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Moscow and the Moscow region

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26.06.2012 13:52, Aaata

...By the way, about these two Saperda question: both species have individuals with green and gray color. Is this a sex trait or a non-sex-related variation?

Individual variability. Plus, different degrees of fraying/scuffing, especially after getting wet - "turn gray", because their color is not completely restored when drying (the hairs that determine the color and pattern are lost and stick together). Both types are also bright yellow.
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26.06.2012 14:03, Sungaya

Vasily and Aaata, thank you!
I'll show you the black barbel later.

30.06.2012 19:37, Sungaya

June 24-28, Shatursky district,
Tugolesye, a lot of things fly, from the most interesting:

into the light:
Pseudoterpna pruinata (male)
Ourapteryx sambucaria (isolated)
Bupalus piniarius (males, females)
Phragmataecia castaneae (males, females)
Lycophotia porphyrea (males)
Callopistria juventina a lot, but mostly females
Dicallomera fascelina very often (males, females)

Pseudoterpna pruinata (female)
Amata nigricornis often (males, females)

This post was edited by Sungaya - 30.06.2012 20: 51
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30.06.2012 22:59, DavBaz

Today, June 30, on the route Khripan-41 km.
From butterflies met:


- Clossiana selene
- Clossiana dia
- Boloria aquilonaris

- Brenthisinoargynnis paphia ( mostly only males, only one female found in the forest)
- Nymphalis xanthomelas
-Limenitis populi (female on glades)
- Apatura ilia (males on the puddles of the clearing, a female also met on the forest road)


- Coenonympha arcania
- Aphantopus hyperantus


- Aporia crataegi
-Pieris napi
-Euchloe ausonia (single specimen at the edge of the forest)
- Gonepteryx rhamni


- Carcharodus flocciferus
- Thymelicus sylvestris


- Plebejus argus
- Aricia eumedon
- Lycaena virgaureae

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01.07.2012 17:17, Ilia Ustiantcev

Report on fishing in Pushchino, in the far south of Moscow region. July 15-29. Since I was there in practice, and not even in the field at all, but in the laboratory, and in the conditions of the hostel it was not possible to put the screen normally, the number of butterflies encountered is not very large. But much of what has arrived takes not quantity, but quality. During the day, the main hunting grounds were the Steppe Island nature Reserve, where places were completely atypical for the Moscow region: a lot of elm, licorice-leaved astragalus, sage, at least two types of milkweed and bedstraw (one of which is with yellow flowers), carnations and other carnations; scabiosa yellow, blue-headed, yarrow noble, common bruise (however, this is a weed plant, there are all over the city), once I met a" bush " of Nonea pulla, it's a pity that I didn't take a picture. But most of all, there was a strange tall plant growing there, something like a haze, with reddish leaves-maybe those who have been to the PTZ know? Down in the floodplain, mostly made up of willows, there was a real concerted attack of black-and-red polychrome and pennywort, the pupae hanging from the branches like honeysuckle, and it was raining all the time under the trees. Yes, and raznoustye, judging by the abundance of Brachylomia viminalis at night, also frolicked. For other insects, except butterflies, I can say a little: in the reserve I once met Hoplia parvula in large numbers on umbrella trees, I took Stenocorus meridianus from an ash tree, and during all this time I saw a lot of Sceliphron destillatorium riders. From the diaries, I was interested in Ausonia and the mosaic thickhead, but I didn't find any particularly rare pigeons, although eumedon and minimus were new to me. Craniophora ligustri (there are almost no finds in the region), Hypochalcia propinquella (only kotbegemot caught it), Costaconvexa polygrammata (the second, like, find in the region) and Idaea ochrata, which, like, we have not caught yet. But the most interesting discovery was the Whittleia retiella sac caught mowing on cereals. It has never been seen in Russia at all... However, according to Vlad, there is a possibility that Epichnopterix moskvensis described from one specimen with a similar color is its synonym. Below is a list of the found species, but not all of them, but only those that are of interest. In micra for Vlad, I also wrote several types, some of which are banal, for points.

