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21.07.2010 18:40, Kemist

In general, the nominative subspecies P. Hyeroglyphyca is most likely found in Volgograd. Cuprina from the bottom is bronze. If the beetle is bronze-brown on top, the process of the middle breast is large, most likely P. Hyeroglyphyca. P. caucasica lives in Transcaucasia, it most closely resembles marginicollis.

21.07.2010 18:51, Cerambyx

Is hyeroglyphica from Turkmenistan always green? The fact is that in the "Fauna of the USSR" for Turkmenistan, both variants of top color are indicated-both green and bronze, and for the Caucasus and Transcaucasia - only bronze. Of course, it is not a fact that this is an absolute rule (and in both cases), but that is why I suggested Turkmenistan. Among my series from Orsk (more than fifty specimens), there are 10-15 green pieces, i.e. this is not such a rare form in this population, and in the series from Elton I also saw green beetles. In general, of course, the issue with the subspecies of hyeroglyphica is probably not easy, if they exist at all, these subspecies confused.gifwould still be there in general with the species of the group to understand, which in fact may be less than Medvedev in the fauna...

This post was edited by Cerambyx - 07/21/2010 18: 53

22.07.2010 1:12, Kemist

Is hyeroglyphica from Turkmenistan always green? The fact is that in the "Fauna of the USSR" for Turkmenistan, both variants of top color are indicated-both green and bronze, and for the Caucasus and Transcaucasia - only bronze. Of course, it is not a fact that this is an absolute rule (and in both cases), but that is why I suggested Turkmenistan. Among my series from Orsk (more than fifty specimens), there are 10-15 green pieces, i.e. this is not such a rare form in this population, and in the series from Elton I also saw green beetles. In general, of course, the issue with the subspecies of hyeroglyphica is probably not easy, if they exist at all, these subspecies confused.gifwould still be there in general with the species of the group to understand, which in fact may be less than Medvedev in the fauna...

Of course, green or bronze color is not the final criterion of a subspecies, an example of this is the subspecies fieberi and the Turkmen subspecies hyeroglyphyca, which can be bronze. Who will have to pay for the audit of this group. Bronze caucasica looks like both cuprina and hyeroglyphyca.

24.07.2010 14:33, Гундоров Сергей

The other day in Saratov on Kumysnaya polyana-near the city.
Gulyaev Vladimir Sergeevich-Parnassius simonius taldicus was found with him on Taldyk Lane (Kyrgyzstan) in 1990 in
the Alai Ridge-a well-known Saratov artist(member of the Union of Artists since the 1960s).See the original description in Lambillionea (Belgique-1991).
The ghost on the tree-I didn't see it visually-only appeared in the photo.
The heat in the Volga region is abnormal - - - since May-now the hottest days-over 40 degrees was.
The harvest burned down.

A.paphia2__.JPG — (1.3 mb)

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24.07.2010 21:33, rhopalocera.com

Underpants, according to the law of the genre, must be red (see my reports): D
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26.07.2010 0:57, А.Й.Элез

A belated story about a trip to the Voronezh Region (Liskinsky, Ostrogozhsky, Buturlinovsky districts) on June 11-17, 2010. The fauna, however, had to be caught more than photographed...
I also offer two videos (from the same point of the Shipov forest) on the topic "Who feeds on the oak":

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26.07.2010 1:08, Vlad Proklov

A belated story about a trip to the Voronezh Region (Liskinsky, Ostrogozhsky, Buturlinovsky districts) on June 11-17, 2010. The fauna, however, had to be caught more than photographed...
I also offer two videos (from the same point of the Shipov forest) on the topic "Who feeds on the oak":

Lzhepestryanki, by the way-fegei! I want a point smile.gif

26.07.2010 10:52, aleko

A short report on fishing last weekend, Murmino, Ryazan region, to the light.
In the afternoon on Saturday it was at 17:00 in the shade of 39.5 degrees, on Sunday - 38. Being outside during the day for more than 10 minutes was life - threatening teapot.gif

The butterflies were few and far between. It is interesting that from Friday to Saturday, several daytime or usually daytime-only butterflies arrived: two Pontia edusa and one Hyponephele lycaon and Lythria purpuraria each.

