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10.06.2013 16:01, Mantispid

Saratov region, Tatashchevsky district, Vyazovka village district, 9. VI. 2013

Unfortunately, the heavy rain that started in the afternoon somewhat hindered us. Therefore, there are not many beetles, and the photos in cloudy weather were not very successful. But I caught a very interesting and unexpected beetle for our zone-a weevil (it came off by as much as 27 copies).

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10.06.2013 16:10, AGG

Urometopus moczarskii ?

10.06.2013 16:28, Mantispid

Urometopus moczarskii ?

U. nemorum L.Arnoldi, 1965

10.06.2013 16:33, AGG

congratulations beer.gif
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10.06.2013 18:27, OEV

Ilya leave a couple of three for exchange mol.gif

10.06.2013 18:36, Mantispid

Ilya leave a couple of three for the exchange mol.gif

no problem beer.gif

10.06.2013 18:45, OEV

no problems beer.gif

Ilya at the end of the season we will write off, I'm preparing you a lot of interesting material on elephants. beer.gif

12.06.2013 19:31, Victor Titov

Well, finally!!! Got into a conversation!!! jump.gif
Due to some life circumstances, this year I was not able to fish more or less successfully, but in general to get out for this purpose "in the fields"mad.gif. And so on June 9 (last Sunday) I was visited in my fiefdom by Elizar and Anthrenus,who took me out into the fresh air!!! We walked for 4 and a half hours in the vicinity of the village of Bakhmatovo, Rostov region. Harvesting was carried out mainly by mowing. Naturally, there were Ceutorhynchinae that still need to be dealt with (Rhinoncus pericarpius was numerous). Nets were used to score 2 species of Sibinia.
My goal was to show my friends the sites of Cryptocephalus bameuli and Phytoecia nigricornis, and this goal was achieved: both species were collected. True, if skrytnoglavy-a series, then fitetsia was mowed down from wormwood almost singly: only 5-6 copies were collected for three. Among the leaf beetles, Cryptocephalus moraei, Cryptocephalus octopunctatus, a group of metallic-green cryptoheads (?sericeus,? aureolus,? hypochaeridis), and several cassida species were also noted, from which it was possible to confidently identify Cassida murraea (mowed down Anthrenus), Cassida panzeri, and Cassida vibex (the rest should be looked at). In addition to P. nigricornis, Tetrops praeusta, Phytoecia cylindrica, Agapanthia intermedia, and Saperda populnea were found and taken from barbels, and Lepturalia nigripes, Anastrangalia reyi, Paracorymbia maculicornis, and Pachyta quadrimaculata were recorded (unusually early!). The discovery of Elizar (om) Agrilus subauratus should be noted. Paradromius linearis were mowed down. What else? I hope that Elizar and Anthrenus will add to the content of mowingwink.gif. In general, everyone was satisfied with the walk.
Some photos.
What's in the net?" confused.gif

Catch, catch, nigricornis! smile.gif

Synchronous mowing.

And we are not entering, we are entering! wink.gif

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 12.06.2013 19: 39
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12.06.2013 21:40, Nikolos

Report for June 8, 9 and 12 in the Pskov region.

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15.06.2013 22:39, Алексей Сажнев

People, catch heterocerids (Heteroceridae), I will then exchange them with you, identify them, accept them as a gift, I am ready to buy if interesting offers smile.gif
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16.06.2013 19:18, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today I went to my favorite place.
Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, district, village Starye Omutischi for the purpose of picking up two beetles that I don't find in my area:
Hoplia (s.str.) parvula Krynicky, 1832 and Cyphocleonus dealbatus (Gmelin, 1790) .
The trip goal was successfully completed.
Along the way, he collected two caterpillars of Saturnia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1758). It was possible to collect more, but I didn't take the container under the tracks: I'll move out later. On the way, one (photo 15) managed to fade and became the same as in photo 16. Extremely concerned about the question: what age is it?. Now at home I have both crack raspberries smile.gif.
Places there of course......
No wonder he once lived in those parts Isaac Ilyich Levitan I wrote my own one there "Vladimirka ". And a fairly well-known modern sculptor Leonid Mikhailovich Baranov he builds his own "Museum-workshop" there. Pretty little house: I'll tell you (photo 7).
In short, like posobiralj, photographed. Finally, I cracked a large and delicious strawberry "from the belly" and went home ahead of schedule so that the caterpillars could be delivered alive and healthy.
And I suggest you admire it.
Not Levitan, of course shuffle.gif
P.S. I tried to edit it so that the photos fit by numbers, but in no way....... Stupid forum. Sorry.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 17.06.2013 05: 28

