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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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20.08.2009 17:58, barry

Do you know how many eight-point goldsmiths Valera caught near Zmiev?
400 pieces,one costs at least 10 euros

Well... humpback Zaporozhets can be bought, drive around the outskirts of Kharkiv. smile.gif True, the season is already running out...

20.08.2009 18:23, Liparus

Well... humpback Zaporozhets can be bought, drive around the outskirts of Kharkiv. smile.gif However, the season is already running out...

I'm still a hitchhiker...

22.08.2009 14:04, Kharkovbut

exactly this,and where to indicate the point,and here throw off the photos. smile.gif  lol.gif  lol.gif  lol.gif
Dergachevsky district, okr. The intersection line. Photo here:

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22.08.2009 14:10, Kharkovbut

Zhenya, you should tell me how many dragonflies you've unearthed this season. smile.gif

A lot. smile.gif In total, the "new" list for the region now includes 41 species, most of which we found this season. (Many of them - for the first time this year, because this is the first year of systematic search... smile.gif It will be interesting to compare this with the ancient lists for the Kharkiv province. smile.gif As far as I know, there are no" intermediate " lists (and if I'm wrong, please let me know!)

22.08.2009 14:12, Kharkovbut

Do you know how many eight-point goldsmiths Valera caught near Zmiev?
400 pieces,one costs at least 10 euros

Fie, how mercantile. Poor zlatki... weep.gif
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22.08.2009 14:14, Liparus

Dergachevsky district, okr. The intersection line. Photo here:


and how many of them have you seen?maybe they fly in cloudy weather with strong winds?I haven't met any ranbshe either

22.08.2009 14:19, Kharkovbut

and how many of them have you seen?maybe they fly in cloudy weather with strong winds?I haven't seen any of them in ranbshe either
At least two. They even got into a fight. smile.gif Most likely, there were more. They kept to the paths along the bottom of the ostepnennaya gully and sat down on the ground. The wind was really wild, partly cloudy.

23.08.2009 13:32, Liparus

At least two. They even got into a fight. smile.gif Most likely, there were more. They kept to the paths along the bottom of the ostepnennaya gully and sat down on the ground. The wind was really wild, partly cloudy.

your photo shows a male.
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23.08.2009 14:52, bugslov

A friend went on vacation to Ukraine.
Kirovohrad region, Znamenka city end of July.

This post was edited by bugslov - 23.08.2009 14: 54

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23.08.2009 14:53, bugslov

Crimea, Alushta, first half of August

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25.08.2009 21:08, Dracus

I spent almost the entire first half of August in Crimea. The purpose of the trip was, however, not entomological, I spent only a few days on short excursions, so the fees are very modest. The material is almost exclusively from Feodosia and the surrounding area of Sudak (and most of it is from c. Fun). Collected orthopteroids.

The weather was generally overcast, but some butterflies were also caught. Among them: pigeons: Aricia agestis, Lysandra bellargus, meleager, Lampides boeticus (1 male), something like P. elena; satyrs: virago, ox-eye, circe, semele, it seems, still autonoe and a pair of haylofts, similar to pamphylus.

Some photos:

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Surrounding area with. Veseloe

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Meleageria daphnis

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Scolia sp.

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Oedipoda coerulescens

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Tylopsis lilifolia

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?Aricia agestis

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Ameles taurica

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Phaneroptera nana

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Brintesia circe

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Bolivaria brachyptera


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This post was edited by Dracus - 30.08.2009 22: 31
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28.08.2009 16:04, Pleco

I spent almost the entire first half of August in Crimea. The purpose of the trip was, however, not entomological, I spent only a few days on short excursions, so the fees are very modest. The material is almost exclusively from Feodosia and the surrounding area of Sudak (and most of it is from c. Fun). Collected orthopteroids.

Is Ameles still a taurica? And how did you manage to spread your wings like that in Bolivia?

This post was edited by Pleco - 28.08.2009 16: 04

28.08.2009 21:13, Dantist

[quote=Dracus,25.08.2009 22:08]
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28.08.2009 22:08, Dracus

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28.08.2009 22:34, okoem

And with "avtonoy" we will deal with after unpacking.
Statiline probably....
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31.08.2009 15:18, Liparus

Statilin probably....


