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Moscow and the Moscow region

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27.04.2011 19:21, Vlad Proklov

Is the arrival at the light accidental? And then I have at one time noted the single diaries of almost all families, except perhaps papilionids.

Not accidental: in addition to Viktor, they were born at least another sdi, Gennadich and your defiant =)
Likes: 1

27.04.2011 19:23, lepidopterolog

Beetle and I also celebrated, by the way, also a male.

This post was edited by lepidopterolog - 04/27/2011 19: 24
Likes: 2

27.04.2011 19:28, Vlad Proklov

However, it does fly to the light reluctantly, although it does fly. It's probably easier to break them during the day.
Likes: 1

27.04.2011 19:35, lepidopterolog

By the way, I (in Donino) sabotata actively flies only in the evening or in cloudy weather, the beetle really caught one female during the day in the sun, but in the forest. In general, as soon as the sun disappears behind a cloud, butterflies immediately appear in the field of view. That's how weird they are.
Likes: 4

28.04.2011 4:33, Aaata

But spring girls definitely don't come to light. Or does anyone have such observations?

28.04.2011 5:11, Sergey Didenko

Saboteurs arrive at the light, but not in the mass, both males and females. I've never seen a spring girl in the world...
Last night, Moscow, Ukhtomka.
The first beetle to be born this year, Calopus serraticornis, arrived, and a large carabus also crawled in. From butterflies - a standard set-orthosia inserts (in the mass). gothic (in the mass), populetti (in the mass), cerasi and crudae (singly), vaccinia, munda, transverses, scoops flavicornis and moth-crepuscularia, zinctaria, carpinata, hirtaria. Micro went in mass. This is a very intense year for the city, and I can imagine what's going on in the region this past night and the next.
Yes, I looked at the records of 2009, so despite the late spring, almost to the day the species composition of the butterflies that arrived coincides. Even the first Calopus arrived exactly on April 27 two years ago.

This post was edited on sdi-28.04.2011 08: 35
Likes: 8

28.04.2011 10:43, AGG

For a skate, something is too big)))))
Can I tell you more about the mustache? In males, everything is clear with them, but how do they work in females?

Mr. P. Skou, in his book on geometroid lepidoptera of Northern Europe, suggests distinguishing between two species, including by the size of the discal spot on the hindwing:
[attachmentid ()=109990]


28.04.2011 11:24, lepidopterolog

Do you mean that the female notes have more solid whiskers, while the parthenias have black and white whiskers? Good sign, is it working? It just feels like the female note in the photo doesn't have enough scales on her antennae.

28.04.2011 12:27, AGG

yesfrown.gif, you can cook an ambush with femalessmile.gif, but maybe barko will help us ? mol.gif and discal spots, in my opinion, are generally a weak sign, because the color is very variable

This post was edited by AGG - 28.04.2011 12: 30

28.04.2011 14:19, barko

yesfrown.gif, you can cook an ambush with femalessmile.gif, but maybe barko will help us ? mol.gif and discal spots, in my opinion, are generally a weak sign, because the color is very variable
I think everything will become clear when the butterfly is removed from the straightener. let's wait for the photo.

29.04.2011 14:37, А.Й.Элез

Can I tell you more about the mustache? In males, everything is clear with them, but how do they work in females?
Offhand only http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=389702
This is the topic for the corresponding group. But, in my opinion, somewhere else about a year ago, photos of the whiskers of females for both species were displayed (I think T. barko put them up), now I don't remember where exactly. By females: in parthenia, the whiskers have concentric white rings, in the note-twisted white notches, and somewhat indistinct and confused. Lampert in Kholodkovsky's version gives a very inaccurate indication of the whiskers of females.

