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03.10.2013 21:09, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3897

Why you are alone? People seem to be quite a unsubscribe comments. Or are you talking about?

03.10.2013 18:12, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #23808

It is: Now bear.

03.10.2013 16:43, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #23749

Thank you!

03.10.2013 15:11, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #21103

UPD; I returned the definition itself.

03.10.2013 9:14, greengrocery: comment on Malaise traps

Небольшой, но информативный обзор ловушек. Дана простая методика очистки насекомых в спирте с ксиленом и амилацетате.van Achterberg, K. Can Townes type Malaise traps be improved? Some recent developments. Entomologische Berichten 69(4): 129-135

02.10.2013 22:13, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #23711

Asota sp. Before type alas: it hurts badly broken life.

02.10.2013 19:57, rpanin: comment on Carabus puebucholicus

еще до кучи.Carabus (Ctenocarabus) galicianus Gory, 1839 NW-Spain, Pontevedra prov., Campo Lameiro env., 15.VIII.1994, S.Sobrino leg.Carabus (Ctenocarabus) melancholicus costatus Germar, 1824 C-Spain, Madrid region, Rozas de Puerto Real env.,21.XII.2008, T.Gazurek leg. Картинки:Carabus__Ctenocarabus__galicianus_Gory__1839.28_mm.jpg — (89.22к) ...

02.10.2013 11:34, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #23773

Yes, of course =) I generally turn the wallpaper :)

01.10.2013 0:46, barry: comment on Family Cleridae

Clerus mutillarius Fabricius, 1775 На стволе упавшего вяза.17.05.2010. Харьковская обл., Безлюдовка, ст. Удянская (49°51'29.88"N 36°14'15.22"E).Opilo pallidus (Olivier, 1795).На листьях ольхи.19.06.2010. Харьковская обл., Безлюдовка, ст. Удянская (49°51'34.13"N ...

30.09.2013 19:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #20143

The question remains open with synonyms.

30.09.2013 19:50, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #22523

By analogy with other photos from the same individual.

30.09.2013 19:48, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #23774

I'm not about that: -) You have a phrase was such that someone ate it the enemy, Ana altsinoya. Like in a cartoon with "Eats, Blogs" about ...

30.09.2013 0:07, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #23772

Probably for others. I can not do. There is only one way to find and grow

29.09.2013 20:58, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #22539

Tithorea pacifica ??

28.09.2013 23:54, Igor Sakhno: comment on photo #23768

Maybe Bella

28.09.2013 1:05, Peter Khramov: comment on Who used Entosphinx night traps

Угумс. Покамест такое ощущение, что все нормально и устраивает, но B менее гиморный, чем А (но и подороже тож канеш...)

27.09.2013 23:51, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #23756


27.09.2013 16:45, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #23764

Not the best in quality picture, but decided to put, because Butterfly is a very rare, take a picture of it in the nature, especially the female - a great success, with a repeat of 2009 never failed. Besides female picture gallery yet. View - with a pronounced sexual dimorphism.

27.09.2013 14:27, Peter Khramov: comment on Orthostixis calcularia

Thank you for the note corrected.

27.09.2013 2:30, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #23709

By analogy with the neighboring picture from the same individual.

26.09.2013 12:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #22565

Eugene, as it is already there and there. Or do you mean to send accurate?

26.09.2013 12:13, Pirx: comment on Diptera varia

Давайте лучше сюда, в тему "Интересные мухи"...

25.09.2013 13:20, Boris Novikov: comment on photo #23696

Suffice Prytkov :)

23.09.2013 22:44, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #23673

Very heap)) on a single sheet of 5-6 pieces fell in!

23.09.2013 20:25, Procerus siculus: comment on Procerus I want to buy

If you have Procerus to sell me write me an e.mail at voloerrante@yahoo.it or for exchange with any italian and sicilian endemic species of carabidae

23.09.2013 16:57, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Noctuidae:Hadeninae:Mythimnini

  А вот это что??? Или я что-то не то наопределял?  Евгений, у тебя все правильно, это я что-то не то вспомнил

22.09.2013 12:44, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #23657

Dolly on the trunk of Sorbus sp.

22.09.2013 12:42, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #23655

Caterpillar on the trunk of Sorbus sp.

22.09.2013 12:35, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #23651

The pupae are attached to the trunk and branches at various heights from the ground. Here they are at a height of 10-15 m

21.09.2013 12:09, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #23585

We must! Everything should be, but we'll see.