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20.06.2013 18:46, vasiliy-feoktistov

Along the way, he collected two caterpillars of Saturnia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1758). It was possible to collect more, but I didn't take the container under the tracks: I'll move out later.

I will continue......
20.06.2013 Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, district, village Old Pools.
Today I went there (taking a container) to fulfill my goal: to collect pavonia caterpillars.
The goal was achieved "with a bang": 30-40 (not counting) caterpillars were collected on raspberries (photos 1 and 2 - biotope). And it is found there even on elderberry! Now the main thing is to grow and bring out.
En Masse from the butterflies Nymphalis xanthomelas (Esper, 1781) and the ubiquitous Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758). Many Speyeria aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758)
So-is the female caudate taken?Satyrium ilicis (Esper, 1779)? I'll ask you to clarify if I'm correct in the definition: I've never met it.
On beetles, I was very pleased with the series of barbel Lepturobosca virens (Linnaeus, 1758), a beetle that I found only once, only once, in my area. And there it is massive.
Well, that's probably all. The result of the trip is pleasant for me: glad jump.gif
Some photos:

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20.06.2013 20:35, Геннадий Шембергер

Vasily, the tail is more like a pruni, but it is more reliable to determine by the underside.
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20.06.2013 20:40, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vasily, the tail is more like a pruni, but it is more reliable to determine by the underside.

Thank you, I'll take it off the straightener as soon as it dries and take a look. Just put it right away, and did not look.

22.06.2013 16:49, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vasily, the tail is more like a pruni, but it is more reliable to determine by the underside.

Thank you, I'll take it off the straightener as soon as it dries and take a look. I just put it on right away, and didn't look at it.

I'll put an end to it. Still, this is Satyrium ilicis (Esper, 1779). I suspected her correctly, and I really should have laid it out underhand.
Here's the underside:

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 22.06.2013 17: 15

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22.06.2013 19:49, Victor Gazanchidis

I spread out some of the captured nocturnals over two weekends at a dacha in the Ryazan region from 7 to 16.06

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22.06.2013 21:29, Mantispid

I went to Yagodnaya Polyana (Tatishchevsky district, Saratov region) today. The result is more than modest (continuous rains...), but I managed to mow down 3 copies of variegated elm (Securigera varia). Sitona languidus Gyllenhal, 1834, is a new species from the Saratov region. There are a lot of odorous quail and their larvae in the forest. There were only two deer, but they were big males. I also found one glabratus carabus, which is quite a rare ground beetle in our country.

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23.06.2013 10:38, AGG


we have glabratus on the sand on the pine forests runs wink.gifIlyush, you finished the key on the sitons?

23.06.2013 11:05, Mantispid

we have glabratus on the sand on the pine forests runs wink.gifIlyush, you finished the key on the sitons?

I caught it in a maple grove. True, there are pine trees nearby.
I didn't finish the key on the sitons because there are problems with Far Eastern bad views, but you can use the Hebrew part.
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23.06.2013 12:47, vasiliy-feoktistov

Glabratus and unas are rare and local. Just 5 times. it was released and all the time only in one forest (mixed with a predominance of conifers).

23.06.2013 17:13, Alexandr Rusinov

Glabratus and unas are rare and local. Just 5 times. it was released and all the time only in one forest (mixed with a predominance of conifers).

When using soil traps - a banal mass type. It's harder to catch manually.
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23.06.2013 20:12, Victor Gazanchidis

I spread out some of the captured nocturnals over two weekends at a dacha in the Ryazan region from 7 to 16.06

The same goes for beetles. Interested in the 6th left barbel in the first row-Stenocorus
meridianus? And what are the frachniki in the last row?

