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Moscow and the Moscow region

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07.05.2012 9:40, vasiliy-feoktistov

Uh normalnodlya balcony flying sednya jump.gif
Already, while I'm sitting at the computer (without leaving the cash register):
Odontosia carmelita and Trox scaber in mordants.
And I just throw out the crushers and orthoses.
I wish everyone so beer.gif

Yesterday as jinxed: just wrote this post and the storm started frown.gif
But we still managed to take some of them.
I repeat: there were many crunches of Melolontha hippocastani Fabricius, 1801 and scoop Orthosia sp., which I simply do not take.
I would like to offer a small report:
1) Urban biotope (photo taken from the balcony on which I catch).
2) The fifth ever Trox scaber Linnaeus, 1767 (by the way: no one knows how to launder them?) and Diaperis boleti (Linnaeus, 1758).
3) The somewhat beaten Odontosia carmelita (Esper, 1799) and the freshest Acronicta leporina (Linnaeus, 1758): this is all I have put so far.
4) Interesting micrukha Ethmia quadrillella (Goeze, 1783)
5) Lomographa bimaculata (Fabricius, 1775)
6) Lobophora halterata Hufnagel, 1767. Thanks to svm2 for defining this span.
Well, that's actually all: a thunderstorm prevented a lot, but nevertheless the rain is now for the best (active hatching in nature will go) smile.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 07.05.2012 09: 47

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08.05.2012 9:05, Macroglossum

[quote=vasiliy-feoktistov,07.05.2012 10:40]

08.05.2012 9:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

[quote=Macroglossum, 08.05.2012 10: 05] Continued.
Yesterday as jinxed: just wrote this post and the storm startedfrown.gif

You've got a lot of heart in you, Vasily. You can immediately see that a person's hands are workingsmile.gif
Yes, her "one hundred years in the afternoon" already (homemade): lime board milled simply. My hand is used to it, so what can I do confused.gif? I've seen a lot of scales in my lifetime smile.gif

08.05.2012 9:28, Macroglossum

I've seen a lot of scales in my time smile.gif

This is what I'm talking about, not the virtuosity of the productsmile.gif
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08.05.2012 12:21, vasiliy-feoktistov

Andrey, a willow eats Maladera holosericea (Scopoli, 1772) smile.gif
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08.05.2012 18:37, Victor Gazanchidis

Several times I visited the vicinity of the PTZ (MO) to catch A. tau. If 05.05 they were not there yet, then 07.05 they were already flying en masse, despite the bad weather. Actually, the task was to take a small series of fresh males,as they fly around very quickly, which was successfully done.

DSC02692.jpg — (1.55мб)

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09.05.2012 10:55, Sergey Didenko

Yes, the reports during my absence are very modest. Does almost no one catch anything?

09.05.2012 16:16, feniks

As a result of a raid on May 8 at the dacha (M. O., Savelovskaya railway, Trudovaya Square), this cute dawn was caught
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09.05.2012 22:17, PhilGri

Many thanks to A. Elez for the tip-off!
On the night from the seventh to the eighth, I went with a tent to the Zapolitsa platform (Kazan direction, closer to Shatura).
The main goal is the coveted pavonias.

I caught it first on the platform. Literally at dusk a luxurious large female arrived in excellent condition:

user posted image

then another smaller one and then another one already flown. I put the flying one in a mesh bag and tried to attract males during the day , but it didn't work out.
But I took the eggs from the first one.

In general, by my modest standards, the place is excellent and the flight was awesome. The only pity is that the lampposts are high. Finally caught Panolis flammea-also longed for. Two Stauropus fagi. There are a lot of Cerura vinula and brushworms (Closteria, I haven't determined exactly yet).

I tried my ultralight camping screen:
user posted image

Caught on two LED lights nordway camping lights (great stuff, by the way) and 4 UV detectors for bills. In terms of the number of years for all this, it was much better than I had near Zvenigorod on the DRL, but in terms of species composition, it was poorer than on the platform - there was almost no large timber.

During the day, Aglia tau flew merrily, but all three that I caught up with were already flown. I caught Pyrgus malvae, I think (I'll clarify), I saw Callophrys rubi, but I didn't catch up.

This post was edited by PhilGri - 05/10/2012 01: 14
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09.05.2012 22:34, Vlad Proklov

Many thanks to A. Elez for the tip-off!
On the night from the seventh to the eighth, I went with a tent to the Zapolitsa platform (Kazan direction, closer to Shatura).
In general, by my modest standards, the place is excellent and the flight was awesome.
Two Stauropus fagi.

There is a suspicion that this is Peridea anceps =)

10.05.2012 0:07, PhilGri

There is a suspicion that this is Peridea anceps =)

What do you mean? Not fagi, but anceps?

