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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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06.06.2016 19:41, Ilia Ustiantcev

Ognevka-alienellus, on the Sim probably now also flies (and therefore on your peat bog should be), leafwrap - Phiaris turfosana, +7.4-remember June 28, 2014. smile.gif
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06.06.2016 20:14, sergeySVK

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06.06.2016 20:19, sergeySVK

06.06.2016 20:31, Andrey Ponomarev

Andrey, tell me - have you ever seen a single Colias palaeno?

We haven't seen it.
Caught one hayloft thought that the thule, as it turned out later (the butterfly was collected) turned out to be banal Coenonympha pamphilus.
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06.06.2016 20:43, insectamo

We caught only males that day. West of this forest in an open area (56.758282, 38.254541). The females haven't flown out yet. The males had only silvery-yellow triangles on the edges of their zander wings. And deep into the wing, everything is yellowish.
On the photo http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1624249 the latest report of Andrey Ponomarev shows silver spots everywhere. All my females from Batkovsky last years only have silver spots. Caught in a clearing on the border of the regions (56.774163,38.271319). When everything is dry , I'll take a photo.

Yes, everyone I saw this Saturday had silver spots. I specifically searched with yellow ones, but I didn't find them.
We caught here: 56.741120 38.275652
And the main mass on top of the color is as follows

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07.06.2016 15:13, CosMosk

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p R E ve D!!
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the last tattoo is nesk. east.pushchino,Moscow.obl, 4-5VI2016 (and poplar hawk moth).
the rest is in the same place, 28V. hawkmoth: linden,ocular, aspen. it seems to be Stauropus fagi..
So, for phenology.
What a goose., interesting.

This post was edited by CosMosk - 07.06.2016 15: 30
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07.06.2016 16:16, insectamo

What a goose., interesting.

Allophyes oxyacanthae
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10.06.2016 1:04, Zhuk

Late reports.
May 28-29, Lenkovo (Ruzsky district). The year is very weak, if you remove the mass of Macrothylacia rubi females and banal hawkmoth, then in fact there is nothing.
From interesting in my opinion Korscheltellus lupulina and Hadena confusa. In the afternoon, I collected female Anthocharis cardamines, one came across a rather interesting dark color.

This post was edited by Zhuk - 10.06.2016 01: 19

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10.06.2016 1:16, Zhuk

June 3-5, Vasilyevskoe( Ruzsky district). The sun is felling in the forest.
At night it is quite cold, except for the mass of pine moths, there is nothing special. Males like Calliteara abietis and Sabra harpagula .
But the most significant find was Lygephila viciae, the first time I collected it.
Also in the afternoon I visited a very interesting place-Polushkinsky quarries, you can say real rocks near Moscow.

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10.06.2016 3:43, А.Й.Элез

Thank God that there is still a forest there, and not just cuttings... In general, for what reasons did you get carried to Vasilyevskoye?

10.06.2016 13:30, Zhuk

Thank God that there is still a forest there, and not just cuttings... In general, for what reasons did you get carried to Vasilyevskoye?

I don't think I'd have ended up there anyway.

Yes, I forgot to add, during the day even the freshest bumblebees on the forest geraniums were worn, unfortunately the net was not at hand at that moment. I also found a wing of Leucodonta bicoloria, I'm still not lucky with this crested bird...

This post was edited by Zhuk - 10.06.2016 13: 32
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11.06.2016 15:48, Ilia Ustiantcev

I went to Razdory yesterday and examined a small section of the Chachenka River Valley, which was noticed last August, for Lycaena helle. Unfortunately, this butterfly was not there, although its favorite Polygonum bistortum is enough and it is in the juice itself. Then I walked along an abandoned railway line to Rublev, where I came across rare moth Scopula nemoraria and Asthena albulata, as well as the moth Triaxomera fulvimitrella and Leptura annularis. And almost at the Rublevsky Schosse (I went there by train to Razdorov, and got back by bus 626), on the clearing leading to the water intake node, I first saw Anthyllis vulneraria.

I have already met Dracocephalum ruyschiana in Discord, but this time there is much more of it.
picture: DSC06495.JPG

Anthyllis vulneraria. Only during editing did I notice someone's clutch on the captured inflorescence. I wonder what the eggs of B. ichneumoniformis look like?)
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Scopula nemoraria & Asthena albulata
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Triaxomera fulvimitrella
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Leptura annularis
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13.06.2016 22:10, Zhuk

Lenkovo( Ruzsky district), today.
I was walking in the vicinity of the dacha, suddenly I see a caterpillar sitting, a cocoonworm or something, I came closer and oops, Lemonia dumi!
We will conclude that this is a very unexpected find.

