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24.11.2013 5:12, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #25304

Sorry, didn't see the comment, did quickly :)

23.11.2013 18:10, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #21597

Heliconius erato emma Riffarth, 1901

23.11.2013 18:08, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #25289

Heliconius erato petiverana

23.11.2013 12:30, Sergey Pushkin: comment on Collections of barbel beetles

Вам сюда, выбирайте -http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=228188&pid=1449256&st=3600&#entry1449256

23.11.2013 10:55, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #15909

Dmitry, there is some fault, cleary something different. Thanks.

23.11.2013 10:22, Andrey Ponomarev: comment on photo #25247

Those were laid by #25246 female, in ovarium. Sadly I threw them out, didn't wait for larvae. If I only knew that its ova overwinter.

23.11.2013 1:37, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Euchalcia variabilis

This comment I inadvertently transferred to the photos page of the form. E. v. obscurior (Alberti, 1965) is now considered a separate species, endemic to the Caucasus.

23.11.2013 1:08, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #13845

Shamil, Oleg Pekarsky talked much about them in the thread about Acronictinae on molbiol.ru, check there please. Can't say better, also skill, and by photo without genitalia examination, pure guesswork.

23.11.2013 1:00, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Euchalcia armeniae

Sechas rryadom authors interpreted as a subspecies Euchalcia hyrcaniae Dufay, 1963

22.11.2013 22:57, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #23195

Alexandr, direct flash light. Couldn't opt one...

22.11.2013 12:20, ОльгаК: comment on Please help me with some advice!

Bed Den, Zunimassa, Сергей С.С Спасибо большое вам за помощь!!!)))Сообщение было отредактировано ОльгаК - 22.11.2013 12:22

21.11.2013 22:10, Igor Sakhno: comment on photo #25244

You bet!

20.11.2013 21:04, Peter Khramov: comment on Lepidoptera.pro search autosuggestion now works properly

Jan, I've just tried Arctornis l-nigrum and autosuggestion has worked. Regarding "very common species of butterfly", write me please the exact name, I'll try it.

20.11.2013 19:23, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #13987

I didn't take a pause, just forgot. Checking the red for a while and finally it turned out nearly yellow. :)

19.11.2013 11:43, vasiliy-feoktistov: comment on Melolonthidae Crunches

Решил я подкинуть просто исключительного своей окраской азиатского хрущика:Cyphochilus ?insulanus Moser, 1918? (вроде эндемик Тайваня, а там далековато до Малайзии) Или может Cyphochilus ?peninsularis Arrow, 1938? (ареал широкий, но недостаток ...

18.11.2013 15:18, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg: comment on

Не самый! Но в пятерку, вроде входит.

18.11.2013 7:15, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #25157

The very snout it is. On its "back". Not a big one.

17.11.2013 22:52, Peter Khramov: comment on Functional cataloging and download.

Mozgoshturm - is always good. More to storms: -) "The site is mainly engaged in the loading and cataloging photos." Let's hope this is a temporary phenomenon. Now along with new modules are new casting description, I hope more people join and / will be active on this matter to lean."For those who need it? Honestly - I thought, what if the screw die ... " For such a case, I think it's not worth ...

17.11.2013 22:39, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #5018

Omg... head-crab )

17.11.2013 17:04, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #8554

Andrey, when you notice something, please don't hesitate to doubt openly, so easy to make a mistake or miss something. We all try to check and verify questionable cases, I'm not totally sure, not familiar with these larvae, just checked websites, maybe we're both wrong with the author. Just I don't move if not sure. Anyway all moderators need help and prompts. Thanks.

17.11.2013 12:42, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #8556

Andrey, are you sure? I checked, this black stripe never goes till the very down at Cerura vinula.

17.11.2013 1:16, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #8862

Greatest respect to this photographer. :)

16.11.2013 15:12, Igor Sakhno: comment on photo #22305

This could be taken as a video, theoretically. But I wasn't ready for they behaved like that and it happened quite quickly.

16.11.2013 15:12, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #25062

So if anyone wanted to collect pupa, where should he/she look for one? You claim that no matter on which plant pupa is fixed, this is not biology. Thus you admit that larvae of any species which pupate in plants crawl wherever they could and get fixed in anything occasional, any plant instead of choosing some group of plants or just one, and they don't avoid some plants in which they refuse to ...

16.11.2013 14:39, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #3534

It's some Vlad's lapse. Laothoe populi is not a variant at all, neither by exterior, nor by location, especially the latter.

16.11.2013 14:08, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #25061

Yeah, looks similar to Numenes disparilis, anyway such pics should be separated somehow, no chance to ID the very species, nothing to rely upon, so it's to be stuck in uncertain for ever.