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23.06.2013 20:15, Maksim M.

Today turned out to be a cold day, I decided to go with my family to the Medynsky district of the Kaluga region,to fish for them, to sunbathe.On the logs, life is in full swing,a lot of things run and fly,I will not list everything, because everywhere is about the same.But I got a macrolepture in my head, I haven't caught a black uniform yet,and a large wasp with blue wings,by the way, who is it ?

This post was edited by Maksim M. - 24.06.2013 06: 13
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25.06.2013 9:57, гук

at lunch, we decided to go to another meadow, where I found a lot of caterpillars a couple of weeks ago ?Melitaea trivia, but they were not there frown.gifprobably a definition error. I typed in a series of weird Melitaea didyma (mostly males) - now I'll find out who is xu.

It is not difficult to note that the definition and finding are events that are not related to each other in any way.
This is the caterpillar of trivia, absolutely.
A few words about finding it.
This year, at all collection points, the infection rate of trivia caterpillars was very high. Of the collected more than three dozen caterpillars, three were uninfected. This is how it was planned, since the infection rate has increased every year over the past three years. As a result, in a place where usually a dozen trivias gather effortlessly in half an hour, this year 5 males and 2 females were found in three weeks. Other places are even worse.
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25.06.2013 16:15, AGG

It is not difficult to note that the definition and finding are events that are not related to each other in any way.
This is the caterpillar of trivia, absolutely.

Dear Gennady Vasilyevich,
please forgive me mol.giffor doubting the definition solely because of frustration from not being able to find a butterfly, although your definition does not raise any doubts (habitus+forage plant+vast experience). a little later I visited this place again and it seems to me that I still managed to catch it. males with an intense dark pattern, and just by the general background do not pull on didyma and it seems one female. br segments without white scales. but the mustache on the bottom is black only in 1 copy. the rest of them have two-tone colors, but if you correctly understand the phrase from Mace-Moustaches. If-Lvovsky, Morgun, 2007 "The mace of the mustache is usually black from below", then this is not particularly critical. When they dry out, I'll cook them and everything will fall into place.

This post was edited by AGG-25.06.2013 17: 01
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25.06.2013 16:34, Olearius

I went to a peat bog in the vicinity of St. Petersburg today.
In a poem from my childhood, I remember:"... What kind of station is this, Dibuny or Yamskaya?" That's where Yamskaya is-I don't know, but Dibuny is very close to St. Petersburg,
the very south of the Karelian Isthmus.
The swamp is not far from the Dibuni station and I noticed it a long time ago, but somehow I got there in the fall, then in the spring and there was little good there. It became interesting to see what was going on there in June.

From an early commuter train, I got to the swamp, and that's it ...


Lots of dwarf birch, heather, cloudberry. Pine trees grow in small islands, and there is whiteness on the overgrown windows. The color of sphagnum is somber, brownish.
Blueberry thickets are few, but there are places.
In general, it is a typical swamp vegetation, but I have never seen such a swamp in terms of the combination
of plants.

Well, I started to scare away while the sun is on the horizon ...

The first thing that pleased me was Carsia sororiata, I met a couple of times

picture: DSCN1056_.jpg

Then, quite often, Coscinia cribraria flew out - to my surprise ...

picture: DSCN1060_.jpg

The more I walked, the more I liked this swamp.

picture: DSCN1066_.jpg

So much for the Karelian Isthmus - Thalera fimbrialis !! I couldn't resist adding one to my collection, and it was quite common.

These are the places there ...


Accidentally caught in the net zlatki, if anyone knows. tell me the view.
I collected them.

picture: DSCN1092_.jpg

Then there was this

Idaea muricata - 2 specimens collected. Caught it for the first time in my life.


I didn't have much luck with micra, there seem to be a lot of species for a swamp, but I noticed all this in similar biotopes.

I wanted to take a picture of something.

