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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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26.04.2018 16:02, ETI

Please identify the moths. April 26, Pskov region
One was on a rowan tree, the other on an aspen tree.
user posted image

26.04.2018 16:05, ETI

The same on aspen
user posted image

26.04.2018 17:02, Andrey Ponomarev

Please identify the moths. April 26, Pskov region
One was on a rowan tree, the other on an aspen tree.
user posted image

Paradarisa consonaria думаю
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26.04.2018 17:51, insectamo

Isn't it Alcis repandata?
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26.04.2018 22:27, Гена

I apologize for the quality, taken on the phone. Can we say anything about these caterpillars?

user posted image

26.04.2018 22:55, insectamo

I apologize for the quality, taken on the phone. Can we say anything about these caterpillars?

Aporia crataegi
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27.04.2018 8:30, ярослав

27.04.2018, on the wall of the house, apparently overwintered, 3 centimeters long.On the plot there are fruit trees (apple, pear, raspberry, plum, apricot).The plot is located near the city of Orenburg, Orenburg region.

picture: SDC15734.jpg
SDC15734.jpg — (334.07к)

29.04.2018 20:06, Jaguar paw

Is it possible to identify the larva of Dolerus sp. to the species? 29.04.2018, Georgia, Tbilisi

user posted image

30.04.2018 13:35, YLena

Good time of day.
Maybe someone can help with the definition.
Taken on 28.04.18, northern Israel.
The plant is Rumex dentatus L.

(the photo is not mine, but it was posted at the request of the photographer)

user posted image

This post was edited by YLena-30.04.2018 13: 38

01.05.2018 23:18, insectamo

Is it possible to identify the larva of Dolerus sp. to the species? 29.04.2018, Georgia, Tbilisi

Dolerus niger, gonager, nitens...

02.05.2018 22:09, insectamo

Good time of day.
Maybe someone can help with the definition.
Taken on 28.04.18, northern Israel.
The plant is Rumex dentatus L.

No head or legs visible. At least I can understand it smile.gif
I would bet on the Argidae family of sawflies.
Likes: 1

02.05.2018 22:47, insectamo

Good time of day.
Maybe someone can help with the definition.
Taken on 28.04.18, northern Israel.
The plant is Rumex dentatus L.

However, here is:
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04.05.2018 14:05, Radik

Please help me with the definition. Mixed forest, in a rotten tree. okr. Nizhnekamsk. Tatarstan. 2.05.2018

04.05.2018 14:07, Radik

Please help me with the definition. D. Blagodatnaya, Nizhnekamsk district, on benches 1.05.2018

06.05.2018 14:20, Andrey Ponomarev

Please help me with the definition. D. Blagodatnaya, Nizhnekamsk district, on benches 1.05.2018

Lygistopterus sanguineus

06.05.2018 16:38, Konstantin Lyutov

Good afternoon. Today, 5 km from the city of Orel. What is the name of guska..?

picture: S80506_16022459.jpg
S80506_16022459.jpg — (296.66к)

picture: S80506_16033047.jpg
S80506_16033047.jpg — (282.13к)

06.05.2018 17:24, Konstantin Lyutov

Found it online, I think it's a grass cocoonworm.. Please tell me what to feed in the conditions of the city, because Neither sedge nor other marsh grasses are here, I will go to the dacha ( where I found the caterpillar) only in a week..

06.05.2018 17:39, ETI

Found it online, I think it's a grass cocoonworm.. Please tell me what to feed in the conditions of the city, because Neither sedge nor other marsh grasses are here, I will go to the dacha ( where I found the caterpillar) only in a week..

The grass cocoonworm does not eat sedge. He loves cereals: wheatgrass, timofeyevka, hedgehog national team. You can probably find them on the lawn. In extreme cases - a common lawn plant - bluegrass.
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06.05.2018 19:54, YLena

However, here is:

insectamo, Thank you so much for your help!!! Both from me and the author of the photo. yes.gif

06.05.2018 20:31, RoPro

Please tell me whose larva it is. Moscow region, 06.05.2018.

