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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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21.05.2009 22:30, Fornax13

And someone with thick thighs above the imago?

This is also a shadowcatcher: Osphya bipunctata, only males.
Likes: 1

21.05.2009 23:48, Egorus

For barry.

22.05.2009 7:18, RippeR

in a banana )
Likes: 1

22.05.2009 8:05, barry

For barry.

Everything is fine, as always.(!) But with the caption about Emus hirtus,
you lied... In a natural environment, hirtus is clean.
It was probably Liparus who smeared it. smile.gif

This of course should have been seen... smile.gifI almost every time I tell Liparus to take my camera, but he always kind of "forgets"... So there would be more video and unscheduled filming, it would take me a long time to switch my own from macro and back...
Likes: 1

22.05.2009 9:31, Liparus

This of course should have been seen... smile.gifI almost every time I tell Liparus to take my camera, but he always kind of "forgets"..

Not like, but really forget and happens every day parents pick up

22.05.2009 9:34, Liparus


.. In a natural environment, hirtus is clean.
It was probably Liparus who smeared it. smile.gif

Yes, he is clean, even though he climbs in manure, even when he is smeared, he will clean himself...
Likes: 1

22.05.2009 9:35, кзфтшт

Not like, but I really forget and it happens every day that my parents pick me up

Better then take a picture of the whole catch on the mattress. So prikolneee.

22.05.2009 10:11, Liparus

Better then take a picture of the whole catch on the mattress. So prikolneee.

I'll take a good picture of this year's mattresses,but I'll also spread out some of them

22.05.2009 21:03, Liparus

photo-001 for this report

Today we went with Barry for Alophus triguttatus (which we didn't even see):
Eusomus ovulum (in bulk) lol.gif
Sphenophorus striatopunctats (in bulk) lol.gif
Grypus equiseti lol.gif (2)
Tournotaris bimaculata,
Liophloeus tessulatus
Phyllobius scutellaris
Polydrusus tereticollis
Polydrusus ?cervinus
Phyllobius ?incanus
Mogulones sp.
Sitona sp.
Hypera sp.
Baris sp.
and many other beetles (Drypta dentata-in the mass on dry blades of grass)
Mowing on dry Ash branches:
Tropideres albirostris (1)
Otiorhynchus ?smreczynskii Cmoluch, 1968 (1)
I took home a bag of dry twigs with a litter collected under an Ash tree when viewing, I found three elephants of the genus Barypeithes (2 species)

This post was edited by Liparus - 05/24/2009 17: 48
Likes: 17

24.05.2009 20:20, RippeR

I went to the forest for 2 days. We caught morimusov, mesosa curculionoides, a couple of excellens carbuses, a few gnorimusov, a few dicerok, like alni, 1 Mesosa nebulosa, 1 Oplosia cinerascens, although I didn't catch the last one, now I'm racking my head.. frown.gif
Likes: 6

24.05.2009 22:03, RippeR

addendum to the report

DSC00235.JPG — (221.38к)

DSC00245.JPG — (98.37к)

DSC00241.JPG — (171.04к)

picture: DSC00263.JPG
DSC00263.JPG — (49.09к)

Likes: 13

24.05.2009 22:08, omar

beautiful photos!

24.05.2009 22:14, Liparus

addendum to the report

Beautiful photos... lol.gif you can finish collecting(just kidding) and start the photography profession

24.05.2009 22:20, omar

many entomologists do this with age
Likes: 2

24.05.2009 22:26, Zhuk

addendum to the report

moth Lomographa temerata, if sho smile.gif
Likes: 1

24.05.2009 22:48, Liparus

many entomologists do this as they age

From the age of five to ten, I caught butterflies,then for three years I forgot about this occupation,then again only large beetles, and bought tropical shit from a crook mad.gifwho told me that labels were only needed by scientists and there was no point in writing them (only the name can be)...He also smoked me 20 pigeons Satyrium pruni, mourning, marshmallow birch, and this is not the whole list
Then I stopped collecting 2 years, but as in the Crimea I caught a male Poliomatus belargus with my fingers, it started again smile.gif
I spent two years catching butterflies, wasps, flies, and small beetles.
Now I catch all kinds of weevils and rare insects (bedbugs, butterflies, wasps, flies, askalafs....
Likes: 1

26.05.2009 4:40, Egorus

On Saturday, May 23, I went to the vicinity of Zaporozhye.
A hot and windy day.
The mood is combative.

A small photo report .

Mostly regular views.




Life goes on as usual.





