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29.06.2013 17:47, vasiliy-feoktistov

Saint Petersburg, Srednyaya Slingshot. I didn't think that I would ever see this miracle! However... I'm taking a walk in my neighborhood this morning. I have a sleeping area with lots of trees. Grace. It appears. I think at first that the Ribbon is poplar, but something small... I flew a little and sat down. Apatura Ilia!
An unexpected, and most importantly, completely incomprehensible meeting for me! Or are they already so far north?

Maybe a wild question. But is it a rarity in St. Petersburg?
In Muscovy, it was always common, and in recent years it gives generally 2 generations (in August we catch) confused.gif
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30.06.2013 15:44, алекс 2611

Maybe a wild question. But is it a rarity in St. Petersburg?
In Muscovy, it was always common, and in recent years it has generally given 2 generations (we catch it in August) confused.gif

I haven't seen it, but they say it happens sometimes. A rare butterfly for us.
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30.06.2013 17:18, IchMan

Maybe a wild question. But is it a rarity in St. Petersburg?
In Muscovy, it was always common, and in recent years it has generally given 2 generations (we catch it in August) confused.gif

I have seen them myself only in the south, but there is a photo taken in 2008 in the extreme south of Karelia in the South Ladoga region (north of the Nizhnesvirsky Nature Reserve). This is probably the northernmost find in our country, because according to the catalog (Sinev et al., 2008), which is not fully processed by the published data, it is found only in 4, 7, and 16 regions. In Korb (2011), it also does not appear, Slava Humpback also did not find this species in Karelia.
PS Camilla's caterpillar was found at the same point last year!
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30.06.2013 18:07, Andrey Bezborodkin

Maybe a wild question. But is it a rarity in St. Petersburg?
In Muscovy, it was always common, and in recent years it has generally given 2 generations (we catch it in August) confused.gif
Both species of the genus Apatura in recent years are not just found on the territory of St. Petersburg, but also fly to the center, in the "stone jungle". In the south of the Leningrad region, A. ilia is generally a common butterfly. But it has become common since about 2009, almost never met before, there was only A. iris.

30.06.2013 18:20, алекс 2611

Both species of the genus Apatura in recent years are not just found on the territory of St. Petersburg, but also fly to the center, in the "stone jungle". In the south of the Leningrad region, A. ilia is generally a common butterfly. But it has become common since about 2009, almost never met before, there was only A. iris.

I spend 95% of my expeditions on the Karelian Isthmus (north of St. Petersburg) and have never seen it. In the city people meet, they said. Well, the south of the region from the Karelian Isthmus differs quite strongly both in flora and entomofauna. For example, I did not manage to meet a hornet on the Karelian Isthmus, and already in the Gatchina district it is a common animal. Or here is Cirsium oleraceum south of St. Petersburg grows everywhere, but in the north and did not meet.

30.06.2013 20:08, Andrey Bezborodkin

I spend 95% of my expeditions on the Karelian Isthmus (north of St. Petersburg) and have never seen it. In the city people meet, they said. Well, the south of the region from the Karelian Isthmus differs quite strongly both in flora and entomofauna. For example, I did not manage to meet a hornet on the Karelian Isthmus, and already in the Gatchina district it is a common animal. Or Cirsium oleraceum grows everywhere south of St. Petersburg, but I haven't seen it in the north.
That's right. I don't know how far A. ilia has moved along the Karelian Isthmus (I rarely go there, I met A. iris, for example, in Kuznechny beyond Priozersk). But the second generation in the south of the region is available in warm years (in particular, near Luga). My colleagues caught it. We look forward to seeing you again this year.

30.06.2013 20:29, алекс 2611

That's right. I don't know how far A. ilia has moved along the Karelian Isthmus (I rarely go there, I met A. iris, for example, in Kuznechny beyond Priozersk). But the second generation in the south of the region is available in warm years (in particular, near Luga). My colleagues caught it. We look forward to seeing you again this year.

Oh, we must gather our strength and go somewhere to Tolmachevo...
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02.07.2013 1:34, SergeyB

Has anyone been to the Red Lighthouse this season? write, if possible, in the personal account.

