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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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05.08.2012 21:52, Kemist

I'll tell you the type of magic herb later. No way without it. On the muzzle metallic and a little bit of aurata. The umbrella trees had faded. Leaking tree sap is rare, and the area is dry. Not a single fiber is visually visible. I collected eight today.

And who are the majors?

05.08.2012 22:03, Maksim M.

Not Cialis Major or major, so sorry, I apologize for the bad Latin.

05.08.2012 22:12, Kemist

I caught two majors this year

05.08.2012 22:30, Maksim M.

I have 1 pair-dad4. 5cm, mom a little less, or on the turn,but I saw them from afar, fundamental beetles, while on the mattresses 3 individuals are 2 times smaller and do not cause those emotions.I will take pictures of all the beauty on Wednesday, not everyday plus mattresses, 2 copies of horntail were caught in the evening-the size of a hornet, although the beast is completely different.

06.08.2012 1:42, Liparus

And I only have one this year

07.08.2012 3:39, Macroglossum

Not Cialis Major or major, so sorry, I apologize for the bad Latin.

It's not bad Latin... This... I transliterate as I wantfrown.gif
We do not show off anything, but communicate. Don't be lazy to read the Latin Textbook for medvuzov simply and easily, even when watching TV shows in parallel)))

09.08.2012 16:53, Vlad Proklov

We went with Gennady and Ilya Ustyantsev to Serebryano-Prudsky district.

The goal of the trip-Paracossulus thrips in the Moscow region-has been achieved.

user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

List of species (I might have forgotten something):

Triodia sylvina (Linnaeus, 1761)

Tischeria ekebladella (Bjerkander, 1795)

Monopis monachella (Hübner, 1796)

Phyllocnistis labyrinthella (Bjerkander, 1790)
Phyllocnistis saligna (Zeller, 1839)

Ypsolopha dentella (Fabricius, 1775)
Ypsolopha scabrella (Linnaeus, 1761)

Mompha epilobiella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Mompha subbistrigella (Haworth, 1828)

Acompsia cinerella (Clerck, 1759)
Anarsia spartiella (Schrank, 1802)

Stenoptilia sp.
Pterophorus pentadactyla (Linnaeus, 1758)

Clepsis pallidana (Fabricius, 1776)
Philedone gerningana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Agapeta hamana (Linnaeus, 1758)
Agapeta zoegana (Linnaeus, 1767)
Endothenia gentianaeana (Hübner, [1799])
Bactra furfurana (Haworth, 1811)
Ancylis comptana (Frölich, 1828)
Epinotia thapsiana (Zeller, 1847)
Eucosma obumbratana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846)
Pelochrista caecimaculana (Hübner, [1799])

Paracossulus thrips (Hübner, 1818)

Thymelicus lineolus (Ochsenheimer, 1808)

Leptidea sp.
Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758)
Colias hyale (Linnaeus, 1758)
Colias myrmidone (Esper, [1777])
Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758)

Cupido (Cupido) minimus (Fuessly, 1775)
Polyommatus (Polyommatus) icarus (Rottemburg, 1775)
Polyommatus (Plebicula) thersites (Cantener, 1835)
Polyommatus (Meleageria) daphnis ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon (Poda, 1761)
Aricia agestis ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Plebejus (Plebejus) argyrognomon (Bergsträsser, [1779])
Lycaena virgaureae (Linnaeus, 1758)

Chortobius pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Hyponephele lycaon (Rottemburg, 1775)
Maniola jurtina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Boloria (Clossiana) dia (Linnaeus, 1767)
Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Argynnis niobe (Linnaeus, 1758)
Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758)
Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus, 1758)
Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758)
Aglais (Inachis) io (Linnaeus, 1758)
Aglais (Aglais) urticae (Linnaeus, 1758)
Nymphalis (Polygonia) c-album (Linnaeus, 1758)

Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758)
Anerastia lotella (Hübner, [1813])
Dioryctria schuetzeella Fuchs, 1899
Hypochalcia ahenella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Etiella zinckenella (Treitschke, 1832)
Nephopterix angustella (Hübner, 1796)
Homoeosoma calcella Ragonot, 1887
Homoeosoma sinuella (Fabricius, 1794)
Phycitodes maritima (Tengström, 1848)