10.05.2012 1:20, PhilGri

There is a suspicion that this is Peridea anceps =)

Of course, I'm a big fan of confusion, but fagi with anceps is too much smile.gif
Absolutely fagi, I give a tooth smile.gif
I left it in Moscow on rasprovilke, I can't take a picture.
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10.05.2012 1:43, PhilGri

The night from 5 to 6 May was very warm, with fog after a downpour and a light drizzle. I thought it would be a great year, but the expectations were absolutely not met.

A modest catch:
user posted image

I took the worn Panolis flammea because it is very rare in our country. And in a day already in Zapolitsy good caught.

On May 8, Spilosoma lubricipedum arrived. I didn't know she was starting so early.
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10.05.2012 7:13, Sergey Didenko

And last night in Moscow already linden hawkmoth went and dreamonii

10.05.2012 13:03, PhilGri

I forgot to tell you.
On May 8 in Zapolitsy I noticed an unusually large lemongrass in the distance with an unusual black color for a lemongrass smile.gif
My eyesight is not very good-in theory it might have seemed so.
And if not, the first generation of swallowtail smile.gif

10.05.2012 13:08, Mantispid

Something late it is with you, we have a swallowtail in Saratov for a week as it flies with might and main)))

10.05.2012 13:36, vasiliy-feoktistov

I forgot to tell you.
On May 8 in Zapolitsy I noticed an unusually large lemongrass in the distance with an unusual black color for a lemongrass smile.gif
My eyesight is not very good-in theory it might have seemed so.
And if not, the first generation of swallowtail smile.gif

Swallowtail is: there is no one else. Just now it should fly (this year, however, I haven't seen it yet). And so on dandelions before and caught.

10.05.2012 14:18, Macroglossum

Something late it is with you, we have a swallowtail in Saratov for a week as it flies with might and main)))

Yes it has been flying to Moscow region since the end of april

10.05.2012 15:23, feniks

I saw swallowtails three times this May in the nearest Moscow region. I couldn't catch them - they were moving very fast. It looks like there will be a lot of them, it is necessary to sow fennel in the country)))

10.05.2012 15:27, AntSkr

Moscow region, Stupinsky district, Marinka.
For 4 nights, it flew extremely weakly, although some species surprised (I had not met them before).

This post was edited by AntSkr - 05/10/2012 15: 28
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10.05.2012 16:34, Vlad Proklov

I forgot to tell you.
On May 8 in Zapolitsy I noticed an unusually large lemongrass in the distance with an unusual black color for a lemongrass smile.gif
My eyesight is not very good-in theory it might have seemed so.
And if not, the first generation of swallowtail smile.gif

Yes, the swallowtail has already flown, I saw it.

10.05.2012 17:44, Romyald

A very careful bug.It doesn't let you get closer than half a meter ( aperture 18). smile.gif

____________136.jpg — (317.33к)

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10.05.2012 17:47, Romyald

But in a pair, if you catch the moment, they allow you to approach up to 10 cm (aperture 32)tongue.gif.

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10.05.2012 17:49, Romyald

Just smile.gifwhite Aperture 18, flash .

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10.05.2012 18:50, barry

A very careful bug.It doesn't let you get closer than half a meter ( aperture 18). smile.gif

We need to train... smile.gif
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10.05.2012 19:41, vasiliy-feoktistov

A very careful bug.It doesn't let you get closer than half a meter ( aperture 18). smile.gif

Well, out of habit: careful beetle ento "Skakun mezhnyak" Cicindela hybrida Linnaeus, 1758 smile.gif
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10.05.2012 20:26, Sanangel

I never managed to get a picture of the horses. I envy You

10.05.2012 20:30, Sanangel

15 years since I forgot what a diaphragm is. Are you shooting on film or something?

10.05.2012 21:28, Stas Shinkarenko

(aperture 32)tongue.gif.

It can be seen: diffraction " ate " all the details umnik.gifAnd still "wiggle" at such a long shutter speed, and the ISO 3200 light sensitivity confused.gif

This post was edited by wise snake - 05/10/2012 21: 31
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10.05.2012 22:18, Romyald

It can be seen: diffraction " ate " all the details umnik.gifAnd still "wiggle" at such a long shutter speed, and the ISO 3200 light sensitivity confused.gif

Hard in training, easy in battle mad.gif. You noticed the flaws correctly smile.gif, but the technique allows you to take good pictures tongue.gif, and the photo department workshop is in full swing jump.gif. We will click wink.gifuntil it is perfect jump.gif.

10.05.2012 22:28, Victor Gazanchidis

Well, show off, what kind of equipment?

10.05.2012 22:45, Romyald

Well, show off, what kind of equipment?

And what to brag frown.gifabout, wise snake, put everything in its place umnik.gif. But, it's only so far smile.gif.

