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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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24.11.2009 0:05, okoem

Again, it is necessary to look, because" at a glance " O. curtipennis from O. tenebricosus is difficult (to put it mildly) to distinguish. And the second one is common in the south.

Well, then maybe it's tenebricosus-s... shuffle.gif

24.11.2009 0:24, okoem

Crimea, Chiginitra gorge, May 27, 2009. Ascent from a height of 300 m to a height of 1050 m. In the morning it is warm, partly cloudy, cloudy in the middle of the day, then light rain, the temperature at 1000 m drops to +10.

I go up to the Chiginitra gorge

Views encountered on the ascent:
Erynnis tages
Pyrgus malvae
Spialia orbifer
Carcharodus alceae
Anthocharis cardamines
Aporia crataegi
Lasiommata megera
Pararge aegeria
Proterebia afra
Vanessa cardui
Callophrys rubi
Pseudophilotes vicrama
Iphiclides podalirius

Orchid Limodorum abortivum

Jurinea sordida blooms - endemic to Crimea

Creeping juniper Juniperus sabina

Heracleum stevenii

Asphodelina lutea

On the scree - the rarest endem of the Crimea, Sobolewskia sibirica

The same clearing, or rather the edge of a beech forest (h= about 1000 m), which is indicated as the location of the Araschnia levana find. PDF1 PDF2

Found here:
Erynnis tages
Pyrgus malvae
Muschampia proto
Lasiommata megera
Proterebia afra
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Clossiana dia
Aglais urticae
(caterpillars, en masse)
Callophrys rubi
Shargacucullia verbasci

Shargacucullia verbasci

Aglais urticae

Muschampia proto

Erynnis tages

False Triangle

Chiginitra Gorge

This post was edited by okoem - 24.11.2009 00: 25
Likes: 32

24.11.2009 0:39, RippeR

What a beauty! At first I didn't think it was Crimea! smile.gif surely there must be an interesting bug ))
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24.11.2009 1:06, barry

What a beauty! At first I didn't think it was Crimea! smile.gif surely there must be an interesting bug ))

And I immediately felt that probably another gift from Vladimir. smile.gif Already the soul rejoiced from the abundance of greenery... really now, especially the mountains? Then I saw that it was the end of May...
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24.11.2009 11:26, Liparus

But I wouldn't say it's rare. Quite ordinary. smile.gif

The same clearing, or rather the edge of a beech forest (h= about 1000 m), which is indicated as the location of the Araschnia levana find.

On the scree - the rarest endem of the Crimea, Sobolewskia sibirica

Well for those who stay at home and go to work it is rare smile.gif

Araschnia levana is common here,I once caught a spring form in the summer

Or maybe some beetles can sit on this Sobolewskia sibirica, in the roots and also endemic, but you didn't take a false bed?

This post was edited by Liparus - 24.11.2009 11: 28
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24.11.2009 21:02, okoem

Or maybe some beetles can sit on this Sobolewskia sibirica, in the roots and also endemic, but you didn't take a false bed?

On sobolevskii-can, probably. And not only on it wink.gif
I didn't take a false diary, I don't need it.

26.11.2009 0:43, okoem

November 24, 2009 Kholmogorka tract to the east of Feodosia. Partly cloudy weather, temperature in the range of +14...+22. The goal is to search for Colias alfacariensis caterpillars.
Melitaea didyma (caterpillar)
Colias crocea (adults 3-4 pcs.; caterpillars of different ages in large numbers; eggs)
Colias erate (1 male)
Colias alfacariensis (13 caterpillars of different ages)
?Aporophyla sp. (tracks)
Meloe autumnalis (8 pcs.)
Meloe sp. (male and female)
small elephants (2 pcs.)
dragonflies Sympetrum sp.

picture: 20091124_123026.jpg
picture: 20091124_125310.jpg
picture: 20091124_125345.jpg

Herniaria besseri (Besser's hernia)
picture: 20091124_121047.jpg

Lycopsis orientalis (eastern crooked flower)
picture: 20091124_121822.jpg

Meloe autumnalis
picture: 20091124_150453.jpg

Meloe sp. (male and female)
picture: 20091124_141229.jpg
picture: 20091124_141655.jpg

Melitaea didyma
picture: 20091124_135359.jpg

Colias alfacariensis
picture: 20091124_113242.jpg
picture: 20091124_120131.jpg
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26.11.2009 0:48, taler

Is it possible to compare the caterpillars of Colias crocea and Colias erate to post?

