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Moscow and the Moscow region

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23.04.2012 19:34, Andrey Ponomarev

The second rotten tree is also Pytho depressus (Linnaeus, 1767), just unpainted (very often happens to it): this is the only member of our family.
Aphodius: Aphodius fimetarius (Linnaeus, 1758)

Thank you Vasily, I took the barbel larvae, I will display them. smile.gif

23.04.2012 19:37, vasiliy-feoktistov

Thank you Vasily, I took the barbel larvae, I will display them. smile.gif

Yes, not for what smile.gifUpis cool: we'll call you!

23.04.2012 22:04, IchMan

In 2-3 photos, not Pytho, but the larva of Boros schneideri (Panzer, 1795) - sem. Boridae,
in 1 photo larva of Rhagium (inquisitor L. if on a pine tree)

I don't know about the Moscow region, but we (in Karelia) have 3 types of rotten wood:
common P. depressus (Linnaeus, 1767),
P. kolwensis Sahlberg, 1833,
P. abieticola J. Sahlberg, 1875
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23.04.2012 22:15, vasiliy-feoktistov

I don't know about the Moscow region, but we (in Karelia) have 3 types of rotten wood:
common P. depressus (Linnaeus, 1767),
P. kolwensis Sahlberg, 1833,
P. abieticola J. Sahlberg, 1875

Well, we have one.

23.04.2012 22:44, IchMan

Well, we have one.

A little strange. Indeed, on Europe. The rarer species P. abieticola is recorded only in the north, while it is found in Austria, Germany, Poland, and Hungary... Don't they have enough Christmas trees? Or should I search more carefully?

This post was edited by IchMan - 04/23/2012 22: 51

23.04.2012 22:48, Seneka

From the infected cocoon of Phragmatobia fuliginosa presented by Ingorem Uchevatov, tachins were hatched this morning. Murka found them first and attracted everyone's attention. One fly remained with its wings unfurled. I apologize for the photos taken by the usual "soap box". If it is possible to pollinate before the appearance, I would be very grateful. Also, there was a question of what to write on the label. It turns out a whole novel. When and where the caterpillar was caught, when and where puparia were found, and when the imagos came out.
I didn't dare leave them alone, so I put the jar in the cabinet.
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24.04.2012 0:56, Fornax13

Lordithon castaneus (Stephens, 1832)is a blackfin stough

And who recorded it in Lordithon's? As far as I remember, now these should be called Bolitobius, and not at all the fact that in the photo B. castaneus (Stephens, 1832). IMHO, Bolitobius cingulatus Mannerheim, 1830 is more likely, since the beetle in the photo has more lightened antenna tops.
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24.04.2012 1:52, А.Й.Элез

And what do springworm caterpillars eat?Correctly birch.
Are there any leaves on the birch tree?No,they're just beginning to bloom.
Soon everything will fall into place.
The departure of imago, of course, occurs long before the beginning of feeding the caterpillars with birch. Parthenias (it is she who feeds on birch) always takes off even in the snow (in the Mozhaisk direction-starting from the last days of March), and not at all isolated, you can see at least reports for past seasons. With the appearance of leaves on the birch (and the cessation of sap flow in birches), parthenias departs.

In general, both springboks fly near the Skorotovo platform, from the village side (although not in very bad weather); you just need to cross the highway from the platform (not from the ticket office, but from the opposite end of the platform) a little diagonally to the right and go along the edge that departs perpendicular from the highway. The edge of the forest goes no more than a kilometer, then turns at a right angle to the left, and then reaches the power line near the dacha village. Then you can go along the power line (bypassing impassable places on the right side) all the way to the village of Dunino. Parthenias and, by the way, Endromis are marked on this entire route. But notha is most reliably caught on the first segment of the forest edge (i.e. from the highway to the left turn of the forest edge), somewhere in the middle of this segment, where there are thickets of young aspens along the edge. After turning to the left , it is more rare, and there was no power line in the clearing, although it is theoretically possible.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 24.04.2012 02: 02
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24.04.2012 9:40, Ilia Ustiantcev

Since I was interested in Nahavnya, I caught notha somewhere else. parthenias generally fly along the railway, and for notha you need to go forward along the train, to the crossing, then turn left and go along the road, do not turn left at the fork (on Kobyakovo), soon there will be a SNT under construction on the right, it is surrounded by aspens, and there are not many birches, and you need to catch it in its surroundings. In general, the last notha caught me at the end of a walk two steps from the cottage)

This post was edited by Ilya U - 04/24/2012 09: 40
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24.04.2012 9:40, Sungaya

From the infected cocoon of Phragmatobia fuliginosa presented by Ingorem Uchevatov, tachins were hatched this morning. Murka found them first and attracted everyone's attention. One fly remained with its wings unfurled. ...

