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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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02.07.2011 19:32, Kemist

I found it three times in the center of Moscow
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02.07.2011 20:41, Sklif

I regularly hatch Trichoferus campestris from apple tree logs (since 2003). For Ukraine, it was indicated first by A. F. Bartenev (Kharkiv), and then again by A. Zamorok
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03.07.2011 16:36, Sergey Didenko

Engaged in business at the dacha on Yaroslavka, 83 km. The only thing that I can distinguish is the herds of dominula, which were born a hundred pieces per night. Previously, it was clearly less.

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06.07.2011 13:56, AntSkr

The past 4 days. Stupinsky district, Maryinka

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07.07.2011 23:11, Zhuk

Today I was in the PTZ (Serpukhovskaya district), first in Karpovaya Polyana, then in Luzhki and the Republic. I was surprised by the huge number of all kinds of lepidoptera compared to last year. Just cars flew Papilio machaon, Satyrium spini, Lycaena virgaureae tityrus, Gonepteryx rhamni, Nymphalis l-album(these created ppts how many). Only Meleageria daphnis flew. I also observed a female Muschampia tessellum laying eggs on the leaves of Phlomis sp. From interesting things for myself, I first caught the moth Philereme vetulata.

Satyrium spini
Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena tityrus
Meleageria daphnis

Nymphalis l-album
Araschnia levana

Zygaena lonicerae

Idaea serpentata
Idaea emarginata
Philereme vetulata

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09.07.2011 15:27, Dracus

Earlier this week, we went to the south of the Moscow Region, to Kurebino Serebryano-Prudsky district, to look at southern grasshoppers. Wonderful places, with a lot of erect-winged birds and rare plants (for example, Pyrethrum scutellum). As a result, they found a Russian isophia (Isophya rossica), which was sitting on trees and was found in the steppe, and, I think, unusually large females of the eastern sawtail (Poecilimon intermedius), but for some reason they did not find another wingless grasshopper of these places - Poecilimon ukrainicus. All this is in addition to other inhabitants of the southern Moscow region, such as Viridissima. From the missing - a full-winged form of an ordinary green beetle, with a very bright and unusual color, more like Parapleurus alliaceus. But the butterflies, on the contrary, were few, and all banal. In the end, a rainstorm came down at midnight, and I didn't manage to walk as much as I would have liked.

Photo by G. Eremkin.

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09.07.2011 16:36, Sungaya

Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Zolototilovo district.
Night fishing July 01-09.
Among the mass usually found, for the first time here fly:

Ipimorpha contusa
Polia hepatica

Dicallomera fascelina

Callimorpha dominula
Rhyparia purpurata

Idaea muricata
Comibaena bajularia
Anticlea badiata July 07-08. This one occurs every year, but in April.
I apologize for the misinformation, it was Catarhoe rubidata

This post was edited by Sungaya - 08/14/2011 21: 14
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10.07.2011 19:54, Sergey Didenko

Together with Romka (Omar) I was at his dacha in the village of Lovtsy, Lukhovitsky district. During the day, I didn't meet anything interesting from butterflies, from beetles, the most interesting barbels from the ones I met are called Dick... smile.gif At night, catocals perled on a split lamp, yellow ones in dozens, crimson ones in units, but regularly, after 15 I got tired of taking them, all the subsequent ones were eaten by wagtails in the morning. Of the interesting things for me was a couple of scoops. On the second night, I suffered all day with my right eye, did not catch it, only in the evening it let go and we went to the oak grove near Beloomut. Everything was conducive to a massive summer, but it didn't work out. There were practically no beetles, and only yellow catocals flew en masse from butterflies (under a hundred). Banal hawkmoth and cocoonworms were flying only a few times. From an interesting, single one came the golden tail, Narraga fasciolaria some scoops.