11.05.2012 8:23, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Hard in training, easy in battle mad.gif. You noticed the flaws correctly smile.gif, but the technique allows you to take good pictures tongue.gif, and the photo department workshop is in full swing jump.gif. We'll keep clicking wink.gifuntil it's perfect jump.gif.

Novel ! Just clicking is too long a road to self-improvement. Read articles on macro photography! Everything will go much faster smile.gifAperture 32 and shutter speed 1/20 is strong of course )) you should not clamp the diaphragm too hard, they have already written why...

11.05.2012 10:58, Romyald

Take a look wink.gif, I look much better here smile.gif. Flash, aperture 13, ISO 200 jump.gif.

____________173.jpg — (6.82 mb)

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11.05.2012 11:26, barry

Take a look wink.gif, I look much better here smile.gif. Flash, aperture 13, ISO 200 jump.gif.

Better now. smile.gif Fighting BB in the sand with flash is of course a full paragraph...

11.05.2012 11:54, Fyodor

Luzhki village, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 06.05.2012

Celastrina argiolus

Nymphalis xantomelas
Nymphalis antiopa
Aglais urticae
Polygonia c-album
Issoria lathonia

Papilio machaon

Gonepteryx rhamni
Anthocharis cardamines
Leptidea sp.
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Pontia edusa

Aglia tau

Boudinotiana notha
Aethalura punctulata
Ectropis crepuscularia
Paradarisa consonaria
Hypoxystis pluviaria
Ematurga atomaria

Atolmis rubricollis

Anorthoa munda

SDC12387.JPG — (2.63мб)

SDC12392.JPG — (2.65мб)

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11.05.2012 18:27, PhilGri

May 10 to the light smile.gif

user posted image
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11.05.2012 21:19, vasiliy-feoktistov

This is the year smile.gif
This is the sixth one in my collection from the balcony!
I've just been born jump.gif

picture: trox_scaber.jpg
trox_scaber.jpg — (40.02к)

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12.05.2012 22:26, lepidopterolog

We went today with kotbegemot to Alpatievo - this is in the Lukhovitsky district, just a stone's throw from the Ryazan region.
The places there are absolutely indecently beautiful, I've never seen anything like this in the Moscow region before. This is Oka in the photo, the Ryazan region is visible in the distance.
Steppe harriers soar, "T - shirts" - Meloe violaceus-crawl. Photogenic beetles, I love them.
Euchloe ausonia and pleasant moth flies - Scopula ornata and Phibalapteryx virgata-fly along the ravines. Makhaonov dofiga, as well as last year. After chasing ausonius, pyadenits, and some micro-fish (which Vlad will tell us), we moved towards the Oka River. And taaaam! And there is polyxena, the most real smile.gifAnd not just one, but several, although they have been killed quite already-years are coming to an end. And the station with the sea of kirkazon was found. So numerous rumors were confirmed, in the list of scale fauna of the MO there was one more species, and not a micromole of some kind was added, but a whole sailboat smile.gif
Terribly happy discoverers on the background of the station:
And, they also took a copy of Phytoecia pustulata, a pleasant barbel.
Such cases smile.gif
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13.05.2012 18:10, Fyodor

Moscow region, Chekhov district, 07-09. 05. 2012
The weather during the holidays was warm, the days were quite sunny, and the nights were calm and overcast, which predisposed to a good summer with all fishing methods. The results of day and night fishing during these days are as follows:

Pyrgus malvae

Celastrina argiolus

Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Nymphalis antiopa
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Nymphalis vaualbum
Polygonia c-album

Papilio machaon

Gonepteryx rhamni
Anthocharis cardamines
Leptidea sinapis
Leptidea juvernica
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae

Saturnia pavonia

Cyclophora albipunctata
Hydria cervinalis
Earophila badiata
Xanthorhoe biriviata
Xanthorhoe spadicearia
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Anticlea derivata
Trichopteryx polycommata
Trichopteryx carpinata
Lobophora halterata
Ectropis crepuscularia
Paradarisa consonaria
Biston strataria
Lycia hirtaria
Aethalura punctulata
Cleora cinctaria
Ematurga atomaria
Selenia dentaria
Selenia tetralunaria
Hypoxystis pluviaria

Eilema sororcula

Autographa gamma
Eupsilia transversa
Lithophane socia
Conistra vaccinii
Cerastis leucographa
Orthosia gracilis
Orthosia cerasi
Orthosia cruda
Orthosia miniosa
Orthosia incerta
Orthosia gothica
Anorthoa munda

Stauropus fagi
Pheosia gnoma
Pheosia tremula
Drymonia ruficornis
Pterostoma palpina
Cerura vinula
Clostera pigra
Clostera anachoreta

This post was edited by Fyodor - 13.05.2012 18: 12

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