02.07.2013 21:39, Fyodor

Has anyone been to the Red Lighthouse this season? write, if possible, in the personal account.

There was, but I planned to publish the report for everyone.

Yesterday, Vladimir region, Kovrov district, mostly burning in the area of the village of Krasny Mayak-the area of the village of Bolotsky.

Ochlodes sylvanus
Thymelicus lineola
Thymelicus sylvestris

Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena virgaureae
Aricia artaxerxes
Celastrina argiolus
Cyaniris semiargus
Plebejus argus

Apatura ilia
Boloria dia
Boloria euphrosyne
Boloria selene
Boloria titania
Brenthis ino
Brenthis daphne
Argynnis aglaja
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis paphia
Issoria lathonia
Limenitis populi
Melitaea athalia
Melitaea aurelia
Melitaea didyma
Melitaea phoebe
Araschnia levana
Aglais urticae
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Polygonia c-album
Erebia ligea
Coenonympha glycerion
Aphantopus hyperantus
Hyponephele lycaon
Maniola jurtina
Lasiommata maera
Melanargia russiae

Papilio machaon
Parnassius apollo

Leptidea ?sinapis
Gonepteryx rhamni
Pieris napi
Aporia crataegi

Ematurga atomaria

Dendrolimus pini

Callimorpha dominula
Coscinia striata

Diacrisia sannio
Polypogon tentacularia
Euclidia glyphica

Zygaena minos
Zygaena lonicerae

DSC_0342.JPG — (1.11 mb)

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03.07.2013 18:50, Mantispid

Saratov region, Tatishchevsky district, 3 km from Storozhevka village, solonchak steppe, 3. VII. 2013

Today we visited a very unusual natural object-a source of very salty water of blue (!) color.
Source coordinates: 51°39 '51.95" N 45°51'44.56" E

Gmelin's kermek (Limonium gmelinii) bloomed in the steppe. On it I caught my old dream-the weevil Sibinia (Dichotychius) sp., and in addition a lot of leaf beetles Stylosomus cylindricus A. Morawitz, 1860!

From the spring flows a small stream that flows into a salt lake, overgrown with reeds and other near-water plants. Quite a promising place. But, despite active mowing, I didn't catch anything but hordes of aphids and cows. (which I was very upset about, hoping for bagousov, notaries and other cool nosiness).

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03.07.2013 21:10, niyaz

For the last 2 nights, I have been catching light from the top of a mountain near Salmachi, one of the suburban settlements of Kazan.
The Apoda limacodes slug and the Mythimna conigera scoop flew en masse.
Among the guests who pleased me, Ochropleura plecta, Noctua fimbriata, Acronicta alni, Shargacucullia scrophulariae, Aplocera praeformata, Ourapteryx sambucaria, Eilema complanum, Miltochrista miniata and others were identified.

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05.07.2013 23:30, SergeyB

Good day to all... smile.gif I would like to write a short report on the trip of our community "Sylvan Shadows" to the Vladimir region, the village of Krasny Mayak. Target: Parnassius apollo. The raid consists of me, my spouse, and bratelnik. This was my first time undertaking such an event, so the preparation was global since winter. Special thanks to all forum participants! beer.gif

