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Moscow and the Moscow region

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24.07.2012 22:03, feniks

By the way, I don't remember if I reported it: a week earlier, near Beloomut, also on the sands in a pine forest, the freshest male mourner was taken. This is also an event. In recent years, I've been seeing more Red Books.

Yes that there is a mourner... I haven't seen a single cabbage whitefly all summer, but there are plenty of swallowtails!
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24.07.2012 23:17, Sergey Didenko

The mourning women returned to the Ministry of Defense. Near O-Zuev in the forest in the MASS. Unfortunately, the unpaired ones also returned en masse.
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25.07.2012 6:36, Юстус

  so far, no one has responded with a definition of the submitted beetles)

When you said "nobody", you didn't just mean "professionals", did you?
I, an amateur, think that in the last photo (two beetles on the left) - Plagionotus detritus.
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25.07.2012 10:29, mikee

The mourning women returned to the Ministry of Defense. Near O-Zuev in the forest in the MASS. Unfortunately, the unpaired ones also returned en masse.

So far, only a few people have returned to the Ryazan region...
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25.07.2012 13:14, А.Й.Элез

As an amateur, it seems to me that in the last photo (two beetles on the left) - Plagionotus detritus.
It also seems to me, because I know this well. I was referring not to this trip, but to Lishnyagi, a message from 10.07.2012 05: 16. There I have doubts about ground beetles of two species, green bronzes and purple leaf beetles.

25.07.2012 13:23, Kallima

It also seems to me, because I know this well. I was referring not to this trip, but to Lishnyagi, a message from 10.07.2012 05: 16. There I have doubts about ground beetles of two species, green bronzes and purple leaf beetles.

Purple leaf beetle similar to Chrysolina sturmi
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25.07.2012 14:07, AGG

It also seems to me, because I know this well. I was referring not to this trip, but to Lishnyagi, a message from 10.07.2012 05: 16. There I have doubts about ground beetles of two species, green bronzes and purple leaf beetles.

IMG_1998. jpg-Carabus (Oreocarabus) hortensis L., 1758
IMG_2002.jpg -Harpalus (Pseudoophonus) griseus Panz., 1796 most likely

This post was edited by AGG-25.07.2012 14: 25
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25.07.2012 15:52, А.Й.Элез

IMG_1998. jpg-Carabus (Oreocarabus) hortensis L., 1758
IMG_2002.jpg -Harpalus (Pseudoophonus) griseus Panz., 1796 most likely
Thank you, but at least for the first bug, I strongly doubt it. It's solid black, no borders, no sparkle in the dots. I personally sin against sibiricus.

About a couple of small ground beetles. Perhaps griseus as well. Only in griseus I didn't see any pubescence anywhere (maybe I didn't pay attention) (in the male in the picture, at least, it is noticeable due to the flash angle, in normal light it is poorly visible; the female also has a slight pubescence). Do this species have frequent hairs on the elytra?

Just in case, I attach home pictures of the same beetles. Are there any other versions?

IMG_2633.jpg — (1.97мб)

IMG_2636.jpg — (1.53мб)

IMG_2637.jpg — (1.84мб)

IMG_2640.jpg — (1.7 mb)

25.07.2012 19:17, Alexandr Rusinov

Thank you, but at least for the first bug, I strongly doubt it. It's solid black, no borders, no sparkle in the dots. I personally sin against sibiricus.

About a couple of small ground beetles. Perhaps griseus as well. Only in griseus I didn't see any pubescence anywhere (maybe I didn't pay attention) (in the male in the picture, at least, it is noticeable due to the flash angle, in normal light it is poorly visible; the female also has a slight pubescence). Do this species have frequent hairs on the elytra?

Just in case, I attach home pictures of the same beetles. Are there any other versions?