26.11.2009 1:16, Sanangel

Even in Israel, I did not meet abscesses at this time. They are usually found in early spring.

26.11.2009 18:30, okoem

Is it possible to compare the caterpillars of Colias crocea and Colias erate to post?

I don't have Colias erate, but I posted Colias crocea and Colias alfacariensis caterpillars in the topic " Yolks..."
In the photo, it is hardly noticeable that alfacariensis, in addition to yellow and black spots, also differs in its" bristle " of black color.
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28.11.2009 23:54, palvasru4ko

Today, on November 28, it was warm and sunny in the Crimea – why sit at home? So I went to the Iosophat valley (Bakhchisarai district). I was there today for the first time. Train from Simferopol to Sevastopol. Exit in Bakhchisarai. Minibus no.2. The final stop. The ascent to the mountain began (fortunately-not steep). Soon the Holy Dormition Monastery was on the way. I draw water from the spring and continue down the valley. Soon the first buildings of the Chufut-Kale settlement (Jfut-Kale) become visible.

picture: 1.JPG

Goal # 1 – find the ancient Karaite cemetery (it should be somewhere nearby), and, preferably, find the grave of the famous Firkovich. Along THE WAY (OF COURSE, AS WITHOUT IT!!!) - search for insects. Avraham Samuilovich Firkovich is a well-known Karaite archaeologist and collector of antiquities. Born (year of birth according to various sources-1785, 1786, 1787) in Lutsk, in 1823 he came to live in the Crimea, in Yevpatoria. In 1830, he made a pilgrimage to Palestine, where he brought back ancient manuscripts and books. This was the beginning of his collection of antiquities. In the end, his collection of books and antiquities grew to 15,000 items, including the Bible (more precisely, the Old Testament). allegedly published in 916! From 1863 until his death (1874), he lived in the ancient settlement of Chufut-Kale, and his house is still preserved there. On the way to the cemetery, I met many Blackbirds (Turdus merula), but I managed to shoot only one more or less tolerably, and even then – a young one…

picture: 2.JPG

Periodically I went off the road in search of some butterflies. In the end, I find some kind of speck. I chase her through the woods for a long time, and eventually she settles down… I take pictures... I caught the butterfly later, I'll try to determine the type later… In the meantime, here's a photo…

picture: 3.JPG

In the end, walking along the road, without turning off, I go out to the gate…

picture: 4.JPG

Outside the gate, an incredible sight opens up - hundreds of ancient tombstones covered with foxes and overgrown with ivy…

picture: 5.JPG

So it seems that right now some "headless horseman" will skip… The feeling is indescribable, just an hour ago you were sure that it was 2009, and now it's like you're in the XV century, well, at most, in the XVII…

picture: 6.JPG

Soon I discover a dead ancient oak tree… This is one of the so-called "sacred oaks of the Karaites", that is, the Karaites (the ancient Karaites worshipped old oaks).

picture: 7.JPG

After wandering around the cemetery for a couple of hours, climbing all the way up and down, I finally found Firkovich's grave! It turned out that it was just outside the gate!

picture: 8.JPG

The grave, alas, was once broken by vandals, then the tombstone was partially restored. At the same time, a sign was embedded in it (by the way, the year of birth is 1785, so Firkovich is exactly 200 years older than me! smile.gif ):


I left with a feeling of deep satisfaction in my soul… On the way back, I met the nymphalid Vanessa atalanta and the jaundice Colias erate (female). Unfortunately, they did not allow themselves to be photographed... I also saw a freshly crushed mantis (Mantis religiosa) on the road. I didn't think mantises would survive until the end of November! Yes, I didn't come here for nothing after all! It's a pity that there aren't enough butterflies…
Although - what kind of butterflies can there be on such flowers?smile.gif

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29.11.2009 0:13, okoem

Бабочку потом поймал, вид попытаюсь определить позже…

Operophtera brumata
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29.11.2009 0:59, barry

  Сегодня, 28 ноября, в Крыму было тепло и солнечно – чего дома сидеть? Поэтому поехал в Иософатову долину (Бахчисарайский район). Был там сегодня впервые.