Phiaris obsoletana-found in swamps a little, but here it was in large


Clepsis pallidana-to my surprise, I met 5 or 6 times.

picture: DSCN1084_.jpg

From micra noted in the swamp:

Crambus lathoniellus, Crambus uliginosellus, Crambus alienellus, Opsibotys fuscalis, Ortholepis vacciniella (more than once) - these are fireflies,

By leaflet wrappers -

Phiaris micana, Phiaris metallicana, Phiaris bipunctana, Celypha lacunana, Celypha cespitana, Olethreutis arcuellus, Bactra lancealana, Clepsis pallidana

The rest -

Scopula ternata, Odezia atrata, Itame brunneata, Ematurga atomaria, Idaea muricata, Arichanna melanaria, Alcis repandata, Carsia sororiata;

Deltote bankiana, Rivula sericealis, Lycophotia porphyrea, Meganola albula, Syngrapha interrogationis

Coscinia cribraria, Thumata senex, Diacrisia sanio, Cybosia mesomella, Miltochrista miniata

Mottled birds Rhagades pruni often flew through the swamp

L. porphyrea

picture: DSCN1094_.jpg

An adult with a cub ...


Of course, I would like something unfamiliar, leaf-turning and firing.
But this place still exceeded expectations. Collected until 12.00, and after that it
was useless because of the sun.

This post was edited by Olearius - 25.06.2013 16: 37
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25.06.2013 16:54, Olearius

Yeah, I totally forgot about the daytime ones. Maybe someone is interested in what was there ...

Vacciniina optilete, Colias palaeno, Brenthis ino, Boloria aquilonaris, Boloria euphrosyne, Melitaea athalia, Coenonympha tullia

In short, nothing good ...
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25.06.2013 17:11, гук

I'll cook it and everything will fall into place.

It's weird. Didyma compared to trivia is like a peacock's eye compared to polychrome.
If things go on like this, we'll soon be cooking admirals.

25.06.2013 18:23, AGG

It's weird. Didyma compared to trivia is like a peacock's eye compared to polychrome.
If things go on like this, we'll soon be cooking admirals.

well, I don't know about polychrome and peacock's eye, this is when you know it "in person" and you have thousands of copies "behind your shoulders" and in boxes. I would say, like polychloros and xanthomelas, but I can distinguish these without any problems, but with triviality - excuse me. Once again, I'll make a reservation - I've never seen trivia, I've only met "terry" dimim (in the Tambov Region), although they are polymorphic, so don't judge pm strictly and thank you for your participation. it's just that if I don't know the species visually, then it's easier for me to start with xxxx wink.gifthan to look for differences in the color tone, wing pattern, etc. "dubious" signs, such changeable and close, in my opinion, species. I'll cook it, make sure (for myself), read it...and I'll punch you in the eye on the flysmile.gif...

PS about admirals... it's just that they probably haven't been sequenced yet wink.gif

PPS if you don't mind, I'll send you some photos by email

This post was edited by AGG-25.06.2013 18: 38
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25.06.2013 18:46, Andrey Bezborodkin

Yeah, I totally forgot about the daytime ones. Maybe someone is interested in what was there ...

Vacciniina optilete, Colias palaeno, Brenthis ino, Boloria aquilonaris, Boloria euphrosyne, Melitaea athalia, Coenonympha tullia

In short, nothing good ...
What can be more "good"in the Dibunovsky swamp? Eunomia was already flying away, and Jutta and Frigga were also flying away in this swamp, and it didn't seem like they were registered? These species seem to complete the swamp life of diurnal butterflies - after them, only idas will flicker there.

26.06.2013 16:38, MAX67

A very short report on a trip to the Vladimir region 24.06-25.06 2013.
The purpose of the trip is to see the population of Apollo in these places. Everything was 100% successful. This place is well-known (in narrow circles) and is located about 70 kilometers from Vladimir.
The weather was lucky and there were no thunderstorms. I didn't really look at the other daytime butterflies. The entire set is fairly standard for this time and place. From the beetles caught a few pine goldenrods. I didn't even watch the rest either.
Small flies and horseflies were very annoying. There were surprisingly few mosquitoes.
A generator was installed for the night. Again, the standard set for this place was flying. A little hawk moth, a little moth moth. The main mass at night was made up of pine cocoonworms. And the colors were very, very different. Grass cocoonworms and slivivids also flew, but in smaller numbers.
On the way back, we ran into an owl right on the side of the forest road. It took her a long time to jump up and fly out of the grass, so she let it get very close. But I couldn't remove it. I really liked it.
And I apologize for the quality of the photo. I shot on an iPad, but it's like a camera - not really.

