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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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22.05.2012 7:57, Sergey Didenko

I spent the weekend at my dacha on Yaroslavskoye Highway, behind St. Pasad. Butterflies are traditionally few here, there are too many dacha cooperatives in the area. One proserpine arrived (I don't think I've ever seen it in this place before), and there were quite a few mendicas. On Saturday afternoon, I went to kill a crucian carp in the peat bogs in the Yaroslavl region, beyond Pereslavl. Compared to the Moscow region, fresh raspberries, swallowtails, and taus still fly here. The grass has practically not grown, but there are a lot of ticks (I took 20 pieces off my clothes). I found a mustachioed guy. there was nothing else to note.

P1030387.JPG — (969.22к)

P1030384.JPG — (667.25к)

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22.05.2012 8:05, vasiliy-feoktistov

I spent the weekend at my dacha on Yaroslavskoye Highway, behind St. Pasad. Butterflies are traditionally few here, there are too many dacha cooperatives in the area. One proserpine arrived (I don't think I've ever seen it in this place before), and there were quite a few mendicas. On Saturday afternoon, I went to kill a crucian carp in the peat bogs in the Yaroslavl region, beyond Pereslavl. Compared to the Moscow region, fresh raspberries, swallowtails, and taus still fly here. The grass has practically not grown, but there are a lot of ticks (I took 20 pieces off my clothes). I found a mustachioed guy. there was nothing else to note.

This is not a barbel, but a leaf-eating iris: Donacia or Plateumaris sp. More precisely, maybe someone else will say, I have a little weak with them.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 05/22/2012 08: 07
Likes: 1

22.05.2012 9:02, Victor Titov

Anatoly, are you sure it's her? Not P. nigricornis?
Can I ask for a photo if possible?

Vasya, what is so interesting? I have already found P. nigricornis this year. In our country, according to my observations, it is less common than cylindrica, it mows out on wormwood.

22.05.2012 9:08, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vasya, what is so interesting? I have already found P. nigricornis this year. In our country, according to my observations, it is less common than cylindrica, it mows out on wormwood.

Yes, it was the discovery of P. cylindrica that interested me. I just don't find it, and P. nigricornis as much as you want confused.gif. I'd like to take a look.

22.05.2012 9:53, Dracus

Yesterday we went with G. S. Eremkin hot on the trail to the habitat of the polyxena found by kotbegemot and lepidopterologist in Alpatievo. The only polyxena caught 300 meters from the biotope, and the female-probably one of the last this year. In addition, from the daytime caught my eye

Papilio machaon
Pieris napi
Colias hyale
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Polygonia c-album
Boloria dia
Clossiana selene
Coenonympha pamphilus
Lycaena tityrus
Everes argiades

most of them are massive. From raznoustykh I will mention three bedstraw hawks, startled out of the grass.

A day earlier, on Sunday, G. S. Eremkin visited the Petushinsky forest in the Vladimir region and was struck by a massive invasion of podaliris. At the same time, up to 7-8 butterflies were in the field of view, the number was significantly higher than that of the swallowtail.

6 upper photos - Alpatievo, 6 lower-Petushinsky forest.

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22.05.2012 10:07, aleko

Yesterday we went with G. S. Eremkin hot on the trail to the habitat of the polyxena found by kotbegemot and lepidopterologist in Alpatievo. The only polyxena caught 300 meters from the biotope, and the female-probably one of the last this year.

Not surprising. I have a polyxene station directly under the site, this weekend only one caught my eye. Their century is short, however. Soon it will be possible to watch the tracks.
I wonder what kind of plant with such semans from photo 5?

22.05.2012 10:47, Dracus

I wonder what kind of plant with such semans from photo 5?

These are" slices " of the kirkazon fruit. Seeds are at the end of these lobules.
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22.05.2012 10:55, aleko

These are" slices " of the kirkazon fruit. Seeds are at the end of these lobules.