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10.07.2011 20:01, Vlad Proklov

Earlier this week, we went to the south of the Moscow Region, to Kurebino Serebryano-Prudsky district, to look at southern grasshoppers. Wonderful places, with a lot of erect-winged birds and rare plants (for example, Pyrethrum scutellum). As a result, they found a Russian isophia (Isophya rossica), which was sitting on trees and was found in the steppe, and, I think, unusually large females of the eastern sawtail (Poecilimon intermedius), but for some reason they did not find another wingless grasshopper of these places - Poecilimon ukrainicus. All this is in addition to other inhabitants of the southern Moscow region, such as Viridissima. From the missing - a full-winged form of an ordinary green beetle, with a very bright and unusual color, more like Parapleurus alliaceus. But the butterflies, on the contrary, were few, and all banal. In the end, a rainstorm came down at midnight, and I didn't manage to walk as much as I would have liked.

Photo by G. Eremkin.

In the photo-caudates, not viridissims!

10.07.2011 20:03, Vlad Proklov

Together with Romka (Omar) I was at his dacha in the village of Lovtsy, Lukhovitsky district. During the day, I didn't meet anything interesting from butterflies, from beetles, the most interesting barbels from the ones I met are called Dick... smile.gif At night, catocals perled on a split lamp, yellow ones in dozens, crimson ones in units, but regularly, after 15 I got tired of taking them, all the subsequent ones were eaten by wagtails in the morning. Of the interesting things for me was a couple of scoops. On the second night, I suffered all day with my right eye, did not catch it, only in the evening it let go and we went to the oak grove near Beloomut. Everything was conducive to a massive summer, but it didn't work out. There were practically no beetles, and only yellow catocals flew en masse from butterflies (under a hundred). Banal hawkmoth and cocoonworms were flying only a few times. From an interesting, single one came the golden tail, Narraga fasciolaria some scoops.

Yes, it's a golden tail! Seryoga pie! =)
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10.07.2011 20:35, Zhuk

nothing! super!

10.07.2011 21:28, Kemist

I would like to clarify what kind of bronzes from the oak grove under Beloomutom

10.07.2011 22:29, Sergey Didenko

I would like to clarify what kind of bronzes from the oak grove near Beloomut

I don't know much about beetles, but I think the banals are two metallics and one aurata.
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10.07.2011 23:02, Dracus

In the photo-caudates, not viridissims!

They are the same, I forgot to specify that viridissima was not removed.

11.07.2011 20:50, Fyodor

Moscow Region, Chekhov district, July 07-11, 2011
Quite a lot of swallowtails for these places, everywhere is full of Nymphalis l-album. Practically no Argynnis paphia. As always, a lot of fresh Inachis io and Gonepteryx rhamni. Apatura ilia and Mellicta athalia arrive.
Quite unexpectedly, I came across Melanargia russiae, I had never seen it in these places before. Satyrium ilicis was also discovered here for the first time.


Thymelicus lineola
Thymelicus sylvestris
Ochlodes sylvanus

Papilio machaon

Leptidea sinapis/reali
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Pontia edusa
Gonepteryx rhamni

Favonius quercus
Satyrium w-album
Satyrium ilicis
Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena dispar
Celastrina argiolus
Aricia eumedon
Polyommatus semiargus

Lopinga achine
Coenonympha pamphilus
Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha glycerion
Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina
Melanargia russiae
Clossiana dia
Issoria lathonia
Brenthis ino
Argynnis paphia
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis aglaja
Limenitis populi
Limenitis camilla
Apatura iris
Apatura ilia
Araschnia levana
Vanessa atalanta
Inachis io
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Nymphalis urticae
Nymphalis l-album
Nymphalis c-album
Mellicta athalia

This post was edited by Fyodor - 11.07.2011 20: 55

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11.07.2011 20:56, Garricos

And today, in the center of Moscow, near the Belorusskaya metro station along Leningradsky Prospekt, I saw Papilio machaon brazenly flying by! (Maybe not quite on the topic, but I really wanted to share it with someone smile.gif)
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11.07.2011 21:02, DavBaz

I was at the PTZ today, in the vicinity of the village of Luzhki. There were Lycaena virgaureae, phlaeas, tityrus. Satyrium pruni grated already. A lot of swallowtails, for the collection I took a large female, used to come across smaller ones. I have seen several Zygaena lonicerae. A relatively large number of Zygaena ephialtes, while walking along the glade of the power line, observed about 20 specimens, including two butterflies of the form medusa.