Cauchas fibulella
Nemophora degeerella
Nemophora metallica

Blastodacna atra

Batrachedra praeangusta

Ethmia bipunctella

Carpatolechia alburnella
Chionodes electella
Dichomeris rasilella
Parachronistis albiceps
Pexicopia malvella
Recurvaria leucatella
Teleiodes vulgella

Whittleia retiella

Stathmopoda pedella

Tinea semifulvella

Archips xylosteana
Choristoneura hebenstreitella
Cydia splendana
Cymolomia hartigiana
Eana argentana
Eucosma metzneriana
Grapholita compositella
Hedya salicella
Lathronympha strigana
Phtheochroa inopiana
Piniphila bifasciana
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
Syricoris lacunana
Syricoris rivulana
Tortrix viridana
Zeiraphera isertana

Cedestis gysseleniella

Ypsolopha sequella

Сallimorpha dominula

Ascotis selenaria
Bupalus piniaria
Chloroclystis v-ata
Comibaena bajularia
Costaconvexa polygrammata
Idaea humiliata
Idaea muricata
Idaea ochrata
Idaea straminata
Itame brunneata-flew across the river, what? There are no blueberries or heather nearby, and there were a lot of them...
Odezia atrata
Philereme vetulata
Thera obeliscata

Malacosoma castrense
Malacosoma neustria
Odonestis pruni

Apoda limacodes

Arctornis l-nigrum

Aedia funesta
Apamea lateritia
Atypha pulmonaris
Conisania luteago
Craniophora ligustri
Dypterygia scabriuscula
Hecatera dysodea - the most natural banal
Ipimorpha contusa
Lacanobia w-latinum
Lasionycta imbecilla - a lot, even during the day met
Paradiarsia punicea
Sideridis reticulatus

Earias clorana
Nola aerugula
Pseudoips prasinana

Conobathra repandana - there were a lot of them
Hypochalcia propinquella
Vitula biviella

Chamaesphecia tenthrediniformis-collected two specimens, one of them 12-13 mm in span!
Synanthedon formicaeformis

picture: DSC04558.JPGpicture: DSC04561.JPG
But about this pair of photos, I will ask you to say a couple of weighty words to Hierophis...

This post was edited by Ilya U-01.07.2012 17: 18
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02.07.2012 9:04, Svyatoslav Knyazev

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02.07.2012 15:23, GlebSinon

To Ilya U: and what is the butterfly in 21 photos with transparent wings? Caught the same one, didn't get caught before.

02.07.2012 15:35, GlebSinon

To Ilya U: and what is the glass case in 21 photos? I caught the same one, but I didn't see it before.

02.07.2012 15:46, Ilia Ustiantcev

Synanthedon formicaeformis, most likely. Willow grows a lot nearby.

02.07.2012 19:07, Fyodor

Luzhki village, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 01.07.2012

Among other things, I came across Glaucopsyche alexis-a species that was Hoarse./Samodurov was not cited for the PTZ.


Ochlodes sylvanus
Thymelicus sylvestris
Thymelicus lineola
Muschampia tessellum

Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena dispar
Lycaena virgaureae
Aricia eumedon
Celastrina argiolus
Glaucopsyche alexis

Cupido argiades
Cyaniris semiargus
Phengaris teleius
Polyommatus amandus
Satyrium pruni
Satyrium spini

Apatura ilia
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis aglaja
Argynnis paphia
Boloria dia
Boloria selene
Brenthis ino
Issoria lathonia
Limenitis camilla
Melitaea athalia
Melitaea didyma
Aglais urticae
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Nymphalis vaualbum
Polygonia c-album
Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha glycerion
Lasiommata maera
Aphantopus hyperantus
Hyponephele lycaon
Maniola jurtina
Melanargia russiae

Papilio machaon

Gonepteryx rhamni
Aporia crataegi
Pieris napi
Pontia edusa

Ematurga atomaria

Zygaena lonicerae

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04.07.2012 15:56, Vlad Proklov

But the most interesting discovery was the Whittleia retiella sac caught mowing on cereals. It has never been seen in Russia at all... However, according to Vlad, there is a possibility that Epichnopterix moskvensis described from one specimen with a similar color is its synonym.