That's what an idiot I am! I never thought to gut kirkazon's pumpkin and see what's inside smile.gif

22.05.2012 12:55, Victor Titov

Yes, it was the discovery of P. cylindrica that interested me. I just don't find it, and P. nigricornis as much as you want confused.gif. I'd like to take a look.

P. we have plenty of cylindrica and you probably have no less. On umbrella roads, including snyti and kupyr.
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22.05.2012 22:12, PhilGri

The second proserpine has arrived smile.gif
This time, not at 4:30, but at 22:02.

From the first encountered in our poor regions -
Leucodonta bicoloria yesterday and Acronicta alni five days ago.

The mass flight of Drymonia ruficornis has ended, and Peridea anceps still fly in large numbers (in general, in heaps).

A lot of Eilema sororculum, Diaphora mendica, Calliteara pudibunda (caught one completely dark brown without a pattern), Pterostoma palpina, Lomographa temerata.
We were pleased with Phymatopus hecta, Cyclophora annularia and Plagodis dolabraria - this is quite a lot.
Hypoxystis pluviaria, which flew en masse on Zapolitsy, did not see any of them.
The first Opisthograptis luteolata arrived yesterday.
One is Ptilodon capucina, two are Furcula bifida.

A lot of linden hawkmoth and already flown red peacock eyes. Bedstraw plants arrive.

user posted image

user posted image

This post was edited by PhilGri - 05/22/2012 22: 51
Likes: 12

24.05.2012 18:06, Fyodor

Luzhki village, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 20.05.2012

Carterocephalus palaemon
Carterocephalus silvicola
Pyrgus malvae

Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena tityrus
Celastrina argiolus
Callophrys rubi
Cupido argiades

Boloria dia
Boloria euphrosyne
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Issoria lathonia
Coenonympha pamphilus
Pararge aegeria

Papilio machaon

Colias hyale
Gonepteryx rhamni
Anthocharis cardamines
Leptidea sp.
Pieris brassicae
Pieris napi

Aglia tau

Scotopteryx ? mucronata
Aethalura punctulata
Paradarisa consonaria
Pseudopanthera macularia
Ematurga atomaria
Chiasmia clathrata
Lomographa bimaculata
Macaria liturata
Lythria cruentaria

Euclidia mi

Stauropus fagi

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24.05.2012 22:33, Vlad Proklov

Gennadich, cafe-172nd kilometer! (Andrey Jovovich, stroke-hi and thank you for the tip =)
And the village is Lishnyagi, not Lishnyagi or Lishnyaki, as on the sign))

Well, you need to improve your literacy, otherwise it's just a shame...
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24.05.2012 23:38, А.Й.Элез

Zdorovenki buly, your behemoth. Among the toponymic wonders, let me remind you that at the very entrance to Lishnyagi on the sign someone splattered the first two letters with paint (it's been sticking out so much for years, I think they haven't fixed it this year either), so now we turn right from the Kureba lapel before the bridge over the Lane not into Lishnyagi, but into Shnyagi.

By the way, well done that the tent and car were placed close to the forest belt, and if they were taken out at least three meters closer to the river, they would suppress a lot of valuable fauna. However, any car travel on the dirt road between these forest belts and the field at this time of year is obviously worth the lives of several Dorcas of both sexes. So I advise someone to pass these one and a half kilometers in front of the car and either discard the dorcadions, or collect them, just so as not to push the wheels in vain.

What you once identified as Jordanita chloros in my photo was photographed just a few steps away from your bivouac.