So departure from Moscow at 8-30 am 04.07. The road there for joy was not so difficult, everyone was on the positive side, in anticipation of something grandiose. Moscow, as always, pleased us with enough traffic jams to put our nerves on edge. Traffic on Gorkovskoe highway is so-so, there are a lot of traffic lights, settlements, and often road repairs. Time flew by quickly, we were approaching Vladimir.
picture: DSC05597.JPGDSC05601.JPGpicture: DSC05612.JPG
I will say right away that it is not recommended to go along the M7 through Vladimir itself, as we did on the way there. The road is being repaired and the asphalt has been removed. Therefore, it is better to take a detour - the M7 Volga highway (E22).
Somewhere around 13-30 we drove up to the village of Krasny Mayak.
picture: DSC05621.JPG
The temperature is +30C, but a cool breeze and fresh air compensate for this heat. In addition, I did not know where exactly to catch apollons, according to some reports I knew that a huge amount of the forest had burned out, so we should look for such places. After passing the Red Lighthouse, I see a terrible sight of the global clearing of the burnt forest on the left side of the road. I've never seen such scenery. It was a dreary sight.
We decided to take a dirt road and see what was going on. We drove off 200 meters and I see it flying, white, huge, yes! This is Apollo! tongue.gif I can't express the emotions that I experienced when I saw this butterfly in reality in flight. After 15 seconds, he was in my net! How beautiful and huge it is! I decided to release it, just for luck.
The question of finding Apollo disappeared, the question arose about choosing a place to camp and camp. Stopping at logging is not an option, sand, you can not turn around everywhere, the entrance is bad, the places are open, KAMAZ trucks and other equipment are constantly being driven for firewood. We decided to drive a little further on the asphalt, but turned back on the dirt road, live excitement burned in my heart. We drove 500 meters through the sand, but did not find a suitable place to spend the night in this "scorched desert", but we found a huge number of flying Parnassius apollo, up to 10 in sight. As I started running after them with a net, the wind drives them, running on these "dunes" is not very good at all, the heat, midges and horseflies just eat you if you don't run. At one point, I thought I was going to spit out my lungs, have heat stroke, and be swallowed alive by a fly fly. weep.gif
picture: DSC05628.JPGpicture: DSC05629.JPG
In general, the excitement subsided, plus most of the butterflies were strongly flown, which pretty much spoiled my mood. mad.gif
picture: DSC05694.JPG
In general, we decided to go back and set up camp on the other side of the asphalt, in the Shade of the woods (Sylvan Shadows), and only then go fishing in a measured manner. And so they did. Unfortunately, out of the 50 butterflies caught, a couple of them were more or less fresh, and I took them. Catching of course in such conditions is very difficult. By the way, an interesting feature of the Apollons to grind their paws on the wings, scaring someone, was recorded by me. umnik.gif
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In the evening, after a hearty meal, we decided to find at least some pond to swim in and wash off the dust and sweat. It turned out that in Yazykovo, a neighboring village, there is a gorgeous lake. We bathed and refreshed ourselves. By the way, in Bolotskoye there are many water pumps along the road, you can replenish fresh water supplies.
picture: DSC05664.JPGpicture: DSC05666.JPG_______.jpg
At night we sat, told camp stories, drank beer. Two Laothoe amurensis flew to the diode flashlight!
picture: DSC05676.JPG
Mosquitoes did not eat, a friend gave me ThermaCELL. A great thing from any blood-sucking evil spirits, even the red ants left us.
picture: shop_items_catalog_image3263.jpg
The next day we went fishing a little more, hoping to find fresh apollos, which we actually did, but now I'll know that I need to get here earlier.
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Butterflies spread out immediately, I love when they are still fresh. shuffle.gif
After lunch, we packed up our belongings and rushed home, I really didn't want to leave... frown.gif The goal was achieved, the experience gained. Thanks for your attention! smile.gif

This post was edited by SergeyB - 05.07.2013 23: 45
Likes: 24

06.07.2013 19:13, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today I went to the Vladimir region to the point I am developing this season in order to collect Saturnia pavonia caterpillars in the way that people ask for cocoons, and for the first time I collected them only for my own personal purposes.
The result is disappointing: only two tracks were found frown.gif. So, you should wait until next year with your orders. Alas, I just didn't know that anyone else needed it.
But the point is correct and there is a lot of it: I will collect it next season smile.gif.
From other insects:
Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus, 1758)
?Brenthis daphne (Bergstrasser, 1780)?
I'm not quite sure and I ask you to clarify whether it is in my photo 17?
Speyeria aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758)
Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758) (prorsa has already flown out)
Nymphalis io (Linnaeus, 1758)
Nymphalis xanthomelas (Esper, 1781)
is already flying the second generation of Papilio machaon Linnaeus, 1758
Well, and all the accompanying small things.
Only the ones shown in photo 15 are collected. The result is not easy for me.
Everywhere and not at all locally in the sand funnels of ant lions!
And finally, the most interesting thing in my opinion: in 117 km. A whole population of the Italian Prus (Calliptamus italicus (Linnaeus, 1758)) was found near Moscow. Subsequently, I plan a detailed post in the corresponding topic.
I went well: I got some air, ate raspberries and blueberries. Satisfiedjump.gif.
06.07.2013г. Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, okr. der. Starye Omutischi:

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 06.07.2013 21: 46

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06.07.2013 21:21, Kharkovbut

?Brenthis daphne (Bergstrasser, 1780)?
I'm not quite sure and I ask you to clarify whether it is in my photo 17?
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06.07.2013 21:31, vasiliy-feoktistov


Thanks! So I was right when I wrote this post: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1416942
It's really full of it! It's just that I strangled one copy to check smile.gif

08.07.2013 8:59, Mantispid

Report on yesterday's trip.

