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25.03.2014 18:10, Stas Shinkarenko

March 23 in the vicinity of Volgograd. Primroses bloomed, the first Harpalus distinguendus and Cicindela campestris ran.

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26.03.2014 9:31, Dmitry Vlasov

In Yaroslavl, insects began to wake up, on March 24 I saw the first spring break, formics became more active, but there are still no early spring bees (only the upper 10 cm layer of soil has thawed) and their nesting parasites. Soldier beetles came out and the first Carabus nemoralis appeared

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31.03.2014 14:09, TEMPUS

From Wednesday (March 26) to Thursday (March 27) I went to the dacha to open the butterfly season. Winter and spring turned out to be amazing this year. For my full 23 years that I have lived in this world, it was probably the least snow-free winter and the earliest spring. I don't think it's just me.

Unfortunately, on the most favorable days, Monday (March 24) and Tuesday (March 25), I couldn't get out because of work. Wednesday and Thursday were not so favorable, but I decided to go anyway. On the first day (Wednesday, March 26), I managed to leave only in the middle of the day, and I arrived at the place, respectively,in the afternoon. The temperature was about 8-10 degrees Celsius, strong cold wind. Although it was sunny, the conditions were still not the best. However, no matter what, the lepidoptera were still active. While walking from the bus stop, I noticed a large number of overwintering mace-whiskered lepidoptera flying around. Nymphalis xanthomelas and Aglais urticae flew in large numbers. We were surprised by the very small number of Gonepteryx rhamni, and only one male was seen on both days. I was also struck by the complete absence of Polygonia c-album, this year I haven't seen one yet. It seems that there will be big problems with the anglerflies this season. I wonder if I'm the only one with the same angle wings. Also, on the way from the bus stop to the house, I finally saw the first Archiearis parthenias schoolgirls this year.

Since I needed the spring guards, I actually came for them, so as soon as I got to the dacha, I immediately threw off my things, took a net and other entomological equipment and went along the dirt road in the direction of the neighboring village of Sergeevo, trying to catch Archiearis parthenias males sitting on the road mud. It turned out badly, and to be more precise, it didn't work out at all. Fishing was impossible because of the strong wind. As soon as the chariot took off, it was immediately picked up by the wind and carried away with such speed that you could not even try to catch up. On the first day, the result was zero.

In the evening, I went out for a walk in a nearby birch grove with the hope of picking up some newly emerged mismatched sawyers from the trunks of the birches. In the second half of April 2013, I collected males and females of Lycia pomonaria and L. hirtaria, as well as Achlya flavicornis, from tree trunks in this birch grove.Meanwhile, we recently wrote on this forum that Lycia pomonaria has already appeared in the Leningrad region. Everything ended in vain - there was nothing on the tree trunks.

After returning from this walk and preparing dinner, I decided to turn on the lamp for the first time this season. Conditions for light fishing were very harsh. First of all-very low temperature. There was no plus, there was a weak minus. In the evening, the water in the barrel on the street began to be covered with a thin crust of ice, in the morning the crust was already thick and dense, and in addition, frost on the ground. At least the strong wind that had been raging during the day had subsided, and it was almost windless. At first, there was nothing at all. It was already dark, and even the flat moth Agonopterix sp., which is usually fluttering everywhere, was already there. there was no. I thought that I was going to fail again, that nothing would arrive. It was 20:55 on the clock, and I decided to curl up slowly, when I suddenly noticed a butterfly circling in the sky. She went downstairs and sat down on the screen. It was a moth of Phigalia pilosaria! Well, it's a start. Then, at 21:10, the first scoop of Brachionycha nubeculosa arrived, and at 21:35 - the second specimen of the same species. At 21:50 I finished fishing. I was surprised by the complete absence of overwintered shovels. Usually, some Eupsilia transversa, or Conistra sp., or Lithophane sp. start flying first, but this time there was no first, second, or third one. Fresh butterflies of the new season immediately flew in. Therefore, they are more resistant to cold weather than overwintered ones.

