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12.07.2009 23:52, Peter Khramov: comment on New taxa and processing comments

Added new taxa in the database site, the old one fixed, based on the comments of users to change the signature to many photographs, including the previously defined. Thanks to all who leave their comments.

12.07.2009 23:46, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3536

Photo goes to Malacosoma neustria.

12.07.2009 23:30, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3455

Moved from "undetermined" to Zygaena minos.

12.07.2009 23:26, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3462

Image goes to Zygaena osterodensis.

12.07.2009 23:14, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3500

Photo moved to Macrothylacia rubi.

12.07.2009 23:07, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3465

Ok, moved from "undetermined" to Nemophora degeerella.

12.07.2009 22:48, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3168

Image moved to "identified successfully".

12.07.2009 22:48, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3393

Goes to "identified successfully".

12.07.2009 22:40, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3396

Image moved from "uncertain" to "identified successfully" ones.

12.07.2009 22:37, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3384

Goes from "uncertain" to Ostrinia palustralis.

12.07.2009 22:22, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3411

Aricia eumedon is changed in the website database to Eumedonia eumedon. So, image goes from "uncertain" to Eumedonia eumedon.

10.07.2009 9:26, Bad Den: comment on

по описанию похож на Sitophilus oryzaehttp://www.zin.ru/animalia/coleoptera/rus/sitorykm.htm

08.07.2009 18:47, Peter Khramov: comment on More than 100 new photos, new taxa in the printed catalog

The gallery added new photographs have been added to the catalog of taxa. Author: Dean Rogatnykh, Natalia Demchenko, Hope Flegontova, Eugene Glebov, Roman Nenashev Nikolay Kiselev, Oleg Seliverstov, Denis Tumanov, Vasiliy Feoktistov and Sergey Demyanenko.

06.07.2009 22:35, liptaster: comment on

Дополнительный:Можно убивать с этилацетатом или в воду с солью с детергентом, но бистро в спирт 100%. Проект сколко 2009.Расходы пересылать будет возвращена, если много материала (много месты).Какые ногы: все равно.

06.07.2009 16:17, Morozzz: comment on

  Эй!Вы живы?Могли бы и фото выложить...Да мы чего-то так "натренировались", что палец на затвор не попадвл.Ик!

06.07.2009 15:15, alex017: comment on

Сейчас жуки в стадии куколок. Один вылупился. Личинки появятся примерно через месяц-два. Пишу заранее, чтобы найти желающих, а то потом резко похолодает. Доставка возможна и в другой регион (живу в Перми). Есть такая ...

06.07.2009 10:52, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Anteos menippe

A. menippe zheltushka one of the largest and the world in general is one of the largest species of the family Pieridae (Belyanko).

05.07.2009 16:34, Peter Khramov: comment on Transferring photos from undefined to defined, confirmation opredeleneiya

Processed recent user comments to photos on the site.

05.07.2009 16:31, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3318

Ok, moved from "uncertain" to Antonechloris smaragdaria.

05.07.2009 16:28, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3128

Goes to "identified successfully".

05.07.2009 16:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3392

Goes to "identified successfully".

05.07.2009 16:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3400

Photo moved to "identified successfully".

05.07.2009 15:58, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3403

Goes to Lymantria dispar.

05.07.2009 15:51, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3449

Goes to Pyrrhia umbra.

05.07.2009 15:27, Peter Khramov: comment on Argynnis paphia

Comment Timur Chemerkina transferred to comment Photo # 1665.

05.07.2009 15:23, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3158

Moved from Melanargia galathea to Melanargia halimede.

05.07.2009 15:09, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3045

Image goes to "identified successfully".

05.07.2009 15:08, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3044

Moved to "identified successfully".

05.07.2009 15:07, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3033

Photo goes to "identified successfully".

05.07.2009 15:03, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3237

Image goes from "undetermined" to Euhampsonia splendida.

