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Moscow and the Moscow region

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24.07.2011 1:48, Vlad Proklov

I took 2 Isturgia arenacearia in Zhukovsky today.

In general, there is already a bruise in the city, milkweed and lettuce grow, different wormwood... We are waiting for the blue head and ezhegolovnik, and then the feather grass will catch up =)

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 07/24/2011 01: 50
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24.07.2011 1:54, А.Й.Элез

July 14, 2011, Moscow, a field between Minskaya St., Kievskaya zh. d., Setun river and Starovolynskaya St. From interesting-there are few swallowtails, from flown to fresh. A single egg was obtained from a sprayed-out female, which subsequently gave birth to a caterpillar. Hyale is not numerous (only males), reali is common (almost exclusively males).

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24.07.2011 2:07, А.Й.Элез

July 23, 2011 Moscow, corner of Minskaya St. and Kutuzovsky Ave., inspection of catocal populations. Nupta (see photo) and sponsa are numerous, while fraxini and fulminea are rare.
The same number. Moscow, beginning of Kutuzovsky Ave., near the building of the hotel "Ukraine". 100 years of bedstraw hawkmoth (second generation, all specimens are the freshest). At least 7 specimens were recorded, including 2 males and 4 females (7th specimen). missed, presumably female).
By the way. The milkweed hawk moth (second generation) should also be flying in Moscow by now, since imago was received on July 14, 2011 (see photo) from a caterpillar taken on June 16 in Moscow in a field between Minskaya St., Kievskaya zh. d., Setun River and Starovolynskaya St.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 24.07.2011 02: 09

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24.07.2011 2:32, Aaata

and the sponsa is numerous?

24.07.2011 2:42, А.Й.Элез

In general, there is already a bruise in the city, milkweed and lettuce grow, different wormwood... We are waiting for the blue head and ezhegolovnik, and then the feather grass will catch up =)
Whether there will be more... But milkweed at the latitude of Moscow in the Moscow Region is not an event. Roadsides of field roads, slopes of railway tracks, and not only that. In Moscow itself, I have long known a place where it grows simply in a shady courtyard (!), devoid of any other grass. Not to mention the lighted dry places - not much anthropogenic, of course. By the way, on June 16 in Moscow, I found two caterpillars of euphorbia at once, but the butterfly came out of only one, and the first one was either ill by itself, or with a parasite, and quickly died.
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24.07.2011 2:49, А.Й.Элез

and the sponsa is numerous?
Yes, this is not a typo. In a square with a side of no more than 50 m, approximately fifty sponsa and nupta meetings are held for approximately two hours. Taking into account the obvious repeated meetings, about forty copies each. each species is exactly marked there. A maximum of four specimens were recorded simultaneously in the field of view. each type.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 24.07.2011 02: 58
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24.07.2011 3:04, Aaata

[quote=kotbegemot,24.07.2011 02:48]

24.07.2011 3:16, А.Й.Элез

About yesterday's sponsa. Unfortunately, for domestic reasons, he did not have any satisfactory tools with him. Therefore, fishing was not very successful, and many specimens were released in peace due to defects (breaks or cracks in the wings). All taken sponsa - in the photo, specially just made. In the morning, perhaps, I will repeat the hike with more adequate equipment.

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24.07.2011 3:31, Aaata

It is strange that there was no biotopically close promissa... Perhaps a little earlier flew away.

24.07.2011 4:05, А.Й.Элез

It is strange that there was no biotopically close promissa... Perhaps a little earlier flew away.
And what is the biotopic proximity?

24.07.2011 4:17, Aaata

Both species are known to be partial to oak forests, or at least to biotopes with oak participation. They write that both types are monophages (there are doubts, but "not caught-not a thief"). In the Nizhny Novgorod region, they fly to the light and are found in the same places during the day, and the time of summer almost coincides.