Saratov region, Voskresenskiy district, 1-4 km from the village of Voskresenskoye, Zmeevy Gory, 7. VII. 2013

The places are quite good and very beautiful.
The heat was terrible. The steppe burned out. Mowed, but almost nothing caught, all flies, bedbugs, spiders, a lot of all sorts of aphids and cows. Only Gymnetron melanarium, Cionus sp., Smicronyx sp., Cryptocephalus sp., and Anthaxia sp.were caught during the whole day. and Bembidion sp., that's all. Out of desperation, I took a couple of scolias of maculata.

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14.07.2013 18:43, Mantispid

Meanwhile, a week has passed and we're on the road again. This time we decided to go north, to wetter areas.

Saratov region, Bazarno-Karabulaksky district, between the village. Bazarny Karabulak and Alekseyevka village, 14.07.2013
1 point-Gar
2 point-lake and birches
picture: Bazar_karta.jpg

Fumes. Blooming willow-chai. Dry larch and pine trees. A paradise for bark beetles.

Arboretum named after him. Dubova without oaks.

And here I remembered my trip to Tambov. Very similar-highway, pine trees. Only in Tambov they were 3 times higher and 10 times thicker. Roman (AGG) hi)))

Very interesting pond. Here I mowed down very good weevils-Bagous tubulus and Gymnetron veronicae

In the forest and on the clearing. From the birches I caught a couple of Orchestes rusci and some cool flea with white stripes!

Aspect of a flowering turf tree in the shade of a birch tree. There were hordes of nanofies here. Just hordes...

My Saratov friend Kolya.

Oh! Mushrooms!

Here are the fees. By the way, Trichius fasciatus was unrealistically large, almost all the umbrellas were sitting. I don't know why it was included in the appendix to the CC...

This post was edited by Mantispid - 14.07.2013 18: 45
Likes: 15

14.07.2013 18:56, AGG

Hello, Ilyusha!
it's nice to hear that you enjoyed it at my place. come again! always a pleasure beer.gif
Can I take a look at the flea?

14.07.2013 19:29, Mantispid

Hello, Ilyusha!
it's nice to hear that you enjoyed it at my place. come again! always a pleasure beer.gif
Can I take a look at the flea?

yes, Phyllotreta of some kind, when I caught it-it was white, then partially yellowed, apparently under-painted. This is the only photo so far

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14.07.2013 19:44, Black Coleopter

Matispidou: And what is the situation in the Saratov region with marble crunch (Polyphylla fullo L.)???

14.07.2013 19:55, Mantispid

Matispidou: And what is the situation in the Saratov region with marble crunch (Polyphylla fullo L.)???

I can't say, I only caught Polyphylla alba

14.07.2013 22:26, Black Coleopter

I can't say, I only caught Polyphylla alba

And how is it caught in the Saratov region???

15.07.2013 6:33, Mantispid

And how is it caught in the Saratov region???

It is caught at night by light on the banks of the Volga River, as well as on islands.

