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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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21.02.2010 3:00, Glass

Hello! Can you tell me about these caterpillars? Thank you in advance!
(taken in the summer of 2009, in the Voskresensky district of the Moscow region)

1.picture: SG106504_.jpg
2.picture: SG107424_.jpg
3.picture: SG108287_.jpg
4.picture: SG108380_.jpg

This post was edited by Glass - 02/21/2010 03: 01

21.02.2010 10:39, Arikain

1. Moth (Geometridae sp.)
3. Urticaria
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21.02.2010 13:00, Ruslan2

Another series of tracks smile.gif
Please help me smile.gif
1. Kiev region.
2. Alexandrovsky district of the Vladimir region.
3. O. Seliger. What kind of harpies are there?

Thank you in advance.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (45к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (48.53 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (32.94к)

21.02.2010 13:12, Evgenich

2 - Acronicta alni (Linnaeus, 1767)
3 - Cerura vinula (Linnaeus, 1758)

21.02.2010 13:48, Ruslan2

Evgenich, Thank You!

21.02.2010 21:53, Andrey Ponomarev

Please help me identify these tracks.I looked through all the pages of this topic and decided something,the rest is more difficult.From 1 to 4 all m. o. Orekhovo-zuyevsky district, 5 Vologda region, Kema River.1 is this Eriogaster lanestris? P. S Sorry for the quality of the images.

picture: 1..jpg
1..jpg — (110.44к)

picture: 2.Размер_45_50мм..jpg
2. Size_45_50mm..jpg — (84.76к)

picture: 3.Что_то_из_гарпий_размер_15_16_мм..jpg
3. What is the Harpy Size_15_16_mm..jpg — (93.83к)

picture: 4. Extracted from Gooseberry berries.18_20мм..јрд
4. Extracted from Gooseberry berries.18_20mm..jpg — (104.35к)

picture: 5. Kakaya_to_pyadenitsa..jpg
5. Kakaya_to_pyadenitsa..jpg — (71.52к)

picture: 5.Размер_20_22_мм..jpg
5. Size_20_22_mm..jpg — (58.02к)

22.02.2010 12:03, AntSkr

1 - Eriogaster lanestris
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24.02.2010 15:45, Ruslan2

Please help me identify it.
Both were caught in the South of Ukraine.

picture: s2.jpg
s2.jpg — (9.84 k)

picture: s3.jpg
s3.jpg — (12.29к)

picture: s4.jpg
s4.jpg — (12.51 k)

24.02.2010 16:51, okoem

Please help me identify it.
Both were caught in the South of Ukraine.

Scoops of H. armigera and A. rumicis

24.02.2010 18:15, Ruslan2

25.02.2010 11:07, elvir

Sorry for the maybe naive question, just registered. What kind of animal? picture: IMG_1743а.jpg

25.02.2010 11:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

Sorry for the maybe naive question, just registered. What kind of animal?

Calliteara pudibunda Linnaeus, 1758

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 02/25/2010 13: 52

25.02.2010 16:30, elvir

picture: IMG_4967.jpg
Plant-spurge rod-shaped.

25.02.2010 17:12, Ruslan2

Hyles euphorbiae Spurge hawkmoth

25.02.2010 21:55, elvir

picture: IMG_5219.jpg
Plant femur saxifrage.

This post was edited by elvir - 02/25/2010 22: 02

25.02.2010 22:00, Ruslan2

Swallowtail caterpillar.

01.03.2010 17:22, Victor Titov

Please help me with the identification of tracks, I didn't see "Copenhagen" smile.gifin them.I apologize in advance if such tracks were already identified here. shuffle.gif
All images were taken in a mixed forest near the village of Melenki, Rostov region, Yaroslavl region.

1) What kind of scoop? picture: DSC02273_1.jpg

The next four images are taken on 16.08.2009.

2) Orgyia antiqua? picture: DSC04824_1.jpg
3) Is it the same? picture: DSC04920_1.jpg
4) Acronicta rumicis? picture: DSC04909.jpg
5) Acronicta leporina? picture: DSC04919_2.jpg

05.03.2010 19:10, Татьяна Д

Hello. Please help me identify the caterpillar. Found in the Tver region on the border with Moscow in the summer of 2009.

picture: гусеница.JPG
caterpillar.JPG — (89.88к)

05.03.2010 19:13, okoem

Hello. Please help me identify the caterpillar. Found in the Tver region on the border with Moscow in the summer of 2009.

Wine hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor.
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05.03.2010 19:13, vasiliy-feoktistov

Hello. Please help me identify the caterpillar. Found in the Tver region on the border with Moscow in the summer of 2009.

Deilephila elpenor Linnaeus, 1758-Middle wine hawk moth (or young caterpillar or green form of it?)
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05.03.2010 20:24, Victor Titov

Well, they jumped to another page, but they didn't recognize my caterpillars weep.gif(post 1549)... I will allow myself pozloupotreblyat: drugi babochniki, well help! http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1018116

This post was edited by Dmitrich-05.03.2010 20: 26

05.03.2010 20:34, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, they jumped to another page, but they didn't recognize my caterpillars weep.gif(post 1549)... I will allow myself pozloupotreblyat: drugi babochniki, well help! http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1018116

Victor, don't be upset. I'm not much of a butterfly person myself, but you have 2 and 3 brushtails (you guessed it right), I don't know the rest smile.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 05.03.2010 20: 34
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05.03.2010 20:46, Evgenich

Duc, and 4-5, too, seem to be correctly defined. Only 5-Acronicta leporina, slightly brownish, but this is due to its readiness for pupation.
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05.03.2010 20:53, Victor Titov

Duc, and 4-5, too, seem to be correctly defined. Only 5-Acronicta leporina, slightly brownish, but this is due to its readiness for pupation.

