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17.05.2013 13:54, Vlad Proklov

I quickly skated for leaf eaters (I scored 40-50 pieces, everyone should have enough).
I didn't see any eggs (however, I didn't really look for them-it was very hot, and I forgot my cap ))
Well, mnemosyne still clicked, now in chesnak =)

Leaf eaters sit on three cruciferous plants: a shepherd's bag (I can determine this one myself), and two more species that I photographed (there is a topic on this forum about determining plants?). On one of them they meet en masse, I collected it - but, unfortunately, while driving home it turned into a rag. Resuscitation procedures in the form of a glass of water did not bring results frown.gif
Still beetles were seen on some grain, it is also collected, dry. But maybe it's just a random finding. Indeed, in the mass, they only sit on one cruciferous plant.

Skylochka: http://kotbegemot.livejournal.com/570610.html
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17.05.2013 13:56, Vlad Proklov

Oh yes -- one beetle without stripes was hand-picked. In the mowing collection, maybe there are also such people-who knows...
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17.05.2013 15:51, CosMosk

Entomoscelis sutura - also quite a perverted gourmet - from
Novorossiysk to Utrish met on the yellow mast-Glaucium flavum.
Together with a good mottled weevil))

This post was edited by CosMosk - 17.05.2013 15: 51

18.05.2013 10:53, AGG

(is there a topic on this forum about defining plants?).

there is on the neighboring forum of nerds http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?act=SF&s=&f=63
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18.05.2013 12:09, AGG

from 14 to 16 signed up with Ilya = I. roK. ez for a free blood donation to the Komarov Foundation of the Lipetsk region.

first night-mixed forest, swamp, blueberry, wild rosemary. during the day, there is a mass of mendiki on the pines, 1 piece flew to the light of the current. I picked up eggs, if they are not cooked (during the day +3X, and in the car under +50 or more), then I will output them. the current rosemary begins to bloom. there are some dasithids grazing on it.

pleased: heaps of Peridea anceps, 1 pc Minucia lunaris (no one pecked at the light, no one pecked at the "stinky") carabuses: avcensis (more than 30 pcs in 10 glasses and just rummaged through the forest and in the tent), shcheglova (4 pcs, one tried to drag a pyadenu from the screen), marginalis and prorchaya husk. by butterflies b. h. standard late spring set.

landed: clouds of mosquitoes and" fucking moth "Episcythrastis tetricella (thanks Ilya U for the definition), eat, drink, smoke and everything else had to be done in constant motion otherwise the "beavers" gnawed mad.gifso there are not enough photos frown.gif

the second night-a dry meadow with a striking variety of grasses, on one side the old town of Voronezh, on the other a frail dry swamp.

night: a mass of raspberry cocoonworms, "fucking moth", Pseudoips prasinana, various pyadenki, Egira conspicillaris of all colors and shades.

we were pleased: in the first minutes, a single proserpine flew infrown.gif, strange cerures, a sleeping male Scolitantides orion, a female Bena bicolorana

landed: see above.... frown.gifand added vipers to this set mad.gif

This post was edited by AGG - 19.05.2013 19: 08
Likes: 17

18.05.2013 16:02, Vlad Proklov

there is on the neighboring forum of nerds http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?act=SF&s=&f=63

Well, the plant on which the vast majority of leaf beetles sit has been identified as Descurainia sophia. cool.gif
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19.05.2013 17:32, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today, I spontaneously rushed to the Vladimir region in the morning to a previously chosen place.
19.05.2013 Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, okr. der. Old Pools.
I even forgot my camera at home, so there will only be photos of beetle fees.
From butterflies met the standard set:
Papilio machaon Linnaeus, 1758
Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758)
Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758)
Colias hyale (Linnaeus, 1758)
Lycaena phlaeas (Linnaeus, 1761)
Celastrina argiolus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Callophrys rubi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Flies in a small number of Aglia tau, (Linnaeus, 1758)
Myrmidons did not meet at all, although there is a lot of broom there and it blooms with might and main (apparently too early).
By beetles:
A lot of Chalcophora mariana (Linnaeus, 1758) Collected a series so that if anyone needs: then at the congress I will provide beer.gif
Many Upis ceramboides (Linnaeus, 1758)
Xylotrechus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1758) is already taking off a little: isn't it a little early?
Well, and other common beetles at this time.
Well, for a snack, the most pleasant thing:
He collected a single female Oxymirus cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) jump.gif. What I am happy about is indescribable (who knows this beetle-will understand why).
Well that's all there is to it:

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19.05.2013 23:17, Mantispid

Saratov region, Dergachevsky district, Zernovoy settlement, 13-18. 05. 2013
Coordinates: 50°56 '49.13" N 48°18'47.41" E

the main goal was to identify foci of the Italian prus, and beetle collections were carried out only in their spare time

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20.05.2013 10:50, Vlad Proklov

Prus in Pristan (7 km) St. Saratova) rides in droves every year.