15.07.2013 15:13, Penzyak

Hello everyone
It's been a long time since I wrote on the forum-a trip on a trip, summer, as they say, happens only once a year... tired... I'm getting old...
For example, in early July, we were invited for three days to a school tent camp in the forests of the north-east of the Penza region in the village of Yega. The founders-tourists, children from 2nd to 10th grade-did not spare any money for the camp... I especially liked the tents they bought online... and the awnings with tables were very presentable... a powerful Japanese generator illuminated the camp... well, all sorts of equipment... the staff is smart... chef from the restaurant... freezer ... PCs and beeches... etc.
During the day, I took groups of schoolchildren on excursions - entomology, zoology, botany... the species composition of insects is very typical and uninteresting... Put for night fishing standard Soviet "gallows" or " gate "(DRL 250-W). It was quite a good year - just tortured by pine cocoonworms, nuns... brazhnikov cloud: pine, linden, middle wine, poplar, etc. Especially everyone was surprised by large forest spiders and their large catching nets - they caught large silvery hole butterflies and pine hawkmoth, and fed them to the spiders... that's where the show was...
There is nothing particularly interesting about daytime butterflies and beetles... strange... it seems that both the forests are good and the meadows are more or less ... I see firsthand that the Red Book is needed... Yes, there were some very interesting grasshoppers!
During the day, in cloudy weather, he took the "pioneers" to the pond to fish... two bags of half-eaten pasta and the result is obvious... the silver carp pecked like a machine gun... One rod in two hours - a couple of cuckoos of fish...
When I left, I was replaced by astronomers with their own equipment... Oh, we wish we had something like that when we were kids...
But such eco-education camps for schoolchildren will soon "sink into oblivion"... According to the new sanpin for example at the camp toilet the base must be made of concrete! This is what kind of peas sorry kids will need to feed then... and laughter and nastiness...

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15.07.2013 15:21, Чегар

In this sense, our childhood was cooler. And what did they do with the carp?
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15.07.2013 17:35, Penzyak

... yes, the ear was cooked for children... the stock came out right.

16.07.2013 13:52, Olearius

I went with my family to the Voronezh Region from June 28 to July 13, we were in different places: Ostrogozhsky, Liskinsky, Rossoshansky, and Podgorensky districts.

We started from the place where I already collected in early June. I wanted to see what was going on in July. This is the vicinity of the village of Nizh. Karabut (Rossoshansky district). The place is good for collecting insects, it turned out to be the most interesting for the whole trip. We stood on it for a whole week.

Areas of steppes, chalk hills at the foot with a large number of flowers,
gentle extensive steppe slopes intersected by chalk ravines.




picture: DSCN9994.JPG

picture: DSCN9990.JPG

In the evening of the first day, I tried to find something in the steppe. Odanako w except
for Loxostege sticticalis there was nothing, no leaf-makers or fire-makers. I was already afraid that the butterflies were gone, but no, the first light showed that there were butterflies.

Eilicrinia cordiaria

picture: DSCN0059.JPG

Idaea moniliata

picture: DSCN0384.JPG

Aegle kaekeritziana

picture: DSCN0385.JPG

Pyrausta castalis

picture: DSCN0386.JPG

Microloxia herbaria

picture: DSCN0165.JPG

Yes, I caught a "Bright ray" with two flashlights. They are powered by large batteries.
The nights were dark and warm, and everything was flying well.
The screen was installed directly on the chalk slopes.

Here's a little more of what's flown in ...

Scopula immistaria

picture: DSCN0058.JPG

Epischnia adultella is the most common member of the genus Epischnia

picture: DSCN0189.JPG

Polia serratilinea

picture: DSCN0173.JPG

In the end, I didn't collect much on scoops. I was pleased with the ligefils, some unusual, large ones, like L. lubrica, I remember Drasteria caucasica, Arytrura musculus, Eublemma polygramma, Aegle kaekeritziana.

The last nights in this place I put the screen on a steep gravelly slope adjacent to the floodplain forest. (I tried it once and realized that the place was rich, something flew that did not fly on the usual steppe slopes of balka)

Here's something from there ...

a restless caste ..

picture: DSCN0188.JPG

Eilicrinia trinotata

picture: DSCN0185.JPG

Scotopteryx bipunctaria

picture: DSCN0170.JPG

This is the slope ...


There were no particularly rare daytime butterflies. I paid attention to them on the way to the river and back, and the rest of the time we were at the tent, cooking, escaping from the heat.

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In this place, fishing was only 2-3 hours a day at night, so I tried to combine this with rest during the day-swimming, picking apricots, cherries, going to the local village store. A place to relax is nothing like this in terms of the picturesque landscape, climate. Near the village of Nizh. Karabut is a bit noisy on the beach, and you often had to swim with local garbage. The second disadvantage is mosquitoes. There were already fewer of them than at the beginning of June, but in the evening they still got them at the tent ..