No, it's a good view, apparently. But the combination should be changed to Whittleia moskvensis.

W. retiella is an Atlantic species, unknown east of southwestern Sweden and Denmark.

In our south there is also W. undulella, from which Solyanikov separated moskvensis. Simply and Kozhenchikov, and Solyanikov felled them all in the genus Epichnopterix.

This post was edited by kotbegemot-04.07.2012 15: 58
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05.07.2012 22:46, Sungaya

July 1-5, MO, Shatursky district, in Botino found caterpillars of Tyria jacobaeae.
Lycophotia porphyrea, Pseudoterpna pruinata, Dicallomera fascelina continue to delight in the Woodlands. Also interesting are the females of Gastropacha quercifolia and Lasiocampa quercus (born). In general, females of Leucoma salicis, Euroctis similis, and Malacosoma neustria fly quite actively to the light.
As well as some beetles and some webbing (quite a lot)

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05.07.2012 23:31, Victor Titov

July 1-5, MO, Shatursky district, in Botino found caterpillars of Tyria jacobaeae.
Lycophotia porphyrea, Pseudoterpna pruinata, Dicallomera fascelina continue to delight in the Woodlands. Also interesting are the females of Gastropacha quercifolia and Lasiocampa quercus (born). In general, females of Leucoma salicis, Euroctis similis, and Malacosoma neustria fly quite actively to the light.
As well as some beetles and some webbing (quite a lot)

Not a damn "some beetles"!!! Tragosoma depsarium!!! This is the most interesting part!!! In my opinion, all the mentioned butterflies are eclipsed! Here it is-in the Moscow region!!!

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 05.07.2012 23: 35
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05.07.2012 23:41, Sungaya

Not a damn "some beetles"!!! Tragosoma depsarium!!! This is the most interesting part!!! In my opinion, all the mentioned butterflies are eclipsed! Here it is-in the Moscow region!!!

So I thought that something unusual smile.gifThanks!

06.07.2012 0:10, Frantic

Why does Tragosome have a pinhole? For the convenience of the importer?wink.gif
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06.07.2012 0:27, Sungaya

Why does Tragosome have a pinhole? For the convenience of the importer?wink.gif

There is no hole there , it's in the photo so it turned smile.gifout

06.07.2012 0:40, Bad Den

Not a damn "some beetles"!!! Tragosoma depsarium!!! This is the most interesting part!!! In my opinion, all the mentioned butterflies are eclipsed! Here it is-in the Moscow region!!!

Yes, and figs with it, with tragozoma, there are no ground beetles suitable. tongue.gif

This post was edited by Bad Den-06.07.2012 00: 40
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06.07.2012 0:59, Sungaya

Yes, and figs with it, with tragozoma, there are no ground beetles suitable. tongue.gif

Than rich. But cocoonworms spawn smile.gif

06.07.2012 1:23, Aaata

Why does Tragosome have a pinhole? For the convenience of the importer?wink.gif

Tragosomes often have congenital holes on their elytra.

06.07.2012 1:29, Dracus

So I thought that something unusual smile.gifThanks!

Did the beetle come into the world too?

06.07.2012 1:44, Sungaya

Did the beetle come into the world too?

All beetles in the light, except the upper right one (the one on the aspen log)

And to the question of holes:

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06.07.2012 13:45, Fyodor

Today near d. Dydyldino Leninsky district of Moscow region caught Brenthisdaphne.

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07.07.2012 12:58, Black Coleopter

All beetles in the light, except the upper right one (the one on the aspen log)

Tragosome, if I'm not mistaken, is confined to the pines.

07.07.2012 17:47, Liparus

Not a damn "some beetles"!!! Tragosoma depsarium!!! This is the most interesting part!!! In my opinion, all the mentioned butterflies are eclipsed! Here it is-in the Moscow region!!!

I wonder if it is rare everywhere or if there are places where you can collect a series? Do you know how long she lives?