On the second day (Thursday, March 27), I took a walk along the following route: I left the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, followed the road perpendicular to the village in the direction of the forest, went along the edge of the forest to the dirt road Krasnoarmeyskoye-Sergeevo, followed it back a little and turned towards the bank of the Teza River, bypassed the coastal meadow and again I returned to the dirt track, followed the dirt track to the turnoff to the village of Novaya, turned and again went along the edge of the forest in the direction of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, pausing on the way to one interesting forest glade, where a lot of Archiearis parthenias flew. The weather conditions were exactly the same as on the previous day. The same set of overwintering mace-whiskered lepidoptera was still flying. The first A. parthenias was noticed at about noon. In just one day, I collected eight specimens of this species - seven males and one female. And most of the catch (five pieces) took on the most interesting forest glade. The female was no longer the first freshness, which is strange, since it is not clear when she managed to fly around. Males of almost perfect quality. During the route, I sometimes went into the forest to inspect the trunks of trees (birches, aspens and oaks) for mottled butterflies-alas, to no avail.

Total: eight Archiearis parthenias, one Phigalia pilosaria and two Brachionycha nubeculosa. Sparsely populated, of course, I would like more, and most importantly-more interesting, but let's not forget that this is only the second half of March. Not bad for this time of year.

This year I updated my own record. Before this trip to the field, the earliest butterfly in my collection was dated April 3. Now I have three copies with the date March 26 and eight with the date March 27. In general, nature this year presents some continuous miracles.

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In the morning, a thick crust of ice was found on the puddles. Know if the frost was strong last night:

picture: crop_74459592_Vlne.jpg

I found a whole mountain of shell casings lying on the road. So, some idiots came to the forest to shoot. mad.gif There are no more animals left, and they are still shooting mad.gif

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Bereznyak is quiet and easy:

picture: crop_74461440_R2vev.jpg

The snow has already gone everywhere. Except in the darkest places:

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The pine forest smells of resin and spring:

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Oh, the roads...

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The result is more than modest. Well, at least something...

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picture: crop_74464371_5a2sg6e.jpg

This post was edited by TEMPUS - 03/31/2014 14: 37
Likes: 20

31.03.2014 14:32, Dmitry Vlasov

From Wednesday (March 26) to Thursday (March 27) I went to the dacha to open the butterfly season. Winter and spring turned out to be amazing this year. For my full 23 years that I have lived in this world, it was probably the least snow-free winter and the earliest spring. I don't think it's just me.

The snowless winter and early spring were in 1989. Unfortunately, it is already difficult to compare with noneshnya, but then at the end of March it also warmed sharply, snow came down in the pine forests and on March 25 I caught the barbel Pogonocherus decoratus...
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06.04.2014 20:49, Nikolos

I found a good tree stump yesterday smile.gif
Maybe someone needs it?

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07.04.2014 21:15, Oleg Nikolsky

Walking in the Bryansk region on April 5-6, 2014.
After a rough start in the last decade of March (up to +18), spring slowed down a little in April and came to a state close to the long-term average. In shady swampy areas, strong thick ice still lies in some places (frames 31, 33). Goat willow blooms violently, attracting individual specimens of common nymphalids. The bird cherry is the first to throw out its leaves, in a hurry to have time to bloom for the onset of "bird cherry cold" (5). In the absence of fresh grass, rare insects are still clearly visible - earth bees, ants and some flies with a long trunk (frame 9, what kind of family-genus-species is this?). Birds are enjoying life, and migratory finches are feeding in large flocks on last year's grass before making their next dash north. The first flowers on the background of the inanimate soil cover are pleasing to the eye, especially the crested ones are diverse. In general, nature inspires optimism in anticipation of the early start of the summer season. tongue.gif

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08.04.2014 0:31, Hierophis

Nolik, that fly, it was buzzing, I saw them today too! Of course, everything is different for you, there is a lot of water, and there is a mother and stepmother! We have this flower-a rarity, I know only two places where they are!

08.04.2014 9:56, аруд

For NoliK
If it's not a secret, pliz, what is this neighborhood of Bryansk, where three types of crested flowers grow (?), no matter how many I come across - only one purple. And what is this plant in photo 27. Mercy.