Collecting apricot leaves ...

picture: DSCN0230.JPG

After a week in the Lower level. In Karabuta, we crossed several kilometers into a gully that runs away from the village of Dukhovoe. There's an oak grove in the upper reaches of the gully where we stopped.
I immediately caught these butterflies ...

picture: DSCN0440.JPG

picture: DSCN0465.JPG

And there was nothing else, the steppe slopes of the ravine with a large number of flowers.


At night, nothing good came to the light ...

In the afternoon we made an excursion to the Don, where caves were discovered on the steep chalk bank. Here are the chalk cliffs near this place ...


There were two caves. One was with two exits and rooms inside, adapted for housing, a fairly bright cave. There was a nest of either swallows or swifts ...

picture: DSCN0425.JPG

The second cave is steep.

A few meters away from her, it was cold, and inside it seemed like a cellar in winter, and outside it was +30. Someone had left a candle at the entrance to the cave, and I had some matches, fortunately. But the flashlights (a whole bunch of them were collected for different purposes) remained in the tent.
And we went down this corridor with a candle ...

picture: DSCN0436.JPG

picture: DSCN0412.JPG

At a depth of 10 meters, the light no longer penetrated and butterflies began to meet ...

picture: DSCN0439.JPG

The deeper you went into the cave, the more of them there were ...

picture: DSCN0440.JPG

I reached the T-shaped fork in the cave and then it was scary, thoughts
about the movie "Descent" did not leave me.

After Dukhovoe we had 4 days left to travel and I decided that we should move to the vicinity of Lisok and fish on the sandy steppes.

We got to Rossosha by bus and first of all where ?
Of course, in the Magnet.

picture: DSCN0481.JPG

In this place, not far from Foxes, I collected in May and early June, and from there I picked up several southern steppe species (leafhoppers, fireflies), which are recorded only in the Volga region. This place is a sandy steppe located on glint-the southern slope along the Don floodplain. The vegetation is monotonous, but pleasant, with wormwood, thyme, cornflower.


picture: DSCN0548.JPG

The desert girls caught my eye. I still haven't determined the type of material collected here last year.

Sphingonotus sp.

picture: DSCN0488.JPG

When fishing for light, it was found that the butterflies "ran out". The eyes
of Scopula sp., Pyrausta ostrinalis were calloused. Fortunately, I made an unexpected find of a white leaf wrapper with a small mirror and a wavy grayish
pattern - I don't know what, but I didn't find it in Razovsky.
Collected reddish Ancylosis sp., and the rest of the fishing time was wasted.

Well, the last place of our stay - okr. kh. Shepelev near the station Pukhovo.
This is what would perekantovatsya and catch the train from Voronezh on the track. day.

And the place is such that I didn't want to take pictures.

Finally, some more photos ...

picture: DSCN0041.JPG

picture: DSCN0111.JPG

picture: DSCN0292.JPG

picture: DSCN0116.JPG

picture: DSCN0183.JPG


picture: DSCN0543.JPG

picture: DSCN0397.JPG
Likes: 33

16.07.2013 14:16, Mantispid

I went with my family to the Voronezh Region from June 28 to July 13, we were in different places: Ostrogozhsky, Liskinsky, Rossoshansky, and Podgorensky districts.

We started from the place where I already collected in early June. I wanted to see what was going on in July. This is the vicinity of the village of Nizh. Karabut (Rossoshansky district). The place is good for collecting insects, it turned out to be the most interesting for the whole trip. We stood on it for a whole week.

Areas of steppes, chalk hills at the foot with a large number of flowers,
gentle extensive steppe slopes intersected by chalk ravines.

ehhh, good vegetation, in the first photo-kermek, were there weevils on it?

16.07.2013 14:21, Olearius

ehhh, good vegetation, in the first photo-kermek, were there weevils on it?

To be honest, I didn't pay attention. There are no more forces for weevils ...