31.08.2009 15:33, chebur

In the first half of August, I spent two weeks in the village of Gurzuf in the Crimea. The purpose of the trip was not quite entomological, but nevertheless it was possible to wave the net and click the camera shutter.
From the mace-whiskered lepidoptera vsretil.
Argynnis pandora D&S
picture: IMG_165977.JPG
Argynnis paphia L.
Melitaea didyma Esper
picture: IMG_114188.JPG
Vanessa atalanta L
Vanessa cardui L

Maniola jurtina L.

Iphiclides podalirius L
picture: IMG_110299.JPG
Papilio machaon L

Aricia agestis D&S.
Lycaena thersamon Esper
Lycaena phlaeas L.
Meleageria bellargus Rottemburg
Polyommatus icarus Rott

Colias crocea Geoffroy & Fourcroy
Leptidea sinapis L
Pieris brassicae L
Pieris rapae L
Pontia edusa Fabricius

Spialia orbifer Hb
Carcharodus alceae Esp
And most of the species were recorded in this wasteland.
picture: IMG_1925.JPG
There was no place to catch the light, so I had to be content with what flew to the already available sources of light.
Here are the types of raznousyh and a little micra:
Macroglossa stellatarum

Dysauxes famula
Eilema complana

Trichoplusia ni

Catocala elocata
Hypomecis punctinalis
Lygephila craccae
Haemerosia renalis
picture: IMG_144799.JPG
Craniophora ligustri
picture: IMG_156099.JPG
Noctua janthe
Polypogon plumigeralis

Idaea degeneraria
Scopula marginepunctata

Euchromius ocellea Haworth
Euchromius superbellus Zeller
Endotricha flammealis D&S
Conobathra tumidana D&S
Nomophila noctuella D&S
Cadra furcatella Herrich-Schaffer

Carposina scirrhosella Herrich-Schaffer

This post was edited by chebur - 31.08.2009 15: 34

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31.08.2009 15:47, okoem

In the first half of August, I spent two weeks in the village of Gurzuf in the Crimea.
Melitaea didyma Esper

Didyma in Gurzuf? Wow!

31.08.2009 16:19, svm2

29.08.09. Near Bukrin (Mironovsky district), lamps 3 DRV 250+8 watts UVL. From 20-30 to 04-00., +20 at the end, cloudless night, that's what arrived


2-Psychidae sp(sort of like the second generation, which doesn't seem very common)

4-Hyles euphorbiae
5-Deilephila elpenor


10-Macaria alternata
11-M. liturata
16-Peribatodes rhomboidaria
18-Ascotis selenaria
21-Hylaea fasciaria
26-С. punctaria
43-E. linariata

48-Ph. tremula



66-Cucullia lactucae
70-P. candidula
72-Hoplodrina ambigua
81-L. suasa
84-M. albipuncta
85-M. ferrago
87-A. putris
93-Xestia c-nigrum*



*-large number of background images

In my opinion, interesting pp 53,54,66 and76. 54 are generally new to me

Here is the locality
picture: IMG_2769.jpg

And this stuff crawled all night on the sheet, something I don't remember, or maybe I didn't pay attention before
picture: IMG_2775.jpg
picture: IMG_2776.jpg
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31.08.2009 20:28, Tigran Oganesov

Have the Oecanthus been born? Very interesting, I've never heard of it!

02.09.2009 14:10, rpanin

Skim my seasonal report.
In the summer, I just didn't have time to arrange everything physically.
Lviv region. Yavorovsky district, OKR of I-Frankovo village, Fill level (lower half. ) The main target is Chlaenius (Agostenus) costulatus Motschulsky 1859. I haven't been able to catch it in two seasons.
Carabus (Carabus) menetriesi Hummel 1827
Carabus (Carabus) granulatus
Chlaenius tristis (Schaller, 1783)
And every little thing.

The rest is okr. s. Stradch, forest.
Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer
Carabus (Eucarabus) arcensis arcensis
Carabus (Oreocarabus) hortensis Linnaeus, 1758
Barbel in a clearing.
25.IV - 20.VI.2009.The traps were checked every two weeks.