08.04.2014 19:23, Oleg Nikolsky

Nolik, that fly, it was buzzing, I saw them today too! Of course, everything is different for you, there is a lot of water, and there is a mother and stepmother! We have this flower-a rarity, I know only two places where they are!

Hierophis, thank you for the tip about the fly. Mother-and-stepmother we have the very first spring flower and in some places it is very numerous.

08.04.2014 19:30, Oleg Nikolsky

  For NoliK
If it's not a secret, pliz, what is this neighborhood of Bryansk, where three types of crested flowers grow (?), no matter how many I come across - only one purple. And what is this plant in photo 27. Mercy.

Arud, khokhlatki - in the wet slopes densely overgrown with alder to the Bolva floodplain in the Sibenets region. Unfortunately, I don't know the name of the plant in frame 27 (its flowers are very small and numerous, it is often found), as well as in frame 22. I'm looking for it, but I haven't found it yet.
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08.04.2014 19:59, t00m

Friends, call lanestris to catch in the nearest place to Penza! It is very necessary to do this to calm the soul and to try breeding-an idiot's dream in general. With me a bottle, as it should be) 8960 321 62 64. Denis.

08.04.2014 21:47, аруд

For Nolik
Duc with photo 22, however, no problem - Chrysosplénium alternifólium-Spleenopsis alternifolia
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08.04.2014 21:49, Kovalevsky

On photo 27-Glechoma hederacea.
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10.04.2014 9:10, Maksim M.

Yesterday it was warmer,about 7-8 degrees Celsius, I walked through the collector on the outskirts, got a few agoniums, 3 types of amara type, saw nemoralis having sex, and an unidentified trifle was present.But this is near the warm asphalt-and no one runs in the forest yet,we are waiting for the general warming..
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10.04.2014 21:14, Maksim M.

ActuallyDSCN4479.JPG, Even bembidion has a photo of the catch!

This post was edited by Maksim M. - 04/10/2014 21: 16
Likes: 11

12.04.2014 9:42, TEMPUS

Yesterday, taking advantage of the availability of free time and relatively good weather, I took a walk outside the city (Ivanovsky district, the vicinity of the city of Kohma, the town of Sedeyevo), to see what is happening in nature after the last cold snap. The cold snap in the Ivanovo region was serious (one night the temperature dropped to minus fifteen) and very prolonged (more than a decade), and now it's finally over. I left the house at about one o'clock in the afternoon, arrived at the place at two. The air had already warmed up and the temperature in the shade reached plus 9 degrees. True, while driving around the city, large electronic thermometers on the walls of buildings showed plus 12, but I think this is a clear lie, this could not have happened yesterday. It was crystal clear, not a single cloud in the sky. True, the picture was overshadowed by the presence of a rather strong wind, but, fortunately, it did not blow continuously (as it was at the dacha on March 27), but only in separate, infrequent gusts.

The main biotopes of the place where I went were first artificial pine planting, then natural mixed forest with a predominance of birches (and with the presence of aspens), directly along the road - meadows of anthropogenic origin, such as abandoned agricultural fields. In addition, the road runs past a long-abandoned village.

On this day, I observed a large number of flying, wintering mace-whiskered lepidoptera of the following species: Nymphalis xanthomelas, Aglais urticae and Gonepteryx rhamni. In addition, I collected one very dubious copy. I suspect it's Nymphalis polychloros. Polygonia c-album as it was not in the previous trips, so it was not in this one. Of the mottled lepidoptera, vesnitsy were active, but in very small numbers (I saw only about ten individuals, I caught six). All collected copies are of very good quality. It seems that all the springbirds that hatched from their pupae in March died during the recent cold snap, and now those springbirds that hatched from their pupae in April, after the cold snap, are flying. But this is just a guess, maybe I'm wrong. And today I managed to collect both species: I caught four pieces of Archiearis parthenias, two pieces of Boudinotiana notha (all males), while in March, before the cold snap, I came across only A. parthenias.

Examination of the trunks of deciduous trees, unfortunately, did not give any results.