This post was edited by Aaata - 24.07.2011 04: 41

24.07.2011 8:39, А.Й.Элез

From the Moscow point where I took them this time, the nearest oaks are quite far away, and in very limited numbers. I assume (so far, of course, only based on the comparative distribution of population density at the adult stage) that maple should be added to the list of sponsa forage plants.
I just found another (fourth) copy of sponsa (I didn't notice it just now). As for promissa, the point is obviously that sponsa is not such a monophage, which is why it was found without promissa. Actually, promissa should be flying now; these species don't go away fast, and just three days ago, near the Kuntsevskaya metro station, a normal specimen flew into my friend's kitchen window.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 24.07.2011 09: 20
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24.07.2011 9:12, Victor Gazanchidis

Yesterday in the Kuntsevo forest park, swallowtails fly in full swing in the glades. In the shade near the spring -Nymphalis l-album. They used to be isolated and very rare.
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24.07.2011 9:52, Sergey Didenko

Moscow, Ukhtomskaya 23.07.11
Arrived nuns (females), you can see will eat the last 5 pines in the neighborhood smile.gif. Prionuses, now mostly females, come to the lamp by the dozens. Very strange raskaraski trifolia, after all, this is it?

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24.07.2011 10:51, Kallima

From the Moscow point where I took them this time, the nearest oaks are quite far away, and in very limited numbers. I assume (so far, of course, only based on the comparative distribution of population density at the adult stage) that maple should be added to the list of sponsa forage plants.

Most likely, indeed maple is also a forage plant of sponsa... In Orel, there are a lot
of sponsa in the park and courtyards, where only maple grows. This used to surprise me a lot.
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24.07.2011 12:07, Vlad Proklov

[quote=Aaata, 24.07.2011 01: 04] Took today 2 Isturgia arenacearia in Zhukovsky.

Which one was Tephrina? I got 1 copy yesterday. (female), the first find for the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Yes, it is. Cool=)

24.07.2011 15:16, Sungaya

Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Zolototilovo district, July 22-23, (date corrected) to light.
From new products:
Lythria purpuraria
Heliothis viriplaca
true viriplaca was caught last year (1 specimen) in August.
Also from those who were caught only once last year, but now fly in large numbers:
Emmelia trabealis
Tyta luctuosa
Scopula rubiginata

Of the beetles, there are no interesting species in the world, but it is interesting that this year there are a huge number of Serica brunnea (previously not found at all).

And also a lot of such grasshoppers fly to the light (never seen before):

This post was edited by Sungaya - 24.07.2011 16: 11

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24.07.2011 15:50, OEV

Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Zolototilovo village, July 21-22, on light.
From new products:
Lythria purpuraria
Heliothis viriplaca
true viriplaca was caught last year (1 specimen) in August.
Also from those who were caught only once last year, but now fly in large numbers:
Emmelia trabealis
Tyta luctuosa
Scopula rubiginata

Of the beetles, there are no interesting species in the world, but it is interesting that this year there are a huge number of Serica brunnea (previously not found at all).

And also a lot of such grasshoppers fly to the light (never seen before):

Plastinoptera Phaneroptera falcata Poda.
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24.07.2011 18:55, Pavel Morozov

I have in Chigasovo in Odintsovo district-not the same grasshoppers fly and the second generation of milkweed hawks appeared.
Swallowtails - at all stages.
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24.07.2011 21:30, Vlad Proklov

I have in Chigasovo in Odintsovo district-not the same grasshoppers fly and the second generation of milkweed hawks appeared.
Swallowtails - at all stages.

You checked my email...

25.07.2011 7:33, Andrey.A.

On Saturday I was in Luzhki. Много златок Chalcophora mariana, Phaenops cyanea, Buprestis haemorrhoidalis, Chrysobothris affinis.
I found the leg of a large beetle near a pine stump, was it Tragosoma?

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25.07.2011 8:24, Bad Den

I found the leg of a large beetle near a pine stump, was it Tragosoma?

Or Tragosoma or Prionus

25.07.2011 9:35, introvert

About yesterday's sponsa.. In the morning, perhaps, I will repeat the hike with more adequate equipment.

Promissa: this year it is easy to catch during the day in the shade of oak forests in the mass, sitting on trunks; at night it flies abundantly to bait(verenye, beer, dozhi. honey). For some reason, the light ignores.

25.07.2011 20:23, Fyodor

Moscow region, Chekhov district, July 20-25, 2011
There are many butterflies, but the species diversity of mace-moustaches is decreasing. Among the wintering nymphalids, there are still many Aglais io, and Nymphalis xanthomelas and Nymphalis l-album are already hibernating. Lots of Papilio machaon, varying degrees of freshness. We started dating Vanessa cardui, but this year it's quite rare. There is also very little Colias hyale. The second generation of Lycaena dispar starts to take off.