Karabus of course sibiricus. It doesn't even smell like hortensis.
Griseus has pubescence, of course. In principle, it can be.
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26.07.2012 18:15, Fyodor

Luzhki village, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 22.07.2012

Thymelicus lineola
Carcharodus alceae

Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena tityrus
Lycaena virgaureae
Aricia artaxerxes
Cupido minimus
Phengaris teleius
Polyommatus daphnis

Polyommatus icarus

Argynnis adippe
Argynnis aglaja
Argynnis paphia
Boloria dia
Issoria lathonia
Limenitis camilla
Melitaea athalia
Aglais io
Araschnia levana
Nymphalis antiopa
Nymphalis vaualbum
Coenonympha pamphilus
Aphantopus hyperantus
Hyponephele lycaon
Maniola jurtina
Melanargia russiae

Papilio machaon

Colias hyale
Gonepteryx rhamni
Leptidea ?sinapis
Pieris napi

Chiasmia clathrata
Ematurga atomaria

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26.07.2012 23:22, Aleksandr Safronov

Karabus of course sibiricus. It doesn't even smell like hortensis.

IMHO, it is better to call the full "name" - Carabus (Trachycarabus) sibiricus ssp. haeres Fischer, 1823. The nominative lives far away from those places.
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28.07.2012 18:04, Бабистр

On July 25, an absolutely fresh male Mimas tiliae was born. Is it possible that this is the second generation or just a well-preserved first one?

picture: DSC00269.JPG
DSC00269.JPG — (41.18к)

28.07.2012 20:40, Euchloron

On July 25, an absolutely fresh male Mimas tiliae was born. Is it possible that this is the second generation or just a well-preserved first one?

They give a partial second generation. She's flying right now. Mass pupation of tilia was observed about three weeks ago.
Some of it is not symmetrical....
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28.07.2012 20:48, А.Й.Элез

This is the second one. At the beginning (or in the middle) of the month, I caught an adult caterpillar in Victory Park. And the first generation has long been flying away from us.
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29.07.2012 19:23, Fyodor

Moscow region, Chekhov district, 23-28. 07. 2012

I came across Pararge aegeria of the second generation. Favonius quercus was much more common than in previous years. Mourning is rare, but it is far from an isolated event.


Thymelicus lineola

Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena tityrus
Lycaena virgaureae
Aricia eumedon
Celastrina argiolus
Cupido argiades
Polyommatus icarus
Satyrium w-album
Favonius quercus
Thecla betulae

Apatura ilia
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis aglaja
Argynnis paphia
Boloria dia
Brenthis ino
Issoria lathonia
Limenitis camilla
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Araschnia levana
Nymphalis antiopa
Nymphalis vaualbum
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Polygonia c-album
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Coenonympha pamphilus
Pararge aegeria

Aphantopus hyperantus
Maniola jurtina

Papilio machaon

Colias hyale
Gonepteryx rhamni
Leptidea sp.
Pieris napi

Ematurga atomaria
Scotopteryx chenopodiata
Timandra comae

Catocala sp.
Lymantria monacha

SDC12744.JPG — (713.57к)

SDC12747.JPG — (703.38к)

SDC12752.JPG — (710.95к)

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29.07.2012 19:36, Сергей71

I wonder where the hives near Moscow have gone, at least in the Istra district?
The entire standard set: Nymphalis antiopa, Nymphalis vaualbum, Nymphalis xanthomelas, Polygonia c-album, Vanessa atalanta, Vanessa cardui, Aglais io, Araschnia levana I see often. I haven't seen the usual hives this year, but the peacock's eye is everywhere.

29.07.2012 19:57, vasiliy-feoktistov

I wonder where the hives near Moscow have gone, at least in the Istra district?
The entire standard set: Nymphalis antiopa, Nymphalis vaualbum, Nymphalis xanthomelas, Polygonia c-album, Vanessa atalanta, Vanessa cardui, Aglais io, Araschnia levana I see often. I haven't seen the usual hives this year, but the peacock's eye is everywhere.

Moscow region, Zheleznodorozhny (east of the region). A lot of it this year (as indeed every year).