02.05.2011 14:37, AntSkr

Moscow region, Stupinsky district
, Practically nothing interesting, I didn't take much. Mostly orthosium flew.
picture: DSC07483.JPG
Likes: 16

02.05.2011 14:55, barko

Moscow region, Stupinsky district
, Practically nothing interesting, I didn't take much. Mostly orthosium flew.
Nothing interesting ????? A scoop with such a color and pattern, I would consider the trophy of the year!

picture: 001.jpg
Likes: 2

02.05.2011 15:35, chebur

01-02 May Chekhov district, Moscow region
Only scoops of the genus Orthosia fly:
incerta, gothica, populeti, cerasi

The photo shows my entire catch. I was interested in the butterfly highlighted in red. Isn't it opima?
Another option is populeti.

Likes: 12

02.05.2011 16:15, svm2

Likes: 1

02.05.2011 22:10, Ilia Ustiantcev

On the night of April 30 to May 1, I was fishing in Odintsovo district of Moscow region, Pestovo. In general, I was there all the May holidays, but I didn't find anything interesting in the afternoon, except for a couple of Earophila badiata, and on the night from 1 to 2, unlike in the east of the region, there were frosts and the temperature at midnight was almost zero. The first night's flight was a good one, but mostly because of the incerta and the gothica mixed in. Here's what I found:

Agriopis marginaria
Biston strataria
Cleora cinctaria
Lycia hirtaria
Earophila badiata
Eupithecia lanceata
Trichopteryx carpinata
(I have already met Lomographa temerata in Moscow)

Orthosia cerasi
Orthosia cruda
Orthosia gothica
Orthosia incerta
Orthosia populeti
Panolis flammea
Cerastis leucographa
Cerastis rubricosa
Brachionycha nubeculosa
Conistra vaccinii
Eupsilia transversa

Achlya flavicornis

Endromis versicolora - 1 male

Zophodia grossulariella

Semioscopis oculella

Acleris hastiana

Likes: 17

04.05.2011 18:47, lepidopterolog

From May 2 to 3, I fished at the dacha in the vicinity of Donino station of the Kazan railway. It was relatively warm and cloudy (unlike the previous night-there was a frost up to -4!).
The flight started at about 22 hours and ended at about 1.30, when heavy rain began to fall.
In the mass, only Orthosia incerta fly, everything else is isolated. At about 23 o'clock, a male endromis arrived with its rear wing still intact and was released after a lengthy photo session.
List of arrivals:


Endromis versicolora

Orthosia incerta
O. cruda
O. gothica
Panolis flammea
Brachionycha nubeculosa
Eupsilia transversa

Achlya flavicornis

Epirranthis diversata
Lampropteryx suffumata
Trichopteryx carpinata
Cleora cinctaria
Lycia pomonaria
L. hirtaria

picture: E. _versicolora_2.jpg
picture: O._incerta.jpg

To my "list" of funny creatures that crawled into the world at different times (such as a solpuga, a jerboa, or a car with Armenians), a bear was added (it gave me a stream of pungent, smelly stuff, a bastard-I didn't think they were capable of this):
picture: ________.jpg


This post was edited by lepidopterolog - 05/04/2011 18: 51
Likes: 32

04.05.2011 23:01, omar

From May 2 to 3, I fished at the dacha in the vicinity of Donino station of the Kazan railway. It was relatively warm and cloudy (unlike the previous night-there was a frost up to -4!).
The flight started at about 22 hours and ended at about 1.30, when heavy rain began to fall.
In the mass, only Orthosia incerta fly, everything else is isolated. At about 23 o'clock, a male endromis arrived with its rear wing still intact and was released after a lengthy photo session.
List of arrivals:


Endromis versicolora

Orthosia incerta
O. cruda
O. gothica
Panolis flammea
Brachionycha nubeculosa
Eupsilia transversa

Achlya flavicornis

Epirranthis diversata
Lampropteryx suffumata
Trichopteryx carpinata
Cleora cinctaria
Lycia pomonaria
L. hirtaria

picture: E. _versicolora_2.jpg
picture: O._incerta.jpg

To my "list" of funny creatures that crawled into the world at different times (such as a solpuga, a jerboa, or a car with Armenians), a bear was added (it gave me a stream of pungent, smelly stuff, a bastard-I didn't think they were capable of this):
picture: ________.jpg


all the bears that came into the world - take! this is probably the second, southern view, especially with a smelly liquid doused over it. our bears do not know how to do this, it seems. By the way, I would take all of your Armenian beetles and give almost all of them a go. write to the agent.