What's interesting or rare in my area -

Amphipyra pyramidea-hiding in the house between the curtains on Sunday afternoon smile.gif
Calamia tridens
Celaena leucostigma-I have
Cucullia asteris
Heliothis for the first time ?maritima-posting for clarification
Lygephila craccae
Perizoma lugdunaria-the second recently
Schinia scutosa-for the first time

And a few photos.

Lytria purpuraria: picture: lytria_purpuraria.JPG

Heliothis ?maritima: Heliothis_maritima.JPG

Perizoma lugdunaria: picture: perizoma_lugdunaria.JPG

Amphipoea sp (I can smell it, it's impossible to determine from the photo) : picture: Amphipoea_sp.jpg

But this nightgown would very much like to define, I did not succeed. Maybe someone will recognize Brother Kolya? smile.gif
UPD: it seems to me that this is Euxoa nigricans: picture: P1120367.JPG

And a small such plastinokrylchiksmile.gif)
UPD: this is actually a tailed grasshopper - Tettigonia caudata. Thanks to Vlad for the definition!
picture: plastinokryl.JPG

This post was edited by aleko - 26.07.2010 14: 45
Likes: 10

26.07.2010 11:00, Vlad Proklov

A short report on fishing last weekend, Murmino, Ryazan region, to the light.
In the afternoon on Saturday it was at 17:00 in the shade of 39.5 degrees, on Sunday - 38. On the street in the afternoon to be more than 10 minutes was life-threatening: teapot:
And such a small plastinokrylchik:))

This is not a platypter, but Tettigonia caudata. I now have one in the bank singing =)
Likes: 1

26.07.2010 11:05, aleko

This is not a platypter, but Tettigonia caudata. I have now such a bank sings =)

Man, does he sing too? smile.gif and what can I feed him?

26.07.2010 11:34, Vlad Proklov

Man, does he sing too? smile.gif and what can I feed him?

Well, this one won't sing, because the wench smile.gif
And to feed - fruit, you can give fillies.
Likes: 1

26.07.2010 11:42, А.Й.Элез

Lzhepestryanki, by the way-fegei! I want a point smile.gif
This is not a dot, but an ellipsis. Thorn forest, mostly along forest roads, most often not overgrown, but well-traveled, and at an altitude of no more than half a meter, stray flight. In general, absolutely standard behavior. The view in those places is massive.
By the way, during the Serebryanoprudsky trip, I noted several females that had already flown over, but I think I forgot to mention them in that report... There are other places where this thing lives in the Moscow region. For the most part, they are single - season; apparently, a stray female creates a small brood by next year (where she can lay her eggs), which then has no continuation at this point. But there are, as far as I know, more stable places, one in the" Insects of MO " (1989, I think) was reported as remaining.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 26.07.2010 11: 58
Likes: 1

26.07.2010 14:36, Alexandr Zhakov

Heliothis ?maritima - posting
Heliothis for clarification ?maritima: Heliothis_maritima.JPG

picture: Heliothis_с_отличиями._jpg.jpg
It turns out to be maritima smile.gif
Likes: 1

26.07.2010 14:48, aleko

26.07.2010 14:53, Vlad Proklov

We don't have a maritima! We have an adaukt.
Heck! This is probably the third time I've had to say it!
People, subscribe to the topics already and follow!
Likes: 1

26.07.2010 14:57, Vlad Proklov

This is not a dot, but an ellipsis. Thorn forest, mostly along forest roads, most often not overgrown, but well-traveled, and at an altitude of no more than half a meter, stray flight. In general, absolutely standard behavior. The view in those places is massive.
By the way, during the Serebryanoprudsky trip, I noted several females that had already flown over, but I think I forgot to mention them in that report... There are other places where this thing lives in the Moscow region. For the most part, they are single - season; apparently, a stray female creates a small brood by next year (where she can lay her eggs), which then has no continuation at this point. But there are, as far as I know, more stable places, one in the" Insects of MO " (1989, I think) was reported as remaining.