Cataclysta lemnata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Donacaula mucronella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Calamotropha paludella (Hübner, [1824])
Agriphila inquinatella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Agriphila straminella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Agriphila tristella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Pyrausta cingulata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Loxostege sticticalis (Linnaeus, 1761)
Ecpyrrhorrhoe rubiginalis (Hübner, 1796)
Anania terrealis (Treitschke, 1829)
Psammotis pulveralis (Hübner, 1796)
Pleuroptya ruralis (Scopoli, 1763)

Watsonalla binaria (Hufnagel, 1767)

Thyatira batis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Dendrolimus pini (Linnaeus, 1758)

Hyloicus pinastri (Linnaeus, 1758)

Idaea sp.
Cyclophora punctaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Timandra comae Schmidt, 1931
Lythria cruentaria (Hufnagel, 1767)
Lythria purpuraria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Aplocera plagiata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Catarhoe cuculata (Hufnagel, 1767)
Catarhoe rubidata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Epirrhoe tristata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phibalapteryx virgata (Hufnagel, 1767)
Eupithecia icterata (De Villers, 1789)
Eupithecia centaureata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Eupithecia millefoliata Rössler, 1866
Pseudoterpna pruinata (Hufnagel, 1767)
Macaria liturata (Clerck, 1759)
Ascotis selenaria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Bupalus piniaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Plagodis dolabraria (Linnaeus, 1767)
Peribatodes rhomboidaria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Hypena proboscidalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Arctornis l-nigrum (Müller, 1764)
Orgyia antiqua (Linnaeus, 1758)
Phragmatobia fuliginosa (Linnaeus, 1758)
Eilema (Manulea) complana (Linnaeus, 1758)
Calyptra thalictri (Borkhausen, 1790)
Phytometra viridaria (Clerck, 1759)
Catocala sponsa (Linnaeus, 1767)

Autographa gamma (Linnaeus, 1758)
Emmelia trabealis (Scopoli, 1763)
Acronicta (Triaena) ?psi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Heliothis viriplaca (Hufnagel, 1766)
Athetis (Proxenus) lepigone (Möschler, 1860)
Actinotia polyodon (Clerck, 1759)
Apamea lateritia (Hufnagel, 1766)
Mesoligia furuncula ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Parastichtis suspecta (Hübner, [1817])
Enargia paleacea (Esper, 1788)
Cosmia trapezina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Lacanobia (Dianobia) suasa ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Hadena (Anepia) perplexa ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Mythimna (Mythimna) pallens (Linnaeus, 1758)
Mythimna (Hyphilare) albipuncta ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Euxoa (Euxoa) ?nigrofusca (Esper, [1788])
Chersotis cuprea ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 12.08.2012 22: 08
Likes: 17

09.08.2012 18:36, rhopalocera.com

Aglais (Aglais) urticae (Linnaeus, 1758)
Aglais (Inachis) io (Linnaeus, 1758)

Who rammed them into one kind? Interesting to read...

09.08.2012 19:03, Vlad Proklov

Who rammed them into one kind? Interesting to read...

download file nympphyl.pdf

size: 318.88 k
number of downloads: 305

09.08.2012 19:32, rhopalocera.com


download file nympphyl.pdf

size: 318.88 k
number of downloads: 305

Not a very good argument there. I looked it up at the time and forgot it. In addition, at the end of the last and beginning of the current centuries, the mechanisms for constructing phylogenetic trees were much worse implemented in software. I think the recalculation of trees using modern technologies will give different results.

09.08.2012 20:47, Andrey Ponomarev

In addition to Vlad's report, not a large number of photos.
The purpose of the trip is Paracossulus thrips.
DRL 250 and 2 UV lamps that Ilya took with him did not give a bad result.
Installation is not a tricky installation.
picture: IMG_0794.jpg
picture: Anania_verbascalis1.jpg
picture: Ancylis_comptana.jpg
picture: Aplocera_plagiata.jpg
picture: Arctornis_l_nigrum.jpg
picture: Ascotis_selenaria2.jpg
picture: Athetis_lepigone2.jpg
picture: Bactra_furfurana1.jpg
picture: Dioryctria_schuetzella.jpg
picture: Epinotia_thapsiana.jpg
picture: IMG_0823.jpg
picture: IMG_0825.jpg
picture: IMG_0887.jpg
picture: IMG_0890.jpg
picture: IMG_1080.jpg
picture: IMG_1083.jpg
picture: IMG_1085.jpg
Alfalfa sown with a wonderful smell and caterpillars mowed out of it.
picture: IMG_1087.jpg
picture: IMG_1091.jpg
picture: IMG_1092.jpg
picture: IMG_1093.jpg
This one is cut from a larch tree.
picture: IMG_1549.jpg
picture: Mompha_epilobiella.jpg
picture: Mompha_subbistrigella.jpg
picture: Mythimna_albipuncta1.jpg
picture: Nephopterix_angustella.jpg
picture: Nephopterix_angustella0.jpg
picture: Nephopterix_angustella1.jpg
This is what the expedition was dedicated to-Paracossulus thrips.
picture: Paracossulus_thrips.jpg
picture: Pelochrista_caecimaculana.jpg
picture: Peribatodes_rhomboidaria.jpg
picture: Phytometra_viridaria.jpg
picture: Polyommatus_coridon.jpg
picture: Polyommatus_coridon2.jpg
picture: Pseudoterpna_pruinata.jpg
picture: Pyrausta_cingulata3.jpg
picture: Watsonalla_binaria1.jpg
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09.08.2012 21:35, Alexandr Zhakov

