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30.05.2014 0:44, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #2604


29.05.2014 20:13, Yaroslava Zhdanova: comment on photo #29562

Thank you. It is a pity that no Kai, but mom says Silkworms are very beautiful. She faded yesterday and has already become 3 cm and thicker.

29.05.2014 18:30, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #18272

They say that animals with a similar way of life similar. This is from this angle looks like a bat :)

29.05.2014 18:22, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #29582

What mohnashka :)

29.05.2014 17:53, rhopalocera.com: comment on Staraya Pustyn


29.05.2014 5:25, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29576

The name of the subspecies can finish in the LC.

28.05.2014 19:43, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #9675

ha, class! I never would have thought that it is this color :)

28.05.2014 19:29, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #28746

Alexander read, thank you. Temko do with the results of "experimental." Since the main task - the definition of a particular object, you first will train on other materials that anymore.

28.05.2014 12:51, Peter Khramov: comment on Lepidoptera.ru and money

He went on payments to the pension fund and has not returned.

28.05.2014 11:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29552

I wrote to him there already, what to do :) Now he is not home and I can not move. If tomorrow, alas.

28.05.2014 9:57, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #22987

Memo to postpone not penetrated again. Peter, think about it.

28.05.2014 6:53, Andrei Komrakov: comment on photo #29444

Thank you! The female is likely, too?

27.05.2014 22:27, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #25023

this "aunt" like something out of the can hit the road :)

27.05.2014 18:17, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29530

Just struck is a miracle ....

27.05.2014 7:39, Anna Gerasimova: comment on photo #29455

specifically on this picture - my husband. family row)))

27.05.2014 2:35, Peter Khramov: comment on Important update for all upload photos to the site

Regarding the level of other authors, which is on the site - such a thing, probably, will be based on the section of the collection. As for the types of illustration fotami from the gallery - I do, but not always immediately after the download.

26.05.2014 17:36, Peter Khramov: comment on Butterfly alphabet

It is possible that different types of the same figures may be, and within species variation itself is quite uncommon. In general, yes, indicating the species would be nice picture ... Or even two foty - Increasing numbers / letters and the general appearance of the wings.

26.05.2014 8:44, Coelioxys: comment on Transactions of RES

Не секрет, что издание журнала Труды РЭО держится на энтузиазме и большой работе всего лишь нескольких человек. Кроме работы по журналу (которая никак не оплачивается и практически никак не отражается в научных ...

24.05.2014 2:49, Marija Jaunkunga: comment on photo #29425

Thank you!

24.05.2014 1:11, maks.malehornov: comment on Looking for a companion / travel companion

Друзья ищу попутчиков для поездки в Абхазию 14-27 июня.

23.05.2014 10:46, AGG: comment on Desiccators for entomology

 В СССР особенно была популярна тема заменителей. По слухам, не от хорошей жизни, правда. Это на "закате", а до этого была эпоха "гигантомании" и нездорового максимализма

21.05.2014 16:39, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29355

Alexander, thank you.

21.05.2014 16:28, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #29348

Well, not very regular pattern.

20.05.2014 13:29, Peter Khramov: comment on Hemaris croatica

The reaction is sometimes not immediately, because merge / split taxa - a task not always bystrovypolnimaya (technically). Now everything is ready.

19.05.2014 23:56, Igor Sakhno: comment on photo #29001

Yeah, thanks a lot!

19.05.2014 20:49, denis1000: comment on Do insects differ in smell and can it be distinguished somehow?

спасибо, почитаю книгу

19.05.2014 17:48, Anna Gerasimova: comment on photo #20824

like my Jamides caerulea http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/25565

19.05.2014 14:29, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29270

Congratulations :) But I'm Vladimir Meshchora explore hard as going: there seemed to find yourself in another world. The people there - expanse: only you and the forest. with its inhabitants. And only a hundred odd kilometers from Moscow :)

19.05.2014 9:06, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29310

Yeah ... should not have reached, I say :) This is my vehemence destroy me someday for sure.

19.05.2014 7:56, AGG: comment on What is the name of this insect?