This post was edited by Liparus - 07.07.2012 17: 47

08.07.2012 11:39, Sungaya

Tragosome, if I'm not mistaken, is confined to the pines.

And there are pine trees everywhere. Speaking of aspen, did you mean Aegomorphus ? clavipes

09.07.2012 22:22, НатЕремина

Tonight, I was almost hit by a beetle similar to Prionus coriarius
geographically Korolev, near Bolshevo station. if someone needs it.. then I will hand it over with pleasure.

09.07.2012 22:35, PhilGri

A lot of interesting things, but I just don't have time to write. I barely have time to straighten it smile.gif

Yesterday I went on an excursion along the edge of the forest and a clearing near Skorotovo (Odintsovo district, near Zvenigorod).

A huge number of Argynnis paphia. I really wanted to catch the greenish-gray shape. I saw it four times and missed it two times stupidlyfrown.gif, banging my head against a tree. I caught two of them, but one of them is in poor condition. The second one is satisfactory.

The next largest population is Speyeria aglaja. A lot.
Several Brenthisinoand Clossiana selene, one Fabriciana adippe.

A lot of Limenitis camilla. I was hoping fervently for a late Limenitis populi and saw one. But he went into the trees and was gone.

Nothing interesting about marigolds. Exclusively platitudes.

Callimorpha dominula flew merrily - there are a lot of them both day and night now.

There are many mottles of Zygaena lonicerae.

Of the moths, only Camptogramma bilineata was caught.

From the night news: the mass flight of Panthea coenobita ends - so many of them have never flown in my memory.

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This post was edited by PhilGri-09.07.2012 22: 37
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10.07.2012 4:16, А.Й.Элез

A few photos from a trip to Serebryanoprudsky district of Moscow region, southern suburbs of der. Extra people. June 30-July 5, 2012

Numerous are alcon, hyperantus, lycaon, pigeon dispar (only females) and virgaureae (only males); common, among other things, by 5.07.2012 meleager (more males, and females came across only brown) and tessellum. From the more or less interesting, but not included in the frame, I will name melanargia russiae (singular), mottled carniolica (singular), pigeons of minimus and argiades; a female of monochamus urussovi was taken on the fly, and a large female of the giant horntail once sat on the pants. Unfortunately, variegated chloros is not noted. Interestingly, Dorcadion is still crawling and quite common (males; females are rare), but not at the points where it is hatched first. In general, the whole complex there is a little late in this period compared to last year; perhaps if I could stay longer, individual species would become more frequent.

Other people's old glasses were found, at least five of them, one of which contained at least a dozen dead gravediggers and dead eaters, and the rest also contained dead food in the rainwater, but only a little. The glasses are clearly from last year, and they were delivered very illiterate (and haphazardly, which also does not make it easier to find and remove them later), which is strange, since entomological suckers do not travel this far. There is absolutely nothing interesting about the glasses. I would advise the owner of the glasses to remove the traps in time (I still remember where they were placed), so as not to ruin the fauna in vain. I'm tired of finding these entomoclades from the Batkovsky swamp in the north of the MO to the Lishnyagas in the south.

If anyone recognizes a dark blue (with a purple hue) leaf beetle the size of a seven-point cow (removed, alas, poorly), please let us know right here. I have a hunch, but it's better to let someone say who is more literate.

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16.07.2012 0:00, А.Й.Элез

When I returned home from a trip, I found that I didn't have the camera with me; I will report without photos and only about the most interesting things for me.

A trip to two locations in the Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow region, July 13-15, 2012, the second of which is the vicinity of the village of Beloomut.

On July 13, a new (at least not literally identical to those marked in the CC MO) osmoderm habitat was found in the Lukhovitsky district. This confirms the old truth that formally honest formulations of the CC's specific articles about the places and years of finds, which gradually lead the average reader to think about the absence of a species in other places (or in the specified places, but in other years), in fact speak much more about the real state of the species ' populations, but rather about the just about the lack of systematic work to track it. However, this qui pro quo concerns osmoderms much less than many really inflated Red bookers.