Interesting ones you have Mythimna (Hyphilare) albipuncta.

09.08.2012 21:56, Vlad Proklov

Interesting ones you have Mythimna (Hyphilare) albipuncta.

This is something with lighting/white balance Gennady namudril - they are ordinary, red =)
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11.08.2012 21:16, Liparus

In addition to Vlad's report, not a large number of photos.
The purpose of the trip is Paracossulus thrips.
DRL 250 and 2 UV lamps that Ilya took with him did not give a bad result.
Installation is not a tricky installation.
picture: IMG_0887.jpg

Crop circles? smile.gif

12.08.2012 20:08, Ilia Ustiantcev

For those who carefully read my reports, please note: photos from three places in the Moscow region at once! smile.gif
22-24. 07 Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, near Antsiferovo station. Here at night we managed to catch not a lot of interesting things: a female oak cocoonworm, Eucosma pupillana, Argyrotaenia ljungiana, Dioryctria simplicella, Crocallis elinguaria, Setina irrorella, but during the day we met a single specimen of Pararge aegeria! (in Meshchera!) Photos:
24.07-05.08 Odintsovo district, near the village of Pestovo. More interesting things, but mostly micro: Nemapogon nigralbellus, Lyonetia clerkella, Plutella porrectella, Chrysoesthia drurella, Helcystogramma lutatella, Aethes smeathmanniana, Eucosma conterminana, Eucosma obumbratana, Notocelia incarnatana, Eudonia pallida, Hydriomena furcata, again Crocallis elinguaria, Isturgia arenacearia is already the second, Lymantria monacha female melanist, Eublemma purpurina, Catocala promissa, Protolampra sobrina, grated Mythimna albipuncta, and ground beetles Calathus (Dolichus) halensis were also born for a couple of nights.
06.08-08.08 Lishnyagi, a few more photos in addition to kotbegemot and Gennadich. By the way, you forgot to mention that at this time, the evil tyrant Agrimonius II Creeping is ruling in Lishnyagi smile.gif
Dead Aricia agestis
user posted imageuser posted image
Philedone gerningana, Vlad, you didn't put her on the list.
Phibalapteryx virgata
Chersotis cuprea
Nephopterix angustella with life cycle elements)
user posted imageuser posted image
user posted imageuser posted image
Anarsia spartiella, safely dusted during a photo shoot
Catocala sponsa
If it's not perplexa, but capsincola, then I'm the king of the world) tongue.gif
Creophilus maxillosus
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12.08.2012 22:06, Vlad Proklov

For those who carefully read my reports, please note: photos from three places in the Moscow region at once! smile.gif
1) 06.08-08.08 Lishnyagi, a few more photos in addition to kotbegemot and Gennadich. By the way, you forgot to mention that at this time, the evil tyrant Agrimonius II Creeping is ruling in Lishnyagi smile.gif
2) Philedone gerningana, Vlad, you didn't write it on the list.
3) Anarsia spartiella, safely knocked out during the photo shoot
4) If it's not perplexa, but capsincola, then I'm the king of the world) tongue.gif

1) I would subtitle any report from there would put "visiting repeshka"=)

2) Ay, seeker, ay, I'll be damned in this place!

3) Povbyvav would!!!