This thing is not in the MO.
Likes: 1

26.07.2010 15:00, aleko

We don't have a maritima! We have an adaukt.
Heck! This is probably the third time I've had to say it!
People, subscribe to the topics already and follow!

Okay, Vlad, let adaukt (I'm sorry, I can't track all the topics, but I won't do it again, honest pioneer smile.gif)"so who is it, viriplaca or adaucta?"

26.07.2010 15:02, Vlad Proklov

Okay, Vlad, let adaukt (I'm sorry, I can't track all the topics, but I won't do it again, honest pioneer smile.gif)"so who is it, viriplaca or adaucta?"

Adaukta smile.gif
I, by the way, also took a few of these in Alpatievo, I still need to check - but if it is, a new type for the Ministry of Defense, like ...
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26.07.2010 15:11, aleko

Thank you, Vlad! Still, it's not entirely clear. Wikipedia lists adaucta as a synonym for maritima. And it turns out that these are different types. It is clear that Wikipedia is ridiculous to believe, but there is no adaukt in the list of Karsholt & Razowski either.

26.07.2010 15:14, Vlad Proklov

Thank you, Vlad! Still, it's not entirely clear. Wikipedia lists adaucta as a synonym for maritima. And it turns out that these are different types. It is clear that Wikipedia is ridiculous to believe, but there is no adaukta in the list of Karsholt & Razowski either.

They were separated in volume 11 of Noctuidae Europaeae, maritima is a Baltic coastal species, not included in the BSSR. H. adaucta is a widespread Palearctic species.
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26.07.2010 15:27, Sungaya

  This thing doesn't exist in the MOD.

And who is there?

26.07.2010 15:29, aleko

And who is there?

apparently Syntomis nigricornis smile.gif
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26.07.2010 15:32, Sungaya

Please indicate your sources!
The same applies to images (identifiers)
If it's not difficult, of course smile.gif

This post was edited by Sungaya - 26.07.2010 15: 42

26.07.2010 15:42, aleko

Please indicate your sources!
The same applies to images (qualifiers)

in Eversmannia No. 3-4 for 2005 there was an article on our syntomis.

see here-item 28 http://eversmannia.entomology.ru/3-4.htm

This post was edited by aleko - 26.07.2010 15: 43
Likes: 3

26.07.2010 16:27, aleko

we had nothing to breathe at all in Murmino on Sunday morning. Moreover, the smoke lay thickly everywhere, and it was not clear at all where it came from. Then the wind blew it away, and in the afternoon there was a column of smoke in the forest area around Dolginino. I called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they were already putting out the fire, but even at 6 pm, when we left the dacha, the smoke was still coming in a column.
Darkness and horror, utter horror. And we have north of the dacha in general solid Meshchersk forests, God forbid something to start there.....
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26.07.2010 22:07, vizioner

Here's who we managed to gather and see over the last two weekends :
Night from July 16 to July 17, at the light LHK250
Place Vaskelovo village, Vsevolozhsky district of Len.area. The night is clear ,but without the moon the temperature is 18-20 degrees. Time from 00.30 to 3.00.
Here is the result of night fishing:
In the afternoon of the same day, I wandered through the nearby forest along the railway. it was quite hot, about 30 degrees, and then it rained.
Here is the place of my adventures:
And here are the people I met there:
It was fun to meet the last-instar elpenor caterpillars so early, usually in mid-August.
I also saw a caterpillar, as it seemed to me, some kind of bear, can someone tell me which one?
Fresh forest mother-of-pearl birds flew, mostly females. These were not isolated niobeums . I got one adippa.
There were a lot of very small pigeons hovering over the heather ( I don't know the name). Here is a photo of the catch, maybe someone will tell you about the pigeons...
A week later, I was again caught at night on the same revenge and by the same means. the temperature is 20, caught from 00.00 to 4.00. It was overcast at 3.00 began to drizzle and a light wind blew. It flew better than a week ago.
First time you arrived:Noctua pronuba, Catocala fulminea and Geometra papilonaria if I'm not confusing...
Here is all the fishing and catch...