This post was edited by MAX67 - 26.06.2013 17: 47

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26.06.2013 17:11, niyaz

Last weekend, on June 22-23, I fished at the dacha in Bol. Bitamanakh, 30 km north of Kazan. Fishing was hampered by heavy downpours with thunderstorms. I was surprised by quite a large number of Pericallia matronula bears. I didn't see any of them here last year. For the second time during the season, an interesting sickle-wing Thyatira batis arrived, as well as a couple of new scoops and moths. During the day, there are a lot of interesting Lopinga achine in the forest, as well as still flying, although heavily flown podalirias.
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27.06.2013 11:51, KingSnake

I'll just leave a link to my blog. If someone is interested in something, I will tell you smile.gif
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27.06.2013 16:35, Mantispid

I went today to the vicinity of the village of Storozhevka (Saratov region, Tatishchevsky district).

Sagebrush solonchak steppe. Near the Kurdyum River (but I didn't manage to get there, because the thickets of the "God's tree"are too dense).

I didn't catch anything particularly interesting, I was only pleased with lixus rubicundus with mari and more or less un-lost sibinia femoralis

If possible, please help me identify the plants and caterpillar.

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27.06.2013 16:55, AGG

cool ladybirds and cryptocephalus gamma, if there are any more, take a look at me mol.gif

This post was edited by AGG - 28.06.2013 15: 57

27.06.2013 22:08, Чегар

Hello Ilya

Have you already identified what kind of bystryanka is next to staphylin? Since April, I've been trying to determine the same one, to no avail. The only thing is that the black band on the elytra is not so pronounced, the spots do not connect. Caught on the lake shore under last year's dry mud.
By the way, special thanks for the link to your 123narod.ru a few days ago. Lixus was defined as rubicundus. They are now in the yard on the swan...I mean, a lot. Cool koraebuses, these are elatuses. Another interesting cryptocephalus under them, such as I have not yet seen.
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27.06.2013 22:18, Mantispid

Hello Ilya

Have you already identified what kind of bystryanka is next to staphylin? Since April, I've been trying to determine the same one, to no avail. The only thing is that the black band on the elytra is not so pronounced, the spots do not connect. Caught on the lake shore under last year's dry mud.
By the way, special thanks for the link to your 123narod.ru a few days ago. Lixus was defined as rubicundus. They are now in the yard on the swan...I mean, a lot. Cool koraebuses, these are elatuses. Another interesting cryptocephalus under them, such as I have not yet seen.

no, bystryanki is a complete ass, not defined at all

This post was edited by Mantispid - 27.06.2013 22: 18
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28.06.2013 16:20, Mantispid

for Mantispid
1-goniolimon or similar limonium.
2-pts. similar. on Mar belaya.

Thank you, I have already identified:
1. - Goniolimon high (Goniolimon elatum)
2. - Quinoa ?arrowhead (Atriplex ?sagittata)

28.06.2013 17:52, Чегар

no, bystryanki is a complete ass, not defined at all

And whether there will be a much-respected gin... In short, maybe you can take a bigger picture of bystryanka and put it in the definition of beetles? A characteristic beast, there is a chance that they will determine. At least offer 1-2 options. In my opinion, quite a scientific approach.

29.06.2013 15:31, Sugimura

Saint Petersburg, Srednyaya Slingshot. I didn't think that I would ever see this miracle! However... I'm taking a walk in my neighborhood this morning. I have a sleeping area with lots of trees. Grace. It appears. I think at first that the Ribbon is poplar, but something small... I flew a little and sat down. Apatura Ilia!
An unexpected, and most importantly, completely incomprehensible meeting for me! Or are they already so far north?

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