4) No, you are not the king of the world. Respect, I didn't see it in time!
Likes: 1

15.08.2012 20:13, А.Й.Элез

For those interested in the Moscow region. Belated photos of Lukhovitsky district, July 13-15, 2012

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15.08.2012 20:13, А.Й.Элез

For those interested in the Moscow region. Belated photos of Lukhovitsky district, August 4-5, 2012 The photos taken in the upper swamp east of Beloomut (marsh myrtle, blueberry, wild rosemary thickets) were taken late in the evening, so they didn't quite work out.

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15.08.2012 22:58, Maksim M.

A. J. Elez, here on terr. Kaluga region, pine forests are not a continuous belt,but interspersed with mixed forest, the biotope is completely different than in the Lukhovitsky district, I once worked in mostransgaz and rested in Alpatievo in prom sanatoriums Priokskie daly, I have not seen glabratus in their places more than once,and my observation is you apparently spend in your favorite places the maximum possible amount of time, IMHO-your observation deserves praise.Sincerely, Maxim.

This post was edited by Maksim M. - 08/15/2012 23: 21
Likes: 1

16.08.2012 2:52, А.Й.Элез

A. J. Elez, here on terr. Kaluga region, pine forests are not a continuous belt,but interspersed with mixed forest, the biotope is completely different than in the Lukhovitsky district,I once worked in mostransgaz and rested in Alpatievo in the prom sanatorium Priokskie daly, I have not seen glabratus in their places more than once.
Glabratus in the photo was taken immediately after raising a flat cut of a fallen century-old oak tree, among placers of oak sawdust. The forest in that particular place is mixed, including frequent middle-aged and older oaks, although a little pine. In general, in the Lukhovitsky district there are not only dry forests. There are centuries-old oaks in the middle of the steppe, and there are riding swamps, and old firs, and much more. I don't see glabratus very often. In the last century, it was found mainly in coniferous forests (with an admixture of birch, etc.) on the Skorotovo - Raevo line (Odintsovo district of the Moscow Region) and on the Herzen - Agafonovo line (the same district) - crawling on moss or hiding under dead wood, it was also noted when a moss carpet was torn off from the soil (it rested under the ground). neem on a hot day right on the wet ground). In dry sandy forests along the edges of the glabratus already this century got into a glass of vinegar on the Red Mayak - Bolotsky line (Kovrovsky district of the Vladimir region). That is, the range of biotopes-like, say, coriaceus.

16.08.2012 8:47, Aleksandr Safronov

A. J. Elez, here on terr. Kaluga region, pine forests are not a continuous belt,but interspersed with mixed forest, the biotope is completely different than in the Lukhovitsky district,I once worked in mostransgaz and rested in Alpatievo in the prom sanatorium Priokskie daly, I have not seen glabratus in their places more than once...

C. glabratus is more demanding of the biotope than C. coriaceus. If populations of C. coriaceus can successfully exist in small broad-leaved old plantings (usually with the participation of oak), then C. glabratus requires a forest area with the participation or completely coniferous (in spruce forests more often). And C. glabratus is a more local species, at least in the mixed forests of the Tula region along the Oka River valley.
C. glabratus definitely lives in the Kaluga region. I have copies from coniferous forests of the national park "Ugra".
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25.08.2012 22:58, lepidopterolog

An hour and a half ago, returning from the dacha, I caught such a friend at the gas station in Zheleznodorozhny:
user posted image
Mantis religiosa, Moscow by lepidopterolog, on Flickr
Likes: 18

25.08.2012 23:07, Vlad Proklov

An hour and a half ago, returning from the dacha, I caught such a friend at the gas station in Zheleznodorozhny

Well, everything, knocked down the virgin)))

25.08.2012 23:21, lepidopterolog


26.08.2012 4:54, vasiliy-feoktistov

An hour and a half ago, returning from the dacha, I caught such a friend at the gas station in Zheleznodorozhny:

What gas station (geographically): idle interest.

26.08.2012 12:03, lepidopterolog

Not far from the intersection of Nosovikhinsky highway. from Keramicheskaya St.:
Likes: 3

26.08.2012 23:01, omar

One-week rehabilitation in the Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow region. There are few beetles in the world, but Salpingus bimaculatus came. During the day, the dry forests are full of Masoreus wetterhallii, Cymindis angularis, Zabrus tenebroides and Italian prus. Ophonus stictus has settled in the garden and happily runs away when pulling out weeds. Fly very fresh swallowtails and peacock eyes, and all sorts of mother-of-pearl and checkers are very broken and translucent.