If you will be in that place for a long time, I recommend (if you did not know) to take very good water in the spring on the other side, just down the river, where the previous tourist exit skoz forest strip leads to the shore directly to the cape and backwater; from the cape brody to the other side of the feet-right through the island or bypassing the island- and on the other bank, several springs run directly into the river. Ford is already quite passable in boots.
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27.05.2012 12:43, Бабистр

Good afternoon!
Guests from the south arrived in Moscow: burdock and yazykan! And even managed to leave behind a small offspring, however, while in the form of eggs! jump.gif Photo of yazykan taken yesterday, photo of burdock-today, Istra district. If you can, please tell me the name of the plant that yazykan laid his egg on... confused.gif

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27.05.2012 12:53, Alexandr Zhakov

Good afternoon!
Guests from the south arrived in Moscow: burdock and yazykan! And even managed to leave behind a small offspring, however, while in the form of eggs! jump.gif Photo of yazykan taken yesterday, photo of burdock-today, Istra district. If you can, please tell me the name of the plant that yazykan laid his egg on... confused.gif

I think so:
Galium aparine L. (Rubiaceae family)
Bedstraw is a tenacious weed.
I have found yazykana caterpillars on other types of bedstraws.
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27.05.2012 13:00, vasiliy-feoktistov

Good afternoon!
Guests from the south arrived in Moscow: burdock and yazykan! And even managed to leave behind a small offspring, however, while in the form of eggs! jump.gif Photo of yazykan taken yesterday, photo of burdock-today, Istra district. If you can, please tell me the name of the plant that yazykan laid his egg on... confused.gif

Not just them: I Yesterday I couldn't believe my eyes at all eek.gif
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28.05.2012 8:53, Sergey Didenko

Last weekend, the North of MO is not Turkey, there were no interesting scales (it was cold).

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28.05.2012 18:09, Fyodor

Moscow region, Lukhovitsky district, platform Chernaya, 27.05.2012

The weather was quite comfortable, + 20°With and plenty of sun. There are few spring butterflies: whiteflies are not numerous, only lemongrass was found from the overwintering ones. But they are replaced by summer species: various pigeons, mother-of-pearl, checkers fly out. Quite a lot of mnemosyne, but there are almost no fresh copies left.

As a result, here is what was noted::

Ochlodes sylvanus
Carterocephalus silvicola
Pyrgus malvae

Lycaena dispar
Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena tityrus
Polyommatus icarus
Callophrys rubi

Melitaea athalia
Melitaea didyma
Melitaea phoebe
Boloria euphrosyne
Boloria selene
Araschnia levana
Issoria lathonia
Coenonympha pamphilus

Papilio machaon
Parnassius mnemosyne

Gonepteryx rhamni
Anthocharis cardamines
Leptidea sp.
Aporia crataegi
Pieris napi

Hyles gallii

Chiasmia clathrata
Chlorissa viridata
Lomographa bimaculata
Pseudopanthera macularia
Siona lineata
Xanthorhoe biriviata
Idaea pallidata
Scopula immorata

Macrothylacia rubi

Diaphora mendica
Euclidia glyphica
Euclidia mi

Acontia trabealis
Heliothis ononis
Tyta luctuosa

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29.05.2012 23:57, lepidopterolog

Today we took a walk with a Beetle 150 km from Moscow - to the Batkovskoe swamp, to visit Jutta near Moscow. It's nice there - cloudberry, dwarf willows, rosemary bloom, all this is pollinated by small, northern-looking bumblebees; dwarf birch grows. Grace, in short! There are a lot of Jutts, I haven't even seen so many in the north, and at least a hundred individuals were found along the route. Most of them are already battered, really. The main find (for it and went, in fact) - scoop Coranarta cordigera, also has absolutely no, in terms of the quality of specimens. Like a madwoman running around among the blooming wild rosemary. Another nice find is Acronicta menyanthidis. In general, I am unlikely to surprise anyone if I say that due to a sudden and hot spring, the entire phenology has shifted by 1.5 - 2 weeks.
Pyrgus malvae
Oeneis jutta
Clossiana euphrosyne
Gastropacha quercifolia
Jodis putata
Acronicta menyanthidis
Coranarta cordigera
Lacanobia thalassina