This post was edited by vizioner - 26.07.2010 22: 12
Likes: 14

26.07.2010 22:12, vasiliy-feoktistov

Here's who we managed to gather and see over the last two weekends :
Night from July 16 to July 17, at the light LHK250
Place Vaskelovo village, Vsevolozhsky district of Len.area. The night is clear ,but without the moon the temperature is 18-20 degrees. Time from 00.30 to 3.00.
I also saw a caterpillar, as it seemed to me, some kind of bear, can someone tell me which one?

This is not a bear, but a scoop: Acronicta auricoma

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 26.07.2010 22: 12
Likes: 1

28.07.2010 12:41, aleko

Dilute the Far Eastern exoticism with local banals smile.gif

Yesterday I spent the night at the dacha in Murmino, sat under the DRV-250 until one o'clock. A crowd of Loxostege sticticalis immediately swooped in - do they have a nest there, or what? smile.gif A few minutes after turning on the lamp, up to 30 fireflies and a lone crazy Euclidia glyphica were sitting on the screen, confusing day with night. Actually, until the end of my sitting, nothing has changed. Slowly, several scoops and tufts were pulled up in turn - all, as a rule, in a single copy. Perhaps there were only more than one moth of immorata.
At midnight, a seemingly zero Catocala fraxini fluttered by like a silent batman, made a few circles in front of the screen, thought about it - and then went home.

I enclose a list of almost everything I've seen:

Loxostege sticticalis

Hyles gallii

Notodonta dromedarius
Clostera anastomosis
Pheosia tremula

Scopula immorata
Scopula rubiginata
Narraga fasciolaria
Ematurga atomaria

Acronicta leporina
Acronicta rumicis
Deltote bankiana
Catocala fraxini
Euclidia glyphica
?Hoplodrina octogenaria
Schinia scutosa
Amphipoea ?lucens
Mythimna ferrago
Hadula trifolii
Hadena ?bicruris
Celaena haworthii
Xestia baja
Agrotis ipsilon
Agrotis segetum

UPD: I remembered a few more scoops:
Xestia c-nigrum
Heliothis viriplaca
Macdunnoughia confusa
Autographa gamma

but it doesn't change the essence of the matter much. The heat does its job, butterflies fly just an order of magnitude less.
By the way, at 12 am on the thermometer was 29 degrees, and at 6 am - +28.

This post was edited by aleko - 07/28/2010 12: 54
Likes: 4

30.07.2010 17:52, Dmitry Vlasov

In the Yaroslavl region for the second month of heat, and now the entire region is covered with smog brought from neighboring regions. Therefore, even short-term trips for beetles turn into extreme expeditions. And finding someone during the day is extremely problematic. At the same time, in the shade, beetles that have not yet died have switched to a nocturnal lifestyle…
On July 29, I went to visit my son in the pioneer camp and at the same time decided to "run" for beetles… We went for a swim, and found rainbows on the water vegetation: Donacia dentata, D. tomentosa, D. bicolora, Galerucella nymphaeae, and many more freshly grown Hippodamia 13-punctata. After visiting the camp, I went to visit my colleagues at the Karabikha Museum (3 km away). First I went to the pasture to see if there were any dung beetles. In this heat, fresh manure turns to stone within a few hours. Therefore, the pasture is all littered with dry cakes. This is probably what Australia looked like in the XIX century, shitfaced by settlers ' cattle… Under such "stones" - anthills or hide banal ground beetles: Harpalus (Pseudoophonus) rufipes and H. affinis. In an exceptionally large pile, which did not immediately dry out due to its size, I found a copy of two types of dung beetles Aphodius fimetarius A. subterraneus. and three baby Atholus duodecimstriatus.
At this time, leaf beetles are growing..get out of the heat: Bromius obscurus ate goat willow, "Colorado" hung out on horseradish, and on knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) I scored a bunch of Altica sp. From the "scales" were worn the ubiquitous Colias hyale, Pontia, some small Pieris, and even saw a freshly hatched burdock. After the pasture, I walked along the riverbank, hoping for parasol beetles. There were no beetles on the angelica tree. In a couple of places (where there were no swimmers), I poked around in piles of" seaweed " thrown out by vacationers on the clay banks. There I found two Cercyon species, a couple of Bembidion species from the subgenus Notaphus, Elaphrus riparius, Clivina fossor, Pterostichus vernalis, and several staphylinae.
In the museum park, I shook the dust in the hollows of linden, birch, and spruce trees. Interestingly, the dust in the hollows, despite the heat, is wet. In one of the hollows of a birch tree, I found larvae and cocoons (with beetles) of Cetonia aurata and Protaetia marmorata. Here is another new point of the "red book". Also twice scared off Catocala fraxini and in the" mutt " of the elm sat scoops similar to A. pyramidea, since it was not possible to catch, there will be no exact definition...
In general, it was not for nothing that I "steamed" and breathed smog.
Photo: purple morning sun
pasture with cows in the "fog"
river valley in smoke
blue "ribbon"