This post was edited by omar - 26.08.2012 23: 24
Likes: 9

31.08.2012 13:04, Andrey Ponomarev

Hello everyone.
I was at the dacha in Poplar on August 23-30.The plan was to visit two points, Voinova Gora and Nerskaya.Unfortunately, not everything came true.
I couldn't get to Nerskaya Street.The weather has turned sour.Most of the butterflies fly worn.
In the swamp mushrooms went,you can even say they did not go and ran.I don't post gribofoto,take my word for it.
August 23-25 peat bog.
picture: Acleris_logiana.jpg
picture: IMG_0141.jpg
I spent about ten minutes chasing this shoelace to get it off,until this snake got into a defensive stance.This is the first time I've seen such a viper's color.
picture: IMG_0157.jpg
picture: IMG_0159.jpg
picture: IMG_0167.jpg
picture: IMG_3696.jpg
picture: IMG_3722.jpg
picture: IMG_3778.jpg
Voinova Gora 25.08.2012
picture: Ancylis_comptana.jpg
picture: Celypha_rufana1.jpg
picture: Comibaena_bajularia.jpg
picture: IMG_0146.jpg
picture: IMG_3485.jpg
picture: IMG_3507.jpg
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picture: IMG_3528.jpg
picture: IMG_3542.jpg
picture: IMG_3558.jpg
picture: IMG_3646.jpg
picture: Xanthia_togata.jpg
Well, what came to light and not only during the period of stay in the country.
picture: Gelechia_rhombella.jpg
picture: IMG_0143.jpg
picture: IMG_2923.jpg
picture: IMG_2951.jpg
picture: IMG_3005.jpg
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Likes: 32

09.09.2012 1:42, Sungaya

Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad district, Zolotilovo village, 8-9 September, on light.
Among other things Larentia clavaria
Likes: 7

09.09.2012 18:23, Andrey Ponomarev

Hello everyone.
Poplar 5-8. 09. 2012.There's nothing interesting about the lamp, even though the nights are quite warm.
picture: IMG_4232.jpg
picture: IMG_4243.jpg
picture: IMG_4260.jpg
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picture: IMG_4380.jpg
picture: IMG_4385.jpg
picture: IMG_4418.jpg
An American friend of Russian farmers was also born.
picture: IMG_4405.jpg
Sawflies on the rose hips.
picture: IMG_4268.jpg
picture: IMG_4293.jpg
06.09.2012 and maybe earlier there was a Nephopterix angustella whose caterpillars were taken on the European birch bark in Lichens 07.08.2012.
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
picture: 4.jpg
picture: 5.jpg
picture: 6.jpg
picture: 7.jpg
picture: 8.jpg
At the dacha, I put together a shelf for the caterpillar and puppet fund, which I moved home for the winter yesterday and set up today.
Likes: 23

13.09.2012 0:11, PhilGri

Oh, autumn-autumn...
Today, Colotois pennaria and Diloba caeruleocephala arrived - and somehow it was especially a pity that the long-awaited summer was smile.gifover. smile.gif
They're a little early this year.

This post was edited by PhilGri - 13.09.2012 00: 14
Likes: 3

16.09.2012 5:26, Sungaya

September 13-14, Moscow region, Shatursky district, Tugolesye.
The temperature is about 10 deg. Clearly, there is no moon.
Fishing time 21.30-3.30
Lamp 15 W, white and UV 26
W Colotois pennaria, 6 males
Ennomos autumnarius -2 males
Ectropis crepuscularia – 3
Epirrita autumnata - about 10
Diloba caeruleocephala – 5 males
Allophyes oxyacanthae about 7
Catocala fraxini - 2
Mniotype satura – 1 female
Agrochola helvola – 1 male
Xanthia togata about 5
Amphipoea ?fucosa-1
Hydraecia micacea -1
Lithophane furcifera – 3 (1 female, 2 female)
Chortodes pygminus – 4 males

And during the day
of the Caterpillar:
Acronicta auricoma
Acronicta rumicis
Biston betularius
Cyclophora albipunctata

Chalcophora mariana
Monochamus galloprovincialis

September 15-16, Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad district, Zolototilovo
temp. 14 deg, cloudy, no moon, no wind. Average rain all night.
DRL 250 lamp
fishing time 21.30-6.00

Poecilocampa populi female

comae Epirrita autumnata
Abraxas sylvata
Colotois pennaria a lot of males (I have not met them before in this place)