04.05.2011 23:29, lepidopterolog

what, steppoza???? Oh, come on? That's why I thought it was strange...

05.05.2011 1:12, Vlad Proklov

I have two little bears from Neftyanik, both born. But I haven't even gotten around to checking them for stepposis yet.

08.05.2011 21:35, Vlad Proklov

Not a big report from Topolinoe, May 5-7.I caught the light and went for a walk on the 7th in the afternoon to the peat bog in the hope of finding Aglia tau,I saw only one male and he pierced like crazy.But Callophrys rubi is more than enough.During the night summer, everything returns to normal, although from 6 to 7 the night is not quite warm.

On the moor - not Aglia tau, but Saturnia pavonia umnik.gif

Tau is in my yard in Zhukovsky =)

This post was edited by kotbegemot-05/08/2011 21: 36

08.05.2011 22:29, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Not a big report from Topolinoe, May 5-7.I caught the light and went for a walk on the 7th in the afternoon to the peat bog in the hope of finding Aglia tau,I saw only one male and he pierced like crazy.But Callophrys rubi is more than enough.During the night summer, everything returns to normal, although from 6 to 7 the night is not quite warm.

Earwig-Forficula auricularia L., male
Likes: 1

09.05.2011 10:39, Andrey Ponomarev

On the moor - not Aglia tau, but Saturnia pavonia umnik.gif

Tau is in my yard in Zhukovsky =)

If tau is red,I've seen her. tongue.gif

09.05.2011 15:22, Ilia Ustiantcev

Fishing report on May 7-9 in Odintsovo district of Moscow region, Pestovo. Just like on May Day, there was a lot of flying, but almost nothing interesting, and May beetles were added to the rain from incerta. During the day, dawns, spring pigeons and mottledwings are already flying, and I also saw a male red peacock a couple of times. Here's a list of what you found:

Aethalura punctulata
Cleora cinctaria
Ectropis crepuscularia
Lomographa bimaculata
Lycia hirtaria
Paradarisa consonaria
Selenia tetralunaria
Acasis viretata
Earophila badiata
Eupithecia lanceata
Hydria cervinalis
Trichopteryx carpinata
Xanthorhoe biriviata

Endromis versicolora - 2 females, one taken

Aglia tau

Hypena rostralis

Colocasia coryli
Orthosia cerasi
Orthosia cruda
Orthosia gothica
Orthosia gracilis
Orthosia incerta
Orthosia populeti
Panolis flammea
Perigrapha munda
Eupsilia transversa
Lithophane socia
Cerastis leucographa
Cerastis rubricosa
(More scoops - I caught Xylena vetusta in Moscow last week)

Cerura vinula-male and female
Notodonta tritophus
Odontosia carmelita

Taleporia tubulosa

Zophodia grossulariella

Acrolepiopsis assectella

Agonopterix arenella
Depressaria depressana
Semioscopis avellanella
Semioscopis oculella
Semioscopis steinkellneriana
Semioscopis strigulana

Acleris lipsiana

Likes: 15

09.05.2011 23:51, Вишняков Алексей

8.05.2011 Moscow region, plat.
We went to set up window traps. A little posobiralas zhukov.

_______8.05.2011.jpg — (186.83 k)

Likes: 20

09.05.2011 23:54, Vlad Proklov

Same ride from my bell tower:

Likes: 11

10.05.2011 15:10, Dracus

Today I took a walk in the vicinity of Ramenskoye, unfortunately, without a camera. Already in full swing, it turns out, fly swallowtails and latona, well, and the standard set of daytime ones from peacock's eye to argiolus...
Likes: 7