Some photos:

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And here is a photo of the very dubious specimen of Nymphalis, which I wrote about above. The spot at the top is white, but in spring this xanthomelas / polychloros distinction doesn't work, as I understand it, because the yellow spot at the top of the forewing in polychloros fades and becomes white over the winter, just like the yellow border in mourning birds. But here the color of the hind wings comes to the rescue: in this specimen, yellow spots are visible at the bottom of the hind wing. This is typical for polychloros, but, as I understand it, does not happen for xanthomelas. In any case, I ask the experts to evaluate this copy and make a final verdict:

picture: crop_76831795_1wdGD.jpg
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12.04.2014 10:03, Fyodor

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12.04.2014 10:06, TEMPUS

Regular xanthomelas sort of... Are his legs light or dark?

The legs are light. It turns out that xanthomelas.
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12.04.2014 13:20, Alexandr Zhakov

In the larger photo, you can better see that this is polychloros. smile.gif

and it's really worth looking at your feet smile.gif
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12.04.2014 13:21, Alexandr Zhakov

The legs are light. It turns out that xanthomelas.

very strange confused.gif

12.04.2014 13:33, Kharkovbut

xanthomelas-no legs needed. smile.gif

This post was edited by Kharkovbut-12.04.2014 13: 34
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12.04.2014 15:42, TEMPUS

and the legs are really worth looking at smile.gif

very strange confused.gif

you don't need legs. smile.gif

The butterfly is currently being straightened. When he's finished, I'll show him his underwear and legs.

This post was edited by TEMPUS-12.04.2014 15: 43

12.04.2014 16:09, Maksim M.

Well, probably on Sunday it will be possible to go somewhere-something to catch, for example, on the warmed-up deciduous logs of fresh beetles!!R. S. just checked the soil traps after a day-nothing came across, apparently they didn't go...

This post was edited by Maksim M. - 12.04.2014 17: 43

13.04.2014 0:58, CosMosk

Actually and a photo of the catch[attachmentid ()=196640]Even bembidion is there!

the smallest thing seems to be similar to asafidion, not bembidion. Sorry)
Elephants are not visible,but sitons, tanimekus,notaries, etc. they winter well and climb out early.

13.04.2014 1:56, TEMPUS

I went back to the same place I wrote about in the previous report. The weather was bad this time. Forecasters made a major mistake-according to the forecast for this day, the temperature should be plus 9 degrees, clear, light wind, but in fact it was no higher than 6 degrees Celsius, the strongest wind blowing almost continuously, and some incomprehensible cloud cover. In general, the conditions were much worse than on the previous trip.

But even despite such unfavorable weather conditions, the lepidoptera were active. The same set of wintering club-whiskered lepidoptera was observed as the day before, but at least three individuals of Nymphalis vaualbum were added to this set, two of which were observed in flight and one was caught. There were very few springboks - in fact, only two Archiearis parthenias were caught, and I just saw no more than a dozen in flight. Catching them was extremely difficult. Male springbirds (both species) usually sit on a dirt road, drinking water. But as soon as they take off, the wind picks them up and blows them away with such speed that there is no need to think about catching up. I also saw a young (possibly third-aged) caterpillar, Euthrix potatoria, crawling across the road.

I have already written in a previous report that the road I took passes through an abandoned village. How long ago it was abandoned, I can not say for sure, but I think that in this case we can talk about thirty or forty years. Only memories of wooden houses remained, they fell apart and rotted completely, separate fragments of brick and concrete houses remained. Most likely, now it is not even possible to establish exactly what the village was called, and for what reasons it was abandoned. And okay, if it would be in some wilderness, on the very edge of the region, so no, it's all located almost on the very outskirts of the city, in a fairly habitable place.