Macdunnoughia confusa
Diachrysia stenochrysis
Abrostola triplasia
Xestia c-nigrum
Agrotis segetum
Agrotis ipsilon
Xanthia togata
Xanthia icteritia
Blepharita amica
Agrochola lota
Agrochola circellaris
Amphipyra pyramidea
Amphipyra tragopoginis
Protodeltote pygarga
Hydraecia micacea
Diloba caeruleocephala
Lithophane socia
Lithophane consocia
Lithophane furcifera самка (впервые в этом месте)
Rivula sericealis
Eupsilia transversa
Capsula sparganii
Conistra vaccinii
Gortyna flavago
Caradrina clavipalpis
Hecatera dysodea (for the first time in this place)
Nonagria typhae
Allophyes oxyacanthae

This post was edited by Sungaya - 09/16/2012 14: 05
Likes: 18

16.09.2012 17:47, Sergey Didenko

I went to the dacha on Orekhovo at least on the flag to collect mushrooms. Mushrooms are still quite numerous - I went with a friend for two days in a row, every day they collected more than 4 buckets of white ones, others did not take them (honey mushrooms could be collected with trunks). But even this was too much, as a result, they had to be recycled until half the night. Therefore, I went to the screen only for smoke breaks, watched the situation. The nights were warm, and various banals were flying in a shoal - dilobes, gorgeous green scoops, and other autumn noctuines, a dozen and a half species of moth, and even lichens. We can note three types of crested whales (all imagos are in perfect condition) - notodonts dromedaris and zigzag, plus pheosia tremula, there were no hawk moth. Of the interesting things for me - scoops aprelina and helvola. During the day, while I was picking mushrooms in the forest, I saw several dozen mourning women. One even flew into the house at the dacha.

This post was edited by sdi - 16.09.2012 22: 39

P1030970.JPG — (1.92 mb)

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16.09.2012 21:10, Maksim M.

I noticed that there are flying places,it is on them that the variety of species arriving on the screen pleases.In non-flying places, the number of species is small and strictly limited? biotope, during the summer I visited seemingly luxurious places-oaks, old linden trees in the forest, pripechnye edges and visibility is not limited,as a result, there is nothing to take from the screen.And for example, near the city, plus the light of road lighting, along a hiking ravine, it is caught quite well.

16.09.2012 22:50, А.Й.Элез

2012_IX_16 (Moscow city, TLCA Park).
The weather is overcast, short-term rain, no more than 16 degrees Celsius, a short excursion, and one copy of autumnata that was not included in the frame .

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Likes: 17

17.09.2012 0:57, Bad Den

2012_IX_16 (Moscow city, TLCA Park).
The weather is overcast, short-term rain, no more than 16 degrees Celsius, a short excursion, and one copy of autumnata that was not included in the frame .

What a hellish squirrel! smile.gif
Likes: 5

22.09.2012 18:51, AntSkr

Moscow region, Stupinsky district, Marinka, September 20-22
Likes: 8

23.09.2012 4:42, andrewins

For those who are interested in the Mantis religiosa mantis in Moscow and the Moscow region-the day before yesterday in Butovo village near the intersection of Yuzhnobutovskaya Street and Gorchakov Street, a rather well-fed female was caught.

This post was edited by andrewins - 23.09.2012 13: 02
Likes: 4

23.09.2012 14:00, Sungaya

Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad district, Zolototilovo village, September 22-23
Full cloud cover, sometimes rain.
20.00 temperature 14 degrees.
The most popular species is Colotois pennaria in various colors and Helicoverpa armigera.

Diachrysia stenochrysis
Operophtera brumata
Amphipyra tragopoginis
Catocala fraxini
Xestia c-nigrum
Epirrita autumnata
Agrotis ipsilon
Amphipyra pyramidea
Poecilocampa populi
Macdunnoughia confusa
Agrochola circellaris
Lithophane consocia
Lithophane socia
Eupsilia transversa
Conistra vaccinii
Xanthia togata
Blepharita amica
Thera juniperata
6.00 температура 11 градусов.

But I found the most interesting ones in the photo on the bottom right
, if I'm not mistaken,
Nycteola siculana and
Costaconvexa polygrammata
Correct if not.

This post was edited by Sungaya - 23.09.2012 14: 07
Likes: 12

23.09.2012 16:59, Maksim M.

Female mantises were caught,but released, due to pregnancy, many times on sunny days of prshl. weeks,I haven't seen them at all before.

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