This post was edited by Zhuk-13.06.2016 22: 15

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13.06.2016 22:17, Pavel Morozov

Ilya, these plants used to be very common there before. But that was already more than 20 years ago.
Allegedly, even eunomia flew, just in the course of this abandoned piece of iron.

And the trees used to be taller.
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13.06.2016 22:32, Ilia Ustiantcev

Ilya, these plants used to be very common there before. But that was already more than 20 years ago.
Allegedly, even eunomia flew, just in the course of this abandoned piece of iron.

And the trees used to be taller.

Eunomia is out there!? Except that the clearing in the middle of the forest used to be wetter, but I didn't explore it, as I saw umbrella plants and cereals that had grown quite a lot by mid-June, and I decided that it was not very promising... it seems that there used to be a branch of Tugolesya in the near Moscow region?

13.06.2016 22:56, Pavel Morozov

Eunomia is out there!? Except that the clearing in the middle of the forest used to be wetter, but I didn't explore it, as I saw umbrella plants and cereals that had grown quite a lot by mid-June, and I decided that it was not very promising... it seems that there used to be a branch of Tugolesya in the near Moscow region?

isn't the snake mountaineer growing any more?

13.06.2016 23:36, Ilia Ustiantcev

isn't the snake mountaineer growing any more?

It grows in the Chachenka valley, as I wrote (eunomia or hella were not found there, but I only examined the thickets of highlander on the slope, and did not climb into the nasty swamp itself, especially since I had to go towards the railway to Rublevo). And in the clearing I did not notice, but XS, maybe there is it there, at least there is clearly not xerophilic vegetation (which I secretly hoped for)

This post was edited by Ilya U - 13.06.2016 23: 38

15.06.2016 0:14, А.Й.Элез

A couple of photos from 14. VI. 2016 (Lukhovitsky district, forest area to the north. from Dedinovo).

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 15.06.2016 00: 19

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15.06.2016 10:01, Ilia Ustiantcev

A couple of photos from 14. VI. 2016 (Lukhovitsky district, forest area to the north. from Dedinovo).

Are you by any chance going to look for Apollo on the road to Beloomut? There seems to be extensive burning in 2010 formed, suddenly already flown?

By the way, the current forecast (most likely buggy) promises daytime weather from Friday to next Friday approximately like in the subtropics or even at the equator, heat and rain, although at night it is cooler, 15-20 degrees, not 25-30.

This post was edited by Ilya U - 06/15/2016 10: 06

15.06.2016 21:46, Andrey Ponomarev

Today I visited Dorogali again. Found a new road, 7 km away. by car and 3 km on foot.
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Further along this road on foot 3 km. Locals go to the fields.
Sitting on a crucian carp
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Danosoma fasciatum on the trunk of a fallen spruce
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the rest is just like last time
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I wonder who these elytra might belong to ( similar to a ground beetle)
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15.06.2016 21:51, Ilia Ustiantcev

In my amateur opinion, the elytra from glabratus are a.
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15.06.2016 21:54, Andrey Ponomarev

In my amateur opinion, the elytra are from glabratus.


15.06.2016 22:17, Aleksandr Safronov

looks like

Don't hesitate.
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16.06.2016 21:44, SergeyB

Travel to Tugolessky Bor 14.06.2016

Mission accomplished!

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18.06.2016 23:27, Fyodor

June 18, 2016, the Black Platform:

Pyrgus malvae
Pyrgus serratulae
Carterocephalus silvicola
Heteropterus morpheus
Ochlodes sylvanus

Driopa mnemosyne

Aporia crataegi
Pieris rapae
Pontia edusa
Gonepteryx rhamni

Lycaena dispar
Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena tityrus
Aricia eumedon
Celastrina argiolus
Cupido minimus
Polyommatus amandus
Polyommatus icarus
Polyommatus semiargus

Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha glycerion
Lasiommata maera
Lopinga achine
Boloria euphrosyne
Boloria selene
Limenitis camilla
Euphydryas maturna
Melitaea athalia
Melitaea aurelia/britomartis
Melitaea diamina
Melitaea phoebe
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui

Chlorissa viridata
Ematurga atomaria
Epirrhoe alternata
Mesoleuca albicillata
Petrophora chlorosata
Siona lineata
Scopula immorata
Cabera pusaria
Chiasmia clathrata

Euclidia glyphica
Diacrisia sannio
Polypogon tentacularia

Autographa gamma
Deltote bankiana

Zygaena osterodensis

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19.06.2016 17:34, Dergg

Can someone suggest more or less relevant points of finds of Ceruchus chrysomelinus and Osmoderma barnabita in MO?