Thymelicus lineola/sylvestris

Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena dispar
Lycaena virgaureae
Lycaena tityrus
Celastrina argiolus
Polyommatus semiargus

Coenonympha pamphilus
Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina
Boloria dia
Issoria lathonia
Argynnis paphia
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis aglaja
Limenitis camilla
Apatura iris
Araschnia levana
Vanessa cardui
Aglais io
Nymphalis l-album
Polygonia c-album

Papilio machaon

Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Pontia edusa
Gonepteryx rhamni
Colias hyale

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26.07.2011 19:53, AntSkr

Last few days, Stupinsky district, Marinka.
There is almost nothing interesting to see, but on one oak tree a lot of catocals fly, feeding on the leaking juice: good quality sponsors and already broken promises (after all, I collected the first one this year about 3 weeks ago), both during the day and at dusk (more often), they fly a lot in the crowns, or just sit on a tree. They also fly to the bait, but for some reason the Nupts like the bait more.
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This post was edited by AntSkr - 26.07.2011 19: 56
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27.07.2011 9:47, vasiliy-feoktistov

My five kopecks in the general piggy bank.
A modest result of hunting on July 25-26 this year directly in the city of Zheleznodorozhny m. o
. 1 and 2) Morning photos on the balcony, after fishing: mass Autographa gamma and Loxostege sticticalis (thanks to kotbegemot(u) for identifying the latter). The next morning, the entire balcony was strewn with these two.
3) Half-witted (arrived at the light, at night) gold leaf Melanophila acuminata. This is the first time I've ever caught a gold coin in the world!
4) Modest, balcony catch scoop of that night.
5) Catocala sponsa obtained for the first time in my life on 25.07.2011 using a cigarette pack (I didn't have any stains with me).
6) The next day I went there with the stains and took another 5 copies. The most interesting thing is that there are no oaks there!!! Poplars, willows, birches, some maple and horse chestnut. Likes to sit on the lime that we have painted all the trees. There are also a lot of Catocala nupta, but I have not collected it for a long time due to its ordinariness.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 27.07.2011 13: 44

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28.07.2011 19:26, Andrey Ponomarev

Hello everyone.Today I returned from a two-week stay in Poplar.Now I'm preparing a report I'll probably post it only tomorrow, no matter how 466 photos, although I look everywhere it doesn't fly badly.

29.07.2011 15:04, А.Й.Элез

In Moscow, Loxostege sticticalis is going on in large numbers these days. On the Garden Ring opposite the US Embassy, I saw five pieces on one showcase window, sitting on the walls of buildings and generally on any fixed surfaces, the same – on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, on Leninsky Prospekt, etc. Flying copies. also full. Two species are now moving massively around the city-this one and gamma, which flies into the premises, lies crushed on the sidewalks, feeds in flower beds in the evenings and flies to light sources. Plus, they have been actively flying in Moscow for at least the second week (in particular, near gost. "Ukraine" feed in the evenings on flower beds) bedstraw and euphorbia hawkmoth; the first one is larger, it is on average fresher, a lot of luxury, and the second one is already more often flown; most bedstraw birds feeding on flowers are females. Fraxini 25.07.2011 on the corner of Kutuzovsky Ave. about one and a half dozen absolutely fresh ones (two pieces – already with a bird's outburst in the wing) were noted on Minskaya Street. The same number: promissa – already flown and not numerous, sponsa-numerous and mostly fresh, nupta – the same, fulminea-single. A bird hunt for the flying fraxini is celebrated (July 24). Some photos from July 24 and 25, 2011 (corner of Kutuzovsky Ave. and Minskaya St., as well as a field and forest between Minskaya St., Kievskaya zh. d., Setun river and Starovolynskaya St.) attached. I will add that on July 24, 2 Phalera bucephala caterpillars were picked up on the side of Starovolynskaya Street (both did not survive). The linden hawk moth caterpillar (see photo) was not caught, but taken from the bird (the neck was damaged by the beak, the caterpillar did not survive). On the roadside of Starovolynskaya Street, a vau-album and c-album were found shot down by vehicles. Interestingly, with a sufficient number of suitable flowers for feeding, io very rarely came across in those places these days, a few days earlier there were more, and now, perhaps, the species is already moving into estivation, which will smoothly pass into wintering (this species – and xanthomelas, by the way – are already flying into the premises). Fresh icarus of the second generation, both sexes, is noted. As for reali, after a few days of flying around, there was a small wave of fresh copies. Daplidice / edusa, as usual, is common on the specified site. The second generation of napi and rapae continues to grow, both species are common (but the second one is larger). A very rare brassicae (male) has been recorded in recent years. Urticae has not yet been recorded (and I've forgotten the last time I saw one that didn't wink). Rhamni males are few in number. Lycaon and alexis, which are traditional for the specified area, are not marked yet. Argiades-also: this one has been missing for two or three years already due to the warming; I don't know if it will recover.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 29.07.2011 15: 06