04.07.2009 12:50, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Sphingoneopsis gorgoniades

The caterpillars feed on the bedstraw and form clusters, is rare. South Europe, Central Asia.

03.07.2009 11:41, bober: comment on

попробуйте вычистить сарай от куриного помета(очень хорошо) и всё пройти раствором извести... обычно помогает для дизенфекции таких сооружений

03.07.2009 7:46, Oleg Seliverstov: comment on photo #3404

This species is identified correctly. Emmelia trabealis.

03.07.2009 2:40, Peter Khramov: comment on Another 79 pictures of butterflies

Photographs provided by: Dean Rogatnykh, Natalia Demchenko Boris Stradomsky, Nikolai Vladimirov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Timur Chemerkin, Vladimir Bobrov Oleg Seliverstov, Ilya Ustyantsev, Nikolai Kiselev, Roman Nenashev, Alexander Kolesnikov and Denis Tumanov.

03.07.2009 2:19, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3169

Moved to "identified successfully".

02.07.2009 12:59, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Proserpinus proserpina

Caterpillar can be safely nurse on willow-tea (Cyprus).

02.07.2009 9:21, coffinfly: comment on

Рай для энтомолога - Восточный Кейп, Южный Дракенсберг. Ежели кто соберется (и кому повезет), имейте ввиду, что надо при оформлении документов надо уложиться в 3 месяца между датой публикации объявления (5 июля) и подачей ...

02.07.2009 0:24, Ivan Stogov: comment on photo #3306

This species is identified correctly.

01.07.2009 15:27, Guest: comment on

какя продолжительность жизни комара

01.07.2009 12:40, Pavel Morozov: comment on

Чтобы не было путанницы в целях ликбеза:В современных работах (Schintlmeister) походные шелкопряды (Thaumetopoeinae) НЕ включаются в состав семейства NotodontidaeВ Евразии семйство хохлаток представлено в следующих подсемействах:Dudusinae (у ...

01.07.2009 2:26, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #1778

Image goes from Cleora cinctaria to Eupithecia lanceata.

30.06.2009 1:58, Peter Khramov: comment on New fixes in photo captions, clarification on the download page

Thanks to the comments of our members corrected some errors in the pictures on the website.In addition, for better orientation in how to download pictures to a site further highlight key information on the download page of photos and pages with descriptions of species there is an additional link to download the form, allowing not flip through the entire text once again, if you just need to upload ...

30.06.2009 1:45, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #1909

Gentlemen, thanks to all, image goes to Idaea biselata.

29.06.2009 19:18, Vladimir Bobro: comment on photo #2582

This species is identified correctly.

29.06.2009 2:56, Peter Khramov: comment on Transferring multiple photos from undefined to defined

And yet - a few new taksonov catalog.

29.06.2009 2:20, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3076

Goes to Xanthorhoe biriviata.

29.06.2009 2:13, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3238

Moved to Megaspilates mundataria.

29.06.2009 2:07, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #3235

The image goes from undetermined to Ascotis selenaria ones.

28.06.2009 21:10, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Polyommatus ciscaucasicus

(= Yurinekrutenko Koak, 1996; = carmonides Eckweiler, 1997). Description. Length of front wing 14-18 mm. The male wings are dark blue-purple, shiny, with an edge dimming width from 1 to 3 mm; a female - brown.Underneath the wings of the male gray-beige with a pattern of dark postdiskalnyh and marginal elements in the rear wing with little or no blue basal spraying, in the female - light ...

28.06.2009 21:08, Boris Stradomsky: comment on Cupido alcetas

(= Coretas (Ochsenheimer, 1807)). Description. Length of front wing 11-16 mm. Wings top male blue-violet with a very narrow black edge, females - brown; bottom - a pale blue-gray. Marginal low contrast image below. At the rear wing of the thread-like tail length not exceeding 1.0 mm.At its base from the bottom of the rear wings often marginalized orange spots absent or weakly expressed there is ...

Next page

Insecta.pro: international entomological community. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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