"wingless" is a female. A rare thing. Congratulations!
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24.04.2012 10:13, Sungaya

April 19-23, Mytischi platf station. Builder, along the railway track:

Biston stratarius - both sexes,
Lycia hirtaria-both sexes,
Lycia pomonaria-males,
Apocheima pilosaria-both sexes.
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24.04.2012 12:14, vasiliy-feoktistov

Last night, the bait (described in yesterday's report) burned on the balcony and not a single moth.
Solid scoops (you need to understand): but it's full. I spent the whole morning taking them off from the balcony from everywhere.
And from 22 to 23 came: Biston stratarius, Lycia hirtaria, Apocheima pilosaria and scoop not enough at all.
It's strange: these moth-flies came down like this in one day confused.gif?

24.04.2012 23:05, PhilGri

Today I again went to a good bereznyak (Mozzhinka, near Zvenigorod) in search of spring girls - by zeros.

And then I went to the filtration fields (sewer sump tanks) with stunted birches on the edges of govnobolot. And there I finally saw them - and a lot of them! Finally, I realized the technology of catching smile.gifHorseradish from grass or dead wood. It is necessary to look at the sky smile.gifAgainst the background of the sky, they are clearly visible-they fly high, it turns out. You notice one, you catch it with your eyes and, if it goes down, you rush to catch smile.gifit at a run, and it's better if it's against the sky-against the background of dead wood, they are often lost from sight.

And it turned out that it was Archiearis notha that flew there en masse. As far as I understand, they are in the photo.
But parthenias didn't seem to catch any of them.
Changing my notha to your parthenias smile.gif
user posted image

This post was edited by PhilGri - 24.04.2012 23: 41
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25.04.2012 12:49, PhilGri

I once again appreciated how important useful connections are smile.gif
There are always a lot of butterflies at the village checkpoint, near the highway, and for some reason the species composition is richer than in the depths of the village and closer to the river/fields.
Just in case, I gave the watchman my phone number, but I regularly visited the lodge at night. And yesterday I was too lazy for the first time - I wanted to get some sleep.
Call at two in the morning: "Here it is... Redheaded, healthy, just like you said. I've covered it with a box for now".
Rushed to the checkpoint-FEMALE ENDROMIS! Aaaaaa, complete happiness! I've never seen a female before in my life smile.gif
I left the caretaker a loaded stainer.
I'll put it down for him tomorrow smile.gif

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25.04.2012 15:03, mikee

Yesterday I couldn't stand it and rushed to the sdi in the Oil field for a female lanestrisshuffle.gif, made my way along a highway that was killed to death, spilled in one place by a specific spill, and then along a terrible country road to the peat bogs. Caught only a little more than an hour from 21: 15 to 22: 30, because in the morning at 4 you have to get up for work. The flight started only at 21: 40...
In general, from the point of view of the goal I have a complete bummer: only one male lanestris, though fresh. And so, the usual spring set of scoops and moths was flying, plus a large number of females and males of the crested siversi. Three pairs of fresh endromis (Frantik, please?) were a small consolation, but I've had enough of them for a long time.
By the way, I caught them in the same place where vicgrr had strangled Lanestris three days earlier, including the capture of the coveted female. According to the results of a telephone discussion with the mentioned colleagues, opinions were divided from "already departed" to "cold night". In fact, the temperature all the time fishing was kept at least +10, with the sky in a light haze. After 10, the dew began to fall and the butterflies on the screen somehow froze at once... And Victor (vicgrr) caught in a light rain and very high night temperature. And even in such conditions, the female lanestris did not reach the screen...
In general, the season begins with failure weep.gifHowever, sdi for many years of regular fishing also did not catch a female tongue.gif
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25.04.2012 17:09, Romyald

Steamed these boxesmad.gif, at least someone would help mol.gif. I decided to take a walk around my wife's property wink.gif. Maybe I'll meet some insects rolleyes.gif. But so far only flowers smile.gif. But I've already bought the tickets tongue.gif. so I'll make a real report jump.gifsoon .