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30.07.2011 6:45, Anser

Here's more on the topic:

I liked the reasoning...why parnassus will soon appear everywhere:

2011-07-03 10: 55 pm UTC (link)
It was necessary to catch it. In general, it is spreading through the fumes - following in the footsteps of last year's fires, it can also populate the Moscow region again. There are enough points of sale in the Vladimir and Ryazan regions.

I understand Gary differently!That's why I found the spot under the Red Lighthouse.This is a sandy or calcareous soil.Where in a drought, as now, all the grass"burns out", except for some types - such as cleaning.Even a rare rain doesn't help-the water quickly goes away.These are areas like semi-deserts, only in the middle zone.Pine,juniper, stonecrop are characteristic.After all, the previous fires to the west of Kasimov erased one of the stations.
Okay-please tell me the experts...One female Apollo in a bag laid 28 eggs.Most of them are brown-green.Some of them are whitish.Is this normal?Well, I read the cultivation method,let's see what happens.
At the dacha, in the north of the Moscow region, on the bait, a lot of flying saw-toothed barbel(tanner).For 20 males-1 female.It can be seen that the bait works purely for males...
Phlox bushes (flowers) are visited by many spurge hawks and several other species.
On grapes, I found a caterpillar of the middle wine hawk moth.I put it in a cage and it pupated.If there are no parasites ,we'll see what happens

This post was edited by Anser - 30.07.2011 06: 47

30.07.2011 13:41, Andrey Ponomarev

P.S. Today we are going with kotbegemot to Alpatievo for night fishing.
The report will not be changed.
Sincerely Gennadich.

30.07.2011 13:47, Vlad Proklov

P.S. Today we are going with kotbegemot to Alpatievo for night fishing.
The report will not be changed.
Sincerely, Gennadich.

I wonder -- how many kilograms of Loxostege sticticalis will come there )))

30.07.2011 14:00, Anser

Gennadich and what is the lens in the camera???Great photos!

30.07.2011 14:14, Andrey Ponomarev

Gennadich and what is the lens in the camera???Great photos!

wink.gif The lens is not there.This is a camping soap dish Canon SX 100 is.

30.07.2011 14:19, Andrey Ponomarev

I wonder -- how many kilograms of Loxostege sticticalis will come there )))

Better take headphones, earplugs, and even cooler gas mask yes.gif

30.07.2011 14:34, vasiliy-feoktistov

It's better to take headphones, earplugs,and even cooler gas mask yes.gif

And now also Gamma and Winter prut so that mom does not grieve shuffle.gif
I'm kidding. Happy fishing beer.gif

30.07.2011 14:42, Anser

  wink.gif The lens is not there.This is a camping soap dish Canon SX 100 is.

Yes!So think about it...save up for an expensive makrushnik or take a good soap dish...Out of 20 images of Parnassus Apollo, only 1.5 came out clear with a regular Whale!This is another 30c dashing degrees of heat, horseflies of various types and sweat in three streams under the Red "Maniac".
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30.07.2011 15:06, Andrey Ponomarev

And now also Gamma and Winter prut so that mom does not grieve shuffle.gif
I'm kidding. Have a good fishing trip beer.gif

Vasili danke sean, which in French means-a big human thank you. beer.gif
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30.07.2011 17:46, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vasili danke sean, which in French means-a big human thank you. beer.gif

Gennadich, you're welcome! beer.gif beer.gif beer.gif beer.gif

31.07.2011 17:53, vasiliy-feoktistov

Gennadich, there were no catocals?
I just caught it there for a long time and it was terrible how much.
Here, specifically:

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01.08.2011 15:46, А.Й.Элез

July 30-31, 2011 Walk through the south-eastern environs of the PTZ (Serpukhov district, Moscow region).

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