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What was once a wooden house:

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I estimated that there were at least four houses on this street:

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And here through the bushes you can see the remains of the fence:

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Primer where I caught two Boudinotiana notha males a day earlier:

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Fragments of a brick and concrete building:

picture: crop_76988063_gzfRT.jpg

What was collected in this walk is even a shame to call a catch. Unless Nymphalis vaualbum somewhat corrects the situation. Judging by the reports of this forum, in the Moscow and Vladimir regions N. vaualbum has significantly increased its population in the last two years, in fact becoming a common species last year. In the Ivanovo region, there was no such sharp increase in the population. Over the past two years, N. vaualbum has increased its population from a state of "total absence"to a state of "rare species". So the capture during this walk to a large extent pleased me.

picture: crop_76988383_MNRZN.jpg

This post was edited by TEMPUS - 13.04.2014 02: 09
Likes: 15

13.04.2014 19:45, AGG

In the night from Saturday to Sunday, Ilya (I. roK.ez) and I went to open the season and try out the new long-awaited installation.
Fishing place-Yamanskoe forestry-20 km south of Lipetsk. A clearing in the middle of a swampy mixed forest
picture: 01.JPG

Saturday turned out to be sunny, but with a strong icy wind. Parthenias, xscanthomelas, and Ramni flew en masse.
picture: 03.JPG

Finding a suitable clearing, we went to explore the surrounding area. In one of the clearings, I found the only dream-grass flower in the entire forest and lo and behold! jump.gif there were 3 pieces of Tropinota hirta sitting on it at once beer.gif- the trip was already a success. This species is very rare in our region. From the Lipetsk region, it is known from several finds, and from the Tambov region, it is not known at all.
picture: 02.JPG

The lights were turned on again. Pogonokherus was the first to arrive (I didn't see the exact type yet), and then with an intensity of 1 butterfly/hour - a standard spring set, but extremely small in number. The April Fool's joke of our weather has done its job - the insects have not yet warmed up and we anticipate a massive summer next weekend.
Installation 3*2.2 m (roof still needs to be finalized)
picture: 04.JPG

our captor plans for catching Lanestris and Xylena are in tatters weep.gifbut we'll catch up next weekend mad.gif
our ultra-modest catch
picture: 05.JPG
picture: 06.JPG

I also collected about a dozen small pterostichs and agonums under logs, as well as 14 deer and 4 roe deer were noted. wink.gif

This post was edited by AGG-14.04.2014 07: 28
Likes: 22

14.04.2014 1:29, I.roK.ez

Fishing place-Yamanskoe forestry-20 km north of Lipetsk.

In south

14.04.2014 7:29, AGG

To the south


16.04.2014 20:08, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today, together with Alexey Vishnyakov, we decided to take a walk through last year's "places of military glory" in the Vladimir region. The entomofauna is still quite poor, and the weather is not very favorable.. But nevertheless, some people were noticed and even collected.
Nymphalis xanthomelas (Esper, 1781)
Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758)
Archiearis parthenias (Linnaeus, 1761)
And pozhozhe was already seen flying Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) (far away and glimpsed, so I'm not sure)
Ampedus (Ampedus) pomonae (Stephens, 1830)
Ampedus (Ampedus) balteatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Selatosomus (Selatosomus) aeneus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Cardiophorus (Cardiophorus) ruficollis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Pytho depressus (Linnaeus, 1767)
Rhagium (Rhagium) inquisitor Linnaeus, 1758
Uloma culinaris (Linnaeus 1758)
Upis ceramboides (Linnaeus, 1758) has been collected, which I am personally very happy about smile.gif
I want to offer you some photos from today's trip.
The collection shown in the photo is only mine (what I found necessary to take).
16.04.2014г. Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, near the village. Starye Omutischi:
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
Typical forest landscapes of those places.
picture: 4.jpg
picture: 5.jpg
Floodplain of the Klyazma River.
picture: 6.jpg
Meshchersky Juniper.
picture: 7.jpg
There are anthills all around and you can look for beetles that live there.
picture: 8.jpg
Mother and Stepmother are blooming everywhere
picture: 9.JPG
picture: 10.jpg
The most common bee is now there (maybe someone will tell you)
picture: 11.JPG
Canephora hirsuta (Poda, 1761)is plentiful throughout Meshchera.
picture: 12.jpg
Last year's exuvia Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758), It has simply filled the whole of Meshchera in recent years. A Real Disaster!
picture: 13.JPG
Coccinella (Coccinella) septempunctata Linnaeus, 1758
picture: 14.JPG
Upis ceramboides (Linnaeus, 1758) In wild quantities under the bark of any species, including conifers.
picture: 15.jpg
Your humble servant "at work"
picture: 16.JPG
My modest fee.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 17.04.2014 07: 55
Likes: 17

16.04.2014 20:31, Maksim M.