The beetle at that point just started hatching, only four males were recorded. Of the butterflies at this point, I did not meet anything interesting; I note that the usual promissa in that place is already very battered.

Confirmed osmoderm habitat in the vicinity of the village of Beloomut. For such confirmation, it is more than enough to find dozens of adult larvae and, together with them (i.e., in the same oak cavity), the remains of a female imago. In the same vicinity, Orion butterflies were recorded, among other things (the only flight of the second generation imago took place today, 15.07.2012, by noon, but not at the main habitat points of the species, which is locally numerous in those places, but at the well-warmed white moss-ochitkovo-broom "frying pan" found by me only in the spring of this year inside the pine forest). forests). Didyma has already flown around, the freshest ones can only be found individually in females. Pafia males of various degrees of freshness are common, but only one female was found, and it was the fresh valesina. In general, as reported by the Ministry of Defense, it is the form of valesina that gives life this season.

Myrmidon is common (and more common than usual! although the Burrow in its former years is, of course, still far away today), there are much more males, both sexes are already beginning to fly around, but so far there are enough luxury specimens. Females are rarer than males, and almost all are white in shape.

Of the nocturnal species in the vicinity of Beloomut, quercus is noted, among other things, the species is common, but males fly (it flies) more than females; females (viewed close) are pretty beaten, and the condition of the flying male is difficult to determine.

A new (for me, at least) point of striata habitat has been found, the species is common at this point, both sexes are currently in the freshest condition; previously, I did not mark it in the vicinity of Beloomut, and even now it was found only on the mentioned "frying pan".

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 07/16/2012 01: 56
Likes: 11

16.07.2012 10:15, aleko

Of the nocturnal ones in the vicinity of Beloomut, quercus is noted, among other things

Actually, there is also Marumba quercus from the night clubs, for some reason I first thought about it, and I almost felt bad: what if I didn't see something important in my life? confused.gif

16.07.2012 19:38, А.Й.Элез

No, we're talking about something closer...

16.07.2012 20:05, Ilia Ustiantcev

Another report on fishing in Pestovo, from 3 to 15 July. The weather almost every night, except 13-14, was very favorable for night fishing, but during the day I stayed at home for almost the entire second week, fearing to get caught in a thunderstorm) A few kilometers from the dacha, I found a good habitat on a well-warmed slope of the Nakhavnya River Valley - with oregano, forest rank, licorice astragalus and a small amount of milkweed. In the list, I'll note who exactly I caught there. Once a May beetle flew into the world! Quite grated, but still-definitely not June, probably too late. Rhinos have arrived several times, and they are quite common in Pestovo. The bear Callimorpha dominula has a massive breeding season, but no interesting aberrants have been caught. Below is a list of new or just interesting butterflies. (there will be a few banals, because in the first half of July I almost did not catch, but the rare Lamprotes c-aureum, for example, there is nothing to do there - this species has not been surprising for me for a long time)

Nemophora minimella

Agnathosia mendicella
Elatobia fuliginosella
Infurcitinea ignicomella

Sterrhopterix fusca

Phyllonorycter roboris

Batrachedra pinicolella

Multicoloria sp.
Orthographis brevipalpella

Acompsia tripunctella
Isophrictis striatella

Bactra furfurana
Eupoecilia angustana
Thiodia citrana

Loxostege turbidalis

Conobathra repandana
Hypochalcia lignella
Selagia argyrella

Zygaena filipendulae - Нахавня
Zygaena viciae-Nakhavnya

Synanthedon tipuliformis-into the light

Catarhoe rubidata
Chloroclystis v-ata
Isturgia arenacearia
Ourapteryx sambucaria
Scopula corrivalaria

Malacosoma castrense is a single female. There were no males. confused.gif
Malacosoma neustria

Hyles euphorbiae

Chilodes maritima
Cucullia lindei
Hadena compta
Hyssia cavernosa
Ipimorpha contusa
Polia hepatica
Polychrysia moneta
Pyrrhia exprimens
Simplicia rectalis