20.05.2013 10:52, Mantispid

Prus in Pristan (7 km) St. Saratova) rides in droves every year.

yes it's all terrain

21.05.2013 11:43, Dmitry Vlasov

Due to the blockage at work (preparation for the MDM (International Museum Day), I didn't go out to the woods for about a week.
Having successfully survived the "Night of Museums", on May 19, I collected myself in parts and went to Zavolzhsky Bory to take a walk and relax.
The most abundant of the entomofauna were: diptera-thick-legged mosquitoes and blood-sucking mosquitoes and purple alder leaf beetles, of which there are a lot in the vicinity of Yaroslavl. Since the places are well-trodden, I just walked around and looked for something interesting... From the taken: 2 pieces of Chrysomela cuprea and one Gonotropis dorsalis, natryas magdalisov, which the closest examination turned out to be quite ordinary M. phlegmatica. I found a fresh beaver, tried to "scratch" it, but without success... Apparently beaver "fleas" leave the corpse.
20-spontaneously rushed to Pereslavl, to remove traps along the edge of the coast, because the opportunity turned up. Despite periodically drizzling rain (and in Yaroslavl half a day it rained heavily), along the way, I mowed and picked up dead wood. But going in a hurry I forgot my camera, so only the report...
I'll post the result of collecting traps later (I haven't analyzed it yet), but I found a good population of Pterostichus aterrimus, which is good news. I also found THREE new beetle species (one of those that I immediately identified) for the region:
Plagionotus arcuatus, Entomoscelis adonidis, Lixus sp. (small without extended elytra-trapped). I found a rapeseed leaf beetle on a cereal leaf - I was looking for adonis or cruciferous plants nearby - I didn't find them... Where it came from and what it develops on is not clear...

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21.05.2013 14:46, алекс 2611

I also found THREE new beetle species (one of those that I immediately identified) for the region:
Plagionotus arcuatus, Entomoscelis adonidis, Lixus sp.

Entomoscelis adonidis. Great! Maybe we'll have one soon?

22.05.2013 4:10, Dmitry Vlasov

Entomoscelis adonidis. Great! Maybe we'll have one soon?

The only thing that confuses me is the M-8 highway, which is 3 km away... Can it be delivered???
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22.05.2013 15:58, алекс 2611

The only thing that confuses me is the M-8 highway, which is 3 km away... Can it be delivered???

Possible.... frown.gif

22.05.2013 16:57, гук


The tracks are interesting. Do you have another photo?

22.05.2013 17:18, AGG

The tracks are interesting. Do you have another photo?

there are other photos. with great pleasure we ate a freshly sprouted mullein
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24.05.2013 16:37, Vlad Proklov

I drove to Engels:

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24.05.2013 16:58, AGG

Ladybug-Hippodamia variegata
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24.05.2013 18:46, Mantispid

I drove to Engels:


and what is not in Dergachi then? wink.gif

24.05.2013 18:53, Vlad Proklov

there are other photos. with great pleasure we ate a freshly sprouted mullein

Shashechnitsy any.

24.05.2013 18:57, Vlad Proklov

and what is not in Dergachi then? wink.gif

And where is it? And what is famous for? =)

24.05.2013 19:01, Mantispid

And where is it? And what is famous for? =)

I went there recently - http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1408282 smile.gif

24.05.2013 19:10, Vlad Proklov

I went there recently - http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1408282  smile.gif

Ah! Well, this is for the whole day you need to get out on the lepizdrich-and with this some problems =)

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 05/24/2013 19: 11

24.05.2013 23:20, AGG

Shashechnitsy some.

Hooke has already recognized them as trivia, so now I'm going to go catch them, otherwise I haven't seen them alive. last year's butterflies from this place, but more recent, all turned out to be didyma frown.gif

26.05.2013 21:18, Maksim M.

Summary of a modest report for May-month.Several times I went with the screen on the terr. Kaluga region, everything is like everyone else,but I was surprised that especially often in 2013 the screen was empty, finally, I put soil traps in interesting biotopes, although I don't like such methods - for 2 convexus and a couple of glabratus and hortensis-500-OTHER banals-it's unfortunate..But on Saturday 25.05. about a pile of 2-year-old logs sat on the hand of an unusual sculpture, when examining the flowering bushes of red elderberry caught 2 more, - only 3 pcs, 2 males and a female, a complete set.V-lepturakh-looked and identified by the photo of Mr. Bianor.It turned out-this is Oedecnema dubia, photo attached.
picture: DSCN3231.JPG

This post was edited by Maksim M. - 05/26/2013 21: 26
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26.05.2013 21:38, Maksim M.

B - beetles of mo -, this leptura is called-O. gebleri.I would like to know the opinion of experts, because the Bianora is caught in the Khabarovsk Territory..

26.05.2013 22:17, vasiliy-feoktistov

B - beetles of mo -, this leptura is called-O. gebleri.I would like to know the opinion of experts, because the Bianora is caught in the Khabarovsk Territory..