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25.04.2012 17:21, Fyodor

Today, the first Pieris rapae are marked in Moscow.

26.04.2012 10:26, Vlad Proklov

Moscow Region, Ramenskiy district, Zhukovo. 25.IV.2012

?Dyseriocrania subpurpurella
Eriocrania ?sangii

Semioscopis avellanella
Semioscopis oculella
Agonopterix heracleana/ciliella
Agonopterix ocellana

Acleris notana/ferrugana
Tortricodes alternella

Achlya flavicornis

Endromis versicolora

Trichopteryx carpinata
Trichopteryx polycommata
Earophila badiata
Eupithecia lanceata
Cleora cinctaria
Phigalia pilosaria
Apocheima hispidaria
Lycia hirtaria
Lycia pomonaria
Biston strataria
Paradarisa consonaria
Ectropis crepuscularia

Odontosia sieversii

Brachionycha nubeculosa
Panolis flammea
Orthosia incerta
Orthosia cruda
Orthosia miniosa
Orthosia gothica
Anorthoa munda

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 04/26/2012 12: 57
Likes: 7

26.04.2012 10:48, Dergg

Usually in early spring ( until May) I catch almost nothing, but yesterday, returning home from the university through the Vorobyovogorsky Forest Park, I couldn't resist walking through several damp ravines, turning over logs and stones. I was mainly motivated by some hope of finding Nebria rufescens in these areas, which some time ago was still caught in the nearby Neskuchny Garden, and which could survive on the slightly less anthropogenic Sparrow Hills. I didn't have much luck with nebria this time, instead I came across large clusters of Limodromus assimilis, a couple of under-colored Pterostichus strenuus, and some other Agonum, most likely fuliginosus. In addition, I came across a Carabus granulatus, which I had never met before in forest parks in the center of Moscow.
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26.04.2012 13:00, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow Region, Ramenskiy district, Zhukovo. 25.IV.2012

?Dyseriocrania subpurpurella
Eriocrania ?sangii

Semioscopis avellanella
Semioscopis oculella
Agonopterix heracleana/ciliella

Acleris notana/ferrugana
Tortricodes alternella

Achlya flavicornis

Endromis versicolora

Trichopteryx carpinata
Trichopteryx polycommata
Earophila badiata
Eupithecia lanceata
Cleora cinctaria
Phigalia pilosaria
Apocheima hispidaria
Lycia hirtaria
Lycia pomonaria
Biston strataria
Paradarisa consonaria
Ectropis crepuscularia

Odontosia sieversii

Brachionycha nubeculosa
Panolis flammea
Orthosia incerta
Orthosia cruda
Orthosia miniosa
Orthosia gothica
Anorthoa munda

Adding a report to the photo.
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Order of Endromis versicolora
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My morning art, in the studio on the balcony. smile.gif
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26.04.2012 13:19, vasiliy-feoktistov

Endromis class! I don't see them at all. And zhuzhlo again ordinary Carabus (Archicarabus) nemoralis O. Mueller, 1764.

26.04.2012 13:22, barko

26.04.2012 13:28, Vlad Proklov

Why do you have ground beetles all climbing trees? smile.gif

They really climb them! Perhaps they hunt for wingless butterflies.

26.04.2012 13:41, barko

They really climb them! Perhaps they hunt for wingless butterflies.
Even strange somehow. And how high do they go up the trunk?

26.04.2012 15:28, Bad Den

They really climb them! Perhaps they hunt for wingless butterflies.

Most likely they come to the light, and then oppa! - FREE FOOD

26.04.2012 15:54, Aaata

Even strange somehow. And how high do they go up the trunk?

Most likely they come to the light, and then oppa! - free food

In the Crimea, several times I found proceruses on tree trunks at a height of 0.5-1.0 m. There was no light source nearby, and there was no potential forage on the tree.

26.04.2012 16:58, Andrey Ponomarev

Even strange somehow. And how high do they go up the trunk?

