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I read it at the beginning of the topic:He was particularly moved by his words:"it is impossible to teach people to appreciate and love nature only from books or photographs, and therefore people should be able to see everything with their own eyes." Yes, exactly. You can love nature only by communicating with it and seeing its best sights and objects. And I like the idea of ecotourism in nature ...
Since the beginning of 2018, they have been detained and jailed totally for the export of any biological material. There's a fast-food chain called Bembos in Lima, so a Finn bought a hamburger there and wanted to take it to his girlfriend for a taste test. But a fly stuck to the hamburger (this is practically the norm for Bembos products). Customs officials considered it an attempt to export ...
Corrected data. Carabus / Tentatively identified / Yuriy Karpov → Carabus aeruginosus / Confidently identified / Alexander Generalov.
Corrected data. Carabus / Tentatively identified / Yuriy Karpov → Carabus aeruginosus / Confidently identified / Alexander Generalov.
Corrected data. Carabus / Tentatively identified / Yuriy Karpov → Carabus aeruginosus / Confidently identified / Alexander Generalov.
Corrected data. Carabus / Tentatively identified / Yuriy Karpov → Carabus aeruginosus / Confidently identified / Alexander Generalov.
Corrected data. Carabus / Tentatively identified / Yuriy Karpov → Carabus aeruginosus / Confidently identified / Alexander Generalov.
Corrected data. Carabus / Tentatively identified / Yuriy Karpov → Carabus kruberi / Confidently identified / Alexander Generalov.
Corrected data. Carabus / Tentatively identified / Yuriy Karpov → Carabus granulatus / Confidently identified / Alexander Generalov.
Now don't even try to buy a ticket to Australia. Because it has become impossible for an ordinary person.
We updated the design of comments for photos, species, superspecies taxa, as well as topics in the Community/forum. Now the comments are more indented, they separated by a light line and alternate by background color. It will be easier to read them like this.
The species page now displays more complete information about the sources of information (references) - for synonyms, subspecies and descriptions (previously not all of it was shown). Personal communications are now indicated each with its own code in square brackets (similar to literary sources). For example, [3] is a regular source, and [PC1] is a personal communication. At the bottom of the ...
Today I was informed that one of the old entomologists who worked on weevils, whom I have known for many years, Vadim Grachev, an employee of the Paleontological Museum, died suddenly. Can anyone from Moscow confirm or deny this catastrophically sad information?Vadim was 43 years old!
Now, please explain for those unfamiliar with the Moscow region. What's wrong? Less than 5 thousand species of animals, or there are no sevchukas? There are 2.5 - 3 times more animals than stated. Only Zhukov 4000+
So still, "what is this news" or "come on, admit it"? And as in the famous joke (light version): What's wrong with you, Sour Tomato?