20.09.2013 21:37, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Workshop on modeling the spread of pests and diseases in forests

дорогие коллеги, размещаю информацию о семинаре по моделированию распространения вредителей и болезней в лесах, который состоится в Йонсуу (Финляндия), 19-20 февр. 2014 г. ...

19.09.2013 23:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #13852

Duc, and geography can also ... He just kind of tie can not, if a long time has passed since the publication ...

19.09.2013 11:03, bkt: comment on Book lice. Are there any ways to get rid of it?

подскажите кто то все же избавился от них?

18.09.2013 14:19, Tuco Ramires: comment on

  Такого добра навалом  Буду в Москве 24-25 сентября, пока в планах посещения Биофака МГУ нет (только Зоомузей), но может и заеду туда к приятелям-энтомологам. В качестве варианта могу зарыть пакетик в условном месте ...

17.09.2013 20:41, Olga Averyanova: comment on Butterflies and music: The Cranberries, Just My Imagination

Yes, but at that moment someone reads aloud: I love you with palm sdunu, So as not to damage the pollen. Fly over the dune. Summer is coming to an end. Above the flowers on the meadows, Above the wall of reeds Having lived his deception, Bluegrass, butterfly, shower. David Samoilov. World Library Poetry. Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 1999.

16.09.2013 12:58, Pavel Udovichenko: comment on 7th International Congress of the Entomological Forum and 5th International Entomological Fair

Похоже, эту муху все видели! Она у меня как раз по коробке с "пахиринхусными" матрасами ползала..... любовалась многообразием форм и расцветок.

16.09.2013 7:59, shu: comment on If you suddenly need formalin, please contact us.

Поподробней: в этот консервант помещают анализ кала и тогда он может храниться в холодильнике до месяца (консервант не влияет на результат анализа).Еще есть консервант на основе раствора Люголя+ нитрит ...

15.09.2013 18:05, Роберт: comment on Butterflies

Куплю нерасправленные экземпляры ночных бабочек, преимущественно павлиноглазок, бражников, крупных совок. Если у кого-то есть такой материал, пишите в личку. e-mail: rob.bagritch@yandex.ru

12.09.2013 16:11, Peter Khramov: comment on The uploading issues on Lepidoptera.pro now fixed

Recently there might have been some issues with uploading and editing pics. Now those are fixed and you are welcome to add photos without any premoderation as it was before. Uploaded photos will be immediately shown in the website gallery whilst the website moderators will do postmoderation and delete doubles and extras. Also you are free to edit more data of your pics including those uploaded ...

11.09.2013 22:58, Peter Khramov: comment on New illustrations to supraspecific taxa

Finally got around to illustrate the birth and other higher taxa, which had previously had no duty ph. Illustrations yet received 180 supraspecific taxa.

11.09.2013 19:09, PVOzerski: comment on Entomologists and ecologists

Бог с ними, с целями всей работы... Ну, а какова цель расчета этих коэффициентов? Они ведь, наверное, дальше пойдут в какой-нибудь сравнительный анализ или в кластерный?По логике (правда, это "навскидку", без ...

09.09.2013 17:09, Peter Khramov: comment on Epinotia tedella

Yeah. On the whole site glyukanul, not only for this family. Andrew, thanks for the signal. Corrected.

09.09.2013 6:58, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #23466

I Tried. Happened.

08.09.2013 13:06, vafdog: comment on Caterpillars handling

вот она. от Коллекционера даже есть статья на примере Коссус коссус.http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1317301а эту тему, будьте добры, удалите.

08.09.2013 11:25, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #13496

Butterfly ran through the fabric cover. On molbiole photo diagnosed aforesaid type

08.09.2013 11:25, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #13522

Butterfly ran through the fabric cover. On molbiole photo diagnosed type thereof.

08.09.2013 8:46, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Transferring photos to the species

People, ay! It is necessary to determine the version of his / voice transfer. It seems that one site I have.

07.09.2013 21:06, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #22567

By Regina I have suffered it: on the underside of my opinion on it is more like.

07.09.2013 9:34, Aaata: comment on What kind of animal is this? Who met you?

  девушка поймала бабочку...Catocala fraxini.

06.09.2013 16:36, Seneka: comment on Project of the new Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. Hymenoptera

Для чиновников нужно делать "КК для чиновников" с самыми яркими, крупными и красивыми насекомыми, путь даже совсем не редкими, тем лучше. Видны они отлично, выглядят узнаваемо, живут везде. И заставить выполнять ...

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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