This one was sitting about half a meter off the ground.I found it when I was looking for wingless females. smile.gif

26.04.2012 17:01, Andrey Ponomarev

Most likely they come to the light, and then oppa! - free food

smile.gif The ground beetle did not come to the light,I came to it with the light. smile.gif

26.04.2012 17:03, vasiliy-feoktistov

Yes, this is normal: local carabuses climb along the trunks. How many times did I find it under the lagging bark at a height of half a meter and above (nemoralis in particular) smile.gif

26.04.2012 23:35, PhilGri

The departure of imago, of course, occurs long before the beginning of feeding the caterpillars with birch. Parthenias (it is she who feeds on birch) always takes off even in the snow (in the Mozhaisk direction-starting from the last days of March), and not at all isolated, you can see at least reports for past seasons. With the appearance of leaves on the birch (and the cessation of sap flow in birches), parthenias departs.

In general, both springboks fly near the Skorotovo platform, from the village side (although not in very bad weather); you just need to cross the highway from the platform (not from the ticket office, but from the opposite end of the platform) a little diagonally to the right and go along the edge that departs perpendicular from the highway. The edge of the forest goes no more than a kilometer, then turns at a right angle to the left, and then reaches the power line near the dacha village. Then you can go along the power line (bypassing impassable places on the right side) all the way to the village of Dunino. Parthenias and, by the way, Endromis are marked on this entire route. But notha is most reliably caught on the first segment of the forest edge (i.e. from the highway to the left turn of the forest edge), somewhere in the middle of this segment, where there are thickets of young aspens along the edge. After turning to the left , it is more rare, and there was no power line in the clearing, although it is theoretically possible.

Thanks! Today I walked all over the edge of the forest and tried to get out into the clearing. There are many springs - more parthenias, but also notha a lot.
About 400 meters from the road at the edge of the forest saw mourning. The mourner showed me with gestures how much she didn't care that I only had one flying copy of the 1990 shaggy year, and flew off into the treetops smile.gifThe clearing, unfortunately, at least at the beginning, is inaccessible-littered with cut down trees and shrubs, studded with sharp stumps of bushes, and so far it's swampy. I didn't think to wear rubber boots.
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26.04.2012 23:39, PhilGri

A kind caretaker at the village checkpoint caught another female endromis with my mordant! I'll put it down again smile.gif
And I saw another one (another one with a torn wing).
In total, one male and three females arrived!
An unusual ratio.

user posted image

This post was edited by PhilGri - 04/27/2012 02: 49
Likes: 3

26.04.2012 23:56, PhilGri

The departure of imago, of course, occurs long before the beginning of feeding the caterpillars with birch. Parthenias (it is she who feeds on birch) always takes off even in the snow (in the Mozhaisk direction-starting from the last days of March), and not at all isolated, you can see at least reports for past seasons. With the appearance of leaves on the birch (and the cessation of sap flow in birches), parthenias departs.

In general, both springboks fly near the Skorotovo platform, from the village side (although not in very bad weather); you just need to cross the highway from the platform (not from the ticket office, but from the opposite end of the platform) a little diagonally to the right and go along the edge that departs perpendicular from the highway. The edge of the forest goes no more than a kilometer, then turns at a right angle to the left, and then reaches the power line near the dacha village. Then you can go along the power line (bypassing impassable places on the right side) all the way to the village of Dunino. Parthenias and, by the way, Endromis are marked on this entire route. But notha is most reliably caught on the first segment of the forest edge (i.e. from the highway to the left turn of the forest edge), somewhere in the middle of this segment, where there are thickets of young aspens along the edge. After turning to the left , it is more rare, and there was no power line in the clearing, although it is theoretically possible.

By the way, I have here around aspen trees on the banks of the sewage sump notha actively flew in large numbers in cloudy weather (6-7 pm), with strong winds and periodically drizzling rain.
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27.04.2012 1:17, Dergg

Why do you have ground beetles all climbing trees? smile.gif

In my time in the Caucasus, C. septemcarinatus, having come to light, climbed a tree (on which the source was fixed) to a height of more than 2 m, clearly not for hunting.

27.04.2012 7:34, А.Й.Элез

By the way, I have here around aspen trees on the banks of the sewage sump notha actively flew in large numbers in cloudy weather (6-7 pm), with strong winds and periodically drizzling rain.
Most likely, you will find only males at the septic tanks and on all such other things (not by chance, and in your photo-only they are), and it is better to go to aspens for females.