This post was edited by rpanin - 03.09.2009 00: 26

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03.09.2009 0:14, rpanin

Upper-left corner
North-West of the Ternopil region. Kremenetsky district, Upper reaches of the Ikva River. From the village of Stary Tarazh, to the town of Podkamen, Lviv region. Chalk outcrops of the southern exposition. 1-5-23.V. 2009
Main catch in the vicinity of the Black Forest farm, steppe areas.
Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus andrzejuscii (steppe form)
Carabus (Trachycarabus) scabriusculus scabriusculus f. erythropus Fischer, 1822 (red-legged form)
Zabrus (Pelor) spinipes spinipes (Fabricius, 1798)
Harpalus (Harpalus) caspius, Steven, 1806
Poecilus lepidus is
generally sparse.Considering that 100 traps were set up over 30km.
Bummer of the year! frown.gif

Lower left
S - In the Ternopil region, Zbarazhsky district, near the village of Romanov Selo, steppe Romanoselevsky reserve, and near Kamensky steppe reserve.But already Podvolochisky district.17. V-3. VI. 2009
The spring burning of dry grass had a strong impact. The result is very poor . But there was nowhere to go once I arrived .
Carabus (Tomocarabus) convexus Fabricius, 1775 (steppe form. 1/3 smaller than usual)
Carabus (Trachycarabus) scabriusculus scabriusculus
? Laemostenus (Pristonychus) terricola
Some elephants for Liparus

Bottom and upper-right corner.
Podvolochisky district, Bogdanovsky forest, 16. V-3. VI. 2009
Carabus (Eucarabus) ullrichi ullrichi n. podolicus
Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus coriaceus f. pseudorugifer Sokolar, 1906
And any uninteresting little things, long to list. rolleyes.gif

This post was edited by rpanin - 03.09.2009 02: 00

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03.09.2009 1:26, rpanin

Lviv region,Zolochiv district, 6. IV-13. VIII. 2009
Beech forest:
Carabus (Archicarabus) nemoralis nemoralis Muller, 1764
It is a rare and very local nemoralis.
Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer
Carabus (Pachystus ) glabratus
Abax parallelopipedus (Piller et Mitterpacher,1783)
Abax parallelus (Duftschmid, 1812)
Molops piceus (Panzer, 1793)
Dorcus parallelipipedus (! 31мм)

Steppe areas:
Carabus (Tachypus) cancellatus cancellatus n.tubelculatus
Carabus (Morphocarabus) excellens excellens f.goldeggi Duftschmid, 1812
Carabus (Trachycarabus) besseri
Carabus (Tomocarabus) convexus Fabricius,1775
Brachinus crepitans (Linnaeus, 1758) ab.nigripennis Letzn.
Pterostichus (Feronidius) melas (Creutzer,1799)
Harpalus (Harpalus), caspius,(Steven, 1806)
Licinus (Licinus) depressus Paykull, 1790 (1ex)
Panagaeus (Panagaeus) cruxmajor
Calosoma (Calosoma) inquisitor, etc.

Anastrangalia sanguinolenta (Linnaeus, 1761)
Dorcadion(Cribridorcadion) holosericeum (Krynicki, 1832)

This post was edited by rpanin - 23.09.2009 18: 45

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03.09.2009 23:13, rpanin

Photo 1
of okr. Lviv, Vinnytsia forest, 3 traps.
23, IV-10. VI. 2009
15 minutes walk from your home, discover Carabus (Hygrocarabus)variolosus variolosus Fabricius, 1787,
And more common: Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer
Carabus (Carpathophilus) linnaei Panzer 1812
Carabus (Eucarabus) arcensis arcensis
Large specimen. Rhagium mordax (De Geer, 1775) fell into a trap.

A little return to winter training camps.
I went out 4 times in February and early March.
NW Podillya, Zhidachevsky district, Total:
Carabus (Platycarabus) irregularis montandoni Buysson, 1882 (Rare and local. Points you need to know)
Carabus (Carpathophilus) linnaei Panzer 1812 (common)
Carabus (Tachypus) cancellatus cancellatus n. tubelculatus (common)
Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus andrzejuscii (common)
Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer (common)
Carabus (Chaetocarabus) intracatus intracatus Linnaeus 1761
Abax parallelus (Duftschmid, 1812) (common)
Pterostichus oblongopunctatus (common)
Trichotichnus laevicollis (Duft., 1812) (rare)
Platynus assimille (Paykull, 1790) (common)
Pterostichus (Platysma) niger Schaller, 1783
Pterostichus (Eosteropus) aethiops (Pz., 1797) (common, local)
Cychrus caraboides (Linnaeus, 1758) (common)

And 4 traps on the bank of a forest stream 10. V. -18. VI. 2009
Carabus (Hygrocarabus) variolosus Fabricius, 1787 and some Bembidion.
Barbel and Gnorimus nobilis (Linnaeus 1758) 18. VI.
Glaphyra umbellatarum (Schreber, 1759)
Anastrangalia dubia (Scopoli, 1763)Beyond the Carpathian Mountains rare)
Stictoleptura scutellata (Fabricius, 1781)
Rutpela maculata (Poda, 1761) - background species. You can score much more.