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31.07.2010 14:08, Андреас

Today I caught a catcher eating another catcher in the window... - In general, is it from skakunchikov? "He looks like an ant, isn't he?"

picture: P7316804.JPG
P7316804.JPG — (205.71к)

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05.08.2010 0:40, Гундоров Сергей

The heat is below 40 and there are fires around the city.Cracking oil refinery-there was a big fire in the cemetery near it yesterday.If you want to rush- - - then go to the city.Catocala all the species in the city are already flying and walking during the day-they got out of the burning forest-there was no such thing-all the species are red.I've never seen so many Topolevs.Now the garden lamp is on--inactive years

14.08.2010 22:20, Андреас

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14.08.2010 22:36, Black Coleopter

The street sweepers sweep crows, pigeons and sparrows every morning.

And how are necrobionts doing? Second photo - lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

15.08.2010 20:48, kovyl

I'm here in this empty place already howling like a wolf!!! On thermometers in the shade 45-47!!!!!!!!! and the Internet is bullshit!

Well, you're driving me! Well, where is 45-47? This means that the thermometer is hanging incorrectly. I fixed a maximum of 39 (balcony on the north side of the house). In general, yes, we have it here. Get used to it. But as you correctly noted, there are amazing insects here. And by the way, this isn't a desert after all. Desolate steppe.
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20.08.2010 20:44, Sergey Didenko

I spent three days in the Ryazan region, where it flies quite plentifully, especially in comparison with Moscow.

DSC04590.JPG — (1.76мб)

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21.08.2010 20:40, Vlad Proklov

I returned from the Saratov region.

picture: sbory.jpg

Sour, of course. But it feels like pure Portugal! I can't even believe that the winter there is quite a Russian smile.gif
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05.09.2010 17:07, Vlad Proklov

Saratov reports.

All sorts of things:

Insects (you can and should speak out on the indefinite smile.gif):
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05.09.2010 19:28, Kharkovbut

Saratov reports.
Insects (you can and should speak out on the indefinite smile.gif):

Sympetrum-IMHO meridionale (and not fonscolombii-the eyes should be blue from below, and the basal spot on the wings is significantly larger; and the veins are reddish and there are meridionale).
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19.09.2010 21:19, Sergey Didenko

I spent the weekend in the Korablinsky district of the Ryazan region. I fished, picked mushrooms, and caught butterflies at night. Young porcini mushrooms were scarce (including not terribly dry), fishing was normal, and night fishing was also common.

DSC04646.JPG — (2.29мб)

18092010674.jpg — (1012.84к)

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04.10.2010 11:01, Stas Shinkarenko

Belated report on the expedition to the salt lakes of the Volgograd region: route Bulukhta-Elton-Botkul, September 13-17.
I caught mainly in the light, because there was no time to set traps and collect them by hand.

Solyanki on Bulukhta

There is no more water in the lake

Sunset on Bulukhta

The owner of these places is the steppe eagle

Elton of Mount Ulagan

Sediments on Elton

Lake Botkul has also already dried up

Plaque on the monument to the murdered communards in the long-abandoned village of Zhitkur


This post was edited by wise snake - 04.10.2010 11: 02
Likes: 31

Pages: 1 ...24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32... 120

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