Какое все знакомое... smile.gif Мы там тоже как-то позапрошлым летом в августе прогуливались. Правда не по долине - от монастыря поднялись наверх, обошли вокруг по верхам, спустились через Чуфут-Кале.

30.11.2009 19:57, okoem

Сегодня, 28 ноября, в Крыму было тепло и солнечно – чего дома сидеть?

А я 28 ноября снова посетил Холмогорку. Было довольно ветрено, переменная облачность, +14...+19.

картинка: 20091128_134836.jpg
картинка: 20091128_134853.jpg

Hippodamia variegata
картинка: 20091128_121330.jpg

Galeruca tanaceti
картинка: 20091128_120401.jpg

Colias alfacariensis
картинка: 20091128_130006.jpg

Яйцо Colias crocea, отложенное на гусеницу Colias crocea
картинка: 20091128_131532.jpg
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01.12.2009 10:13, Tigran Oganesov

  А я 28 ноября снова посетил Холмогорку. Было довольно ветрено, переменная облачность, +14...+19.

Ох, Владимир, снова растравили душу! Завидую черной завистью из хмурой Москвы weep.gif

02.12.2009 15:59, Liparus

Сегодня в Харькове тебло и солнецчно,около +15 градусов,ветра нет совсем,поэтому красноклопы(возможно и др.) бегают по асфальтовой дорожке около моего дома=)
Хотел сьездить половить,но неразумно уже солнце садится.Сьезжу когда выпадет снег...тфу тфу тфу недай бог

Сообщение было отредактировано Liparus - 02.12.2009 17:34
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02.12.2009 16:17, rpanin

  Сегодня в Харькове тебло и солнецчно,около 15 градусов,ветра нет совсем,поэтому красноклопы(возможно и др.) бегают по асфальтовой дорожке около моего дома=)
Хотел сьездить половить,но неразумно уже солнце садится.Сьезжу когда выпадет снег...тфу тфу тфу недай бог

In Lviv +10... tongue.gif
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02.12.2009 16:22, Konung

in Omsk -20 smile.gif
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02.12.2009 16:39, vasiliy-feoktistov

In Moscow region (outside my window) +9.5

02.12.2009 18:56, Victor Titov

Today in Kharkiv it was teblo and sunny, about +15 degrees, there is no wind at all, so krasnoklops (possibly others) run along the asphalt path near my house=)
I wanted to go fishing,but the sun is already setting unwisely.I'll go when the snow falls ... tfu tfu tfu nedai god

Do you still have snow in Kharkiv? lol.gif
In Lviv +10... tongue.gif

in Omsk -20 smile.gif

In Moscow region (outside my window) +9.5

We have +7... And what a day! Well, neither here nor there! Honestly, winter would be faster! The sooner it comes, the sooner spring will come. And then - a new season! jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 02.12.2009 18: 57
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02.12.2009 19:01, Victor Titov

We have 22 now. Nice weather. Real winter.

Lucky you! Winter - so winter! Summer - so summer! And here - what year, neither this nor that! mad.gif weep.gif

02.12.2009 19:09, barko

Lucky you! Winter - so winter! Summer - so summer! And here - what year, neither this nor that! mad.gif weep.gif
That's exactly neither this nor that. +5 in Budapest, rain. We're here to entertain each other with a joke about it: "When will this s****I fall end and this s****I winter finally begin?"
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02.12.2009 19:27, RippeR

So we've had some bullshit in recent years. Snow is extremely rare and light, not prolonged. Every year in the middle of winter, at least a couple of days of high temperatures are recorded, around 17. In winter, a slushy, disgusting gray atmosphere is often recorded, instead of a pleasant snowy winter.
Today, the temperature has risen again, somewhere around 15 or more was in the afternoon. Yes, what can I say, I have a whole 20 degrees in my room. instead of the traditional 15 smile.gif
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02.12.2009 22:27, okoem

And today I opened the winter fishing season. I visited the surroundings of Ordzhonikidze village (a suburb of Feodosia)-the mountains of Jan-Kutaran and Vasyukovka.
Weather +16 ... 20, clear, wind about 5 m/s. Animals are scarce-Plutella xylostella, Nomophila noctuella, Pieris rapae (caterpillar), Colias crocea (caterpillar), Arctia festiva (caterpillar), as well as scoop caterpillars, Meloe autumnalis, small elephants, dragonfly Sympetrum sp., as well as flies, eardrums, spiders, ticks - that seems to be all...