This post was edited by rpanin - 23.09.2009 18: 46

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04.09.2009 16:48, rpanin

The most S-Z point of the Ukrainian Carpathians.
Lviv region, Starosamborsky district, Dobromyl district h=500 m, 4-24. VI-26. VII. 2009 leg. I & Geryak Yu.
The main goal was to catch a male "strange" zawadzki from those places. The male was never caught, and it is no longer necessary. I figured it out without it.

Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer
Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus andrzejuscii
Carabus (Carpathophilus) linnaei Panzer 1812
Carabus (Eucarabus) ullrichi ullrichii Germar, 1824
Carabus (Eucarabus) obsoletus obsoletus Sturm 1815
Carabus (Morphocarabus) zawadzkii f. dissimilis Csiki, 1906
Carabus (Chrysocarabus) auronitens escheri Palliardi 1825
Abax ovalis (Duftschmid, 1812)
Abax (Abacopercus) schueppeli rendschmidtii (Germar, 1839)
Abax parallelopipedus (Piller et Mitterpacher,1783)
Abax parallelus (Duftschmid, 1812)
Pterostichus (Cheropus) burmeisteri, Heer, 1841
Molops piceus (Panzer, 1793)
Leistus (Leistus) piceus Frolich, 1799
Licinus hoffmannseggi Panzer, 1803
Nebria (Nebria) brevicollis
Cychrus caraboides (Linnaeus, 1758)

This post was edited by rpanin - 04.09.2009 18: 47

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04.09.2009 17:03, Liparus

The most S-Z point of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

and how many pupaars is a Carabus (Chrysocarabus) auronitens escheri Palliardi 1825

04.09.2009 17:10, rpanin

and how many pupaars does a Carabus (Chrysocarabus) auronitens escheri Palliardi 1825 cost?

In the Carpathians, the beetle is common.

This post was edited by rpanin - 09/04/2009 17: 16

04.09.2009 19:19, rpanin

The Carpathian lowland.
Львовская обл.,Стрийский р-н, 12.V-16.VIII.2009
Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer
Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus andrzejuscii
Carabus (Oreocarabus) glabratus
Carabus (Eucarabus) arcensis arcensis
Carabus (Morphocarabus) excellens ssp.frivaldskyi Kraatz,1887
Calosoma (Calosoma) inquisitor (Linnaeus 1758)
Abax (Abax) carinatus (Duftschmid, 1812)
Pterostichus (Eosteropus) aethiops (Pz., 1797)
Pterostichus (Melanius) melanarius
Platynus assimille (Paykull, 1790)
Synuchus vivalis (Illiger, 1798)
Leistus (Leistus) piceus Frolich, 1799

This post was edited by rpanin - 23.09.2009 18: 46

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04.09.2009 19:53, rpanin

Skolevsky Beskids.
okr. Skole, h=500 m 12-29. VI-8. VIII. 2009 leg. I & Half A.
was hoping to catch Cychrus attenuatus.Another bummer! frown.gif

Carabus (Tachypus) cancellatus durus carpathicus
Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus andrzejuscii n. carbonatus Schaufuss, 1882.
Carabus (Oreocarabus) glabratus
Carabus (Morphocarabus) zawadzkii zawadzkii Kraatz 1854
Carabus (Chaetocarabus) intricatus intricatus Linnaeus 1761
Carabus (Carpathophilus) linnaei Panzer 1812
Cychrus caraboides (Linnaeus, 1758)

Molorchus minor (Linnaeus, 1767)
Xylotrechus antilope (Schönherr, 1817)
Pidonia lurida (Fabricius, 1792)
Pachyta quadrimaculata (Linnaeus , 1758)
Anastrangalia dubia (Scopoli, 1763)
Stictoleptura scutellata (Fabricius, 1781)
Leptura quadrifasciata ( Linnaeus, 1758)
Monochamus sartor (Fabricius , 1787)
Obrium brunneum (Fabricius, 1792)
Lepturobosca virens (Linnaeus, 1758)
And I'll give the elephants to Liparus.

