophis

Is there any evidence to support your opinion? smile.gif

This opinion is not mine, and the opinion is not a statement, that is, there is an assumption that they can spend the winter.
I personally do not have any direct or reliable indirect evidence, but there are some suspicions and strange correlations - that is, there is a high number of presumably arrived from outside the burdock, and the same high number of local species wintering in the vulnerable stage smile.gif

09.03.2016 0:21, Wave Storm

I have an assumption that the thistles were wintering, because in my photos they are quite fresh. In general, yesterday on the Dnieper-Bug estuary only such were. At Hierophis, they are flown, more like migrants.

09.03.2016 0:27, Hierophis

Yes, most likely we just don't have them.

Don't ever say that. At least until you've gone through every corner of what you think is "us." Otherwise, it looks frivolous, and even just stupid smile.gif

The bottom line is that if a specific subject did not find something in a specific area, it means only that "a specific subject did not find something in a specific area", and no more smile.gifthan that, if he found it, then another thing umnik.gif

09.03.2016 0:42, ИНО

09.03.2016 0:46, Hierophis

It's like this!

And here we are talking about the fact that I saw the first burdock this season in February, and at the same time they are not found as massively as during normal migrations.

09.03.2016 0:56, Hierophis

I can't say for sure. like a banana... It is not found in the wild on the territory of Donbass.

I imagined a "banana in the wild".. lol.gif

user posted image

09.03.2016 1:00, ИНО

And this man is telling me something about Freud! Obviously, "psilocybe larvae" drilled many holes in its gray matter ...
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09.03.2016 1:07, Hierophis

Oh, the NMR specialist has appeared, spring has finally come jump.gif

09.03.2016 1:32, Андреас

maydowns can't do anything but be rude, so stop answering this unfortunate entomologist at all

- Of course, there is some logic in this statement, but for me to communicate with my blood Slavic brothers is incomparably more pleasant than to look at the Muslim scum swarming on my streets. umnik.gif

Returning to the burdocks:
- It's the very beginning of March; spring is very early this year; unfortunately, I can't remember when I saw the first burdocks in the south of the Stavropol Territory... But it was always much later than rutabagas, latons, raspberries, etc.
- If they hatched from pupae that overwintered in the vicinity-they will be zero! This is immediately obvious! And if you have arrived? "from where?" "across the Black Sea, or from the west?" Are these isolated individuals? "a flock, as we have in some years when the linden trees are in bloom - no one has seen it now, has they?" - so these are" bad " pioneers after all? And where are their closest points of foreign February brood to you?
- And yet - have you seen the circled copies, or zero?
And again, " were there only females?" - then it is immediately clear that these are migrants! wink.gif

09.03.2016 1:46, Андреас

at Storm 07.03.16 the first burdock-like female; and flying.
- So after all-local, or arrived these thistles?.. confused.gif
- By the way, I heard that every flying female is 95% already paired; and males fly out before females. By the way-how much earlier? "like our nymphalid platitudes...

This post was edited by Andreas - 09.03.2016 01: 52

09.03.2016 12:15, Wave Storm

Don't ever say that. At least until you've gone through every corner of what you think is "us." Otherwise, it looks frivolous, and even just stupid smile.gif

The bottom line is that if a specific subject did not find something in a specific area, it means only that "a specific subject did not find something in a specific area", and no more smile.gifthan that, but if he found it, then it's another matter umnik.gif

Well, no, I'm not going to go around every beam of the area. Of course, if the funds allow, then you can bypass each one, but for me it's too expensive. The reasons why the subject may not find something may also be different. For example, one of the reasons may be that the wanted living creature is simply not found in the area.

09.03.2016 13:05, Alexandr Zhakov

I have an assumption that the thistles were wintering, because in my photos they are quite fresh. In general, yesterday on the Dnieper-Bug estuary only such were. At Hierophis, they are flown, more like migrants.

The fact of wintering, there is a finding of the species in the wintering stage, in winter with a long (several days) subzero temperature, everything else is assumed. Burdock is an excellent flyer, found on glaciers above 6000 m.
So early, thistles are also not observed.
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09.03.2016 13:12, Сергей-Д

Sergey-D, where does the information on the number of species in our region come from?