Zygaena lonicerae

user posted image

user posted image

Zygaena ephialtes

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user posted image
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11.07.2011 21:26, Fyodor

Moscow Region, Serpukhovskaya district, Zibrovo district, July 08, 2011.
Papilio machaon is ubiquitous, almost all specimens are already battered, and it was easier to find fresh Melitaea didyma at the edge of the forest. I found Maculinea teleius in a meadow with krovokhlebka, many of them very broken. There are Polyommatus daphnis, quite a few. Again I met Melanargia russiae, now 2 copies are quite far from each other. Apparently, this species has a chance to meet almost everywhere this year.


Thymelicus lineola/sylvestris

Papilio machaon

Aporia crataegi
Pieris napi
Pontia edusa
Gonepteryx rhamni
Colias hyale

Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena virgaureae
Lycaena tityrus
Cupido argiades
Celastrina argiolus
Maculinea teleius
Aricia eumedon
Polyommatus daphnis
Polyommatus semiargus

Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina
Melanargia russiae
Clossiana dia
Issoria lathonia
Fabriciana adippe
Limenitis camilla
Apatura ilia
Araschnia levana
Vanessa atalanta
Inachis io
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Nymphalis urticae
Nymphalis l-album
Mellicta athalia
Melitaea didyma
Melitaea diamina

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11.07.2011 22:19, Vlad Proklov

Moscow Region, Chekhov district, July 07-11, 2011
Quite a lot of swallowtails for these places, everywhere is full of Nymphalis l-album. Practically no Argynnis paphia. As always, a lot of fresh Inachis io and Gonepteryx rhamni. Apatura ilia and Mellicta athalia arrive.
Quite unexpectedly, I came across Melanargia russiae, I had never seen it in these places before. Satyrium ilicis was also discovered here for the first time.

And what specific point?

12.07.2011 10:13, Fyodor

And what specific point?

Melanargia russiae
1. Chekhov district, Zhalskoe village district, +55° 7' 43.49", +37° 18' 50.19"
2. Serpukhov district, Zibrovo district, +54° 51' 19.94", +37° 41' 54.15"
3. Serpukhov district, okr D. Zibrovo, +54° 51' 0.46", +37° 42' 29.07"
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12.07.2011 14:32, Boris Khramov

Dear Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region.
please see the link to the Macro Club - http://macroclub.ru/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/65240
Interesting....!!!! shuffle.gif shuffle.gif shuffle.gif
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12.07.2011 14:39, Pavel Morozov

Dear Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region.
please see the link to the Macro Club - http://macroclub.ru/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/65240
Interesting....!!!! shuffle.gif  shuffle.gif  shuffle.gif

Someone brought him back alive and released him.
Or maybe they just lied to create hype
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12.07.2011 14:46, Romada

Someone brought him back alive and released him.
Or maybe they just lied to create a stir

All in Kuzminki!!!!!! jump.gif

12.07.2011 15:20, Andrey Ponomarev

Someone brought him back alive and released him.
Or maybe they just lied to create a stir

I know Olga Sytina from Yandex photos and I think that the biology teacher will not be engaged in falsification of facts.

12.07.2011 15:39, Fyodor

About five years ago, when I was in Kuzminki, I saw two large butterflies flying past, which absolutely do not belong to the fauna of central Russia. So obviously some prankster released.