This post was edited by rpanin - 04.09.2009 19: 56

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05.09.2009 17:34, bugslov

rpanin burns as always! beer.gif
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05.09.2009 19:25, rpanin

Transcarpathian region, Rakhiv district, hr. Chernogora, Goverla, Sheshul, 9. VI-22-VIII. 2009
2020-2040m, alpika:
Carabus (Platycarabus) fabricii malachiticus (all subzero frown.gif)
Carabus (Tachypus) cancellatus scythicus Schaum, 1857
Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus andrzejuscii Or wolffi, not yet understood.
Carabus (Pachystus) glabratus gibbosus
Carabus (Orinocarabus) sylvestris transylvanicus Dejean 1826
Carabus (Carpathophilus) linnaei Panzer 1812
Carabus (Eucarabus) arcensis carpathus Born, 1902
Carabus (Morphocarabus) hampei incompsus Kraatz,1880(var. mendax Csiki, 1906)
Carabus (Chrysocarabus) auronitens escheri Palliardi 1825
Calathus (Neocalathus) metallicus metallicus
Cychrus caraboides (Linnaeus, 1758)
Pterostichus (Petrophilus) foveolatus (Duftschmidt, 1812)
Pterostichus (Eosteropus) cordatus rufitarsis
Pterostichus (Cryobius) unctulatus (Duftschmid, 1812)
Pterostichus (Oreophilus) jurinei heydenii
Pterostichus pilosus Host, 1789
Leistus (Leistus) piceus Frolich, 1799
Nebria (Nebria) transsylvanica
Amara missela or erratica
And some other cons.
Oxymirus cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) males

900-1000m beech prales.
Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer
Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus
Molops piceus (Panzer, 1793)
Nebria (Nebria) brevicollis

1400-1600m stream source:
Duvalius (Hungarotrechus) subterraneus Miller, 1868
Deltomerus carpathicus
Trichotichnus laevicollis (Duft., 1812)
Nebria (Alpaeonebria) fuscipes
Nebria (Alpaeonebria) reitteri
Patrobus quadricollis L. Miller, 1868. 2 шт.

1400m mountain ash color:
Molorchus minor (Linnaeus, 1767)
Pidonia lurida (Fabricius, 1792)
Nivellia sanguinosa (Gyllenhal, 1827)
Evodinus clathratus (Fabricius, 1792)

This post was edited by rpanin - 23.09.2009 18: 47

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05.09.2009 22:03, rpanin

Top row
Transcarpathian region, Mukachevo district, Nizhny Koropets village, leg. I & Half A.
scheidleri beheimi Niedl, 1957 never found weep.gif

Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer
Carabus (Tachypus) cancellatus durus ungensis Csiki, 1905 (Brzezina Taxonomy)
Carabus (Chaetocarabus) intricatus intricatus Linnaeus 1761
Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus
Pterostichus (Melanius) anthracinus anthracinus
Pterostichus (Feronidius) melas (Creutzer,1799)
Trichius ? sexualis

Down below
Transcarpathian region, Mukachevo district, 12. VII. -8. VIII. 2009
Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer
Carabus (Tachypus) cancellatus durus ungensis Csiki, 1905
Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus andrzejuscii
Carabus (Morphocarabus) scheidleri ronayi
Carabus (Carabus) granulatus
?Agonum duftschmidi (J. Schmidt, 1994)
Pterostichus (Melanius) anthracinus anthracinus
Pterostichus (Feronidius) melas (Creutzer,1799)
Pterostichus (Melanius) melanarius
Chlorophorus varius (O.F.Müller, 1766)

This post was edited by rpanin - 23.09.2009 18: 47

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06.09.2009 17:13, rpanin

Marshy woodlands.
Rivne region, Rakitnyansky district, dense forests near the Belarusian border.24-26,VII.2009
Broscus cephalotes (Linnaeus, 1758)
Cicindela (Cicindela) sylvatica Linnaeus, 1758
Ergates faber (Linnaeus, 1761) male large female-58 mm
Arhopalus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Spondylis buprestoides (Linnaeus, 1758)

Gnorimus variabilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Buprestis novemmaculata Linnaeus, 1767
Buprestis haemorrhoidalis Herbst, 1780
Chalcophora mariana (Linnaeus, 1758) flies en masse.