For example from here (only kruegeri is now marjana).
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09.03.2016 19:42, aai-48

- But after all, your burdocks are now exactly migratory, that is," arrived " ones are found?
"I've already, and I don't remember exactly what day - old-first - hatched ones I saw..."..and turnips. "But thistles!?

About a week ago, the freshest burdock flew. Clearly not a migratory one.

09.03.2016 22:57, barry

Silvanus unidentatus (Fabricius, 1792).
01.03.2016. Kharkiv region, Dergachevsky district, Russkaya Lozovaya village.
Under the apricot bark (Armeniaca vulgaris).

user posted image

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10.03.2016 0:36, Maksim M.

Boris-I looked it up-respect and respect!!!

10.03.2016 13:15, Андреас

"I didn't even know of such a family!" - At first, I even thought of a Moorish bug.

10.03.2016 17:03, Alexandr Zhakov

The intersenay scoop came across today, I immediately thought it was a helioverp, but Wave Storm suggested a better version, that it was heliotis, Heliothis nubigera.

Yes, it is very similar to Heliothis nubigera., a new species, for the Kherson region.

10.03.2016 17:33, ИНО

This is a photo from the Mykolaiv region.

10.03.2016 17:41, Alexandr Zhakov

Sadness, not new to me. I fell for the usual Wave Storm locations, and Roman doesn't bother to specify the geography.

10.03.2016 18:09, Hierophis

Yes, it was necessary to carry it 10 km from the house, there is just the border with the Kherson region begins )))
In general, all these "new views for such and such an admin area" are not a very serious matter, to put it mildly. Admin. oblasts are purely administrative regions that have no relation to biology or ecology.
It is much more interesting, for example, to think about its "etymology", where it came from, how it lives in our country, whether it was accidentally brought in, or whether there is a connection with the mass occurrence of burdocks.

Well, no, I'm not going to go around every beam of the area. Of course, if the funds allow, then you can bypass each one, but for me it's too expensive. The reasons why the subject may not find something may also be different. For example, one of the reasons may be that the wanted living creature is simply not found in the area.

That's exactly what "maybe"means... maybe someday - it's not serious.
It is necessary to distinguish between the points that require proof, and the specified statement-just requires them, and to prove it-will be sooo difficult smile.gifMuch easier probably to prove the wintering/not wintering of burdocks than this "the wanted living creature is simply not found in the area" smile.gifAlthough if you limit the "area" to the size of 1X1X1 meter, then some success can be achieved, probably)
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10.03.2016 18:27, ИНО

Oh, Pan finally understood what I meant by "traits don't affect", otherwise he was seeing all the white-cell devils and Freudian symbols. Regarding the second thesis, I will correct: much depends on the creature, if, for example, this creature is an African elephant, then there should be no special difficulties in proving its non - habitation on the territory of the Kherson region. I said the same thing about wild banana, mango and avocado growing in the city of Donetsk.

10.03.2016 20:14, Hierophis

Regarding the second thesis, I will correct: much depends on the creature, if, for example, this creature is an African elephant, then there should be no special difficulties in proving its non - habitation on the territory of the Kherson region. I said the same thing about wild banana, mango and avocado growing in the city of Donetsk.

Well, literate, prove it! Only with the use of a scientific approach, as expected, with a competent statement of argumets and facts and without blah blah blah in the form of "argumets of the form" I personally did not see that"))) I give you a hint about the zoo, greenhouses, and the problem of revealing such concepts as "habitat", about direct and indirect approaches, and so on.
And I'm not saying that in the case of an elephant, this is not possible, although-direct proof will always be providing direct facts indicating the absence of the desired objects throughout the search area, but of course, if you do everything correctly, you can also indirectly prove, I think umnik.gif

10.03.2016 20:15, Alexandr Zhakov

In general, all these "new views for such and such an admin area" are not a very serious matter, to put it mildly. Admin. oblasts are purely administrative regions that have no relation to biology or ecology.

Quite a serious matter. The simplest, most accessible, and most understandable method for large regions.

It is much more interesting, for example, to think about its "etymology", where it came from, how it lives in our country, whether it was accidentally brought in, or whether there is a connection with the mass occurrence of burdocks.

This is also a migrant, and probably they really drifted in one wind, these butterflies definitely do not overwinter.

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