10.05.2011 15:41, Pavel Morozov

And here I am with a very modest report. To be honest, you can get depressed from such cool reports that your friends publish!
Nevertheless, on vacation from 26 to 10 at the dacha in Chigasovo (Moscow Region, Odintsovo district), time is spent with benefit and pleasure.
The weather is mostly warm, sometimes up to +15 at night. Often there was a strong wind at night.
During the day, endromis and diverzats, both Moscow archiearins, are cut down in the clearing, a standard set of day brethren. At night-an abundance of Orthosia incerta and gothica, a lot of cruda, cerasi. Sometimes endromis were happy at the screen (you can't compare it with an Iron Goose smile.gif). Collected a small series of R. cervinalis, there is also A. viretata.
On May 3, under the screen in the rain at about 22: 30, I saw and collected A. parthenias. It turns out that they are flying towards the light. I'm just afraid that she flew around during the day, sat down to rest, was scared off by the wind and flew up to the screen. BUT THE FACT IS!
Some Eriocrania lit up, a lot of Panolis flammea scoops. In general, nothing unusual. And not a single crested bird, damn it!
Another interesting case - I found a male grass frog on top of a female gray toad and photographed it. Spring, you know.

picture: IMG_5672.jpg_Eriocrania.jpg
IMG_5672.jpg_Eriocrania.jpg — (183.49к)

picture: IMG_5584.jpg_komariki.jpg
IMG_5584.jpg_komariki.jpg — (222.17к)

picture: IMG_5869.jpg_bufo_rana.jpg
IMG_5869.jpg_bufo_rana.jpg — (287.22к)

picture: IMG_5928.jpg_E_versicolora.jpg
IMG_5928.jpg_E_versicolora.jpg — (254.28к)

IMG_5894_copy_Archiearis.jpg — (1.06мб)

Likes: 24

10.05.2011 16:18, Zhuk

From 7 to 9 I was in the village (Lenkovo, Ruzsky district). During the day, nothing interesting, standard nymphalids flew, etc. It's warm and windy at night. May beetles just filled up, flew hundreds + even Hydrophilus aterrimus diluted. Of the interesting things, for the first time I took Xylena vetusta, as many as 2 pieces. Just a bunch of incerta, slightly less than other orthoses.
Yes, Pash, and I had tufts smile.gif
Anticlea badiata
Lampropteryx suffumata
Rheumaptera cervinalis
Eupithecia conterminata
Selenia tetralunaria

Cerura vinula

Conistra vaccinii
Xylena vetusta
Panolis flammea
Orthosia gracilis
Anorthoa munda

IMG_4559.JPG — (2.4мб)

IMG_4637.JPG — (2.83мб)

IMG_4643.JPG — (5.09мб)

Likes: 21

10.05.2011 17:12, Vlad Proklov

Some kind of Eriocrania lit up

And you collect for me micro on cotton wool =)
I can spot Eriocrania, and anything else you can catch. Don't offer macro options. It is also not necessary to prick.

By the way, this applies not only to Pasha. Material on micro from MO -- very welcome. Preferably on cotton wool.

10.05.2011 21:33, mikee

Today I took a walk in the vicinity of Ramenskoye, unfortunately, without a camera. Already in full swing, it turns out, fly swallowtails and latona, well, and the standard set of daytime ones from peacock's eye to argiolus...

Already? Usually swallowtails start flying a week or two earlier : -) Chkrkmukha barely bloomed...

12.05.2011 16:47, Pavel Morozov

And you collect for me micro on cotton wool =)
I can spot Eriocrania, and anything else you can catch. Don't offer macro options. It is also not necessary to prick.

By the way, this applies not only to Pasha. Material on micro from MO -- very welcome. Preferably on cotton wool.

