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Description if there is anyone interested
I support the idea of Irene continue to put pictures of Volodya Meshcheryakov, some of which she survived. It will be for the benefit of the site, all infatuated entomology and in memory of him. My acquaintance with Vladimir took first in the pages of an Internet correspondence, and then internally.Volodya amazing and multifaceted man, a hard worker and enthusiast not only in the ...
Alexander Good! Cool!!! I really counted 13 species .. Rod really Orthosia, the same kind of more like a paromoea, but not guaranteed. This view Matov AY ZIN. As is inaccurate, you can probably move.
Er, about this kind of Phragmatobia luctifera has a record in the internet. Distribution [edit source code] The species is widely distributed in the Palearctic.Central, Southern and Eastern Europe (except for northern areas), Asia Minor, southern Siberia, from the Amur region to Korea, the Caucasus, the Amur region, Primorye, Altai, Baikal, Japan, Southeast China [1] (Wikipedia)
I found in an Internet recording Phragmatobia luctifera (Denis et Schiffermuller, 1775) invalid name The valid name Spilosoma caesarea Goeze, 1781 Record checked expert Andrey Rozenberg (2012-05-16) Here is a link
Shamil! And if you try only the top? It seems to me that shot still have a lead. Pay attention to the front costal margin. In between it and the root apex of the wing is clearly visible black stripes running in the direction of the apex and descends in the form of a sling. The main emphasis: black, bold stripe on the costal margin, - at least for others.species like never saw. On the whole ...
Peter! Under item 2. To drive the Old section add data about form-is necessary to have this kind of olredelenie. Alexander ! 1. Photography is my one of a kind .; 2. If Kirpichnikova (and apparently, etc.) Are right, then to the photo type it is necessary to attach a snapshot of the genitalia, or at least indicate that cooking was.Then add the section data can be, can be somewhere to add ...
Yes anywhere Basil. I repeatedly offered to Peter to create a separate column for just such cases where no cooking is today considered impossible to determine the type. Data on biology to determine the same yet. Option to inaccurate. If there is a desire to please. Three choices, you can either write ....
Thank Il! Spring started early today, so many flies which-that not only butterflies. Lyudorfii have not seen, but it seems to be already too.Anyway, the day peacock eye already have, and in fact they are in the spring flight begins at the same time feed on one of the first flowering, plants Adonis amurensis, Salix siuzewii and Salix schwerinii, at least hang on them, other flowering plant, just ...
Post I threw, only to get it somehow anonymous, that's written after that are designated as incognito. On the Kirpichnikova Alexander, she actually many publications from different magazines to articles in various books. The most complete infa in the book, which I link to privel.Tam infa purely for ognёvkam.Description and drawings. The figures unfortunately, for the most part small, have some ...
Came the reply from Kirpichnikova VA It confirmed the accuracy of the determination. Pictured Pleuroptya ruralis
A copy of the previous successfully grown pupae What I want to say? In some literature states that to maintain the viability of these pupae, you must have snow cover to pupa not peremёrzli (snow on the pupae considered saves them from death).But the nature of the observed pupa, in some cases, well, no, can not be bundled snow .. For example pupae which ...
I had the genus signed in the original file (identified by V. A. Kirpichnikova) whilst the very species is indeed quite tough to ID. At any rate according to Kirpichnikova only genus can be IDed and the species requires genitalia examination.
Ira, ok then, let's assume this is Herpetogramma phaeopteralis. We may say that the latter has 2 specific small black spots in the medial cell, one of which at its end is brown. What can we see here? There is some browny spot under the upper band, one more darker is seen lower. Seems that fits but what about colour? Also the web descriptions mention both hind and forewings are of brown colour.
Vasily says right. This is Leucoma candida. The latter has such specific antennae with black narrow ringlets whilst L. salicis L. oppositely does them clearly white. There are two species in Russia.
Alexandr, thanks. Now after having been IDed can be deleted. The pic is far from fine, I got better. I'll add here once shoot it good.
I checked old shots and found this one somehow identified as Vanessa indica. If compare this to others, for one, seems not the same especially the pattern, fringe, wing curve which are quite different. Any thoughts?
It is not Acronicta megacephala ([Denis & Schiffermtiller. Justification: It is not on the territory of Khabarovsk, Primorsky edges. And the kind of looks like another? Rod really is divided into several subgenera, which some considered to be an independent genus.
Basil. Normal site for butterflies Far East and in particular the Primorye Territory, in the network there. Why? - It does not matter to me. The site in general is not a photo album, it should be conducted, it should work to develop, and it takes time and is not small. Perhaps the reason for his lack of it.
The under-ve Acronictinae determinant on Far East this kind does not exist. In the catalog this website in any taxon, the genus is also missing.
Alexandr, the ID was done by pic. What confuses you?. I know that Kononenko is known as a best in Far Eastern noctuids and I keep in touch with him, though not regularly as he's often out of the city. If you do want, I'll give him this pic as he's back here, hopefully he'll reply. What's so confusing in Matov's ID? He knows the region quite well and often collaborates with Kononenko. Once ago ...
Second day I've been trying to realize what's this? Seems dead or sick specimen. All this purplish is clearly secondary developing from the first tone. Considered bifurcated tail, didn't go. Here's also third variant with a migrant. I checked all Far Eastern species including those might be as well found in Far East. Got 38 species in whole, nothing else. So the floor to experts. Want to know ...
I noticed yesterday that chronological lapse. First there was a confirmation of the ID, then the very ID. Though that was just mere technical bug.
Then it's a question to Petr. He seems to be the only one who could explain all happening and fix bugs. As I see, it's an inner site trouble, the website is already big, things changing all the time including Petr's innovations, here bugs happen.
Vasily, if the trouble is in who is identifier, then I don't insist, please note the one you consider right.