No editing required. This is how he rested.


And only in the evening I was lucky.
I found the people I was looking for.



Everything is fine theresmile.gif, just write to the BOS next time, otherwise I may miss it.

This post was edited by Bolivar - 05/26/2009 11: 51
Likes: 17

28.05.2009 14:27, Liparus

Today I was going to go by car to the chalk mountains, but the trip was canceled and at 7.00 in the morning I went to the nearest wild meto (to the river) put cups ,so I put 10 pieces (the turf is solid,and in those pieces of land where nothing grows-anthills)...The heat in the shade is +25...on the way I caught 5 luxury Aricia eumedon...
Caught some weevil Trachyphloeus ?bifoveolatus, by mowing near-water vegetation

28.05.2009 16:26, svm2

21.05 and 23.05 took part in EMN 6,the weather did not allow the rest of the days. Below are excerpts from the X-tables, names and order according to Karsholt-Razovsky (recommendations of the organizers)
21.05 With my colleague R. Gerasimov. Zhytomyr region.Olevsky district, near Koroshchino (N51°14 ' 23 "E027°33 '00").Mixed Swamp Forest
2 Lamps DRV250+8watt UFL s21-30 to 04-30

Psychidae Sterrhopteryx fusca

Cossidae Cossus cossus
Phragmataecia castaneae

Lasiocampidae Macrotylacia rubi

Sphingidaе Mimas tiliae
Smerinthus ocellata
Laothoe amurensis
Hyloicus pinastri
Deilephila porcellus

Drepanidae Tethea or
Ochropacha duplaris
Falcaria lacertinaria
Watsonalla binaria
Drepana curvatula
Drepana falcataria

Geometridae Lomaspilis marginata
Ligdia adustata
Macaria notata
Chiasmia clathrata
Isturgia roraria
Petrophora chlorosata
Plagodis pulveraria
Plagodis dolabraria
Opisthograptis luteolata
Pseudopanthera macularia
Odontopera bidentata
Lycia hirtaria
Cleora cinctaria
Hypomecis punctinalis
Ectropis crepuscularia
Aethalura punctulata
Ematurga atomaria
Cabera pusaria
Cabera exanthemata
Lomographa bimaculata
Jodis putata
Cyclophora pendularia
Cyclophora albipunctata
Cyclophora punctaria
Scopula immorata
Scopula floslactata
Idaea pallidata
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Xanthorhoe quadrifasciata
Epirrhoe tristata
Epirrhoe alternata
Cosmorhoe ocellata
Electrophaes corylata
Colostygia pectinataria
Rheumaptera hastata
Euphyia unangulata
Perizoma albulata
Eupithecia vulgata
Eupithecia subfuscata
Eupithecia indigata
Eupithecia innotata
Eupithecia tantillaria
Hydrelia flammeolaria
Lobophora halterata

Notodontidae Pygaera timon
Cerura erminea
Furcula bicuspis
Notodonta ziczac
Drymonia dodonaea
Drymonia ruficornis
Pheosia tremula
Pheosia gnoma
Ptilodon capucina

Noctuidae Acronicta leporina
Acronicta megacephala
Acronicta rumicis
Pechipogo strigilata
Callistege mi
Euclidia glyphica
Scoliopteryx libatrix
Colobochyla salicalis
Protodeltote pygarga
Deltote bankiana
Pseudeustrotia candidula
Actinotia polyodon
Hada plebeja
Papestra biren
Mythimna flammea
Panolis flammea
Ochropleura plecta

Pantheidae Calocasia coryli

Lymantriidae Calliteara pudibunda

Nolidae Nycteola revayana
Earias clorana

Arctiidae Eilema sororcula
Spilosoma lubricipeda

23.05. Joined I. Kostyuk.Near Kiev, near Kruglyk (N50°19 ' 02 "
E030°25 '46") from 21-30 to 00-30, rain tezhe lamps, forest

Sphingidae Mimas tiliae

Drepanidae Tethea ocularis
Drepana falcataria
Sabra harpagula

Geometridae Lomaspilis marginata
Ligdia adustata
Macaria notata
Macaria alternata
Chiasmia clathrata
Plagodis pulveraria
Plagodis dolabraria
Cleora cinctaria
Hypomecis punctinalis
Ectropis crepuscularia
Paradarisa consonaria
Parectropis similaria
Cabera pusaria
Cabera exanthemata
Lomographa bimaculata
Campaea margaritata
Jodis lactearia
Cyclophora annularia
Cyclophora punctaria
Timandra comae
Scopula floslactata
Xanthorhoe designata
Xanthorhoe spadicearia
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Ecliptoptera saliceata
Electrophaes corylata
Colostygia pectinataria
Melanthia procellata
Euphyia unangulata
Eupithecia egenaria
Eupithecia vulgata
Eupithecia tantillaria
Chloroclystis v-ata
Asthena albulata
Lobophora halterata
Acasis viretata