30.07.2012 18:07, Kemist

Regarding the finds of Andrey Jovovich in Beloomut - a large bronze eruginosa, a small green bronze fiberi. I would like to get advice on how to approach the aruginosa fishing spot, and I would like to catch it personally. Osmoderma was plentiful in its usual habitat.
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30.07.2012 22:25, А.Й.Элез

This point is not in the vicinity of Beloomut. The spontaneous voting that took place in my personal mail in recent days revealed an almost unanimous attitude towards non-disclosure of exact crocs, and an approximate, but faunistically sufficient, indication I have already given here. I will repeat what I already wrote to one of my colleagues who contacted me: it is more profitable for science (and, by the way, for some species, even the CC of the Ministry of Defense directly sets such a task) that entomologists (including amateurs) they were looking for new habitats of species considered rare, rather than trampling down the same spot that someone had once found solely for the purpose of adding to their collections.

However, if we were talking only about osmoderm, I would agree that with this type of conspiracy in the coming decades will be unnecessary. The bulk of oak trees in the MO in recent years is entering the most osmoderm stage and will remain in it for a long time (until age and other factors, including osmoderma, reduce these oaks to zero). Yes, and I repeat, you need to look for points, sometimes returning empty; and many colleagues prefer to visit the already checked ones a hundred times for the sake of reliability of collecting chestnuts. On our forum, a very small list of points is regularly displayed, almost less than the list of participants for the Ministry of Defense. Where is this good for? And then we are surprised that with such our monitoring in the CC of the Ministry of Defense, specialists who do not have a hundred hands turn on who knows what...
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30.07.2012 22:49, Kemist

I foresaw a comparison between" playing " guitarists and those who have learned the parts, but I do not hunt for aruginosa to add to the collection - it is not particularly difficult to exchange it. Unfortunately, I do not own a car and use well-studied points. Osmoderma was enough for me this year. I set out to test the fishing method that I have so far inspired on this particular beetle and on this particular spot. The weather also contributes to the process. The marble bronzer found in one of the photos near the osmoderma is so massive in some places that you have to collect it in dozens and take it to another place so as not to destroy it in vain. Even Protaetia fieberi can be caught regularly, and in Moscow and its environs, one specimen of this species per season is already a result.
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31.07.2012 22:49, А.Й.Элез

I took a walk today in Filevsky Park and Victory Park (Moscow). Promissa is rare( broken), nupta and sponsa are common (fresh and slightly broken), in Filevsky Park xanthomelas and mournitsa are rare (fresh), in Victory Park a male paphia is rare (slightly flown).
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01.08.2012 7:15, vasiliy-feoktistov

I don't have much time to catch it now, but I also want to add about the mourning girl. Everyone wrote that she disappeared confused.gifAnd this year in Moscow and the region again appeared nemeryano: constantly I see her everywhere, and yesterday I even watched in Moscow, flying Krasnobogatyrskaya Street near the metro station "Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad": amazing.
But with Catocala sp. this year is tense: if a year ago C. sponsa and C. nupta in my city at this time in the afternoon on the trunks it was possible to type "car with a cart" - this year there are none in the same places confused.gif. Of course, there are isolated catches of both of them in the light, but this does not count compared to last year. You can also note that Nymphalis vaualbum has appeared everywhere (I used to see it very rarely, but now it flies to my balcony).
Photo of a newly caught "balcony" specimen:

image: _. jpg
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01.08.2012 22:33, Трофим

I set out to test the fishing method that I have so far inspired on this particular beetle and on this particular spot.

Straight solid spies all around. One point is a conspiracy (I don't mind the idea of finding new places, I just think it would be possible to write in a personal account, so and so comrade, such pies..... Again, my opinion). Another shamanic methods for catching eruzhinosa hides. All in all, it's fun, guys. rolleyes.gif
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02.08.2012 6:37, Сергей71

But with Catocala sp. There's a lot of tension this year

And I just broke off the male C. fraxini, went at 6 am for cigarettes and right above his door in the entrance and found. C. nupta, this year really missing at all (in the past 5 pcs per night flew), well, C. sponsa, in his native Istra district-not-chronic tension. The third year I diligently inspect the oaks alone and groves and ... empty.