Photos (with) Zhuk

Jutta and Cordigera Station


Wild rosemary blooms

Menyathes trifoliata, a beautiful thing

Last year's cranberries are very tasty


Koranarta raz

Koranart two

The Nutcracker

This post was edited by lepidopterolog-05/30/2012 00: 05
Likes: 24

31.05.2012 9:35, Kemist

On May 30, I was in the PTZ, watching the construction of the Oka River bank. In addition to the number of snappers and plates expected in this region, I was surprised to find a pair of Calosoma investigator. I'll give you a full list of beetles later.
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31.05.2012 11:27, vasiliy-feoktistov

I would also like to offer a short report on our joint trip yesterday with Volodya Smirnov (Macroglossum) to Nerskaya (the railway station of the Big Ring of the Moscow Railway).
The trip began with the discovery of the thin worm Korscheltellus lupulina (Linnaeus, 1758) at the Kazansky railway station in Moscow: a kick in the CC of the Moscow region smile.gif
On the Nerskaya itself, the places are simply wonderful: I didn't even want to leave. True, I didn't come across any interesting beetles: I only caught 1 copy. Peltis (=Zimioma) grossa (Linnaeus, 1758) (never found before). Runs/crawls a lot of all kinds of reptiles. I even managed to catch a small viper (Vipera berus) with a butterfly net!!! We watched a little and I let her out-let her live.
List of the most notable species:
Colias myrmidone (Esper, 1781) is full, but many have already been extensively flown.
Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758) well, a lot: it filled everything in the area.
Papilio machaon Linnaeus, 1758 a lot, but almost all of them are flown.
Euphydryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) is sometimes quite rare.
Finally, Tyria jacobaeae (Linnaeus, 1758) was caught singly!
Yes, yesterday your humble servant caught a net for the first time in many years wink.gif
Well, some photos:
P.S. I really want to know what kind of small butterfly is in photo #6. We have a lot of them everywhere.

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31.05.2012 14:58, Romyald

Vasily, and Aporia tobish Hawthorn, on the eighth photo all is not alive. Is this pest control, or is it supposed to be done according to the script?

31.05.2012 16:12, Vlad Proklov

I would also like to offer a short report on our joint trip yesterday with Volodya Smirnov (Macroglossum) to Nerskaya (the railway station of the Big Ring of the Moscow Railway).

user posted image

Pyrausta porphyralis, a good find. But not the fact that they are all like this.
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31.05.2012 18:07, vasiliy-feoktistov

  user posted image

Pyrausta porphyralis, a good find. But not the fact that they are all like that.

Vlad, there are a lot of them out there. Closer to the Nerskaya River itself (on the sand). I didn't take it myself, but I recommend checking it out.

31.05.2012 18:09, Peter Khramov

And Vlad probably means that there could have been other, more common Pyrausta species, which from a distance can not be distinguished from P. porphyralis...

This post was edited by Asar - 05/31/2012 18: 10
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31.05.2012 18:10, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vasily, and Aporia tobish Hawthorn, on the eighth photo all is not alive. Is this pest control, or is it supposed to be done according to the script?

Yes, do not understand: on a puddle drying up filmed. Apparently half of them died, but the cluster is completely wild.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 05/31/2012 18: 11
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31.05.2012 18:14, vasiliy-feoktistov

And Vlad probably means that there could have been other, more common Pyrausta species, which from a distance can not be distinguished from P. porphyralis...

Will, Sing. I took a few shots of it: I'll just figure it out right now.

31.05.2012 19:08, Macroglossum

Vlad, there are a lot of them out there. Closer to the Nerskaya River itself (on the sand). I didn't take it myself, but I recommend checking it out.

Come on, it ended up like dirt.... On roads on sandy slopes... But one view...
Basil, addition-luxury ausonia (male) Funny, but luxury argiolus)))
On the river mass of dragonflies dragonflies (beauty) males, under the canopy of the forest (near the swamps) females
Dia only comes out, bumblebees (one), bedstraw (many).
There would be more, but there are almost no honeybees... Only broom and lupine(bespontovy)_ On the road of ammophila and some of the pompils (small)

This post was edited by Macroglossum - 05/31/2012 19: 15
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31.05.2012 19:14, Vlad Proklov

Come on, it ended up like dirt.... On roads on sandy slopes... But one view...
Basil, addition-luxury ausonia (male) Funny, but luxury argiolus)))

What endings? confused.gif

31.05.2012 19:16, Macroglossum

What endings? confused.gif

Well, I do not understand them, I call them finished, well, what does Vasily have in the photo Here?

