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Guys, don't forget to note the location always!
Lymantria monacha female.
Lymantria monacha female.
Addition: female.
Lexias dirtea, nothing else on my mind.
Yes, to "identified successfully".
This is Lycia hirtaria male (first, Apocheima pilosaria has a different abdomen).
This species is identified correctly.
Xanthorhoe quadrifasciata.
Eulithis prunata.
Eulithis pyropata.
Already added. Delias hyparete.
Delias hyparete, Linnaeus, 1758 likely to be. I'll add the species in a moment.
Iphiclides podalirius.
Eilema griseola, "uncertain" again.
Don't you forget to provide each photo with location and the shot date!!!
Supposedly Nemophora metallica.
Right, it's definitely described in French Guiana:
Cerura vinula.
Curious specimen. Little bit asymmetrical.
Either this or that, I see A. roessleri. There are actually many similar species in that neck of the woods...
Quite probable this is Adhemarius gannascus (Stoll, [1790]). Can be moved to "uncertain".
Right, move this to Adhemarius roessleri (Eitschberger, 2002) "uncertain" so far.
There: :) Seems like one...........
Ok, added. Can be moved.
I'd add if knew how to.
Minois dryas.
Could be moved to Heliconius ismenius telchina (Doubleday 1847), "uncertain". Guess this won't be identified further for no other versions suggested (at least, I do not have more).
Yes, there are plenty of them. And the common, "academic" colouring is likely to be rather as #14150 has or of the kind. I usually happen to meet dark males mainly, but normally they shouldn't have been to.
Male and female. Melanistic male is on the right, while female is on the left (females are usually larger and less prone to melanism).
That's where I didn't see. Though just posted there one of mine to clear up. Now rather think that's the one.
Looks not like one (digged all over the web, and that one has a different underside).
Loepa cynopsis (Nässig & Suhardjono 1989).
Can be moved here (made a thread). Also this: to the same.
Zygaena lonicerae.
Zygaena minos.
Zygaena trifolii maybe??
This is very likely Zygaena osterodensis, Reiss, 1921.
Zygaena lonicerae (Scheven, 1777) it is.
This species is identified correctly.
Right, I mistook long ago. If possible, better change this to Russian Far East. Not pleased with that wasn't me who caught it.
Isn't this Chionarctia nivea, perchance? Could be moved at least to "uncertain"...
Believe Amphipoea oculea, close to...
Lymantria monacha quite likely.
Eilema lutarella. Seems to be no any other.
So do I think: not looks like one (pacta has pink abdomen commonly). Rather Catocala sponsa.
Chlorissa viridata.
Well, it's pandora indeed, might I be wrong. Sorry, I'm just spending all my time in the hospital at the moment with my cerebrovascular grandma, can't check it out properly. Not lathonia at all. Petr, move it to pandora.
That's it.
Just as all Arctia caja.
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