07.05.2018 0:31, KM2200

Is it Coleophora? Is it really possible to withdraw it?
Kiev, yesterday, on the drain or something similar, 12 mm
picture: DSC_0259.jpg.

07.05.2018 9:02, Radik

Lygistopterus sanguineus


07.05.2018 9:27, Moonvvell

Help me determine it. Wroclaw, yesterday in the forest park on the oak (sort of).

picture: photo_2018_05_07_08_24_33.jpg
photo_2018_05_07_08_24_33.jpg — (296.29к)

07.05.2018 9:44, insectamo

Help me determine it. Wroclaw, yesterday in the forest park on the oak (sort of).

Periclista sp.
do you have a bigger photo?

07.05.2018 10:00, Moonvvell

Periclista sp.
do you have a bigger photo?

At home, I can take a picture (as much as it turns out well with the phone). Although I understand that I shouldn't have taken her home last night.

07.05.2018 10:10, insectamo

At home, I can take a picture (as much as it turns out well with the phone). Although I understand that I shouldn't have taken her home last night.

In vain - in the sense that it is not a butterfly?
You can feed it to oak leaves, bring it out and see what happens smile.gif
If you are going to take a photo, then you need to take it from the side and from above.
From a distance, it looks like Periclista albida , but if there are larger photos, you can specify.

07.05.2018 10:20, Moonvvell

In vain - in the sense that it is not a butterfly?
You can feed it to oak leaves, bring it out and see what happens smile.gif

And, well, if you can get out of the house, then it means not in vain:) there are leaves, I will take a photo in the evening, thank smile.gifyou

07.05.2018 10:46, insectamo

And, well, if you can get out of the house, then it means not in vain:) there are leaves, I'll take a photo in the evening, thank you smile.gif

I just want to warn you that they have one generation a year. The larvae grow very quickly, then burrow into the ground, make cocoons and lie there until the next spring. And only then do adult insects appear.

08.05.2018 1:20, Gans75

Ukraine, Rivne region, April 30.
user posted image

This post was edited by Gans75 - 08.05.2018 20: 20

08.05.2018 13:22, Anatoliy Kuzmin

Help with the definition. In large numbers from the ground climb up the trunks of trees (like Celtis occidentalis) up. Rostov region 08.05.2018

image: IMG_9482_11_2.jpg
IMG_9482_11_2.jpg — (141.57к)

picture: IMG_9420_11_2.jpg
IMG_9420_11_2.jpg — (229.24к)

08.05.2018 14:03, insectamo

Help with the definition. In large numbers from the ground climb up the trunks of trees (like Celtis occidentalis) up. Rostov region 08.05.2018

Maybe they're crawling on the ash trees?
Tomostethus nigritus
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08.05.2018 17:25, Anatoliy Kuzmin

Thanks! But, the plantarium confirmed that Celtis occidentalis. Maybe some other larva?

08.05.2018 22:43, insectamo

Thanks! But, the plantarium confirmed that Celtis occidentalis. Maybe some other larva?

Alas, I have no other suggestions.
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09.05.2018 11:47, insectamo

Ukraine, Rivne region, April 30.

apparently agrochola macilenta
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09.05.2018 20:16, RoPro

Will it be possible to identify the leaflet ? Aphelia paleana ? Moscow region, 09.05.2018.

10.05.2018 17:25, ETI

Please define it. May 10, Latvia. Size about 2cm

picture: IMG_2576as.jpg
IMG_2576as.jpg — (337.94к)

11.05.2018 17:31, Andrey Ponomarev

Please define it. May 10, Latvia. Size about 2cm

Young caterpillar Catocala sp.

11.05.2018 17:40, ETI

Young caterpillar Catocala sp.

If only! It turned out that this is a hawthorn scoopcisteusy

11.05.2018 18:09, Andrey Ponomarev

If only! It turned out that this is a hawthorn shovel kisteusaya

Sorry, yes it is

12.05.2018 17:24, ETI

1. Moth on blueberries.
2. Scoop on buckthorn
Please identify. May 12, Latvia.

picture: IMG_2862a.jpg
IMG_2862a.jpg — (280.07к)

picture: IMG_2985a.jpg
IMG_2985a.jpg — (300.79к)

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