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02.12.2009 22:39, Kharkovbut

Animals are scarce-Plutella xylostella, Nomophila noctuella, Pieris rapae (caterpillar), Colias crocea (caterpillar), Arctia festiva (caterpillar), as well as scoop caterpillars, Meloe autumnalis, small elephants, dragonfly Sympetrum sp., as well as flies, eardrums, spiders, ticks - that seems to be all...
Not enough??? wink.gif
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02.12.2009 23:57, Kharkovbut

dragonfly Sympetrum sp.
What kind of view - couldn't be installed? No photo? Interesting...

03.12.2009 0:06, okoem

What kind of view - couldn't be installed? No photo? Interesting...

Not... I don't know much about this kind of thing (Sympetrum). So I didn't even try to look at it. But, apparently, something like vulgatum or striolatum. A week or two ago, I met many more of them. If I see any more in the near future, I'll take a look.
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03.12.2009 1:09, Kharkovbut

But, apparently, something like vulgatum or striolatum.

Probably striolatum. Your vulgatum seems to be rare. In our country, these species fly "all the way". Although there is still a fonscolombii in Crimea - I don't know how long it has been flying. At the end of September, I saw young imagos, while striolatum were already "adults".

03.12.2009 8:24, okoem

Well, then maybe fonscolombii.

03.12.2009 18:58, okoem

Not enough??? wink.gif

Not enough, because that's all there was for the whole day. For comparison, today I met Colias crocea (3 pcs), Colias erate (1), Lycaena phlaeas (1), Plutella xylostella (many), Colias caterpillars and a scoop, dragonflies, a couple of beetle species, flies, spiders in the immediate vicinity of my house in about forty minutes... Weather: sunny, calm, +12.
I noticed that now in the steppe you can find clearly more greenery and wildlife, in contrast to the foothills. In late winter and early spring, with the same weather, everything happens quite the opposite.

December male Colias erate
picture: IMGP5708.jpg

Sympetrum sp.
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03.12.2009 19:25, RippeR

we do not fly such fresh supplies in summer lol.gif
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03.12.2009 22:08, Kharkovbut

  Sympetrum sp.
The female is S. striolatum. And the male, it seems, too. smile.gif
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04.12.2009 21:23, Sanangel

But in Haifa +22 and butterflies fly
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04.12.2009 21:31, Sanangel

Something is not in the subject got. I read 79 pages, where they talked about the weather, and inserted my own in the same place.

07.12.2009 22:03, barry

Today, the Kharkiv Museum of Nature hosted a solemn meeting with Yunakov N. N. The long-awaited guest was met by a delegation of museum employees, headed by Liparus, with its traditional huge black bag stuffed to overflowing with all sorts of weevils... Of course (as it turned out later) in the vast majority of incorrectly defined on мolbiol.ru... smile.gif

After the traditional tea party, Nikolai Nikolaevich began to analyze this extensive material...
picture: CRW_8416.jpg

"Wow," I said... Oh, my God! I've never seen one like it...
picture: CRW_8417.jpg

- What else is interesting here...
picture: CRW_8419.jpg

- It is credited as follows... Liparus is designated as responsible for the Entiminae group! Immediately prepare an order for appointment to a new position.
picture: CRW_8420.jpg
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07.12.2009 22:51, Kharkovbut

Today, a solemn meeting with Yunakov N. N. took place at the Kharkiv Museum of Nature.
Funny pictures, it turns out, we have in the museum hang on the cabinets... smile.gif
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07.12.2009 23:02, Egorus

Probably the museum is also interested in butterflies... wink.gif
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07.12.2009 23:26, Guest

Probably the museum is also interested in butterflies... wink.gif

.. at night.
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08.12.2009 10:49, barry

Funny pictures, it turns out, we have in the museum hang on the cabinets... smile.gif

Well, the museum is worse than many other jobs... Everyone equips according to their own taste. smile.gif
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23.12.2009 10:39, Opas

It is so pleasing when it is winter outside, and at home there are parts of summer jump.gif
My first Hyles gallii came out on December 18 beer.gif
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