16.07.2013 15:48, AGG

THANK you for the excellent report beer.gifI love these places very much. I haven't seen such chalks anywhere else in the Voronezh Region, maybe I haven't been to many places, but they are still wonderful. I didn't think that in those places lucina gives a second generation. I wonder if Oxicesta geographica is the second generation, or is it so much longer? I caught it near Belogorie in early May confused.gif

PS caves there are also very cool, they have a constant temperature at +30 and -30, about +10 (12) degrees. cunning monks dug them, and sometimes "repentant alcoholics" wink.gif http://priroda36.ru/donskie-peshhery.html

This post was edited by AGG-16.07.2013 17: 00

16.07.2013 16:35, Valentinus

I went with my family to the Voronezh Region...

Zhenya, thank you for the report! I was very pleased with the pictures of Neptis sappho and the most beautiful Satyrium w-album! beer.gif
Can you write more about Pied sappho? Maybe some observations on his biology? shuffle.gif

16.07.2013 17:13, Olearius

THANK you for the excellent report beer.gifI love these places very much. I haven't seen such chalks anywhere else in the Voronezh Region, maybe I haven't been to many places, but they are still wonderful. I didn't think that in those places lucina gives a second generation. I wonder if Oxicesta geographica is the second generation, or is it so much longer? I caught it near Belogorie in early May confused.gif

PS caves there are also very cool, they have a constant temperature at +30 and -30, about +10 (12) degrees. cunning monks dug them, and sometimes "repentant alcoholics" wink.gif http://priroda36.ru/donskie-peshhery.html

O. geographica starts there in mid-April. This is probably the second
generation of it. By the way, the dipper caste is also the second, the first I caught in those places in early May.
Likes: 1

16.07.2013 17:21, Olearius

Zhenya, thank you for the report! I was very pleased with the pictures of Neptis sappho and the most beautiful Satyrium w-album! beer.gif
Can you write more about Pied sappho? Maybe some observations on his biology? shuffle.gif

There are no special observations ...

It seemed that the second generation is more numerous. The first in those places is the beginning of May, it is larger, the second is smaller.

I walk through this oak grove and my daughter asks me: "what kind of butterfly is this ?"
I say that the mottled meadowsweet. And then, when I see them flying along the forest road in the shade of trees, I think it's Sappho.
That's how small they are.
There were a lot of them, 1 copy per 5 meters of forest path and I caught three pieces for the collection - I couldn't resist smile.gif

Among the features of biology, it can also be noted that butterflies did not fly out of the forest. Although in the spring I caught a couple of females in the open biotope-near the bushes.

This post was edited by Olearius - 16.07.2013 21: 28
Likes: 1

16.07.2013 18:01, Penzyak

And where did Lucilla fly there-the biotope and the time of filming??? And the yellow-headed scolia is a rare one for us - S. Deyani.... we caught it once.
Golubyanki in those places are found wonderful...

16.07.2013 18:59, Mantispid

To be honest, I didn't pay attention. The weevils are no longer strong enough ...

it's a pity, in such places you can mow dozens of the rarest weevils smile.gif

16.07.2013 19:40, Olearius

And where did Lucilla fly there-the biotope and the time of filming??? And the yellow-headed scolia is a rare one for us - S. Deyani.... we caught it once.
Golubyanki in those places are found wonderful...

Lucillae (Neptis rivularis) flew in the first half of June among the thickets of shrubs. I didn't find them this time.

16.07.2013 19:40, svm2

? serratilinea-razmerchik, very similar to bicolorata
Likes: 2

16.07.2013 21:12, Olearius

? serratilinea-razmerchik, it is very similar to bicolorata

Not a bicolorata, just an unusual form of serratilinea with a darkened
sash. I'm not an expert in scoops, but I recognize the serratiline-this species has been born hundreds of times in the Voronezh Region. By the way, its forms can be
dark (as in the illustration in Klyuchko's book), or they can be silver.

This post was edited by Olearius - 16.07.2013 21: 13

16.07.2013 21:20, Olearius

Just for fun, I caught a copy of serratilinea from the Voronezh Region for a long time.

picture: DSCN1109.JPG
Likes: 2

16.07.2013 21:37, Guest

Hello Ilya
Cool koraebuses, these are elatuses. Another interesting cryptocephalus under them, such as I have not yet seen.


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