цикадка. Вам лучше ее переместить ее сюда http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=397278&st=150 и написать ГДЕ! и КОГДА! была сделана фотография

18.05.2014 15:04, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #29299

Hemaris affinis on flowers Abelia coreana

18.05.2014 5:11, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29122

Already 830 on the counter :) And now the season ........

18.05.2014 3:39, Peter Khramov: comment on Nymphalis vaualbum

The colors will be remade. What it is now - the remnants of the old version.

18.05.2014 3:31, Peter Khramov: comment on Semagystia


18.05.2014 3:29, Peter Khramov: comment on Lythriini


17.05.2014 11:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Pseudophilotes panope

Eugene, I loaded by agreement :) Peter, remove unnecessary.

17.05.2014 10:26, Dorcadion: comment on Plans for 2014

Товарищи! Ищется 3й попутчик в Грузию на июнь, начиная со 2й декады месяца и до конца(но сроки еще плавающие). Планируются пешие прогулки на парочку вершин и еще парочку перевалов, в Сванетии и Мингрелии.Требования: ...

16.05.2014 19:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on The structure of the wing Arctia caja

The front wing hook called "Yugum" and rear recess beneath it, the wings are engaged with each other in flight and work synchronously, but it is only at many raznousyh ("nighttime") butterflies. In Rhopalocera (so-called "day") front wing lies "overlap" in the back and it performs the same function: no hooks are not needed here. So I think :)

16.05.2014 11:12, Tigran Oganesov: comment on Gennady Mikhailovich Dlussky

Очень жаль В свое время был моим оппонентом на защите.

16.05.2014 5:09, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29116

I attach photo Rakitnika (butterfly host plants). Grows broom in Meshchora among the pines, in the sand. Picture taken there yesterday-the same place where it was assembled male. This is for the information of where to look for the form. Already That's it, just a few days in central Russia should fly first generation :)

14.05.2014 11:52, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29233

Quite rare in MO view. Finding, coordinate the region was confirmed just 2-3 years ago. And here is another godsend .....

13.05.2014 20:43, vafdog: comment on Megachilidae (Apoidea)

30 апреля дождался самца:

12.05.2014 13:17, Lafa: comment on Bruchidae

В Иркутске этот вид (или очень похожий на него) встречался в массе на желтой акации. Мы его принимали за K.quadriplagiatus.

11.05.2014 20:38, Мануэла: comment on Bitten by an insect in Africa

кстати, клопа этого дурацкого я покормила)) дала ему черного муравья почти размером с него самого. ну, он не растерялся - тут же вцепился в него (оголодал видать), пронзил его хоботком (тот скукожился) и вот до сих пор ...

10.05.2014 8:07, vasiliy-feoktistov: comment on Pogonocherus

Этот-же товарищ только из другого места Pogonocherus (Pityphilus) fasciculatus (DeGeer, 1775)29.04.2014. Московская обл, Люберецкий р-н., окр. дер. Торбеево, вырубка в смешанном лесу с преобладанием хвойных, в лёт.

09.05.2014 17:19, alex017: comment on What to bring from South and Southeast Asia

Опять съездил в Тай, провинция Краби, с 14 апреля на 12 ночей.Каждую ночь были дожди или грозы, поэтому ловля на свет сорвалась. Комаров в лесу было очень много.Немного видовА это та немногочисленая живность, что попалась ...

08.05.2014 21:56, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #29197

Super-! I put in the illustration.

07.05.2014 18:44, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29171

It is necessary to pay attention to the name of the village in the vicinity of which was collected Butterfly: http://wikimapia.org/14413517/ru/Свинская Eloquent is the name :) Not really, right?

07.05.2014 17:43, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #22825

Eau accurately. Here are some of visyak zygaenidae for example: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/26224 Uzhbo hurt it reminds me Zygaena (Mesembrynus) rubicundus (Hübner, [1817]), but alas: punctum like as endemic in Italy, and is listed in the geography of Turkey :)

07.05.2014 16:05, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #29164

Sadly (Ure, these harmful bird in the early 2000s in the United States in several states (I think in Virginia and Maryland) all ate euonymus (This is me when my "titmouse" defines several articles came across - a very serious pest ...

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