Uh-huh, in exchange for the tufts. smile.gif

13.05.2011 0:32, Vlad Proklov

Uh-huh, in exchange for the tufts. smile.gif

Nakoy you podmoskovye khokhlatki? I'm still fishing this region.
By the way, I always collect them for points myself=)

13.05.2011 0:45, barko

Nakoy you podmoskovye khokhlatki? I'm still fishing this region.
By the way, I always collect them for points myself =)
And natoy. Passion. Vlad, I have 57 copies of Conistra vaccinii, 84 pieces of Cucullia umbratica and I regret that I missed the last winter season and did not take any interesting vaccinii. smile.gif

13.05.2011 0:52, Vlad Proklov

And natoy. Passion. Vlad, I have 57 copies of Conistra vaccinii , 84 pieces of Cucullia umbratica and I regret that I missed the last winter season and did not take any interesting vaccinii. smile.gif

Yes, I also have some types - but from different points, different dates - and most importantly-collected by me personally.

I don't need micros in my collection, and I'm not going to spread them out. Just material on MO by points, because I can't catch the west and north of the region.

I still don't change or sell butterflies.
And I will accept micros from the Ministry of Defense exclusively as a gift.
Update: well, or for familiarization/cooking with a refund =)

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 05/13/2011 00: 56

13.05.2011 1:01, barko

Yes, I also have some types - but from different points, different dates - and most importantly-collected by me personally.

I don't need micros in my collection, and I'm not going to spread them out. Just material on MO by points, because I can't catch the west and north of the region.

I still don't change or sell butterflies.
And I will accept micros from the Ministry of Defense exclusively as a gift.
Update: well, or for familiarization/cooking with a refund =)
Not everyone is involved in faunalism of a particular area, as you are, for example. Lots of collectors. They have their own motives. Do you blame them?

13.05.2011 1:02, barko

Yes, I also have some types - but from different points, different dates - and most importantly-collected by me personally.

I don't need micros in my collection, and I'm not going to spread them out. Just material on MO by points, because I can't catch the west and north of the region.

I still don't change or sell butterflies.
And I will accept micros from the Ministry of Defense exclusively as a gift.
Update: well, or for familiarization/cooking with a refund =)
If I had a micro MO, I'd give it to you as a gift.

13.05.2011 1:25, Vlad Proklov

Not everyone is involved in faunalism of a particular area, as you are, for example. Lots of collectors. They have their own motives. Do you blame them?

I don't blame them, I just think their activity is meaningless.

If I had a micro MO, I'd give it to you as a gift.

Thank you, but I don't need them.

13.05.2011 21:11, chebur

07-08. 05. 11 Chekhov district, Moscow region
Daytime hours:
Celastrina argiolus
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Araschnia levana
Nymphalis vaualbum
Anthocharis cardamines
Gonepteryx rhamni
Leptidea sinapis
Pieris napi

In the spruce forest on trunks:
Aethalura punctulata
Cleora cinctaria
Lampropteryx suffumata
In the birch forest:
Archiearis parthenias
In the field:
Hypoxystis pluviaria Brought
to light:
Lycia pomonaria
Selenia tetralunaria
Acasis viretata
Eupithecia lanceata
Trichopteryx carpinata
Xanthorhoe biriviata

Orthosia cerasi
Orthosia cruda
Orthosia gothica
Orthosia incerta
Orthosia populeti
Anorthoa munda
Eupsilia transversa
Cerastis leucographa
Cerastis rubricosa

Zophodia grossulariella
Aphomia sociella

Agonopterix arenella
Agonopterix curvipunctosa
Depressaria depressana
Semioscopis avellanella
Semioscopis oculella
Semioscopis strigulana
Diurnea fagella

Part of the catch:

This post was edited by chebur - 15.05.2011 13: 37
Likes: 23

14.05.2011 18:08, barko

07-08. 05. 11 Chekhov district of the Moscow region
Perigrapha munda
not Perigrapha, but Anorthoa munda
Likes: 1

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