This post was edited by rpanin - 06.09.2009 17: 20

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06.09.2009 22:55, rpanin

Transcarpathian region, Vinogradovsky district, Chernaya Gora. 5-17,VII.2009
Coroebus florentinus (Herbst, 1801)
Melanophila picta (Pallas, 1773)
Potosia (Cetonischema) aeruginosa
Potosia fieberi (Kraatz, 1880)
Xylotrechus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Stictoleptura scutellata (Fabricius , 1781)
Stenurella septempunctata (Fabricius , 1792)
Agapanthia cardui (Linnaeus, 1767)
Chlorophorus varius varius (O.F. Muller, 1766)
Pachytodes erraticus (Dalman,1817)
Stenopterus flavicornis Kuster, 1846
Stenopterus rufus rufus (Linnaeus, 1767)
Strangalia attenuata (Linnaeus, 1758)

Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer
Carabus (Tachypus) cancellatus durus ungensis Csiki, 1905
Carabus (Morphocarabus) hampei
Carabus (Chaetocarabus) intricatus intricatus Linnaeus 1761
И др.

Vinogradiv_2009.jpg — (647.99к)

Likes: 18

07.09.2009 21:39, Black Coleopter

I bow before such fees!!! And how were aurogenoses, ergatoses, and horned animals extracted???
Likes: 1

07.09.2009 22:01, rpanin

I bow before such fees!!! And how were aurogenoses, ergatoses, and horned animals extracted???

Potosia (Cetonischema) aeruginosa-crawled on the ground in a light oak forest.Lucky.Antlers on the oaks, or already dead lying around.Where there are a lot of them,their collection is not a problem. We, on the northern side of the Carpathians, have it, but it is extremely rare.I didn't catch it. Although oak is an ordinary tree.
Faber under exfoliated bark on the north side, and under fresh (1-3 year old) pine decks.
Likes: 2

08.09.2009 9:19, svm2

05.09.09. Dmitrovichi metro station (Obukhov district), DRV 250+8 watt UVL lamps. From 20-00 to 05-00., A warm evening, a little windy, after 02-00 it cleared up (full moon) and got colder +11 at 05-00, I was surprised by the absence of autumn butterflies and generally useless years, that's what arrived


2-M. stellatorum-at the end of the day on flowers

4-Peribatodes rhomboidaria


16-D.deseptoria-что-то запоздавшая
18-С(Paradrina) clavipalpis
19-Hoplodrina ambigua*
30-Xestia c-nigrum
31-E. nigricans
32-E. obelisca-in general, Euxoa rarely arrive in our area, this is the first time I catch this fish

Of all this, I spread out only two-a female 20 and 32

*- background data in more than 20 copies.

Quite a lot
of micro beetles-there are a lot of them
picture: IMG_2779.JPG

this one arrived
picture: IMG_2800.JPG
Likes: 8

08.09.2009 14:15, aleko

05.09.09. Dmitrovichi metro station (Obukhov district), DRV 250+8 watt UVL lamps. From 20-00 to 05-00., A warm evening, a little windy, after 02-00 it cleared up (full moon) and got colder +11 at 05-00, I was surprised by the absence of autumn butterflies and generally useless years

No wonder, in general, the moon shone so that 15 meters from the DRV-160 lamp, the shadow from the lamp was inferior in clarity to the shadow from the moon smile.gif
I turned on the lamp for both nights, but I didn't even put up a list: just banals, nothing interesting at all.

12.09.2009 18:17, RippeR

I went to set traps yesterday. There were practically no good insects, except for a couple of beetles. Rhysodes sulcatus и Pleganophorus bispinosus.

Another thing that immediately caught my eye was the mourning shirt. I was very happy, because they have not been caught in our country for figs knows how many. Once again I regretted that I didn't take the net )

picture: Pleganophorus_bispinosus__Endomychidae_.JPG
Pleganophorus_bispinosus__Endomychidae_.JPG — (38.75к)

Likes: 12

13.09.2009 17:23, RippeR

today I went to the forest again and collected a few more pleganophoruses, a dozen rhizodes and a couple of cute little beetles)

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