Vassily, save me some of these little black bodies, p-sta.

16.04.2014 20:32, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vassily, save me some of these little black bodies, p-sta.

I'll pick it up, I think...

16.04.2014 21:33, John-ST

I'll pick it up, I think...

What kind of interesting sand there is, it turns out, it will be necessary to roll into these sandboxes when I return from the Volgograd region.

16.04.2014 23:03, TEMPUS

Good day to all forum participants. Taking advantage of the availability of free time on Tuesday (April 15) and Wednesday (April 16), I went to the dacha to catch the light, as well as to pick up various lepidoptera during the day. Females of Archiearis parthenias, Boudinotiana notha and Epirranthis diversata of both sexes were of interest during the daytime period. Of the mace-whiskered lepidoptera, I would not refuse Nymphalis vaualbum, N. polychloros and N. antiopa, even if they are far from the best quality. Well, it was interesting to see what will arrive at this time of year (taking into account especially early spring) at night. Some of this was implemented, some of it was not. Looking ahead, I will say that there was also one surprise in this trip. The weather was favorable: on Tuesday, plus 12, overcast and wind (but not very strong), on Wednesday, plus 13-15 (weather forecast data, what temperature was at that time in fact, I do not know), in the first half of the day mostly sunny (there was only light cumulus clouds), warm wind in separate gusts, rain began to fall in the second half of the day, quite heavy. At night it was plus 4-6, partly cloudy, light wind. The conditions are not the best for day gathering, but they are quite good for light fishing.

On Tuesday afternoon, I walked along the edge of the forest at the back of the village and looked to see if there were any mottled butterflies on the trunks of birches and other deciduous trees. I was hoping to find Lycia pomonaria moths, because I had already found females and one male of this species in the same place last year. Unfortunately, to no avail, neither L. pomonaria, nor any other moth-like butterflies were found. When the sun came out closer to five o'clock in the afternoon, wintering mace - whiskered lepidoptera began to fly-the same ubiquitous Nymphalis xanthomelas and Aglais urticae. Unfortunately, I forgot to unpack the net, for which I was immediately punished. From a young aspen tree took off some thin-bodied (not spring Archiearinae!) the moth is dark purple in color, rather large (about the size of Phigalia pilosaria). Definitely Epirranthis diversata! Purchase Entomonovsky (from the online store entomon.ru) it took a long time to lay out the nets from scratch, so it was a shame to miss a single seedling. And, interestingly, for some reason, all my meetings with this species took place even in the daytime, but in the afternoon, in the late afternoon. Two years ago, I caught an E. diversata at about five o'clock in the afternoon and this year met this species at almost the same time. I wonder if I'm the only one doing this. Or has anyone seen this species in the morning? The only butterfly collected at this exit in the field was some leafwort Acleris sp. (presumably notana).

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In the evening of the same day, he began to catch the light. At first, until about 21:30, almost nothing flew, only the ubiquitous flat moths (Depressariinae) flitted around everywhere. Agonopterix sp. has been observed. and Depressaria sp. in the range, but for some reason this year I have not yet seen any Semioscopis sp., although it is already due in time. In general, the results of night fishing turned out to be very unusual and strange. The owls wintering at the pupal stage significantly predominated in number over those wintering at the adult stage, although they are usually approximately equal. The species composition was also strange. The most common wintering owl was Conistra rubiginea, about two dozen of them arrived in total, although Eupsilia transversa (there were only three of them this evening) and Conistra vaccinii (one) usually predominate. Lithophane sp. it wasn't there at all. Brachionycha nubeculosa (in bulk), Orthosia gothica, and (!) Orthosia cruda arrived from the owls wintering at the pupal stage, although the latter species usually begins to fly somewhat later. I was struck by the complete absence of Orthosia incerta - according to observations of past years, the most common early spring species of scoops. According to the weather and timing, it would be time for them to start flying long ago. I wonder if I'm the only one doing this. Has anyone met O. incerta this year? Of the moths, two Phigalia pilosaria were noted first, no longer of the freshest quality. I wonder when they managed to fly around? And why so few: since the first P. pilosaria was caught this year on March 27, it is logical to assume that by the time of April 15, there should be clearly more than two of them. And secondly, one male of Agriopis marginaria. And the most popular species of mottled macro-lepidoptera this evening was the scooper Achlya flavicornis.