Carcharodus flocciferus-Nahavnya

Glaucopsyche alexis-Nakhavnya

Cucullia lindei
Carcharodus flocciferus
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Zygaena viciae
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Scopula corrivalaria
Isturgia arenacearia
Catarhoe rubidata
Sterrhopterix fusca
Malacosoma castrense
Chilodes maritima
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Hyssia cavernosa
Pyrrhia exprimens
Lacanobia contigua. Just really weird. smile.gif
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Synanthedon tipuliformis
Nemophora minimella
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Some kind of glitter
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19.07.2012 21:05, Andrey Ponomarev

Hello everyone.I haven't visited in a while.
I wonder why I don't see any Lasiocampa quercus catches in the reports.
In Poplar on the swamp caught with a generator.They have a nest there.I stepped over this one 50 times until I was able to take a picture.
picture: IMG_6502.jpg
They also have a nest on Warrior Mountain.During the night, at least 15 females arrived, no longer quite clean.
Picture: Lasiocampa_quercus___________________1.jpg
I was on Nerskaya and they flew there too.but not in the same amount as in the previous places.
picture: IMG_6546.jpg
Summary,this year these butterflies have a holiday.They are found where aspen and oak trees grow in abundance.
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19.07.2012 23:45, Vlad Proklov

Hello everyone.I haven't visited in a while.
I wonder why I don't see any Lasiocampa quercus catches in the reports.
Summary,this year these butterflies have a holiday.They are where aspen and oak grow in abundance.

... and broom.
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23.07.2012 22:45, А.Й.Элез

Lukhovitsky district tour, July 22-23, 2012. Photos in nature were taken north of Dedinovo, the rest are already in Moscow. No trees were felled during the tour. The size of the female aeruginosa is 27 mm.

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24.07.2012 4:11, Dmitry Vlasov

The third photo shows a good group of friends!!! You'll find an oak tree like this...
And yesterday I took only a series of Velleius dilatatus on sokotochivy oaks...
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24.07.2012 11:40, А.Й.Элез

Not bad. I haven't seen any of them yet.

24.07.2012 13:03, Dmitry Vlasov

Yes, I also accidentally typed them in. I went to the old park in the city, decided to go around the oaks, which there are about 25-30 pieces..., posobirat on sokotochivyh different spangles. And in the end a series of wellies
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24.07.2012 19:06, Юстус


No, well, I don't believe my eyes: A. Y. Elez zhukof collects... Why would that be?
It is clear, shto-there are all sorts of "weather anomalies" and other things (over in the almost neighboring topic Dmitrich, the flight of flies determines how nuts click...)
And what's going on? I don't understand... Probably hopelessly behind zhyzni...
The only consolation is the faint hope that Andrei Jovovich was not catching a bug for himself (but for ... well. path of the same Dmitrich, for example)...
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24.07.2012 21:34, А.Й.Элез

Probably hopelessly behind zhyzni...
Yeah... I've posted beetles here before, when I thought it necessary to inform my colleagues about them (from the latter - a report on a trip to Lishnyagi, which, alas, so far no one has responded with the definition of the beetles presented). There are beetles that are not a sin to report to the layman. They can't all be in time for everything, so let your colleagues know at least some of what happened in a given place at a given time. In addition, the last trip to the butterflies was worthless; only a few w-album and quercus pigeons flashed, but the first one flew around, and the second one flew painfully high. At the second point of the tour (already between Beloomut and the Ryazan region), the niobe mother-of-pearl was found, and in the second hour of the night, the ground beetle Broscus cephalotes was noted on the sands (thirty years ago it was common near my house on Ukrainian Boulevard in Moscow). I don't mention inveterate platitudes, except for this year's mass tour of the lymantria monacha pines. I expected to find a pigeon orion (II gen.) near Beloomut, where it has a rookery, but I didn't have a chance (although only one fresh copy flew out a week earlier). This is despite the fact that the first generation of Orion was very numerous there. However, the probability of a pre-flight still remains.

By the way, I don't remember if I reported it: a week earlier, near Beloomut, also on the sands in a pine forest, the freshest male mourner was taken. This is also an event. In recent years, I've been seeing more Red Books.
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