Exactly, which Acronicta leporina quickly and purposefully along the forest path nayarivala, a place for pupation was definitely looking for. And about # 1, any thoughts shuffle.gif?

05.03.2010 21:03, Evgenich

I can give you a link to the site, but you will have to search through the search method for a very long time. The family is too big wink.gif
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05.03.2010 22:06, okoem

And about # 1, any thoughts shuffle.gif?

A scoop, and there may be so many similar ones. If you have the time and desire, you can in the online photo guide search for it.
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06.03.2010 12:28, Andrey Ponomarev

mol.gif Please help me identify all the caterpillars in the Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district.

The post was edited by Gennadich - 06.03.2010 12: 29

picture: 22.06.2009.jpg
22.06.2009.jpg — (95.26к)

picture: 01.07.2009.jpg
01.07.2009.jpg — (227.29к)

06.03.2010 15:58, Татьяна Д

Wine hawk moth Deilephila elpenor.


06.03.2010 16:00, Татьяна Д

Deilephila elpenor Linnaeus, 1758-Medium wine hawk moth (or young caterpillar or green form of it?)


07.03.2010 21:10, grendaizer

Here I found a photo that was lying around. The question is: who are these two little caterpillars next to Vespertilio, with the yellow dots? I collected them last fall near the Kodori Gorge. Forage plant unfortunately, although I remember, but I don't know the name, a small white inflorescence on a long thin stalk and in the basal part two or three carved leaves.

picture: vespertilio_and_cto.JPG
vespertilio_and_thoto.JPG — (282.26к)

25.03.2010 15:48, Alexander Zarodov

Maybe someone-thread and mine will look shuffle.gifat Everything from MO, 1-5 August, the last one-October

1. Moth? On the alder like
picture: lar08161.jpg

2. The sawfly?
picture: lar08291.jpg

3. Moth? On tansy.
picture: lar08301.jpg

4. Scoop? On the hogweed
picture: lar08303.jpg

5. Scoop?
picture: lar08304.jpg

6. Healthy as silkworms
picture: lar10171.jpg

This post was edited by Double A-25.03.2010 16: 00

25.03.2010 17:39, Dr. Niko

Here I found a photo that was lying around. The question is: who are these two little caterpillars next to Vespertilio, with the yellow dots? I collected them last fall near the Kodori Gorge. Forage plant unfortunately, although I remember, but I don't know the name, a small white inflorescence on a long thin stalk and in the basal part two or three carved leaves.

It's notable that they defecate in piles smile.gif

27.03.2010 15:57, Sungaya

Maybe someone-thread and mine will look shuffle.gifat Everything from MO, 1-5 August, the last one-October

1. Moth? On alder trees like
Biston betularius

3. Moth? it also seems to be Biston betularius

5. Scoop?
most likely Pyrrhia umbra

6. Healthy as silkworms
Euthrix potatoria
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28.03.2010 20:15, Alexander Zarodov

08.04.2010 12:37, Andrey Ponomarev

confused.gif Help identify the dragonfly larva.07.04.2010 Moscow timeAbout g Zhukovsky Moscow river, approximate size 30-35 mm.

picture: IMG_9878.jpg
IMG_9878.jpg — (183.56к)

08.04.2010 14:51, Victor Titov

  confused.gif Help identify the dragonfly larva.07.04.2010 Moscow timeAbout g Zhukovsky Moscow river, approximate size 30-35 mm.

Calopteryx, apparently.
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08.04.2010 18:23, akulich-sibiria

hello. It is possible to determine at least to the genus or to the family
1. On Alnus incana, it looks like a sawfly larva
picture: larva1_Alnus_incana.jpg
2. on Alnus-incana, what is it from volnyanok?
picture: larva2_Alnus_incana.jpg
3. Lonicera tatarica, scooper?
picture: larva_Lonicera_tatarica.jpg
4. Lonicera alpigena _ Novosib June 2009
picture: Lonicera_alpigena___Novosib__June_2009.jpg
5. Rosa woodsii Novosib June 2009
picture: Rosa_woodsii_Novosib__June_2009.jpg

14.04.2010 18:30, KingSnake

Help, pliz, identify the larva. Caught today at a feed storage facility in Mordovia

picture: DSC00887.jpg
DSC00887.jpg — (99.25к)

picture: DSC00891.jpg
DSC00891.jpg — (96.56к)

picture: DSC00899.jpg
DSC00899.jpg — (80.57к)

14.04.2010 18:35, vasiliy-feoktistov

Help, pliz, identify the larva. Caught today at a feed storage facility in Mordovia

Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus, 1758 in my opinion confused.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 04/16/2010 07: 20
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14.04.2010 18:37, Aaata

It looks like some kind of darkling. Previously, I found similar ones in spoiled flour-large flour crustaceans were bred.

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