02.08.2012 14:03, А.Й.Элез

It's time to check out the maples.

02.08.2012 14:32, vasiliy-feoktistov

It's time to check out the maples.

Yes, there is no one there (in my case). It's a shame.... I took a special walk there today.

02.08.2012 23:50, PhilGri

I went with two overnight stays to the Zapolitsa platform near Shatura, MO.

The night fishing on the platform was very, very sour, alas. In this fine weather. Did the full moon really ruin the years so much?.. That's really not expected from Zapolits. On May 8-the last time-the year there was just a shock.

Of the useful finds, only Crypsedra gemmea and Clostera anastomosis were found.
Cosmia trapezina, beaten Cerura vinula, Hyles galii, in good condition Sphinx pinastri flew in from the banals.

It was more interesting during the day, although the heat was too much. I saw the swallowtail. A bunch of Argynnis paphia have already flown, then in descending order Fabriciana adippe, Issoria lathonia, Speyeria aglaja, Boloria dia.
I caught myself Hyponephele lycaon.
Lycaena vigaurea is a lot, but it's all flown.
Well, and all sorts of other platitudes such as mottled wings and sennits.
I really hoped for a mourning day, but alas.

It remains only to post a couple of local views:

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image
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03.08.2012 0:06, PhilGri

I don't have much time to catch it now, but I also want to add about the mourning girl. Everyone wrote that she disappeared confused.gifAnd this year in Moscow and the region again appeared nemeryano: constantly I see her everywhere, and yesterday I even watched in Moscow, flying Krasnobogatyrskaya Street near the metro station "Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad": amazing.
But with Catocala sp. this year is tense: if a year ago C. sponsa and C. nupta in my city at this time in the afternoon on the trunks it was possible to type "car with a cart" - this year there are none in the same places confused.gif. Of course, there are isolated catches of both of them in the light, but this does not count compared to last year. You can also note that Nymphalis vaualbum has appeared everywhere (I used to see it very rarely, but now it flies to my balcony).
Photo of a newly caught "balcony" specimen:

In Mozzhinka near Zvenigorod, three Catocala sponsas were born. I took two.
But traurintsu has not yet seen frown.gifMelancholy. My only copy is eighty-furry.
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03.08.2012 15:20, А.Й.Элез

Straight solid spies all around. One point is a conspiracy (I don't mind the idea of finding new places, I just think it would be possible to write in a personal account, so and so comrade, such pies..... Again, my opinion). Another shamanic methods for catching eruzhinosa hides.
And the third only has an opinion, for lack of something to hide in the Moscow region eruginosa wink.gif. In the personal account, we usually answer what was asked in the personal account, or report confidential information. In all other cases, an open conversation is opened and continues. Why conspire? So that colleagues, after reading the question and not finding an answer, think that in their personal answer, Elez may have passed the aruginosa near Moscow (although, as it turned out, not for collection, but for testing new fishing methods, that's some consolation)? Mutual frankness, if people can understand each other's motives, is not a problem at all, and mutual respect, including mine and T. Kemist, is not a hindrance. But what makes rash comments drag here, and not ask first about the motives of colleagues in the personal account, is more difficult for me to understand...