Notodontidae Clostera curtula
Drymonia dodonaea
Ptilodon capucina
Spatalia argentina

Noctuidae Pechipogo strigilata
Abrostola triplasia
Hadena rivularis
Mythimna albipuncta
Mythimna pallens
Agronis exclamationis
Agronis segetum

Lymantriidae Calliteara pudibunda

Nolidae Meganola strigula
Pseudoips prasinana

Arctiidae Eilema sororcula

This post was edited by svm2 - 05/28/2009 16: 57
Likes: 9

28.05.2009 19:13, Андреас

"Titans! "I bow down."

28.05.2009 20:30, Liparus

nothing sibe subterfuge, and I just tormented ate razspravil 5 pigeons...all will razspravlyat small beetles)

31.05.2009 22:27, Liparus

Yesterday I caught three Emus hirtus (2 females and a male) and almost stepped on Platyrhinus resinorsus on the asphalt (where it came from is unclear, there is a highway nearby, and on the other side there is an apple tree)

01.06.2009 12:58, svm2

30.05.09. There was a need to go to Dmitrovichi (Obukhov district), and of course at night I lit the DRV 250+8 watt UVL lamps. From 22-00 to 04-00. Despite the fact that heavy dew fell early, the butterflies were flying and there was something interesting for me (highlighted)

Sterrhopteryx fusca

Parahypopta caestrum

Hyles euphorbiae
Deilephila porcellus

Lomaspilis marginata
Heliomata glarearia
Macaria alternata
Chiasmia clathrata
Opisthograptis luteolata
Therapis flavicaria
Pseudopanthera macularia не на свет
Peribatodes rhomboidaria
Ascotis selenaria
Ematurga atomaria не на свет
Lomographa bimaculata
Siona lineata
Geometra papilionaria
Antonechloris smaragdaria
Scopula virgulata
Scopula rubiginata
Scopula floslactata
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Catarhoe rubidata
Eupithecia ?vulgata
Aplocera plagiata

Pheosia tremula
Phalera bucephala

Pechipogo strigilata
Euclidia glyphica not born

Aedia funestra
Diachrysia chrysitis
Diachrysia stenochrysis
Macdunnoughia confusa
Abrostola asclepiades
Deltote deceptoria
Cucullia verbasci
Pyrrhia umbra
Pseudeustrotia candidula
Elaphria venustula
Caradrina morpheus
Caradrina sp.
Hoplodrina ambigua
Apamea sordens
Apamea anceps
Oligia srigilis
Lacanobia w-latinum
Hadena capsincola
Hadena filograna new species in my collection
Mythimna albipuncta
Mythimna pallens-mass
Axylia putris
Ochropleura plecta
Xestia c-nigrum
Agrotis exclamationis-mass

Eilema sororcula
Spilosoma lutea
Spilosoma lubricipeda

This post was edited by svm2-01.06.2009 15: 30
Likes: 8

03.06.2009 17:17, Liparus

Well, since no one reports on fishing, then I will supplement my report with photos with dried-up grandmothers.

And I have a mattress of beetles from a week ago, it's strange but after I caught 2 females and 4 males of staphylina Emus hirtus (in 4 days) I don't see them in that place anymore, I've been following them for the third day, and they're not there?Last year I caught a female (in another place) on June 18, and the year before that I missed it in September (now I know that you can safely take them with your hands,and then with the same dirty hands there is an unwashed apple lol.gif)

This post was edited by Liparus-03.06.2009 17: 22
Likes: 10

03.06.2009 20:15, Андреас

03.06.2009 21:05, Dr. Niko

"Poacher! eek.gif

Liparus, nothing personal, just really sometimes you post such creepy series-it's like cemeteries of trubkoverts, ground beetles, or all sorts of scarabs. It's a pity, though. Where do you need so much? eek.gif confused.gif
Likes: 1

03.06.2009 21:32, Liparus

"Poacher! eek.gif

Yes, I know they are listed in the Red Book,but in those places there are unruly cowsheds, so there is hope that I did not destroy this species in the Kharkiv region, Khoroshevsky district, the outskirts of the village of Udyanka, near the Uda River frown.gif
Likes: 1

06.06.2009 20:35, Liparus

Yesterday I caught Chrysobothris affinis gold leaf - Rare bronze oak
gold leaf or go again...