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In addition, as I wrote above, there was one rather significant surprise on this trip to the village. This surprise lies in the fact that a butterfly was collected, which I did not expect to meet at this time. This firefly ? Zophodia grossulariella (I ask experts to confirm the correctness of the definition). Usually this species occurs in May (as a rule, in my area it begins to fly on the second (May 9) may holidays). April 15 , in my opinion, is very early for this species.

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In the first half of Wednesday afternoon (before the weather worsened), I took a walk towards the village of Sergeyevo. There is a good mixed forest, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of a large number of aspens, both adults and undergrowth. I hoped to build on the success of four days ago and catch some more specimens of Boudinotiana notha, especially females. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. Only Archiearis parthenias flew, again only males. Surprisingly - near Ivanovo (the town of Sedeyevo, near the city of Kohma) literally" in three aspens " (there are few aspens there) and with not the best weather, I caught two Boudinotiana notha, and under the village of Sergeevo (Shuisky district) in a chic aspen tree and in good weather not a single B. notha! This means that the presence / absence and abundance of B. notha depends not only on the presence and number of aspens, but also on other factors. A standard set of wintering species flew among the mace-whiskered lepidoptera, but here it should be noted that N. vaualbum, N. antiopa, Aglais io and (for the first time this year!)N. vaualbum were found in the amount of one piece. Polygonia c-album. Unfortunately, neither the vaualbum nor the mourning box could be collected. In the afternoon, after two o'clock, the weather turned bad, the sky was covered with clouds, I had to curl up and move in the direction of the house. And that's right - at five in the afternoon it started raining heavily.

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This post was edited by TEMPUS - 04/16/2014 23: 27
Likes: 16

16.04.2014 23:08, Vlad Proklov

Yes, this is Zophodia grossulariella.
Likes: 1

16.04.2014 23:20, vasiliy-feoktistov

What interesting sands there are, it turns out, it will be necessary to roll into these sands when I return from the Volgograd region.

Floodplain of the Klyazma river behind the village itself. In general, there are not only sandbanks, but the whole area is interesting. The second year I ride there and I'm glad.

16.04.2014 23:32, John-ST

Floodplain of the Klyazma river behind the village itself. In general, there are not only sandbanks, but the whole area is interesting. I've been riding there for the second year and I'm glad.

Sandboxes should have interesting eardrums. Maybe I'll take a trip before I leave, they promise +16 on Saturday, you can cooperate.

16.04.2014 23:48, vasiliy-feoktistov

Sandboxes should have interesting eardrums. Maybe I'll take a trip before I leave, they promise +16 on Saturday, you can cooperate.

Unfortunately, I can't do it on Saturday... I work from Friday to Saturday and after a day I will be "killed". There is no need to look for them especially: just go directly through the entire village to Klyazma.

17.04.2014 0:04, John-ST

Unfortunately, I can't do it on Saturday... I work from Friday to Saturday and after a day I will be "killed". There is no need to look for them especially: just go directly through the entire village to Klyazma.

Thank you, I've already looked at the map. If there is no invasion of relatives, I will try to roll down. I will take into account for the future that we have a day difference, I work from Thursday to Friday smile.gif

17.04.2014 0:11, vasiliy-feoktistov

Thank you, I've already looked at the map. If there is no invasion of relatives, I will try to roll down. I will take into account for the future that we have a day difference, I work from Thursday to Friday smile.gif

Well, we'll meet again later. I plan to go there all season. Just 2 hours from the Railway station by train smile.gif

17.04.2014 23:15, Maksim M.

Well, finally a little warmer and the animals began to run.Barry and Liparus report regularly,and we need to show our friends.In the second photo, 3 pieces at the bottom are questionable,I didn't determine exactly for myself.

This post was edited by Maksim M. - 17.04.2014 23: 18

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