12.07.2011 15:49, Vlad Proklov

Here's more on the topic:

13.07.2011 1:55, Dergg

Report on a trip to the Mecca of Moscow entomologists - the village of Luzhki, Serpukhov district, Moscow region-with colleagues Zhuk and lepidopterologist.

As for the beetles, it is worth noting the capture of two Potosia fieberi. It seems that this species is not so rare in the PTZ (in early June I caught it near Karpova Polyana). I found Lasiopsis caninus on a quiet lawn. Of the barbels on flowers in the mass of Stenurella bifasciata, Aromia moschata, Pachyta quadrimaculata, on the umbrella came across Necydalis major. Persistent attempts to find osmoderma led to the fact that I found a tree, apparently once inhabited by osmoderma (a small hollow, numerous excrements similar to osmoderma, under the tree), but, alas...

Among the lepidoptera, we were struck by the abundance of swallowtails of varying degrees of freshness and their early-aged caterpillars, as well as 4 species of Satyrium, which sat in abundance on the inflorescences of bluebottle. On the side of the road caught a heavily flown milkweed hawk moth. However, our colleagues will probably tell us more about lepidoptera.

Total beetles:

Family Scarabaeidae:
Cetonia aurata
Potosia metallica
Potosia fieberi
Oxythyrea funesta
Trichius fasciatus
Lasiopsis caninus
Hoplia parvula

Family Cerambycidae:
Aromia moschata
Necydalis major
Stenurella bifasciata
Stictoleptura rubra
Lepturobosca virens
Pseudovadonia livida
Pachyta quadrimaculata

сем. Curculionidae:
Cionus sp.
Larinus obtusus
Cyphocleonus dealbatus (?)

This post was edited by Dergg - 13.07.2011 08: 23

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13.07.2011 10:53, AntSkr

Recently, I notice that in the Moscow region, species have begun to come across that have not previously been found in it, moreover, in several places at the same time. Recently, sdi caught a golden tail, and just now I was born in the Stupinsky district with one golden tail exmeplar.
I think they'll be everywhere soon..
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13.07.2011 11:21, Zhuk

(To the Dergg report)
You can add a huge amount of Satyrium w-album to the butterflies, almost all of which have already been flown. And last Thursday they weren't there yet. Come across i licis, spini, already very shabby pruni. Only Favonius quercus. Two specimens of Maculinea teleius were caught in a clearing with several bloodworm plants. Carcharodus alceae, the 2nd generation of Cupido minimus, are isolated. Only Zygaena filipendulae, Lythria cruentaria flew. Very massively Idaea serpentata.

Adscita statices
Zygaena filipendulae

Lythria cruentaria
Lycia hirtaria
, caterpillar

Carcharodus alceae

Satyrium pruni
Satyrium spini
Satyrium w-album
Satyrium ilicis
Lycaena virgaureae
Cupido minimus
Maculinea teleius
Plebejus argyrognomon
Polyommatus daphnis

Issoria lathonia
Melitaea didyma

My part of the catch:

This post was edited by Zhuk-13.07.2011 12: 50

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13.07.2011 21:28, Black Coleopter

Report on a trip to the Mecca of Moscow entomologists-Luzhki village, Serpukhov district, Moscow region

There are stronger places in the MO, but for Lasiopsis caninus respect and respect. This beetle is found only in those parts.