On ceruchus - found information about finds in Solnechnogorsk and Taldomsky districts, but they are already quite ancient;

By osmoderma-there are known points in the PTZ, for example, in the vicinity of the villages of Luzhki and Respublika; but as I understand it, these territories are now deprived of their water protection status? I don't want to go there and see that all the osmodermic forests have been cut down...

20.06.2016 4:27, А.Й.Элез

Several photos (including low-quality ones, placed only for the sake of content) on excursions in the Lukhovitsky district for 18.06.2016 (forest area to the north. from Dedinovo) and for 19.06.2016 (east. Beloomut neighborhood, only the last two by file number).

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22.06.2016 3:19, PhilGri

Mozzhinka village, Odintsovo district.
Today, in the rain, an excellent fresh female Harpyia milhauseri arrived at the light.
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22.06.2016 14:40, Pavel Morozov

Mozzhinka village, Odintsovo district.
Today, in the rain, an excellent fresh female Harpyia milhauseri arrived at the light.

Gren couldn't collect it?

23.06.2016 1:51, PhilGri

Unfortunately, it didn't work out (
Gren couldn't collect it?

23.06.2016 11:56, коты

Several photos (including low-quality ones, placed only for the sake of content) on excursions in the Lukhovitsky district for 18.06.2016 (forest area to the north. from Dedinovo) and for 19.06.2016 (east. Beloomut neighborhood, only the last two by file number).

Something I don't understand, is this a polyxene caterpillar?

23.06.2016 12:10, А.Й.Элез

Something I don't understand, is this a polyxene caterpillar?
No, it's a few polixena caterpillars. In total, there were about forty of them in that place, of which five were at a very early age (within 1 cm), the rest were large. Since in those parts of kirkazon is full on very large areas, but the caterpillars were concentrated exclusively on a small patch, I think this is the result of a very long flight of one bellied female, about the possibility or impossibility of which there was a small controversy on the forum about three years ago. Therefore, the prospects for further promotion of the species were then formulated correctly. After all, this point is much north of the previous ones (first of all, Alpatievskaya); what can we say about its distance from the territory of a more or less continuous distribution of the species?..

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 13.04.2017 01: 33
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23.06.2016 12:33, коты

Thank you, I didn't know that polixena flies in the Moscow region. I thought it was a southern view. Recently, I was also quite surprised when I found out that C. palaeno is found near Moscow. Typical northern view ))

23.06.2016 12:36, коты

The possibility of a long-distance flight here is also not very similar... You can see for yourself how the Zerintii fly. They don't really know how to fly ))

23.06.2016 15:21, А.Й.Элез

Walking is even more unlikely... And the point has been closely monitored for many years, and the view has not been marked. About the fact that usually a slow butterfly with fright, with the wind or just by instinct of settlement can fly away for long distances, the forum has already been said more than once, I don't want to repeat myself. By the way, to the north of poliksen, we used to have at least as far as the Oka Nature Reserve.
Palaeno in MO lives not just near Moscow, but even a hundred kilometers to the south.
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23.06.2016 17:24, Бабистр

Fueled by Fyodor's reports last year about finding Sesia apiformis on poplar trunks, I decided this year to purposefully search for them in my yard (I live in the north of Moscow). Yesterday, during the inspection, I found first exuvius, and then the butterfly itself, but the first acquaintance turned out to be a disappointment: the found specimen did not fully spread its wings. But I was glad of that, too. And in the morning I had a surprise waiting for me: before work, I again began to inspect the trunks of poplars and found another, just released, full-fledged individual, which was drying its wings! For me, to be honest, it was a revelation that glasshouses successfully exist within the city limits of Moscow.
Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to Fyodor for his valuable advice on the search! smile.gif

This post was edited by Babistr - 23.06.2016 18: 37

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26.06.2016 22:37, Pavel Morozov

Chigasovo, Odintsovo district of Moscow region.
from 24 to 25 years-warm, quiet, overcast. Yes, and from time to time a light rain.
Most interesting are Eucarta amethystina and Cosmia affinis.

picture: IMG_91751.jpg
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28.06.2016 1:11, PhilGri

Mozzhinka village, Odintsovo district.

A male Noctua fimbriata with olive-greenish forewings arrived.

28.06.2016 11:30, Andrey Ponomarev

Chigasovo, Odintsovo district of Moscow region.
from 24 to 25 years-warm, quiet, overcast. Yes, and from time to time a light rain.
Most interesting are Eucarta amethystina and Cosmia affinis.

Isn't it Cryphia fraudatricula on the right?

28.06.2016 20:17, Pavel Morozov

Rather, Hada plebeja takaya
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