31.05.2012 19:26, AGG

no offense, but with the same success-this fenestrella kangaroo wink.gifhas a completely different habit http://www.lepidoptera.pl/show.php?ID=1302&country=RU
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31.05.2012 19:30, Macroglossum

  user posted image

Pyrausta porphyralis, a good find. But not the fact that they are all like that.

In Beloomut, there were still such gray ones with pinkish white spots, but I caught Orion, and the time was only 3 hours (((

31.05.2012 19:38, Vlad Proklov

In Beloomut there were still such gray ones with pinkish white spots, but I caught Orion, and the time was only 3 hours(((

And where exactly in Beloomut?

31.05.2012 19:38, Macroglossum

no offense, but with the same success-this fenestrella kangaroo wink.gifhas a completely different habit http://www.lepidoptera.pl/show.php?ID=1302&country=RU

Do not judge strictly) That's exactly habitus and confused Yes in Beloomute 2 weeks ago fenestrella)) and this is something related))))

31.05.2012 19:41, Macroglossum

And where exactly in Beloomut?

Well, starting from the military unit on the way to the power line, the route is 2 km. It is on the gerbil on the power line. And then after the power line on a pont-less path along the edges on broom flowers.
Well there are 3-5 individuals in the field of view at once
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31.05.2012 20:10, Vlad Proklov

Do not judge strictly) That's exactly habitus and confused Yes in Beloomute 2 weeks ago fenestrella)) and this is something related))))

Was it fenestrella? Or maybe this one?

31.05.2012 20:37, Macroglossum

Was it fenestrella? Or maybe this one?

Vlad, yaz Gru do not understand mozh and Pollinalis. Well tomorrow I'll catch it if you need
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02.06.2012 20:57, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today I visited the power line clearing between the village of Torbeevo, Lyuberetsky district of the Moscow region, and the Ovrazhki station of the Kazan direction of the Moscow Railway for goldenrods and barbels, as I previously noticed a lot of relatively recently felled trees on it (apparently it was expanded due to some new technical standards) and I want to share the result.

Monochamus sutor (Linnaeus, 1758): many.
Acanthocinus aedilis (Linnaeus, 1758): many.
Acanthocinus griseus (Fabricius, 1792): collected a series that I am very happy
about Xylotrechus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1758) : on birch and aspen logs in crazy quantities!
Plagionotus arcuatus (Linnaeus, 1758): small, only 2 specimens were collected. on a single oak log.
Saperda scalaris (Linnaeus, 1758): a lot, but I took only one pair because it was too small.

Chrysobothris chrysostigma (Linnaeus, 1758): единична.
Chrysobothris affinis (Fabricius, 1794): 4 specimens collected.
Phaenops cyanea (Fabricius, 1775): there is always a lot of it, so I took 1 copy.
Melanophila acuminata (Degeer, 1774): a lot, took 2 copies. for a point.

Upis ceramboides (Linnaeus, 1758): it is rare, which is even strange because far away from Moscow it is in large numbers, and nearby I always catch it one at a time.

Panagaeus (Panagaeus) bipustulatus (Fabricius, 1775): it is also a single one, but there is never much of it.

Just like that, I took the bus from home to the forest for a short smile.giftime .
Some photos:

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02.06.2012 21:29, Dracus

I visited it today...I want to share the result.

By the way, did anyone notice that this year's camel is somehow bigger than usual? Even deep in the city come across, and not only entomologists.

02.06.2012 21:34, Vlad Proklov

By the way, did anyone notice that this year's camel is somehow bigger than usual? Even deep in the city come across, and not only entomologists.

Yes, they also saw Tolik in Alpatievo.

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