15.07.2011 18:31, Anser

On July 11, I went to the Red Lighthouse...At my request, the forum participants did not localize the cherished places...As a result, I went on a BOOM.From the north of the Moscow region to Moscow and then to Vladimirskaya.I left at 6: 00.Having overcome 400 km, I found a station.This is the first time I've seen live Parnassians.I caught 20 copies in 1.5 hours.I left three copies-a male, a female,and a girl.He dismissed the others.Out of 20 pieces, 5 copies are battered.Just that the girl who came out (from the pupa) surprised me with her behavior!Just like in the literature.I wasn't going to fly away,but when I fell and unfolded my wings, I started to "hiss"-scratch my wings with my feet...The rest, disturbed, flew away like ass-crows!Lots of Swallowtails.And there are a lot of Hawthorns to fool around with....Having dug out five cleanings(on which the female Apollons laid eggs), I went to MO. I took my mother-in-law in Moscow and arrived at the dacha before sunset.In the north of MO, there are insanely many Hawthorns and Swallowtails this year.Soon the second gradation of Swallowtail caterpillars will start eating umbrella plants and dill.In the evening, the first tanners(saw-toothed)barbels flew to my baits!Very early.Thank You All!Reading the forum carefully, I found a "normal" apollo!!!
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16.07.2011 21:27, Kemist

Today I spent fishing in the village of Luzhki.
On current oaks:
1. Oiceptoma thoracica.
2. Plagionotus detritus.
In addition, I found Protaetia lugubris on the trunk of an oak
tree, and Osmoderma barnabita was pleasantly pleased as an imago on the trunk of a tall oak tree and as
larvae in the hollow.
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17.07.2011 0:47, Sungaya

Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Zolototilovo village, July 11-16, on light.
from new products:
Apamea unanimis and Hecatera bicolorata
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17.07.2011 22:49, okoem

Zygaena ephialtes, while walking along the glade of the power line, observed about 20 specimens, including two medusa-shaped butterflies.
user posted image

Pictured form peucedani Esper, 1780
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18.07.2011 13:04, DavBaz

Pictured is a peucedani Esper uniform, 1780

In the photo, yes. I have never photographed a jellyfish in nature. I was afraid to miss it
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18.07.2011 17:13, AntSkr

Last weekend, Stupinsky district, Marinka.
From what is worth noting - the light of Catocala promissa and sponsa, only a few. Also these two species were found drinking juice from cracked oak bark in the morning. Because of the moon, nothing more interesting.

During the day, a fairly common set of butterflies flying at this time, from the interesting Lycaena tityrus, a lot of mating mottles (probably Zygaena lonicerae) and a single Zygaena filipendulae.
I also saw a flying mourning bird, this is the second time I have seen this species this year, although I have never managed to catch it.
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22.07.2011 4:23, Sungaya

Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad district, Zolototilovo village, July 18-22, to light;
this season continues to delight with new products:

Arenostola phragmitidis
Cerapteryx graminis
Apamea scolopacina
Acronicta auricoma

Zeuzera pyrina

Idea serpentata
Isturgia arenacearia
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22.07.2011 23:36, Kemist

I got back from Luzhkov an hour ago.
Trichius fasciatus, Oxythyrea funesta, some Potosia metallica and Cetonia aurata, and one specimen of Lepturobosca virens. There are swallowtails in the air. On the oaks Vespa crabro, Prionus coriarius (males), but continues to please Osmoderma barnabita. Males are found in small shelters on the surface of an oak trunk. Often, the paws are missing. The female was caught inside the hollow.
Potosia fieberi is not and never was.

This post was edited by Kemist - 24.07.2011 17: 13
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23.07.2011 7:50, bugslov

I also did not see Potosia fieberi in the PTZ, but in the Belgorod region it is a mass species.

This post was edited by bugslov - 23.07.2011 07: 50
Likes: 2

24.07.2011 1:29, А.Й.Элез

July 17, 2011 Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, vicinities of the village. Now. The fauna is mostly banal, although the biotopes are interesting and deserve further research. Swallowtail (second generation) is common. Argiolus (second generation) is numerous. There are a lot of dumps of logs (mostly last year's), mostly pine. A very interesting moraine (?), located to the south of the long-dismantled narrow-gauge railway, is not visible, only some small stones can be found in easily accessible places of the swamp. The moraine was clearly visible a few years ago, when its area was burnt out and settled and had not yet been overgrown with forest; now you can't see it from any side behind the rising birch trees, etc., except from the air.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 24.07.2011 01: 46

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