This page is meant: http://insectamo.ru/coleo/76-zhuki/ceramby...25-cerambycidae ? When compiling, as far as I know, a list of M. O. Danilevsky's barbels was used. Sort of like O. dubia is a synonym Oedecnema gebleri (Ganglb., 1889).
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26.05.2013 22:20, Maksim M.

The fastest IS THE MO-BUGS....And in the topic-leptures - a little longer..

26.05.2013 22:27, Maksim M.

For Feoktistov.V.,the reports do not catch it,and open the fog on the site,I will try to collect a series, in addition, there are no females in the photos..
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26.05.2013 22:38, Victor Titov

Oedecnema gebleri = Oedecnema dubia : http://zipcodezoo.com/Animals/O/Oedecnema_gebleri/

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 05/26/2013 22: 39
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26.05.2013 23:05, Victor Titov

Viktor Dmitrievich, did you catch him at your place??

No, I didn't catch it at my place. I have this view in my collection only from Primorsky Krai.

26.05.2013 23:17, Maksim M.

Evokes a little surprise, near-Varshavskoe highway-and beetles fly in the immediate vicinity of roughly speaking landfill, if in posledushee time catch more-then live!!!

27.05.2013 14:45, mikee

Kasimovsky district of the Ryazan region. Unfortunately, no photos. I didn't have time for serious fishing, so I just indulged shuffle.gif
This year, there is an outbreak of reproduction of Tyria jacobaeae. They fly literally through all the forest clearings and right near my house. But it is interesting that none of them came to light, although last year they flew near Volgograd. Maybe I just didn't wait, because I rolled up at 12 in the morning.
Flew yolks-myrmidons, while not enough. Podaliriyas are also not numerous, but perhaps they just didn't catch your eye, because the lilac trees in the village have already faded. I saw a couple of Hemaris sp., badly killed, so I didn't bother to catch them and sort them out. Something early they... There are numerous fresh swallowtails that fly together with dawns. Hawthorns have begun to fly out, although they are mostly still in their pupae. Of the Lycaenidae, there are many years of raspberries and only a few L. phlaeas were caught
at night for light years of little interest. A huge number of raspberry cocoonworms and isolated Phyllodesma tremulifolium. In the mass of linden hawkmoth, single-pine, one - small wine and proserpine. There should also be eye-shaped ones, but I just didn't wait for them. The only type of bear is fuliginosa. Very few scoops and moths. Individual tufts are zigzag, vinula and gnome/tremula.
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27.05.2013 15:36, vasiliy-feoktistov

There should also be eye-shaped ones, but I just didn't wait for them.

In the Piece of Iron dogonish smile.gifRecently on his balcony it was raised to the light.

27.05.2013 16:36, mikee

In the Piece of Iron dogonish smile.gifRecently on his balcony it was raised to the light.

Why do you need them? The most banal banal smile.gif

28.05.2013 21:55, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today I went to my favorite place in the ROC. der. Old Omutischi, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region to feed the feisty" Meshchersky " mosquitoes and other midges of which there is plenty: just a paradise for a dipterologist smile.gif. With the exception of these small details, I can say that the trip was a success: I was very pleased with the discovery of Poecilonota variolosa (Paykull, 1799) and another female Oxymirus cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) jump.gif. Otherwise, the beetle fauna is quite common, and Calcophora mariana has not seen any today, although a week ago I was waving away mosquitoes. Apparently the lousy weather is taking its toll.
Here are some photos from this trip:
UPD: I edited the post as I forgot to ask yesterday: what is the dragonfly in my hand in photo 11? Just yesterday, I observed a mass flight of this large and easy-to-handle species (you could literally collect it with your fingers).

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 05/29/2013 04: 47

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30.05.2013 17:41, Vlad Proklov

I took another trip to Engels:


Bug and fly definitions are welcome =)
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30.05.2013 17:56, Mantispid

I took another trip to Engels:


Bug and fly definitions are welcome =)

didn't you get to the lakes there?" to Kholodny, Pionersky, Cucumber? there are a lot of moisture-loving insects, and suddenly interesting butterflies fly. Although my favorite place there is the clearing under the towers. Already 5 years there koshu and every time something new comes across wink.gif

30.05.2013 19:01, svm2

I took another trip to Engels:


Bug and fly definitions are welcome =)

1-lytria, in my opinion-purpuraria
2-golubyanka, in my opinion, also not semiargus, but alexis
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30.05.2013 20:27, Vlad Proklov

didn't you get to the lakes there?" to Kholodny, Pionersky, Cucumber? there are a lot of moisture-loving insects, and suddenly interesting butterflies fly. Although my favorite place there is the clearing under the towers. Already 5 years there koshu and every time something new comes across wink.gif

No, I usually go to the end of Lake Sazanka there, go a little further, turn left through the polyxena station to the clearing, then go left to the sand pit and hang out in the adjacent glades.

Yes, and in wet places, I'm afraid, there will be species found in the Moscow region. That's why I try to get out to the steppe =)

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