15.11.2013 22:51, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #25020

Seems this "technical" question has to be put on the agenda.

15.11.2013 16:04, Коллекционер: comment on Aphid Eriosoma lonigerum and parasitoid Aphelinus mali.

  Мне кажется из письма, что им  важнее паразит. Будет ли возможность собрать так как они просят ?не думаю

15.11.2013 14:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Yponomeuta rorrella

Thank you, brought to the same species.

15.11.2013 13:41, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #24413

I added pupae of another species http://lepidoptera.pro/gallery/25020

15.11.2013 13:14, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #4342

Andrey, definitely there is sense in uploading pics of larva different ages in case if A) you can; and B) larvae of different ages don't vary only in size.

15.11.2013 13:05, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #8148

Andrey, thanks. Definitely plumbella.

15.11.2013 12:00, Michail M: comment on Scans of books on bio-statistics

мне кажется что тема хорошо раскрыта у Протасова в "количественной диверсикологии" и у Розенберга в "колличественной гидроэкологии" Может я не прав...

14.11.2013 23:58, Peter Khramov: comment on Search by species synonym name

The main search with the "Search" button now works better than before, yet not as good as the autosuggestion thing which currently shows also the author name and description year.

14.11.2013 22:44, Peter Khramov: comment on The new "Community" and the Forum

As for the tape - it is convenient, when every day you come to the site, I, too, was she indicated in tabs. But when once or twice a week, and even more rarely, then a completely different kettle of fish.

14.11.2013 13:12, Peter Khramov: comment on Danaus chrysippus

Dmitry, over the Ukraine - as always, the sources needed in the "add information on the form" it all. And we will continue to formalize or not. Now the data are taken from the Ukraine Fauna Europea. With regard to Russia - it is likely to come from Lampert infa now take away.

14.11.2013 13:09, Peter Khramov: comment on Plans to site updates

Of the major software updates online program is expected to maintain collections of butterflies, sharing, etc. prostanovka plus points on Google Maps. The rest of the updates will address content - will be dealt with the old text data on the new system, the new poured in substantial quantities may take place another major update for taxa.Well, of course dorazberemsya with fotami and remove them ...

14.11.2013 11:20, being: comment on Leaf beetle (Chrysolina fastuosa Scop.)

Эумольпины - Eumolpinae (Hope, 1840) — подсемейство жуков из семейства Листоедов (лат. Chrysomelidae) Сев.Америка, юго-запад Айдахо

14.11.2013 1:43, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #24950

Me too, I'm nearly sure this is right, however the angle is not good to see in details if the pattern is specific. We'll feel easier leaving like this :)

14.11.2013 1:01, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #24951

Alexandr, different species, both shot in one location, one week between.

13.11.2013 22:23, being: comment on Coenagrion puella

Спасибо Вам огромное! И с определением согласна! До невозможности все виды похожи!!!В этом году, на озере Кёр-д’Ален (север Айдахо) ходили под парусом, так похожие стрекозы нас сопровождали небольшими ...

13.11.2013 22:06, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #24939

Wow, how fast non-illustrated species are now getting illustrations! Will reach 4,000 soon at such a speed.

13.11.2013 17:50, vyts: comment on Arctiidae

Hi,I offer two males of Gonerda perornata (Pakistan) from J.de Freina collection. In case of interest, please email me to: vytautas.visinskas@yahoo.comBest regards to all Картинки:G.perornata.jpg — (95.22к)   

12.11.2013 18:26, PVOzerski: comment on Influence of antennas length on social status in grasshoppers

Думаю, что есть и более ранние источники. Я нашел как-то в сети вот такой научно-популярно-натуралистический текст: Владимир Ползиков. http://books.google.ru/books?id=PelhAAAAQB...8%D0%B9&f=falseТам эта же штука описывается для Tettigonia cantans. В ...

12.11.2013 10:31, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #24852

Ira! Didn't I dig it out... Suggested filipjevi just roughly. Wanted more opinions if there would be any. So pitched that in the morning, before work.

11.11.2013 3:32, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #1127

Ok, will ask Vlad what was actually there...

11.11.2013 2:54, Peter Khramov: comment on Crambus whitmerellus

Ugums removed.

11.11.2013 1:12, Peter Khramov: comment on Crambus perlella

As a synonym not added Agriphilas perlellus, and Agriphila perlellus.

11.11.2013 0:46, Peter Khramov: comment on Crambus pratella

As a synonym added Agriphila nemorellus, instead Agriphilas nemorellus, because source obvious misprint.

10.11.2013 21:34, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #24242

Or they just didn't spread out properly after the emersion...

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