This post was edited by A. J. Elez-03.08.2012 15: 21
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03.08.2012 20:16, Andrey Ponomarev

Hello everyone.
Not a great report about my adventures on the local peat bog on July 23-24, which is located near Poplar.The goal of the hike is Anarta myrtilli, the second generation of which should fly from late July to mid-August.I devoted 2 days to this lesson,because I met one of them in excellent condition, but I couldn't catch it,when mowing on the heather I got two more copies,one escaped, the second one was too broken to take, I didn't let go, so I had to devote the second day, unfortunately, I couldn't get the imago.But I got to the site of Coscinia cribraria, found a decent-sized heather on which I mowed down not many caterpillars, including Anarta myrtilli (two of them have already pupated), two heather mottles, ate too much blueberries, which by the way does not remove thirst badly.In general, I am satisfied, although when I came home I had to wring out my shirt in the swamp, it was hot and humid.
picture: 1.jpg
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Summer spots of Coscinia cribraria.
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Animals on a peat bog caught in the lens of a soap dish.
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The material was collected by mowing on heather.
These photos were taken at home in the country on heather taken in advance from the swamp, the rest of which was planted on the site in order to feed the collected material.
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Cryptocephalus biguttatus
picture: Cryptocephalus_biguttatus_________________________.jpg
Picture: Cryptocephalus_biguttatus__________________________1.jpg
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04.08.2012 17:31, PhilGri

Yesterday I went to the vicinity of Skorotovo (Odintsovo district of the Moscow region).
I really wanted a mourning bag.
Unfortunately, I only saw her twice, and both times I missed her because she was flying too high.
But of the two admirals I saw, I caught up with one.
I saw a swallowtail once.
Otherwise, everything is as usual, without any remarkable finds.
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04.08.2012 21:15, Maksim M.

About mourners-for PHIL, narrow country lowland roads, if there are puddles-this is a big plus, the forest is aspen and prch., it should not be uncommon,but they have been flying for a long time.Question-this year no creakers or tanners arrived, although in the past many were caught, in particular I was interested in the maximum r-r, and the brightness of female creakers is bright yellow.From 03.08 TO 04.08 I was fishing on a power line clearing, not far from Obninsk,the freshest fraxini and probably sponsa arrived, a couple of metalloids, I collected 3 pieces of buzzing around, at 01-00 it turned out to be the MOON, I got ready and went home.
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04.08.2012 21:22, chebur

In Moscow this week collected 6 female kozhevnikov. The largest is 42 mm. There are a lot of males. Collection method: in the evening, from 20: 00 to 21: 00, I walked around the park and examined the trunks in the lower part. On the trunks - only males. Females run on the ground and are harder to find.
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04.08.2012 21:26, Kemist

I found a female in the Neskuchny garden in the evening at 21.00, and several males in the PTZ in the afternoon on tree trunks.
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04.08.2012 22:46, Kemist

I caught completely purple metallica, fiber goes to dozens, and copper-crimson is not
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04.08.2012 23:29, PhilGri

About mourners-for PHIL, narrow country lowland roads, if there are puddles-this is a big plus, the forest is aspen and prch., it should not be uncommon,but they have been flying for a long time.

Once I met on a narrow forest path without puddles, on both sides of the path - full of young birches (they also feed on birches). The second time - over a dry sandy road in the center of a wide clearing (without puddles).
But on another forest path very close, where the puddles dofiga, really hoped to meet, but alas frown.gif

04.08.2012 23:33, Maksim M.

They are on the crowns in the morning,and after lunch they drink water, but the departure was 3-4 weeks ago, I catch nymphalids in the Medyn district, all species fly there in a large number, 4-5 days after the mass departure and you can not bite the specimen. I can't catch it,but I can give you a couple of pieces in a tattoo at the congress.

This post was edited by Maksim M.-04.08.2012 23: 41

05.08.2012 8:45, Kemist

I have never seen Potosia fieberi on flowers, on tree sap once. The two-legged creatures were trapped at the base of the trees or emerged from the cocoons they found. The main mass is the shamanic method.
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05.08.2012 11:56, Maksim M.

In any case, when driving along the gr. road exit linden,oak, to the lowland adult alder along the road, and thickets of umbrella trees-the result-metallics, fiber, majors, and someone else, it was very pleasant, and 2 times, after 3 days the same.

This post was edited by Maksim M.-05.08.2012 12: 31

05.08.2012 12:34, Maksim M.

Shamanic method-?Just say the type of herb magic!!

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