06.06.2009 21:10, Guest

Not go... but not ho, either...
Likes: 1

07.06.2009 18:03, Guest

Yes, I know they are listed in the Red Book,but in those places there are unruly cowsheds, so there is hope that I did not destroy this species in the Kharkiv region, Khoroshevsky district, the outskirts of the village of Udyanka, near the Uda River frown.gif

Wonderful! And the cow cakes themselves are not yet in the QC?

07.06.2009 18:15, AlexEvs

to Guest:
we have in the Rostov region this little animal is also in the CC
Likes: 1

07.06.2009 18:46, Guest

Yes, I'm not only (and not so much) about this species-although it does not have the most extensive range. But, in general, taking into account the biology of the species, it is difficult to imagine a "cataclysm" that can damage this staphylin, although if Liparus destroys all cowsheds with adjacent territories and prohibits animal husbandry in the region, then, of course... smile.gif

07.06.2009 21:13, Liparus

to Guest:
we have in the Rostov region this little animal is also in the CC

The strangest thing in my opinion is that for 6 trips to the places where he was discovered (one person managed to escape), he spent about $ 15 on travel and food...and I caught only 6 of them.I spent three days driving around empty (only I still spent money on foodbeer.gif).

And now the funny thing is, I. G. Plyushch wrote to me from Kievumnik.gif :As for staphylinidae, I think it costs no more than $ 0.1 / copy, but we still need to find a buyer for it. smile.gif
It turns out that I spent $ 15 ,and caught beetles for$0.6 lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif
Although he himself wanted to offer sexual assault 1 pupaar for staphylin

08.06.2009 1:28, Victor Titov

Yesterday I caught Chrysobothris affinis gold leaf - Rare bronze oak
gold leaf or go again...

Anto depends on where... We, in the Yaroslavl region, have a very good trophy. And for your area-so, it should be almost banal...

08.06.2009 9:19, Андреас

The strangest thing in my opinion is that for 6 trips to the places where he was discovered (one person managed to escape), he spent about $ 15 on travel and food...and I caught only 6 of them.I spent three days driving around empty (only I still spent money on foodbeer.gif).

And now the funny thing is, I. G. Plyushch wrote to me from Kievumnik.gif :As for staphylinidae, I think it costs no more than $ 0.1 / copy, but we still need to find a buyer for it. smile.gif
It turns out that I spent $ 15 ,and caught beetles for$0.6 lol.gif  lol.gif  lol.gif
Although he himself wanted to offer mass rape 1 pupaar for staphylin

- Listen, - with such a "commercial" approach to science and aesthetic perception of this handsome man, - it's better to stay at home for free! wink.gif

08.06.2009 10:45, Liparus

- Listen, - with such a "commercial" approach to science and aesthetic perception of this handsome man, - it's better to stay at home for free! wink.gif

What I do is sit, sit, wipe my pants glue beetles on dies and print labels.I don't even have time to go,I'll be back at work tomorrow.

09.06.2009 15:48, Tomas.Adzkee

Yesterday I caught Chrysobothris affinis gold leaf - Rare bronze oak
gold leaf or go again...

Affinis is the most common Chrysobothris. You can say that a banal beetle, but the language does not turn - after all, zlatka.....

09.06.2009 17:08, Aaata

Affinis is the most common Chrysobothris. You can say that a banal beetle, but the tongue does not turn - after all, zlatka.....

In more northern regions, in the coniferous forest zone, the most common chrysobothris is chrysostigma.

14.06.2009 22:55, Liparus

today I went fishing in my region::::: gold beetles (1 piece of Agrilus? sinuatus (Olivier, 1790) on a pear tree), elephants, softlings, leaf beetles, several wasps and a rare fly (the larva of which is in anthills), spangle wasps and much more

This post was edited by Liparus - 06/16/2009 09: 08
Likes: 12

15.06.2009 8:28, barry

today I went fishing in my region::::: gold beetles (1 piece of Agrilus? sinuatus (Olivier, 1790) on a pear tree), elephants, softlings, leaf beetles, several wasps and a rare fly (the larva of which is in anthills), spangle wasps and much more
Is it near Lubotyn? Where is everyone? We need to photograph and post everything urgently, otherwise it's not so interesting... smile.gif

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