27.04.2012 7:44, А.Й.Элез

The clearing, unfortunately, at least at the beginning, is not easily accessible - it is littered with felled trees and shrubs, studded with sharp stumps of bushes, and it is still swampy. I didn't think to wear rubber boots.
It is inaccessible and generally dreary only at the beginning (before crossing the river valley), and then from the ascent to the exit to the altitude maximum and down to Dunino-quite satisfactory. Therefore, it is better to go not to the end of the edge of the forest, and then to the power line glade, but by a tourist route. To do this, before reaching the end of the edge of the forest, go into the forest along a loose dirt road (do not go there without boots, but there is no trouble there except for the tolerable mud) in the middle of its second section (i.e., after turning left at a right angle, on a segment approximately parallel to the railway). go out in about twenty minutes to a wide meadow that descends to the river, cross the river and on the meadow of the opposite bank turn along with the road to the left and in just a couple of minutes you find yourself on a power line (thus, already on the other side of the river,and deprive yourself of the painful crossing of the river By the way, the mentioned meadows on both banks of the river are the place of active summer of male endromis and springbird parthenias (notha is not noted in the inner clearings). When you walk along the clearing, pay attention to the areas of clearings that glow on the left (and partly on the right) (of varying degrees of old age and overgrowth). By the way, there is also one not very old clearings to the right of the power line in its complex section (i.e. up to the river).

27.04.2012 15:58, PhilGri

It is inaccessible and generally dreary only at the beginning (before crossing the river valley), and then from the ascent to the exit to the altitude maximum and down to Dunino-quite satisfactory. Therefore, it is better to go not to the end of the edge of the forest, and then to the power line glade, but by a tourist route. To do this, before reaching the end of the edge of the forest, go into the forest along a loose dirt road (do not go there without boots, but there is no trouble there except for the tolerable mud) in the middle of its second section (i.e., after turning left at a right angle, on a segment approximately parallel to the railway). go out in about twenty minutes to a wide meadow that descends to the river, cross the river and on the meadow of the opposite bank turn along with the road to the left and in just a couple of minutes you find yourself on a power line (thus, already on the other side of the river,and deprive yourself of the painful crossing of the river By the way, the mentioned meadows on both banks of the river are the place of active summer of male endromis and springbird parthenias (notha is not noted in the inner clearings). When you walk along the clearing, pay attention to the areas of clearings that glow on the left (and partly on the right) (of varying degrees of old age and overgrowth). By the way, there is also one not very old clearings to the right of the power line in its complex section (i.e. up to the river).

Thanks! I foolishly went straight to the clearing, through deep ditches, half-buried by trees-fell into the swamp above my knee smile.gifAnd went back through the forest along the path.
Can you mark roughly on the map where this river is?
Somehow it's not visible on the map at all - I didn't even know about it.
Yeah, I just got to this clearing (to the river).

About endromis is very relevant! I have already obtained two females (which is surprising), but the male is not in good condition yet.
Do you think they will reach the second May holidays? It seems that spring is late this year.

This post was edited by PhilGri - 04/27/2012 16: 02

27.04.2012 17:42, А.Й.Элез

About endromis is very relevant! I have already obtained two females (which is surprising), but the male is not in good condition yet.
Do you think they will reach the second May holidays? It seems that spring is late this year.
This night, at least, the males flew quite luxuriously (along the Kazan railway, Shatursky district). But there is no guarantee that they will last long. The females fly almost empty.

27.04.2012 18:39, А.Й.Элез

Can you mark roughly on the map where this river is?
With your permission, I marked this on the Yandex map Editor. The river valley is shown in blue, and the route to the power line exit is shown in red. Just in case, open Yandex maps for comparison, because here my marks cover the forest road and riverine meadows, and on a clean map you can clearly see all this. You can see that the road merges from above into a large meadow that runs away from the floodplain to the south. The name of the river can be viewed on normal maps (in my opinion, a freebie).

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 27.04.2012 20: 08

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27.04.2012 19:36, А.Й.Элез

I was late with my report on my trip to Izmailovsky Park. April 22, 2012 (Volkov, Sungaya, A. Y. Elez); promised to report to his accomplices, but there was still no time. Insects came across those in the photo, and it seems that the male pilosaria is marked; I will add that there are at least thirty specimens of aescularia males.

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27.04.2012 21:05, vasiliy-feoktistov

I want to share my joy. Now on light, to me on a balcony there came the first this year East May khrushch (male). The season went completely and irrevocably jump.gif
Stubbornly did not want to pose so I had to leave:
P.S. While the post was being written, the second one arrived smile.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 27.04.2012 21: 07

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